I need help getting Sega CD games to work in RetroArch

Hey, first thing to check is: do you have the sega cd BIOS and is it named properly? To check, load the core and then go to main menu > information > core information and it will tell you which BIOSes the core needs and whether it can find them or not.

I am very confused. I don’t understand why some of my games don’t scan in/ show up under my Sega CD games. Here’s some more pictures. Thank you very much for helping me out.

I can keep taking pictures of each screen that you want me to go to, or that pops up when I try to do something. I really want to play Sega CD games.

You’re missing the required BIOS images (they say “missing” and “required” by the ones you need). You’ll have to get those BIOS images, which are copyrighted just like ROMs so we can’t provide them or help you get them, and place them in your ‘system’ directory.

So what exactly am I searching for then? Am I searching for md5 files for each game? Then I put them in my Sega CD folder along with the bins and cues that I already have in there? Also what would I need to name each missing file In order to get the game up and running?

You can search for the MD5, yeah. They need to be named exactly like it asks for in the core info (e.g., bios_CD_U.bin for the US BIOS).

Go to settings > directory and see what your ‘system/BIOS’ directory is set to. If it’s <default>, then just put the BIOS image in the same directory as all of your bin/cues. If it’s a specific place, just put them there instead.

O.K. I’ll give it a shot. I found this when I was searching. Something about that really long code. That’s what I must be missing. http://www.lakka.tv/doc/BIOSes/

ok, yeah, that’s where you need to put it, then.

I hope this is what I need. [EDITED to remove image of site containing copyrighted ROMs. Please don’t do this or we’ll have to ban you, as it violates our forum rules]

How do I make these BIOs work now that I have them? What do I need to do next?

And you need to put them in the directory specified in settings > directory for ‘system/BIOS’, which was /data/retroarch/system.

I found some more BIOs.

I’ve got to be closer to getting this thing to run. I did like you said.

O.K. So I got the crappy Kris Kross game to work using Genesis Plus Gx. PicoDrive would load the game up but every time I would push the start button it would restart the game and tell me to push the start button again. How do I get all of my games to show up? Is there a manual way of programming in each game that the scan doesn’t pick up?

If the scan doesn’t pick something up, you’re best off just going to ‘load content’ and load it from the file picker instead of using the playlist.

Thank you very much for all of your help. All of the games run perfectly using Genesis Plus Gx. When using PicoDrive I can only get to the screen where it says Sega CD Press The Start Button, then I press the start button and it refreshes back to the same screen again where it says Sega CD Press The Start Button. Anyways I guess I will just use Genesis Plus Gx to run all of my Sega CD games.

Is there a way to program each missing game into the scanned list so that I don’t have to go to Load Content - ux0:/ - RetroArch_Roms - Sega CD - then select game name.bin every single time?

There’s a program called “playlist buddy” that you can use to generate playlists. I’ve never actually used it, but it might be helpful.

I’ll look for it. That would be nice.

Build your own playlists with this, I had the same issue with Sega CD, they weren’t showing up.


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