Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Since I posted this in the Batocera Discord I thought I best post it here also.

This is a sneak peak at a new milestone in Night/Ambient lighting.

These are all using the existing presets unaltered so the change will be automatic. (Although I will have to tweak some.)

The background will be using the old night image layer and everything else will be using a new custom image. There is an incredible amount of freedom for artists so you can expect some really cool stuff in the future.


Here is another WIP.

Another virtual console, the WASM-4.

This time, like many handheld designers today, I took inspiration from the Game Boy.

This really shows off the new ambient lighting benefits.

Looking at these shots I may move the button closer together.


I made an OCD pass on the WASM-4.

I made the screen a bit smaller, (I thought it needed more device bezel.) made the buttons larger to push them together, (Instead of just moving them.) decreased the brightness of the top highlight, darkened the device bezel, and deleted a couple of drop shadows on the glass layer that didn’t belong.

Here is a colored shot.

And scaled.

The speakers are bugging me a bit. They look good but are too much like the speakers on the TIC-80. I may play around a bit.


Thanks to some feedback from a key member of the Batocera team, I learned two things.

  1. My TIC-80 button order was wrong. Seems MS and Nintendo used the same colors but a different layout.

  2. The TIC-80 developers envisioned the console with colored buttons, using the XInput layout.


So I fixed the order and added some colored buttons.

The colored buttons are using the Top Layer so can be hidden or manipulated.

I also added some detail to the WASM-4 speakers.

I think I am happy with both. :grin:

Once these are in the repo my essential list will be down to eleven.

My plan is to spend some time working on Batocera decorations before starting the Amigas, fds, satellaview, and 64dd.


@Wally have you had any luck getting content to run on the Enterprise core?

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Hi, yeap…just fine. (Un)fortunately I am on vacations now and I have no access to my emu PC. Once I am back I will re-test using fresh versions of the core in case there were issues that came up in the meantime.

I am anxious getting your overlay on that :slight_smile:


Turns out running Enterprise content is easy, and the BIOS is easily attainable. The TVC is another matter but I managed to get it to work.

For the Enterprise core and TVC content…the instructions on the libretro GitHub for creating the tvc22_sys.rom did not result in a 16kb file.

copy TVC22_D6.64K+TVC22_D4.64K TVC22_D6_D4.64K

The instructions are missing the /b switch. It should be

copy /b TVC22_D6.64K+TVC22_D4.64K TVC22_D6_D4.64K

Now that I have content running I can start the graphics. :grin:


The TIC-80 and WASM-4 are in the repo. :smile:


For some reason, the Bit Core Gamate…

…is not on my list as intended. It has been added back in.


Here is a new WIP.

The Videoton TVC!

Here is a raw shot.

I moved things around a bit so that something would show outside the bezel, and used two lines of text for the logo. I also extended the venting on top and added some detail on the right few vents to add some interest.

There were some strange German symbols on the keyboard I had to create by hand.

I think it turned out well.


The TVC is in the repo!


Where can I find the Akuma22 manufacturer specific bezels? They’re on page 1469 for instance.


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You’ll have to contact @akuma22 about that

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Here is a new WIP.

The Bit Corp Gamate!

The layers are separate so the alternate version can be achieved via HSV parameters.

I will probably do presets of both versions.

I decided to do this one before the Enterprise 128, because I assumed it would be easy. I was not entirely correct in my assumption. :grin:

I also wanted to get any single graphic done so my remaining essential list is down to an even 10 items. :partying_face:


The Gamate is in the repo. Time to start the countdown.

10 to go. :grin:


@Wally Here is a very beginning WIP on the Enterprise 128.

You may be correct, this is going to be very fun! :innocent:


@Duimon and @HyperspaceMadness, I wanted to shoutout to ya both, because I did a thing tonight. I created a video and put on Youtube that is for a Genesis Mini playlist I use in Launchbox’s BigBox mode. It shows the commercial Sega made for it, running through RA with the Mega Bezel and one of Duimon’s TV graphics! Came out really nice I think!


Here is a quick update on the Enterprise WIP.

I will be spending the next couple of days doing some preset maintenance, the new ambient lighting features will need some tweaking here and there.

The ambient lighting is one of the most popular Mega Bezel features. As cool as it has always been, I think this new evolution is a game changer. I plan to make sure everything is as perfect as it can be.


This may be fairly quick work. The care that HSM, “The Mighty Shader Wizard” gave to the new lighting features is mind blowing.

Here is a shot of the Apple II with no changes made to the existing preset.

Just beautiful!!


Yeah, I didn’t change the lighting to mine. The ambient lighting looks better some how.