Aire chulesco


Senior Member
Español de España
"Los madrileños adoptaron el baile y le dieron el aire chulesco típico de los madrileños de la época".
My attempts: "cocky air" or "cocky demeanour".
What do you think?
  • They adopted this dance and made it their own by adding their own cocky style to it that is so typical of "Madrileños".
    "Raffish," tal vez.
    I don't know if raffish works here. There are several definitions of this word on the web and some don't work at all.

    How would you define it?

    Chulesco in Madrid means to put on certain "airs", it's a look and an attitude. Maybe cocky is more like it.
    Maybe also boastful, full of it.

    un hombre con aire chulesco.

    Ah, veo que eres español. ¿de qué baile se trata?

    Just for fun, they even have or rather had their own language (some words)
