Lucius is a skilled emotional manipulator, whose every word seems targeted to elicit an emotional response out of someone, whether that is to insult Arthur Weasley about his “vacant-eyed, redheaded” children, or his numerous taunts about and to Harry Potter. His problem-solving tactics are bribery and “who you know,” which is why he keeps himself so firmly established as a friend to the Minister of Magic. Though arrested for being a follower of Voldemort after his fall, he managed to convince other people that he was under the Imperious Curse, so he remains at large. But while willing to take the side of whomever seems to be in charge, Lucius never shows anyone much loyalty outside his family – there are implications that he never intended to “try” and bring Voldemort back to life; instead, he uses his precious journal in an attempt to discredit the Weasley family—a short-sighted decision. He gives no sense of being able to analyze his own actions or realize that they are wrong. He is incredibly proud of and arrogant about his Pureblood family—to the extent that he’s willing to, along with his wife, put them first. It’s all archetypical beliefs about the roles of certain people in society, where he falls in their ranks, how some families are better than other by virtue of blood, etc. Si-driven traditionalism blended with opportunism, but he is not a leader so much as he is an opportunistic follower, able to charm his way into higher positions. Lucius fails to realize the valued importance of the diary Voldemort gave him, so he decides to use it to break open the Chamber of Secrets, implicate Ginny Weasley, and hopefully get rid of Dumbledore, whom he hates because of his own former experiences at the school. He fails to realize that Voldemort’s gift might be anything more than it is. He also has no real plan for his own and his family’s future.

Enneagram: 3w2

Lucius is arrogant and self-important, seeing himself as valuable and attempting to cling to anyone else who appears to have power and influence. He is pompous and self-inflated, often eager to remind people of his wealth and contemptuous of anyone who does not meet his high standards. But his unhealthy 3 also makes him callous – avoidant of his own feelings, full of shame for his son’s failures, and eager to participate in cruel behaviors without taking punishment for them. He shifts and changes to become whatever the situation needs, and prides (but also resents) himself as being Voldemort’s “servant.” He feels honored that Voldemort took his wand to defeat Potter with, then resentful of its absence and sullen about his efforts not being rewarded.

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