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Engineers' Dict ionary




Louis A. Robb
Member of


Diccionario para Ingenieros

Louis A. Robb
Miernbro de

MEXICO. 2001

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Selene Corona Vallejo

Diccionario para ingenieros: Espaiiol-InglPs e InglPs-Espaiiol

Derechos reservados respecto a la edicion en espafiol:
01956, Louis A. RobbIJohn Wiley and Sons, Inc.
01956, C o m p ~ i aEditorial Continental, S.A. de C.V.
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Delegacidn Azcapotzalco, C.P. 02400, MCxico, D.F.

Miembro de la Camara Nacional de la Industria Editorial

Registro num. 43

ISBN 968-26-1 118-0 (Segunda edicion, cambio de portada)

(ISBN 968-26-0894-5 Primera edicion)

Queda prohibida la reproduccion o transmision total o parcial del con-

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Impreso en MCxico
Printed in Mexico

Primera edicion: 1956

Segunda edicion: 1997
Quinta reimpresion: 2001
Sexta reimpresion: 2001

Esta obra se termino de imprimir en octubre del 2001

en 10s talleres de Programas Educativos, S. A. de C. \!
Calz. Chabacano No. 65, Col. Asturias
C.P. 06850, Mexico, D.F.
Empresa Certificada por el Institute Mexicano de Normalizacion y
Certification A. C. bajo la Norma ISO-9002: 1994/NMX-CC-004:1995
con el N h . de Registro RCS-048 y bajo la Norma ISO-14001:
1996lSA.4-1998 con el N h . de Registro RSAA-003
Cuando 10s originales del Engineers' Dictionay quedaron listos en 1943, la
segunda guerra mundial estabn en su apogeo y esto llev6 a la casa editora y a1
autor a convenir de que el libro no debia exceder de unas cuatrocientas cincuenta
p&ginas. Algiin material debi6 ser retirado y aunque el libro resultante trataba
detenidamente de ingenieria civil, no pudo contener nluchos tkrrninos usados en
otras rnmas tle la ingenieria.
Poco tiempo cfespu6s de su publicaci6n yo me retirk del trabajo activo de
ingenieria y desde erltonces he 'cenitlo amplias oporturlidades para dedicarme a la
compilaci6n de un diccionario mzis extenso. El m:~teri:tlque debi6 ser retirado
se ha agreg:ttlo ahora y se ha estudiado una gran cantidad de rllaterial nuevo.
He consultado con muchos amigos de la AmCrica Latina y en cada viaje he traido
conmigo publicaciones tCcnicas de diversas clases como fuente de tCrminos
espafioles. Constantemente he escudrifiado las revistas de ingenieria y 10s
libros nuevos publicados en ambos idiomas.
E l campo de acci6n sigue siendo la ingenieria y las referencias frecuentes a la
quimica, la geologia o la metalurgia no significan que estas materias estCn total-
nlente abarcadas en este libro. Cada una de ellas necesitaria un volumen aparte.
Los tkrminos incluidos de estas u otras materias son aquellos regularmente
requeridos en un trabajo o estudio de ingenieria. Igual criterio se ha seguido en
la selecci6n de algunos pocos tkrminos de finanzas, seguros y transportes.
A1 ampliar la obra mis principales prop6sitos han sido 10s siguientes:
Abarcar la ingenieria elkctrica y nlec4nica en manera mucho m4s amplia.
La radio que no se mencion6 para nada en la primera edici6n ha recibido cuida-
doso estudio. Se hnn incluido t6rminos importantes de la televisi6n.
Poner a1 din todos 10s rarnos de la ingenieria civil. Se ha dado especial atencidn
a la meczinica de los suelos, a la fotogrametria y a1 proyecto y construcci6n de
Incluir 10s tkrminos m&simportantes correspondientes a mineria, arquitectura
naval, explotaci6n forestal, industria azucarera y campos petroliferos.

Una nueva atlici6n es la indicacicin de gCnero de 10s substantives en espaiiol.

E l ohjeto de un diccionnrio tkcnico es proporcionnr informaci6n que no se
encuentra en otr:t pnrte. Se supone que el diccionario de Webster incluye todas
y cada una de las palnbms del itlionla inglbs, niln Ins mris ti.cnicns, pero no a1,arca
las frases que figur:in rn glosarios oficiales de l:ls socied:ttles tie ingenieria.
Muchns de las palnbras tle esce libro se encuentran tmn1,iCn en 10s mejores
diccionarios generales inglCs-espafiol. Buttress se encuentra en cualquiera de
ellos, igunlmente que thread, pero no buttress thread. Aguja y tambikn infernal
se encuentran, pero no aguja infernal. La mayoria de mis esfuerzos se han
concentrado en el registro de significados o equivalentes de locuciones que no
pueden expresarse con una sola palabm.
La nomenclatura de piezas de maquinaria requiere un constante uso de buen
criterio. Cada fabricante tiene su propia lista de piezas para cada mfiquina
y algunas mhquinas constan de tantas que Ilegan al millar. Las partes principales
de una mfiquina deben enumerarse y con ellas, fuera de 10s tCrminos como
cojinete, leva, tornillo, resorte, rodillo y vAlvula, deben identificarse con un
nombre la gran mayorfa de las piezas componentes.
A pesar de algunos consejos adversos recibidos, yo creo todavia que las
definiciones estlln fuera de lugar en un diccionario t6cnico bilingile. El interesado
que busca en un libro como 6ste el tCrnlino slip-ring motor quiere encontrar el
equivalente aceptado en espafiol y no una descripci6n del motor. Las de-
finiciones aumentarian mucho el rolumen del libro. La prBctica seguida ha
sido la de definir un t6rmino solamente a1 carecer de un equivalente satlsfactorio
y en algunos casos para evitar ambiguedades.
Es obvio que existen en este libro muchas palabras, tanto en espaiiol como
en inglCs, que tienen otros significados ademas de 10s anotados. Se han onlitido
10s significados no tkcnicos, asi como aquellos que pertenecen a la botanica,
zoologia y otras ciencias de inter& muy relativo para el ingeniero.
Algunos de 10s tCrminos de la obra original han sido criticados llamfindolos
"ma1 espafiol". Un crftico me ha dicho que la incorporaci6n de tales terminos
a un diccionario tiende a perpetuarlos y a perjudicar el idioma. bli punto de
vista es que la exactitud de 10s tCrminos tecnicos en cualquier idioma es esta-
blecida por 10s t6cnicos que 10s crean y 10s usan, y la tarea del compilador del
diccionario es la de registrar su uso. En esta obra se trata de dar a 10s t6cnicos
de habla inglesa de la AmCrica del Norte la terminologia de ingenieria usada en
10s paises de habla espaiiola de AmCrica y viceversa. Terminos tornados de
publicaciones oficiales, de especificaciones de ingenieros y de libros de texto se
consideran expresiones usadas y "aceptadas". Para muchos miles de tkrminos
en inglCs no hay equibalente en "buen espaiiol" si se sigue el criterio de la Real
Academia. Esta es la raz6n de la diferencia entre unos 125,000 t6rminos en
el d4ccionario de la Academia y de unos 500,000 en el de Webster.
Los equivalentes en espafiol de marcas de fhbrica o de comercio en inglCs
presentan un problema. La simple aseveraci6n de que estos nombres no pueden
traducirse no soluciona el problema, porque muchas traducciones son de uso
corriente en 10s paises de habla espadoln. Muchos de estos t6rminos ya se han
incorporado a otros diccionarios en espafiol o en espafiol-inglks. Hay propietarios
de marcas de fBbrica o comercio quienes han creado expresamente equivalentes
en espafioi para usarlos en su propaganda. Yo he seguido la prfictica de incluir
todo tkrmino de esta clase que he encontrado en buen uso tkcnico. Debe notarse
que muchos tCrminos en inglCs de esta clase se han hecho tan conocidos que con
la sanci6n de Webster regularnlente se escriben sin may6scula. Para I:t mayoria
de estos tCrminos hay equivalentes en espafiol igualmente bien establecidos.
Muchos amigos que me proporcionnron ronsejos en la preparaci6n de la
obra original me han ayudndo de nuevo. Estoy particularmente agrsdecido a1
sefior George C. Bunker con quien he pasado much:is horas en Caracas. AdenlSs
de concederme amplio tiempo, me present6 a ingenieros venezolanos de quienes
obtuve material de gran valor. Para n~uchost6rnlinos de ingenieria sanitaria,
tnnto en ing1C.s corno r n espniiol, tengo que agradecer al seiior Edmund B.
Bcsselievre de 1 : ~Dorr ConiI~:lnyy a1 sefior Tonlds 11. Tglesins de la ciudad de
Itlbsico. El scfior Juan de Dios Tejada de 1s Hahan:~nie facilit6 su consejo
esperto en mucllas cosas. El vocnbulsrio de esplorclcibrl geoffsica tanto en
iriglbs corno en espafiol me fu6 sunlinistrrtdo por ingenieros de la Socony '\'acuum
Oil Company.
L. A. R.
Nuella York
Septienl bre, 1949
Under the war conditions of 1943, when the original Engineas' Dictionary
was in preparation, publisher and author agreed that the book ought to be kept
down to about 450 pages. Some material had to be laid aside, and although the
resulting book dealt thoroughly with civil engineering, it could not go very far
with the terms of other fields.
Shortly after publication of the original book I retired from active work and
have since found ample time to devote to the compilation of a much more com-
prehensive dictionary. The items formerly laid aside have been worked in and
a mass of new material has been studied. I have consulted many friends in
Latin America and from each trip have brought back technical publications of
many kinds to be worked over for my Spanish terms. I have constantly combed
the engineering periodicals and the newest books in both languages.
My field is still engineering. Frequent references to chemistry, geology, or
metallurgy do not mean that these subjects are covered. Each of them would
need a volume of its own. Terms of these and other sciences here included are
those which are regularly qeeded in connection with engineering work. The
same criterion has governed the selection of a very few of the terms of finance,
insurance, and transportation.
In enlarging the book my principal objectives have been three:

1. To cover electrical and mechanical engineering much more thoroughly.

Radio, of which the first edition had nothing, has been given thorough study.
Important terms of television have been included.
2. To bring all branches of civil engineering up to date. Special attention
has been given to photogrammetry, soil mechanics, and airport construction.
3. To include the important terms peculiar to mining, shipbuilding, logging,
sugar milling, and oil-field operations.

A new feature is the notation of gender with all Spanish nouns.

The purpose of a technical dictionary is to furnish information not found
elsewhere. Webster's is supposed to include every word in the English language
no matter how technical, but it does not cover the phrases that are listed in
official glossaries of the engineering societies. Many of the words in this book
will be found also in the best English-Spanish general dictionaries. Broad is
found anywhere and so is irrigation, but not broad irrigation. Buttress is found
and so is thread, but they cannot be combined into an equivalent for buttress
thread. Most of my effort has gone into pinning down the phrases.
The listing of machine parts calls for the constant use of judgment. Every
manufacturer has his own list of parts for each machine, and some machines
have parts running into the thousands. The principal members of a machine

must be listed, and with these, plus ter111s like bearing, cam, bolt, spring, rollcr,
and valve, equivalents of the vast rhajority of part names rn:ry be written e:tsily.
I n spite of some advice to the contrary I still b c l i r ~ cth:rt defi~iitiorisare out
of place in a two-language technical dictionary. The user wlio turns to slip-
ring motor in a book such as this wants the ncceptecl S1,:mish equiv:rlents of ttltrt
term and is not looking for a description of :L slip-ring niotol.. l>cfinitior~sn.ould
add greatly to the book's bulk. M y practice has been to defiiie x: tern1 only in
default of a satisfactory equiv:tlent or occas&onally to avoitl :triil)iguity.
Obviously there are many words here, both Spaliisli ant1 E~iglisli,that have
meanings other than those given. Nontechnical me:rnirigs 21:lve usu:rlly heen
ignored, as have those which belong to l)ot:rny, zoology, or o t l l ~ rsciences that
do not concern the. engineer.
Some of the terms in the original book have been criticized as "1,:rtl Spanish."
One critic tells mc that the listing of such tcrliis ill ally diction:try telitls to
perpetuate them and does an injury to the language. h1y own view is that
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em who c r e g l t e . t H 8 ~ i ~ n d U # B t h eand
r ~ ~tlle-~jl)ti
, of tlie 'di
record this usage. This book aims to give the Korth Anl(
the accepted engineering terminology of Spanish Ameri
Terms taken from official publications, from engi~ieers'spe
textbooks are "accepted" terms. For nlany thousnntls
terms there are no "good Spanish" equivalents, if the Roy
the criterion. This is the princip:tl reason for the diffe~
125,000 entries in the Academy dictionary and 500,000 in 1
Spanish equivalents of English trade names are a prq
statement that proprietary names cannot be tmnslatctl cioe~
tion because they are regularly being translated in Spariihl
Many such terms have already appeared in other tlictior
Spanish and English-Spanish. There are owners of E;ngli!
have deliberately created Spanish equivalents for use i
My rule has been to include every term of this kind that. I
technical use. It is to be noted also that there arc a great r
English that have become so well known that, nit11 Webs
are regularly written without the capital letter. For most
class there are Spanish equivalents equally well established
Many friends who advised with me in the preparation 4

have again been helpful. I a m particularly grateful to MI

with whom I have spent many hours in Caracas. Besides
own time he introduced me to Venezuelan engineers fror
material of great value. For terms of sanitary enginwring,
in Spanish, I have to thank hlr. Edmund B. Uesselievre (
Mr. Tomas R. Yglesias of Mexico City. Seiior Juan de Dic
gave me his expert advice on many questions. The voc:th
exploration, both English and Spanish, was furnished by eng
Vacuum Oil Co.

New York
Septembef, 1 9 p
A Argentina Ec Ecuador Par Paraguay
AC Amkrica Central Es EspaAa Pe Perk
B Bolivia F:U F:stados Unidos PR Puerto Rico
C Cuba E' Filip~rlns RD Repiiblica Dominicana
Col Colonlbia hl hldx~co U Uruguay
Ch Chile Pan Panamk v Venezuela

adjetivo dique scco loco locomotora

acondicionamicnt o equipo de construc- lu luk~ricaci6n
tiel aire ci6n m masculine
adv advcrbio ctlifivio mad madcra
ag agregados cxplotari6n forestal mam n~ampostcria
ais aislamiento el6rtrico maq maquiharia
al aleantarillado elabor:rci6n dc mat n1atcm:itica
an arquitcctura naval matlcrtls mcc mcc:lnico
ap aeropuc,rt o en rngranajc mcd rnctlida
arcl arquit,ectura ('S cscal(8ra nlet mctalurgia
as asclrradero est cstruvtulsl mg motor dc gzsolina
asc ascensor exc cxcavari6n mh m:lquina-herramienta
auto auton16vil f fcmcnir~o min mincria
az ingenio de az6car fe fc.rrocnrril mirier mineralogia, cristalo-
brn bomha fill finanzas graf fa
ca ramino f rn:t fot ogrametria mo moldaje
cab cable for ingcnlc.ria forestal mot motor electrico
cal caldera ft f (,Irent (.ria mr marea
carp carpinteria funti fundicibn mrl mcteorologfa
cb caballctc @'Of geofihico ms mecdnica de suelos
cf calcfacci6n geog gcograf ia mtl material
cn construccidn naval gcol gcologia, petrografia mv mdquina de vapor
co cami6n gr grda mz mczcladora
rom comercial h(1r herreria nAut nsutico
concreto hcrr hcrramienta nav navegaci6n
cons construcci6n hid hidrdulica of oficina
cont contabilidad il ingenieria de ilumi- OP obras portuariaa
ct ccmento naci6n or orugas
cd c6bico inst instrurncnto ot obras de tierra
cuch cuchardn i rr pa purificaci6n de agua
CV cablevfa is ingenieria sanitaria pav pavimentaci6n
ch chaperia kilo kilogramo(s) pb plomeria
dac disposici6n del agua lah laboratorio pet petr6leo
de cloacas lad rnladrillado pi pilotaje
di Dicscl 1c.g lcgal pint pintura
didm didmct,ro lrv lcvarltamicnto
dib dibujo lib libra(s)
. ..
XI l l

pte puente substantivo tub tuberia

pulg pulgada(s) seg seguro tdn tdnel
quim quimica si sierra turb turbina
r rio sol soldadura tv televisi6n
ra radio SX sondco de exploraci6n 2) vert)o
re remache tc tractor vit vhlvula
ref refuerzos tcl telCfono, tel6grafo ve vent ilaci6n
rf !z refrigeraci6n to techo vi vidrio
rf r refractarios t,op topograf ia vol voladura
roc rociador automzitico tr transportaci6n
TS rosca ts tablestacado
A Argentina DR Dominican Republic Ph Philippines
B Bolivia Ec Eruador PR Puerto Rico
C Cuba M Mexico Sp Spain
CA Central America Pan Panama U Uruguay
Ch Chile Par Paraguay US United States
Col Colombia Pe Peru V Venrzuela

a adjective eng engine mech mechanical

ac air conditioning exc excavation met metallurgy
act accounting F Fahrenheit mi mile
adv adverb fdy foundry min mining
ag aggregates fin financial miner mineralogy, crystal-
aP airport fo forms lography
ar architecture for forestry mot motor
auto automobile gal gallon(s) mr 1 meteorology
bdg bridge ge gasoline engine mt machine tools
bl blasting geog geography mtl material
bldg building geol geology,petrography mixer
bo boiler geop geophysical noun
bs blacksmithing gi girder naval architecture
bu bucket gl glass naut nautical
bw brickwork ht heating (building) nav navigation
cab cable hw hardware of office
carp carpentry hyd hydraulics P piping
construction equip- il illuminating engi- Pa" paving
ment neering pb plumbing
chem chemistry in. inch(es) pet petroleum
ci cast iron in1 insulation pi piling
cm centimeter (s) ins insurance PmY photogrammetry
com commercial inst instrument Pr preposition
conc concrete irr irrigation pt painting
cons construction kilo kilogram (s) PU pump
cr crawler lab laboratory Pw port works
ct cement lb pound(s) qt quart(s)
cubic lbr lumber r river
cableway 1% legal ra radio
dry dock lg logging rd road
derrick loco locomotive re rivet
Diesel lu lubrication rein reinforcing steel
diam diameter meter(s) rf roof
dwg drafting niachy machinery rf g refrigeration
ea earthwork mas masonry rf r refractories
elec electrical math mathematics rr railroad
2!ev elevator measure sa sawmill
shipbuilding SU sugar mill tu truss
sewage disposal surv surveying tun tunnel
se steam engine sw sewcrage turb turbine
sec second (s) t tool tv television
sen sanitary engineering tb test boring V vctrb
sh shovel tc tractor va valve
sk automatic sprinkler tel telephone, telegraph ve ventilation
sm soil mechanics th thread W welding
sml sheet metal ti tide WP water purification
SP sheet piling tk truck wr wire rope
sq square tl trestle WW woodworking
st stair top topography
str structural tr transportation
ababh 3 aboquillado

ababkn m, an Argentine lumber (semihard). -de refrangibilidad, chromatic aberration.

abaci m, Manila hemp. abertura f, an opening, aperture; open country .
Lbaco m, (ar) abacus; (min) washtrough, buddle; between mountains; cove, small bay.
(conc bldg)(M) drop panel; (A) graph, -de chispa (el&), spark gap.
chart, nomograph. -de dosificacidn (di), metering passage.
abajadero m, downgrade. -de la rafz (sol), root opening.
abajador m (min) (Es) (M), tool boy, tool carrier. -libre, clear span, net opening.
abajar, to lowcr, let down; to fall, descend. aberturas de aligeramiento (cn), lightening holes.
abajo adv, down, below, under. abete m (mad), fir, deal.
abalanzar, to balance. abetinote m, rosin.
abalizar, to buoy; to place beacons; abalizarse abeto m, fir, spruce, hemlock.
(nhut), to take bearings. -balslmico, balsam fir.
abamperio m (elk), abampere. -blanco, white fir, white spruce.
abancalar, t o terrace, bench. -Douglas, Douglas fir, Oregon pine, red fir,
abanderado m (lev), flagman. yellow fir.
-delantero, head flagman. -negro, black spruce; black hemlock.
-trasero, back flagman. -rojo, rcd fir, Douglas fir, Oregon pine, red
abanderar, to register a vessel. spruce.
abanico m, fan; anything fan-shaped; small der- abetunar, to coat or impregnate with pitch.
rick or crane; (rr)(C)(PR) switch target. abey m, jacaranda (and other tropical hard-
-aluvial (r), alluvial fan. woods).
-de deyecciBn (geol), debris cone. abfaradio m (elk), abfnrad.
-eductor, exhaust fan. abhenrio m (elk), abhenry.
abaniqueo m (auto), shimmy. abierto, open.
abarbetar, (naut) to lash, stop; (cab) t o serve, abigarrado, (miner) variegated, mottled (soil).
seize. abisagrar, to hinge.
abarcdn m (Es), clamp, cramp, anchor; iron ring. abisal (geol), abyssal.
abarloar (ndut), to berth, dock, bring alongside. abiselar, to bevel, chamfer.
abarquillamiento m (est) , crippling. abismal m, shingle nail, clasp nail; a (geol) a b y s
sbarquillar, t o warp, curl; abarquillarse, t o sal, abysmal.
buckle, warp. -de tejar, slating nail.
abarrancar, to form gullies; abarrancarse, t o abismo m (geol), abyss.
run aground. abitaque m, a timber; joist.
~barrotar,(cons) to place a waler or strongback; abitar, to make fast on a bitt.
(naut) to batten; to stow (cargo). abit6n m (nbut), bitt.
abarrotes m, dunnage. abladera f , howel, cooper's adz.
abastar, to furnish, supply. ablandador m (met) (agua), softener.
abastecedor m, supplier. ablandar, to soften; to temper (mortar); ablan-
abastecer, to furnish, supply. darse, to soften, become soft.
abastecimiento m, supply, furnishing. ablandecer, to soften.
-de agua, water supply. abmho (elbc), abmho.
-de combustible, fueling. abocardado, countersunk; bellmouthed.
abastecimientos, abastos m, supplies. abocardador (m) de tubos (cal), tube expander.
abasto de agua, water supply. abocardar, to splay; to countersink; to counter-
abatanador m (M), wooden maul. bore.
abatible, descending; collapsible. abocardo m, countersink, countersinking drill.
abatidero m (Es), drain, gully, gutter. -de cabeza chata, flathead countersink.
abatimiento m, lowering; (str) disassembling; -de fondo plano, (t) counterbore.
(bldg) demolition; (conc) slump; (naut) -tip0 caracol, snail-head countersink.
leeway; (machy) disassembly, teardown; -tip0 rosa, rosehead countersink.
batter, rake; (pu)(M) drawdown. abocinado, bellmouthed.
abatir, to lower; to knock down, disassemble; to abocinador m, flarer, flaring tool.
demolish, raze; (naut) t o make leeway; to -de tubos (cal), tube expander.
batter, rake, slope. abocinar, to flare, form with a bellmouth.
abculombio m (elkc), abcoulomb. abohmio m (elhc), abohm.
abecedario (m) de estarcir, stencil for lettering. abolladura f , dent.
abecedario para marcar, marking stamp. abollar, to dent.
abedul m (mad), birch. abombar, to crown, arch, camber; abombarse,
abelita f, abelite (explosive). t o buckle; t o warp, bulge; (rd) to mush-
+ aberracidn f, aberration. room.
-cromhtica lateral (fma), lateral chromatic abonado, abonada s, subscriber, customer, con-
aberration. sumer (electric current) ; (rr) commuter.
-cromltica longitudinal (frna), longitudinal abonar, to fertilize; (act) to credit.
chromatic aberration. abonar6 m (corn), note.
-de coma (fma), coma. abono m, fertilizer; (rr) commutation.
t -de esfericidad, spherical aberration. aboquillado, bellmouthed.
aboquillar acarreo

aboquillar, t o splay. abronzado m (min) (M), name applied t o several

abordaje m, abordo m, fouling of two vessels, different ores of copper.
collision. absaroquita f (geol), absarokite.
abordar (nitut), t o make a port; to berth at a abscisa f (mat), abscissa.
dock; t o foul (another vessel). absoluto, absolute (all senses).
abovedado m, crown of a road. absorbechoque m, shock absorber.
abovedadora f , road shaper, subgrader. absorbedero m (Es), leaching cesspool; sewer
abovedar, t o arch, vault, crown. catch basin.
aboyar, t o buoy. absorbedor m, absorbedora f, absorber.
abra f, (top) gap, pass; (geog) cove; (min)(geol) absorbedor de choque, shock absorber.
fissure; (Col) window sash; (surv) clearing absorbencia f, absorption; absorbency; absorp-
for line of sight. tivity
abrasibn f , abrasion, (hyd) scour. -especlfica, specific absorptive index.
abrasivo m a, abrasive. absorbente m, absorbent; a absorbent, absorp-
-de acero, crushed steel. tive.
abrazadera f, clamp, clip; clevis; cleat; keeper absorber, t o absorb; (chem) t o occlude.
(lock) ; (reinf) (Pe) column hoop. absorbible, absorbable.
-antideslizante, (rr) anticreeper; (elec)' grade absorcibmetro m, absorptiometer.
clamp. absorcibn f (hid) (el6c)(qulm) , absorption.
-eontrafuga (pet), leak clamp. -atmosf6rica (ra), atmospheric absorption.
-de anclaje, rail clamp (crane); (elec) strain -del suelo (ra), ground absorption.
clamp. absorsor rn (A), absorber.
- de ballesta (auto), spring shackle. abuinche m (Col) , kind of machete.
-del cabezal (torno), headstock clamp. abulonar (A), to bolt.
- de carril (fc), rail brace; rail clip. abultar, to bulk, swell.
-de compresi6n, pinchcock. abvoltio m (elkc), abvolt.
-de contact0 (sol), contact jaw. acabado m, finish (surface) ; finishing coat.
-de la coraza (elkc), armor clamp. -a frota meclnica (conc), machine finish.
-de la exc6ntrica (mv), eccentric strap. -brillante, glossy finish.
-de guardacarril (fc), guardrail brace. -en frlo, cold-hished.
-de hincar (pet), drive clamp. -ligado (conc), bonded finish.
-de masa (elk), ground clamp. -mate, flat or dull finish.
-de porcelana (elk), porcelain cleat. -satinado o semimate (ft), satin finish.
-de reparacibn, repair clamp. acabadora f, finishing machine; finishing tool.
-de servicio (tub), service clamp. -de frota (ca), float finisher.
-de silla (tub), saddle clamp. -de subrasante (ca), subgrade planer.
-de taladrar, (p) drilling crow; (str) old man. acabadora-pisonadora (ca), tamping finisher.
-para cable, cable clip. acabar, to finish (all senses).
-para caiio, pipe clamp; (A) hose band. acafelar (Es) (Col) , t o plaster; t o wall up a door
-para manguera, hose band or clamp. or window.
-para retenida, guy clamp or clip. acajii m (C) (PR) (RD) (M), name applied t o var-
-para viga I, beam clamp. ious trees yielding construction lumber.
-terminal (el&), dead-end clamp. acalabrotado, cable-laid (rope), hawser-laid;
-universal (mo), Universal clamp (trade (elec cab) rope-laid.
mark). acamado, on the flat; horizontal.
abrazadera-aislador, cleat insulator. acampanado, bellmouthed, bell-shaped.
abrazar, t o clamp, clip. acampanar, to flare, splay.
abrebrechas m (ec), trailbuilder. Gradebuilder, acampar, t o camp; to build a camp.
Bullgrader. iicana rn f, a West Indian construction timber.
abrehoyo m (pet), reamer, hole opener. acanalado, corrugated, fluted, grooved, troughed.
abretrochas m (ec), trailbuilder. acanalador m, channeling machine; groover; rab-
abretubos m, (pet) pipe swage; (bo)(M) tube bet plane.
expander. acanaladora f. channeling machine, quarrying
-de rodillos, roller swage. machinkt (t) crease.-
abrevar, t o water (horses); t o wet down a wall acanaladura f, groove, channel; (ar) flute; (elec)
before stuccoing; (pu) t o prime. raceway, gutter.
abreveredas m (ec), trailbuilder. acanalar, t o groove, channel, corrugate, flute; t o
abridor (m) de llantas (auto)(M), tire spreader. canalize.
abridura f (rnin)(M), enlargement of a gallery. acantilado m, cliff; a steep.
abrigo m, protection, cover; windbreak; harbor: acantita f , acanthite (silver ore).
(min) width of a vein of -ore. acaparar (corn), t o monopolize, corner, control.
abrir, t o open, unlock, unfasten. acarreadizo, portablc; shifting (sand).
abrojos m (nitut), reef, hidden rocks. acarreador m (tr), carrier.
abromado, honeycombed by the tergo, worm- acarrear, to haul, transport, cart, carry, convey.
eaten. acarreo m, hauling, cartage, transportation, hauL
abromarse, t o become worm-eaten. -extra (ot), overhaul.
acarreo )
-fluvial, silt, alluvium; river transportation; -tip0 d e peri!la, hall-pattern handrail fittin@.
rircr drift
- ~--~--.. accidentado, (top) hilly, broken; (Sp) (A) (Cli)
-fluvioglacial (gcol) , fluvioglarial drift. irijurcd in a n accident.
-hidriulico, sluicirig, hydraulicking. - accidental (mat) (fisica) , arcidental.
-libre ( o I ) , free 1i:iul. accidente m, accident.
acarreos, niatcri;il carried t ~ ay stream, bed load; accidentes geolbgicos, geologic structural pro.
(geol) drift; ( I I I ~ I I ) float ore. jertions.
-del escurrimiento (hit]), silt runoff. accidentes topogrificos o del terreno, hills and
-d e glaciar, g1aci:rl drift. ralleys.
acarreto m (M)(lJ10, cartage, hauling. accibn f , action.
acartelado, bracketed, cantilever, corbeled. - d e anillo ( ~ n s ) ring , action.
acartelamiento m, knee b ~ . a c ecorbel, ; ovcrsaili~ip. -disparadora (ra), trigger action.
acastillaje nt (cn), frec,hoartl: -ripida, de, rlr~ick-:lcting.
accelador m (is), Accrlator (tradcn~arl;). -simple, de, single-acting.
accelofiltro m (d:~r),;lc~.clofilter ( t r : ~ d c ~ i ~ a r I . ) . acciones, s l ~ a r e sc ~ fstork.
accesibilidad f, accessibility. -ordinarias, ronlnlolr stock.
accesible, accessible. -preferidas o privilegiadas, preferred stock.
acceso m, a n a ~ l ~ r o a c access.h: accionado, d r i v c ~ l :ictuated,
, operated.
-dirigido desde tierra ( : ~ y )
, -a vapor, stca111-tlriven.
npgroacl~. - elGctricamente, motor-driven.
accesorio m, fitting, :ittschment, a p p u r t c ~ ~ a : : r c ; -por correa, hclt-drivcn.
a acrcssory. -por engranajes, gear-driven.
.- cargador (er), loader attarliment. accionamiento rn, ol)erntion, drive.
- d e acceso ( e l i ~ )access, fittiug. -a mano, h a ~ i t iogerntion.
- d c barrenar (crn), boring a t t a c l ~ m c n t . -por banda, t ~ c l tdrivc.
- - d e cruce inferior (c1i.c). crossunder fitting. -por cadena, r11ai11drive.
-d e dos vias ( t u L ) ( i ' ) , 1- b r a ~ t r h . -por tornillo sin fin, worm drive.
-d e escoplear ( e r ~ ~n)~, o r t i ~ i nattac,hnre~lt.
g accionar, t o drive, actn:ite, operate.
-para fresar (torno). rnillina atta(.linlc~it. accionista m f , hto<.lil~older.
-solar (tr:inrito), solar a t t n r l ~ n l e ~ l t . acebo m ( ~ n a d ) 11olly.
accesorios, fittings, :~cresso~~ics. acebollada ( n ~ n r l )
, slialies.
-abocinados ( t u b ) , finre fit,tings. acebolladura f ( ~ n : ~ dsl.alie.
-d e brida (tul)), fnrlged fittings. aceitado m , oiling, lubricntio,i.
- d e bronce ( ~ 5 ) 1)rnhs . tritn~nings. aceitador wr, oiler (111:111); oil CUP, lubricator.
-d e cedena, r l ~ n i n: i t t a c l ~ r ~ ~ e n t s . -a presiBn, force-fred lul~ri<.ntor.
-- d e caldera, boiler fittings. - cuentagotas, sipl:t-fccd l u l ~ ~ i ' a t o r .
* -d e cafieria, pipc fittings. - d e llnea (gerfornd(~r:~), air-line oiler.
-d e circulaci6n (tub), circulating boiler fit- aceitaje m, oiling, lubrication.
tings. aceitar, t o oil, lui~ricate.
-d e compresibn (tub), compression fittings. accite m, oil.
-d e conduct0 (elisc), rontll~itfittings. -aislante, insulating oil.
-d e curva abierta ( t u l ~ )lorlp-sweep , fittings. -antracbnico, anthravcnr oil.
-d e grGa, tlcrricli fittirlps or i l , o ~ ~ s . -bruto, crude oil; oil in I)u!k.
-d e insercibn (colic), iiiwrts. - cocido (pint), 1)oilcd or drying oil.
-d e norma (auto), stant1i~1.dequipment. -combustible, fuel or fnl.n:tce oil.
-d e orejas ( t u b ) , dror) fittings. -crudo, raw oil; cr11~1eoil.
-d e pie ( t u b ) , base fittings. -d e alquitrln, tar oil.
-d e reborde ( t u b ) , beatled or banded fittings. -d e alumbrado, illuniir~ati1.g oil, kerosene.
-d e seccibn completa (tub), full-flow fittings. -d e azufre, oil of r i t ~ . i o ls~ilphuric , acid.
-d e tornillo (tub), screwed or tllreaded fittirigs. -d e ballena, train or \vl~alcoil.
-d e torno, lathe attacl~rnents. -d e calefaccibn, fu~.naccoil.
-d e tractor, tractor equipment. -d e carbbn, kerosene, coal oil.
-d e tuberia, pipe fittings. -d e cPrter (auto), crulikrnse oil.
-d e unibn (tub), uniori fittings. -d e castor (lu), castor oil.
-d e via (fc), track accessories. -d e colza, rape or colzn oil.
-d e voladura, blasting acccssorics. -d e creosota, creosote oil, dead oil.
-drenables ( t u b ) , drainage fittings. -d e engrase, lubrirating oi!.
-embridados (tub), flanged fittings. -d e esperma d e ballena, sltrrrn oil.
-para l r b o l d e boca d e pozo (pet), Christmas- -d e esquisto, shale 01,schist oil.
I tree fittings. -d e grasa d e cerdo ( A ) , lard oil.
-para cable, cable attachments or fittings o r -d e horno, furnace or fuel oil.
accessories. - d e l i m p a r a (ill),k c r o ~ c ~ ~ e .
-partidos (e1i.c). split fittings. -- d e linaza o d e lino, linseed oil.
-- pendientes ( t u b ) , drop fittings. -d e Xnaza blanqueado, bleached oil.
-soldables (tub), ~veldingfittings; solder-joint -d e maiz, corr~oil.
fittings. -d e manteca, lard oil.
aceite 6 acera
-de nabina, rape oil. I aceiia f (Es), water wheel: water-power mill.
-de palo, tung or China wood oil. acepilladora f, planer, surfacer.
-de perilla, perilla oil. -cerrada, closed planer.
-de pescado, train or fish or menhaden oil. -de banco, bench planer.
-de ricino, castor or rincinus oil. -de engranaje recto, spur-geared planer.
-de taladrar, drilling oil. -de engranajes cdnicos, bevel-gear planer.
-de trementina, oil of turpentine. -de herramienta mbvil, traveling-head planer.
-de vitriolo, oil of vitriol, sulphuric acid. -de lado abierto, openside planer.
-esencial, essential or volatile oil. -de tornillo sin lin, worm-geared planer.
-fluidificante (ca), flux oil. -limadora, shaping planer.
-graso, fatty oil. -para curvas, radius planer.
-imprimador (ca), priming oil. -vertical, wall or vertical planer.
-isolante (Ec), insulating oil. acepilladura f, planing.
-lampante (Es), light oil; kerosene. acepilladuras, wood shavings, cuttings, turninga
-lubricante de motor, motor oil. acepillar, to plane, dress, face, mill; to brush.
-mate (pint), flatting oil. aceptacidn f (corn), acreptance.
-mineral, mineral oil, petroleum. -libre, clean or general acceptance.
-mineral de foca, mineral seal oil. aceptador m, aceptante (corn), acceptor.
-mineral de manteca, mineral lard oil. aceptar, to accept.
-muerto, dead or creosote oil. aceptor m (quim) (ra), acceptor.
-para mlquinas, machine or engine oil. acequia f, irrigation ditch, canal; (Pe) brook.
-para temple (met), quenching oil. -derivada, branch canal.
-quemado (auto) (C), crankcase oil. -evacuadora, return ditch.
-secante (pint), boiled or drying oil. -madre o maestra o troncal, main canal.
-soluble, soluble or cutting oil. acequiador m, irrigation workman, ditch digger.
-volltil, volatile or essential oil. acequiaje m, irrigation dues.
- vulcanizado, factice, vulcanized oil.
aceitera f, oiler, oilcan; oil cup.
acequiar, to ditch.
acequiero m (irr), canal tender, ditch-mainte-
-a presidn, squirt can. nance man.
-con gota visible, sight-feed oil cup. Pcer m, maple.
-cbnica, pyramid oiler. acera f, sidewalk, footwalk; (Sp) face of a wall.
-de linea, air-line oiler (drill). -de transporte, moving sidewalk.
-de mecha, wick oiler. aceracibn (f) superiicial (met), chilling.
-de resorte, oil gun. acerar, (met) to chill, harden; (mas) to face with
-ferrocarrilera, railroad oiler. stone; (Col) to stucco; to lay a sidewalk.
aceiterIa f, oil house. aceria f, steel mill.
aceitero m, oiler (man) ; a Cuban hardwood. acero m, steel.
aceififero (M), oil-bearing. -al carbono, carbon steel.
aceitillo m (PR), a hardwood. -al cobre, copper-bearing steel.
aceitbn m, (lu) olive oil. -a1 hogar abierto, open-hearth steel.
aceitosidad f, lubricity. -a1 manganeso, manganese steel.
aceitoso, oily. -a1 niquel, nickel steel.
aceleracidn f, acceleration. -Bessemer, Bessemer steel.
-casual (frna), random acceleration. -cementado, casehardened or blister steel.
-de entrada (hid), entrance acceleration. -cobaltocromo, cobalt-chrome steel.
-de gravedad, acceleration of gravity. -colado, cast steel.
-negativa, deceleration, negative acceleration, -colado de crisol, crucible cast steel.
retardation. -cromado, chromium steel.
acelerador m, (auto) (chem) (mas) (sk) (pmy) ac- -cromoniquel, chro~ne-nickelsteel.
celerator; (met) energizer. -cromovanadio, chrome-vanadium steel.
-de fraguado, accelerator of cement setting. -de aleacibn pobre, low-alloy steel.
-de mano (auto), hand throttle. -de aleacidn rica, high-alloy steel.
-de pedal (auto), foot accelerator. -de alta velocidad, high-speed steel.
-de reaccidn (qufm), catalyst, accelerator. -de alto carbono, high-carbon steel.
-de taladrado, drill speeder. -de arado superior, improved plow steel.
acelerante m (quim), accelerante. -de construccibn, structural steel.
acelerar, to accelerate. -de crisol, crucible steel.
acelerdgrafo m, accelerograph (earthquake). -de ficil tallado, free-cutting steel.
acelerograma m, accelorogram. -de herramientas, tool steel.
acelerbmetro m, accelerometer. -de horno el6ctric0, electric steel.
-integrador, integrating accelerometer. -de liga, alloy steel.
-registrador, recording accelerometer. -de lingote o de tochos, billet or new-billet
acendrar, t o refine. steel.
acBntrico, acentric. -de nitmracibn, nitrided steel.
acentuacidn f (ra), accentuation. -de textura orientada, grain-oriented steel
acentuador m (ra), accentuator. -desplegado, expanded steel (pole).
acero 7 acope
-dulce, mild or soft or low-carbon steel, (sb) -asumido, assumed azimuth.
flange steel. -de atrls, back azimuth.
- empavonado, blue steel. -de cuadricula, grid azimuth.
-encerrado, rimmed steel. -de frente, forward azimuth.
-encobrado, copper-bearing steel. -terrestre (fma), ground azimuth.
- fundido, cast steel. -verdadero, true azimuth.
-harveyizado, Harveyized steel. acimutal, azimuthal.
-inmanchable o inoxidable, stainless or rust- acitara f , partition wall; curtain wall.
less steel. aclarador m, rlarifier.
-intermedio, medium steel. aclarar, to clarify.
-manganesico, manganese steel. aclkstico, aclasto, aclastic (optics).
-mediano, medium or medium-carbon steel. acle m (F), a construction lumber.
-moldeado, cast steel. aclimatar, t o acclimatize.
-muerto, killed steel. aclinico, aclinic.
-para nitruracibn, nitriding steel, nitralloy. acmita f (miner), acmite (pyroxene).
-perfilado, structural shapes, rolled steel sec- aco m (V),a construction lumber.
tions. acodadera f , stonecutter's ciiiscl.
-rlpido, high-speed steel. acodado m, a bend; a bent t o an angle.
-relami~lado,rerolled stcel. -abierto (tub), eighth bcnd.
-semimuerto, semikilled stcel. -recto (tub), quarter bend.
-Siemens-Martin, open-hearth steel. acodalamiento m, shoring, trench bracing.
-suave, soft or mild or low-carbon steel. acodalar, to shore, brace; acodalarse, to jam.
-tapado, capped steel. acodamiento m, bend, elbow; shoring, trench
-ultrarrlpido, high-speed steel. bracing.
acerocromo m, chronlium steel. acodar, t o bend; t o shore, brace; t o square up
aceroniquel m, nickel stcel. (surv) to offset.
acerrojar, t o bolt (door); (str)(C) t o bolt. acodillado, bent t o an angle; (str) crimped.
acetaldehido m (lab), acetaldehyde. acodilladora f (cn), joggling machine.
acetato m, acetate. acodUar, t o bend t o an angle; acodiUarse, to
-butilico, butyl acetate. jackknife.
-cbprico, cupric or copper acetate. acojinar, t o cushion.
-de alfa-naftilamina, alpha-naphthylamine acolchado, n riprap, apron, hearth; a (cab)
acetate. strand-laid.
-de uranio o d e uranilo, uranyl acetate. acolchar, to cushion; t o lay (rope).
acetico, acetic. acolchonar, to cushion.
acetilenico, acetylenic. acollador m, calker; calking tool.
acetileno m, acetylene. acollar, t o calk with oakum.
acetiluro de cobre, copper or cuprous acetylide. acombar, t o warp, buckle.
acetina f, acetin. acometer, (p)(s\v) (min) to branch.
acetol m, acetol, acetyl carbinol. acometida f , (p) (sw) house connection; branch.
acetona f, acetone, dimethyl ketone. - de cable, electric service connection.
aciberar, t o grind, pulverize. acometimiento m, house connection.
aciclico (elk), acyclic. acomodado a mano, hand-placed (rock fill).
aciculita f, needle ore, aikinite. acomodamiento m (cab) (M), lay.
aciche m, paver's hammer. acomodar, t o place, arrange, fit in.
acidez f, acidity. acomodo m, (V)asserribly, framing.
acidiiicar, t o acidify, (pet) t o acidize. acompaiiado m (Col), conduit, pipe trench.
acidfmetro m, acidimeter. acompaiiar, (Ch) to fill holes in a wall, t o chink
kcido m a, acid. aconcharse, to run aground; (Ch) to deposit
-acBtico glacial, glacial acetic acid. sediment.
-bbrico, boric or boracic or orthoboric acid. acondicionador m (aa) (dac) (pa) (pet), condi-
-carb6lic0, carbolic acid, phenol. tioner.
-carbbnico, carbonic acid. -de agua, water softener or conditioner.
-clorhfdrico o hidroclbrico, hydrochloric or -de cienos (dac), sludge conditioner.
8 muriatic acid. -de lodo (pet), mud conditioner.
-d e acumulador, battery acid. -de radiacibn o de tubos (an), surface-type
-finico, carbolic acid, phenol. conditioner.
-hidribdico, hydriodic acid, hydrogen iodide. -de rocio ( a d , spray-type conditioner.
-lodoso (pet), sludge acid. -enterizo o unitario (aa), unit conditioner.
-nitrohidroclbrico o nitromuriltico, nitrohy- acondicionamiento m, conditioni~ig.
drochloric acid, aqua regia. acondicionar, t o condition; to repair, o\-erliaul.
-sulfbrico, sulphuric acid, oil of vitriol. acopacibn f (mad), cupping.
-tlnico, tannic acid, tannin. acopado, hollowed out, cupped. cup-shaped.
Bcidos grasos, fatty acids. acopar, to cup, hollow out; (1iii11)to batter (side
acidular, t o acidulate, (pet) t o acidize. timbers).
f acimut m, azimuth. acope m (Inin), batter of sidc ti~nbcrs.
acopiar, t o store, stock. -semirris (tub), semiflush joint.
acopio m, storage, (hyd) pondage. -sin rosca, threadless coupling.
-de sobrecarga (hid), surcharge storage. -universal, universal joint.
-en las riberas (hid), bank storage. acoplar, to couple, join, connect, hook up.
-muerto, dead storage. acople m (A), acoplo m (C), a coupling.
-para uso (hid), conservation storage. acorazado a, armored; enclosed; (elec) ironclad.
acoplado m. (A) trailer; (U) tow of barges. acorchado, lined with cork.
-directamento, direct-connected. acordamiento m, pieza de, transition piece.
acoplador m, a coupling, coupler. acordar, to make level or flush; (ra) t o tune.
-ajustable (ra), loose coupler. acordelar, to lay out with a chalk line.
-de unibn (tub), union coupling acordonado, cord (tire).
acopladura f, coupling, joint, connection. acordonar (ca) (Ch) (U), t o windrow.
acoplamiento m, coupling, splice, joint, connec- acortar, to shorten; acortarse, t o contract, shrink,
tion; (A) clutch; (carp) accouplement. shorten.
-a bagoneta, bayonet coupling. acorvar, t o bend.
-al ras, flush joint. acostarse, to get out of plumb.
-cadena (raj(A), link coupling. acostillado, ribbed.
-capacitivo (ra), capacitive or electrostatic acotacibnj, elevation or dimension marked on a
coupling. plan; boundary mark or monument; (C)
-cerrado (ra), close coupling. elevation.
-cbnico, cone coupling. acotamiento m, setting boundary monuments;
-corriente (tub), standard coupling. dimensioning; (M) shoulder of a road.
-critic0 (ra), critical or optimum coupling. acotar, t o mark elevations, dimension; (surv) t o
-de ajuste, flexible coupling. mark out, set monuments.
-de bobina de reactancia (ra), choke coupling. acotillo m, sledge, striking hammer.
-de bridas (maq), flange coupling. acre m, acre.
-de casquillos de caucho, rubber-bushing acrecencia f, acrecimiento m (geol)(for), accre-
coupling. tion.
-de compresibn, compression coupling. acreedor m, creditor.
-de dilatacidn, expansion joint. acrepi6 m, acre-foot.
-de disco flexible. flexible-disk coupling. acrepulgada f , acre-inch.
-de doble cono, double-cone coupling. acribar, to screen, sift.
-de engranajes fijos, fixed-gear coupling. acribillar, to perforate, riddle.
-de garrar, clutch or jaw or claw coupling. acrisolar, t o assay; to refine.
-de insercibn (tub), inserted joint. acromitico, achromatic.
-de manguito, sleeve coupling. acrdmetro m, oleometer, acrometer.
-de pestaila, flange coupling. acta f, memorandum of action signed by parties
-de planchitasempaquetadas,cushioned-plate thereto.
coupling. actas, minutes of a meeting.
-de reaccibn (ra), choke coupling. actinico, actinic.
-de resistencia (ra), resistance coupling. actinio m (qufm), actinium.
-de rosca (tub), screwed or threaded joint. actinismo m, actinism.
-de rosca escalonada (tub), stepthread joint. actinodiel6ctric0, actinodielectric.
-de Sellers, cone or Sellers coupling. actinoelectricidad f, actinoelectricity.
-- dBbil (ra), weak or loose coupling. actinofbnico, actinophonic.
- dentado, clutch or jaw coupling. actinografia f, actinography.
-electromagn6tic0, magnetic clutch. actindgrafo m, actinograph.
-en cascada (el&), cascade connection. actinograma m, actinogram.
-entrevHlvula (ra), intervalve coupling. actinolita, actinota f (miner), actinolite (amphi.
-eslabbn (ra) (A), link coupling. bole).
-estrecho (el&), close or tight coupling. actinologla f, actinology.
-flexible a correa, belt-type or flexible-band actinornetria f , actinometry.
coupling. actinom6tric0, actinometric.
-flexible de ajuste doble, doubler-slider cou- actinbmetro m, actinometer.
P,W. actinomicetales (is), Actinomycetales.
-flojo (ra) (Es), weak or loose coupling. activable (is), activable.
-flitido (auto)(A), fluid drive. activador m (qufm), activator, promoter.
-hidriulico, fluid drive. activar, to activate.
-impulsor, impulse coupling. activo m, assets; a (chem) active.
-intervalvular (ra), intervalve coupling. -circulante, working capital, liquid asseta.
-bptimo (ra), optimum or critical coupling. -invisible, good will.
-por impedancia (ra), impedance coupling. actuador m, actuator.
-por resistencia-capacidad (ra), resistance- actuante m (Es), actuator.
capacitance coupling. actuar, t o actuate, drive, operate.
-recalcado interior (tub), internal upset joint. acuagel m (pet), aquagel.
-resistivo (ra), resistive or resistance coupling. acuamotor m (Es), hydraulic ram.
acuarela 9 aditivo
acuarela 5, water color, wash drawing. adala f, dale, spout, trough.
acultico, aquatic. -Be bomba, p u m p dale.
acuatizaje m ( a p ) , landing on t h e water. adamantino (miner), adamantine.
acueducto m, a(luedtict, conduit, flunle; water adamelita f (geol), adamelite, plagioclase-granite
systeni, ~ ~ a t e r \ \ - o r k s . adaptador m, ( n ~ e c h ) ( r a )adapter; (p) transition
lcueo, aqueou3. piece, fitting.
lcueoglacial (geol), aqueoglarial. -d e antena (ra), antenna adapter or elimina-
dcueoigneo (gcol), aqueoigneou~. tor.
acuerdar, t o la>-out with a chalk line. -d e onda (ra), wave adapter.
acuerdo m, a g r e e ~ n v n tresolution,
; dccrce. -d e vllvula (ra), valve adapter.
acuerdo, pieza d e (tuh), fitting; trn:~sitionpiece. -para tuberia (pet), casing adapter.
acuicierre m, acuiclusa f, acluiclucle (gcohydrol- adaptar, to fit.
ogfj. adaraja f, bo~ldstone;(conc) bonding key; tooth-
acuifero, water-bearing. ing.
acuifuga f , nr:iiifriire (grol~ydrology). adelantador (m) d e fases ( e l k ) , phase advancer.
a c u m u l a c i ~ nf , a r e l ~ ~ ~ i u l x t i(gcoi)
o ~ l ; accretions. adelantar, t o advance (all senses).
acumulador a t , (nleclr) : I C C I I I I I U (cller) ~ ~ ~ Uhior-
~; adelante, ahead: forward.
:lee li:lttei.>- or c.1.11': (a?) c n ~ ~ l n l a t o r . adelanto m, progress; advance payment; (se)
-- dcido de plomo, lcari acid or lend-lead acid (geop) lead.
rril. adelgazador m ( ~ ) i n t )tllirlner.,
- compenzador, floating batter:,.. adelgazar, t o n ~ a k et h i n ; t o taper, skive; t o
-d c alta gravedad, ! ~ i g l ~ - ~ r a vli~t y attcry. soften (water); t o tllirl (paint); t o cut
-d e baja gravedad, Ir,\v-gravity battery. back ( s p l r a l t ) .
-- d e hierro-niquel, 1:ickcl-iror~ or Cdison stor- adema f (min), sllore, prop.
age I~uttt-ry. ademado 712, t i n i b e r i ~ ~ gbracing,
, shoring; (M)
-d e plomo-cinc, 1r:rd-zinc cell. well c:rsing.
-d e vapor, stc:im nrcun~ulator. -d e cajbn, cribwork.
-empastado (c~1i.c).pnstetl Inttery. ademador m, tirnberman, shorer.
-flotante, flo:l:illg Inttery. ademadora f, ax used ill mine tin~bering.
-hidrlulico, 11)-c!raulicaccumulztor. ademar, t o shore, tinlber.
-hidroneum5tic0, Iiytlropneurnatic accurnu- a d e m e m (lllin), s t r u t , shorc.
lntor. -- d e prestado, temporary timbering.
-Plact6, Planti. I~nttery. adentar, t o tooth.
a c u m u l a d o r i ~ t a m (M), battery-maintena~lce adentelladura f, toothing.
nxm. adentellar, t o tooth; (conc) t o form bonding
acumulativo, c\~~iinlative. keys.
acuiiador (111) d e balasto (fc), ballast tamper. adentro all?, inside.
acuiiamiento n1 ( g e o l ~t, l ~ i r l ~out ~ i of~ la~vein. aderezadora f , (mech) drcsser; buzz planer.
acuiiar, t o n.e<lpe, (.ltocli, he).; t o jani; t o t a m p aderezar, t o fit o u t , rig, equip; t o dress, rectify
(ties) ; acuiiarse, t o jnlii. aderezo m, dressing (belt, etc.).
acuoso, ~ ( I L I C O I I S . adeudar (contj, t o debit.
acuosoluble, so1ul)le ill water. adherencia f, adhesion, bond.
acuotubular (c:d), ~vatertubc. adherente, adhesive.
acfistica f , acoust ics. adherirse, t o adhere, cohere.
acbstico, acouxtic. adhesidn f, adl~esion,bond; (w) freezing.
acut.%ngulo,acute-angled. adhesivo, adhesive.
achaflanar, to I)evcl, cli:rnlfer, splay. adiabltico, adiabatic.
acharolar, t o japan; t o r o r n i s l ~ . adiactinico, adiartulic.
achatador m (tier), flatter. adiat6rmic0, adiathermic.
achatar, t o llntten. adicidn j, addition.
achicador n ~ l~niler. , adicionante m (conc)(hl), admixture.
- d e lodo (pet), mud socket. adicional m (cone) (A), admixture.
- d e sbtanos, cellar drairler. adinola f (geolj, adinole.
acbicadura f, unwnteriug, boiling, drainage, adintelar (Col), t o place a lintel.
draining. aditamento m, a fitting, attachment, accessory
acbicar, t o un\vater, bail out, drain. (auto) e q u i p ~ n e ~; i(conc)
t (Col) insert.
achiflonado (111in)(Ch), bloping. -d e muela (tortlo), grinding attachment.
achiguar (-1)(Ch), t o bulge, buckle. -d e taladrar ( e j i ~ )boring , attacllnlent.
achique m , unw:ltering, l~:rili~~g, draining. -para fresar (torno), niilling attacliment.
acholole m (irr)(?rI),excess water t h a t runs off. aditamentos
achololear ( ~ r r ) ( l I )to , run of7 (esrens water). -d e cadena, chain attachments.
ac:lololera f (irr)(?rl), ditch t o collect excess - d e tractor, tractor equipnlent.
watcr. - d e tuberia (Col), pipe fittings.
achurada f (dii)! (.\I),hatching. aditivo m, additive; (elec) addition agent; a
achurar (clib)(?rl),t o I~atcli. addit ive.
a d vslCrem, :ld valore~n. , - d e c o m b u ~ t i b l e fuel, dope.
aditivo aeroplano

-en polvo (conc), powdered admixture.

adjudicar, to award, let (contract).
de con0 mGltiple, multicone aerator.
de corriente descendente, downdraft aera-
adjudicatario m, successful bidder. tor.
administracidn j, administration, management; -de escobilla, brush aerator.
manager's office; headquarters. -de paletas, paddle aerator.
-delegada, agency form of contract, cost plus. -de placas deflectoras, baffleplate aerator.
-judicial, receivership. aerear, to aerate.
administrador m, manager. abreo, aerial.
-auxiliar, assistant manager. aerifero, containing air.
-de obras, construction manager. aerificar, to aerify.
-interino, acting manager. aeriforme, aeriform.
-judicial, receiver. aeroacetil6nica, air-acetylene (welding).
admisidn f , (eng) admission, intake. aeroacondicionamiento m (A), air conditioning.
-total (turb), full admission. aeroalternador m (U), alternator driven by a
admitancia j (elk), admittance. windmill.
-de entrada (ra), input admittance. aerobacter (is), aerobacter.
-electrbdica (ra), electrode admittance. aerobase f, air base, aviation base.
adobar, t o apply dressing (belt, etc.). aerbbico, aerobic.
adobe m, adobe, mud construction; unburned aerobio m, aerobe.
brick; kind of loess; (bl) mudcap. aerobiosis f (is), aerobiosis.
adobera f , mold for adobe brick; adobe brickyard. aerocartdgrafo m (fma), aerocartograph; aerial
adoberla f, adobe brickyard. photographic surveyor.
adobo m, belt dressing; cable compound. aerocreto, aeroconcreto m (Col), (ronc) Acro-
adobdn m, (Ch) one pour of adobe wall; (V) crete (trademark).
large brick. aerocroquis m (fma), mosaic.
adoquln m, stone paving block. aerodinlmica f , aerodynamics.
-de asfalto, asphalt block. aerodinamicista, aeroclynamicist.
-de madera, wood paving block. aerodinlmico, streamlined; aerodynamic.
adoquinado m, block paving. aerbdromo m, airport.
-granitico, granite-block paving. aeroelbctrica, planta (M), wind-driven generat-
adoquinador m, paver. ing plant.
adoquinar, to pave with blocks. aeroemboljsmo m (A), the bends, caisson disease.
adosar, to abut against, back up to. aeroexpreso m (tr), air express.
adovelado (arco), built of voussoirs. aeroeyector m (hid) (Es), air lift.
adrales m, sideboards or racks of a truck. aerofaro m, airway hcacon.
-sobresalientes, flareboards. aeroliltracibn f , aerofiltration.
adrizar (nLut), to trim, right. aeroliltro m, aerofilter.
adsorbedor m (aa), adsorber. aerbfono m, aerophone.
adsorbente, adsorbent. aerbfora f (min), aerophorc.
adsorber, to adsorb. aerofotografia f, aerial photography, aeropho-
adsorcibn, adsorption. tography.
aduana f , customhouse. aerofotogriifico, aerophotographic.
aduanar, to enter in the customhouse; to pay aerofotograma m, aerial photogram.
duty; to put in bond. aerofotogrametria f , aerial photogrammetry.
aduanero m, customs o5cial. aerosurveying.
aduja f , coil (rope). aerofotogrambtrico, aerophotogrammetric.
adujadas f , coils. aerofo'otopografia f, topography by aerial pho-
adujar, to coil. tography.
adulzar, to soften (met,alsor water). aerogasolina f , aviation gasoline.
adveccibn f , advection. aerbgeno a , acrogenic.
advectivo, advective. aerbgenos m (is), aerogenes.
adyacente (mat), adjacent, contiguous. aerografia f, aerography.
aeracibn f, aeration. aerogrlfico, aerographic.
-- de dos etapas, two-stage aeration. aerbgrafo m (ra), acrograph.
-graduada (dac), tapered aeration. aerograma m, acrogram; (pmy) aerial mosaic.
-por vertedero, weir aeration. aerohidrodinlmico, aerohydrodynamic.
aerar, to aerate. ' aerolita f, aerolite (aluminum alloy).
aeromagnbtico, aeromagnetic.
aereador m, aerator. 1
-a difusibn, diffusion aerator. aeromeciinica f, aeromechanics.
-a rocio, spray aerator. aeromeclnico, aeromechanical.
-a salpicadura, splash aerator. aerometria f, aerometry.
-de aspiracibn meclnica, forced-draft aerator. aerbmetro m , acrorllc3tcr.
-de batea de coque, coke-tray aerator. aeromotor P I , acror11utor: f.Gj),(C) wi~~(lrnill.
-de boquilla, nozzle aerator. aeronafta f, aviation gasoline.
-de cascadas o de escalones, cascade or step aeronivelacibn f (:aerialI), leveling.
aerator. aeroplano m, airplane.
aeropoligonaci6n 11 agente

aeropoligonacibn f (fma), aerial traversing. -de flotador, float gage.

aeroproyeccibn f (fma), aeroprojection. -de gaucho, hook gage.
aeroproyector m (fma), aeroprojector. -de resalto, standing-wave flume.
aeropuerto m, airport. -registrador, recording gage.
-aduanero, airport of entry. aforar, to measure; (r) t o gage; t o appraise.
-de control, control airport. aforo m, (r) gaging, measurement; appraisal;
-de enlace, feeder airport. classification (freight).
-de todo tiempo, all-weather airport. -americano (A), American wire gage.
I -maritimo, seaplane base, marine airport. -con disoluci6n salina (hid), salt-dilution
aeropulverizador m, compressed-air atomizer. method of gaging.
aerosimplex (fma), aerosimplex. -de Birmingham (A), Birmingham wire g a s .
aerosol m (aa), aerosol. -por flotadores (hid), float gaging.
aerostiitica f, aerostatics. -por inercia-presi6n (hid), inertiz+pressure
aerostbtico, aerostatic. method of gaging.
aerot6cnic0, aerotechnical. -por molinete (hid), current-meter gaging.
aerotopdgrafo m (fma), aerotopograph. -por velocidad de sal (hid), salt-velocity
aerotransporte m, air transport. method of gaging.
aerotriangulaci6n f, aerial triangulation, aerotri- -qulmico (hid), chemical gaging, salt-dilution
angulation. method.
aerovfa f, airway. aforrar, to line, sheathe; (fo) to lag; (cab) to
-de cable, aerial tramway. serve.
afallamiento m (geol) (M), faulting. aforro m, lining, sheathing, lagging; (cab) scrv-
afanita f (geol), aphanite. ing.
afadtico, aphanitic. aftita f , aphtit (alloy).
afeitanar, t o cut off rivetheads. aftitalita f (miner), aphthitalite, glaserite, arca-
aferrar, to bind with iron clamps; t o grapple; t o nite.
, anchor, moor; aferrarse (maq), t o seize, agar m (lab), agar.
freeze. -de bilis, bile agar.
afianzador m, fastener. -nutritivo, nutrient agar.
afianzar, t o tie, make fast; t o bond (employee). agar-agar, agar-agar.
aliladera f , sharpener, whetstone. agargantado (Es), grooved.
I a6lad0, (t) sharp. agarrabolsas f (fc), mailbag catcher, mail crane.
-a mlquina (herr), machindressed. agarradera f, handle, grip, haft; clamp.
a6lador (m) de barrenas, drill sharpener. -D, D handle (shovel) ; spade handle (clec
a6ladora Cf) de brocas, bit grinder. switch).
a6lar, t o sharpen, whet, grind. -de cinta (lev), tape grip.
afildn m, sharpening stone. -de pistola, pistol grip.
, afinacidn f, affination; finishing; refining. -de puerta, door pun.
afinado m, finish (surface). -de serrucho, saw pad.
afinadora f , (rd) finisher; surfacer. -de ventana, sash lift.
afinar, t o finish; t o refine; t o regulate, adjust. agarradero m, clamp; handle, grip; (naut) an-
afinidad f (quim), affinity. choring ground.
-electrbnica, electron affinity. -de cable, cable clip.
afino m, refining; (met) fining. -de puerta, doorknob; door pull.
atirmadero m (Ch), strut, shore. agarrador m, handle, grip; (re) passer; (Ig) dog-
afirmado m, road surfacing, pavement; (17 road- ger.
bed. -de riel (herr fc), gripper.
a b n a r , to make fast; (ea) t o compact; (rd) t o -de tensidn (lev), tension handle (for tape).
pave. -de tub0 (pet), tubing catcher.
aflojar, to loosen, slack; aflojarse, to get loose, agarradora f (ef), skidding grab.
work loose, loosen up, start. agarradurmientes m (fc) (M), tie tongs.
afloramiento m, outcrop; (conc)(A) bleeding. agarrar, to grip, grapple; agarrarse (maq). to
aflorar, to crop out, outcrop; t o emerge (ground seize, freeze, drag (brake).
water). agarratubos m (pet), tubing catcher.
$ afluencia f (hid), runoff, inflow. agarre m, (re) (mech) grip.
afluente m a, tributary. agarrotar (ef), t o choke.
afluir, to flow in. agencia Cf) de colocaciones, employment agency,
aflujo m, inflow, runoff; afflux. labor exchange.
afolador m, calking iron, calking chisel; calker. agente m, agent.
t afolar (cal), to calk.
-catalitico, catalytic agent.
afondar, afondarse (n&ut),t o sink. -comprador, purchasing agent.
aforador m, stream gage; gager; appraiser. -de aduana (C), customhouse broker.
-de aduana, customs appraiser. -de carga (fc), freight agent.
-de alambre y pesa, wireweight gage. -de equipajes (fc), baggage agent.
-de cadena, chain gage. -de vla (fc) (.4), roadmaster, supervisor.
-de cinta, tape gage. -expedidor, forwarding agent.
agente 12 aguas
-metebrico, atmospheric agency. -de complemento (cal), make-up water.
-- qufmico, chemical agent. -de consolidacibn (ms), water of compaction.
-reductor (qufm), reducer, reducing agent. -de constitucidn (quim), watcr of constitution.
agitador m, agitator, mixer. -de elaboracidn, process water, (conc) mixirig
-de chorro, jet agitator. water.
agitar, to agitate, stir. -de enjuague (hl), (wp) wash watcr.
aglomeracibn f, agglomeration. -de expulsibn (geol)(A), water of compaction.
aglomerado m, (geol) agglomerate; coal briquet. -de fondo (pet), bottom water.
aglomerante m, binder, matrix. -de formacibn (geol)(A), connate water.
-para machos (fund), core binder. -de gravedad (irr)(ms), gravitational or
aglomerar, t o agglomerate. gravity or free water.
aglutinador m, binder, cementing material. -de hidratacibn (quim), water of hydration.
aglutinante m, cementing material; (elcc) binder. -de imbibicibn (irr), water of absorption or
aglutinar, to agglutinate; t o cement, bind; of imbibition.
aglutinarse, to cake. -de lavado (filtro), wash water.
agojia f (min), drain. -de noria (M), well water.
agojo m, a Philippine lumber. -de pie, spring water.
agolparse (M), to jam. -de reemplazo o de rellenar (rnl), mnlce-up
agbnico, agonic. water.
agotador m, exhauster. -de salida, tail water (powerhouse).
agotamiento m, depletion; exhaustion; &ahage; -de tormenta, storm water.
running down. -delgada, soft watcr.
-de metales, fatigue of metals. -dulce, fresh water; (su) sweet water.
agotar, to drain, unwater, evacuate; t o exhaust. -estancada, standing or stagnant water.
run down. -freltica, ground or suspended watcr.
agradacibn f (geol), aggradation. -freltica a gravedad (irr), gravity ground
agramilar, to mark with a marking gage, t o mark water.
out. -frePtica afluente, influent ground water.
agrandahoyos m (pet), reamer, hole enlarger. -freltica efluente, effluent ground water.
agregado m, (conc) (rd) (geol) aggregate, road -fuerte, aqua fortis, nitric acid.
metal. -gorda o gruesa, hard or brackish water.
-coloidal (pet), admixture. -libre (ms) (irr), free water.
-en polvo (conc), powdered admixture. -llovediza o llovida o pluvial, rain water.
-escalonado o graduado, graded aggregate. -muerta, still or stagnant watcr; slack water.
-grueso, coarse aggregate. -pelicular (ms), pellicular water.
-premezclado (conc), premixed aggregate. -pluvial de albafial, storm sewage.
-tal como sale, run-of-bank aggregate. -potable, drinking or potable water; domestic
agregados (mec)(A), attachments, accessories. water supply.
agremiado m, union man; a unionized. -regia, aqua regia, nitrohydrochloric acid.
agremiar, to unionize. -singenetica (geol)(A), connate water.
agrietamiento m, (geol) jointing; (lbr) checking. -solidificada (ms) , solidified water.
agrietarse, to crack, (Ibr) to check. -subllvea, water in the bed of a stream.
agrilldtar, to fasten with a shackle. -subterrlnea adherida, attached ground
agrimensor m, surveyor, land surveyor. water.
-de minas, mine surveyor. -subterrlnea aislada, perched ground water.
agrimensura f, land surveying. -subterrlnea endicada (A), perched ground
agrio, brittle; harsh; sour. watcr.
-- al frio (met), cold-short. -subterrlnea fijada (A), attached ground
agr6nomo m, agricultural engineer, agronomist. water.

agrumador m (pa), flocculator, floc former. -subyacente (pet), bottom or edge water.
agrupacidn f, grouping, banking; (ra) ganging. -superior (pet), top water.
agrupar, to group, bank. -surgidora o surtidora, artesian watcr.
agua f , water. -vadosa (geol)(A), vadosc watcr.
-basta o bruta, raw or untreated water. -viva, running or Bowing water.
-blanda, soft water. aguas
-cxpilar (nis)(irr), capillary water. , -abajo, downstream.
-connata (gcol). connate or fossil water. -altas, high watcr.
-corriente, running or flowing water; water- -aprovechables, water resources.
distribution system -arriba, upstream.
-cruda, raw or unfiltered water; hard water. -bajas, low water.
- de albafial, sewage. -blancas (Es)(A) (Pe), storm-water drainage.
-de alimentacibn (cal), feed water. -broncas (M), flood waters.
-de cal, limewater. -caseras (Es)(Pe), domestic sewage.
- de cantera, quarry water. -cloacales combinadas, combined sewage.
-- de cohesi6n (ms), cohesive water. 1 -cloacales de infiltraci611, ground or infiltra-
- de cola, glue watcr. tion water.
aguas agujero

-cloacales industriales, industrial or trade aguce m (herr), sharpening.

wastes. agudeza f, sharpness.
I -cloacales pluviales, storm sewage. agudizar, to sharpen.
-cloacales sanitarias, s:~l~itaryor house or agudo, sharp, acute; sharp (curve).
don~esticsewage. agiiera f , irrigation ditch.
-cloacales separadas, separate sewage. aguiero m (Es), round shoring timber.
-corrientes (A), municipal water supply. aguilbn m, (de) boom, jib, mast a r m ; (rf)
-de cabecera (PIL), (r) headwaters. beveled tile a t hip or valley; (rf) diagonal
-de fregadero (al), sink water. horizontal tie.
-de retroceso (PR), tail water (powerl~ouse). -acodado, gooseneck boom.
-estiales, low water. -activo, live boom.
-excluidas (Pe), sewage. -de grGa, crane boom; derrick boom.
-fccales, sewage, sanitary sewage. -de pala, shovel boonr.
- - industriales, industri:~lwastes or selvage. -para carga pesada (cn), heavy-lift or jumbo
-inmundas, sewage. boorn.
-juveniles (gcol), juvenile waters. -para pala de cable de arrastre, dragline
metebricas, rnin or stvrrn water; metcol.ic boom.
w:rtel's. aguja f, needle; (rr) switch point; (hyd) needle
-minimas, low watcr. beam; (carp) brad, finisling nail; (inst)
-negras, sewage, donlestic or llouse sewage. hand, needle; (cons) shore, spreader; (rnin)
-pluviales, rai1rf:xll. small branch vein; (surv) marking pin.
-rejuvenecidas (gcol), rc.jnvenatcd watcr. arrow; (fo) spreader.
- residuales domiciliarias, l~ouseor domestic
-ahrea, aerial frog (trolley wire).
-de agrimensor, survcyor's marking pin,
-residuales industriales, industrial \vastcs. arrow.
-servidas, sewage. - de briijula, compass needle.
- servidas caseras, house sewage. -de cadeneo (lev), marking pin, arrow.
-someras (A), surf:lre watcr. -de cambio o de carril o de chucho (fc)
-suspendidas, sus~)crldcdw:itc.r. su~itchpoint 01. blade.
-telfiricas (.I),grouud or well water. -de carril cortado (fc) (Es), stuh switch.
-verticntes (hid), runolF. -de Gillmore (lab). Gilllnore needle.
aguabresa f (Eh), soil pipe. - de inclinacibn, dipping needle.
azuacero m, I ~ e a v ysllu\-:er, downpour, cloud- -de manbmetro, hand of a pressure gage.
burst. -de marcar, scriber.
-presumido (hid), dcsigrl storm, assur~lecl~.air~--de marear, mnrilrer's compass.
f:111. -de medicibn, (surv) tally pin, arrow; (ge)
aguachinar (Es), t o s:itur:~te (soil). metering pin.
aguada f,water station; ilood; (pt) ka1soni;lc; -de pared (ed), needle.
(CA) wateri~rgtrougl~. -de plasticidad (ms), plastirity needle.
aguadero m, watcr station. - de polvorero, blasting needle.
aguador m, waterboy, water carrier. -de velero, sail needle.
aguaducho m, cotltluit; flood. - de Vicat (lab), Vicnt needle.
aguaje m, tiderace; tidal wave; hydraulic bore; -descarriladora (fc), derail switch.
(C)(Cc) heavy shower; (M) well; (M) -dosificadora, metering pin (carburetor).
watering trough; ( A l ) cistern. -imanada, magnetic needle.
agualotal m (AC), bog, swamp. -indicadora, (eng) bouncing pin.
eguallita f (Pe), shallow water. -infernal, plug and feathers, wedge and shims.
agualluvia f, rain water. -para marcar, center punch.
aguamanil m, washbasin. -trazadora (planimetro), tracing point.
aguanieve f , sleet. agujas, (min) (Sp) poling boards.
aguantador m (re), dolly; bucker-up. -de arrastre (fc) , trailing-point switch.
aguantar, t o resist, support; (re) t o buck up. -d e encuentro o en contrapunta (fc), facing-
aguantatubos m (pet). pipe hook. point switch.
4 aguante m (rnec), endurance, strength. -de resorte (fe), spring switch.
-al calor, hcnt endurance. -enclavadas (fc), interlocked switch.
aguaiibn m, hytlraulic engineer. -verticales (hid), needle beams.
aguar, t o watcr, dilute; aguarse, t o be drowned agujal m (Col), hole in a wall left by form bolt or
out. spreader.
a y a r r d s m, turpentine. agujereador m, drill.
9 -mineral, turpentine substitute. -de banco, bench drill.
aguatal m (Ec), pool; swamp. -de columna, post drill.
aguatero m (.I),watcr cart; water carrier. agujereadora f , punch; drill, boring machinc.
aguatocha f,pornp. agujerear, t o bore, drill, perforate; agujerearse,
aguatorre f,water t,lwcr. t o form a pipe (earth dam) ; t o form holes.
aguay, aguai 71,an Argentine hardwood. agujero m, hole.
aguazal 7n, svra:trp, Log, ~ r ~ u r s ! ~ . -- aceitero (A), oilhole.
ajustador alamhre

-de batiente (carp), stop-head adjuster. alambique nz, a still.

-acorazado o de casco, shell still.
-de claraboya, skylight operator; transom
operator. -de tubos, pipe or tube still.
- de tuercas, nut runner or tightener or setter. -de vacio, vacuum still.
-de ventana batiente, casement adjuster. -desintegrador (pet), cracking still.
ajustadora f , any adjusting device. -despojador (pet), stripping still.
ajustaje m, fitting, adjusting; (A) machining. -destufador (pet) ( X I ) , sn.eetcning still.
ajustar, t o fit, adjust, make true; (surv) t o baI- -desulfurador (pet), sweete~~ing still.
ance; ajustarse a, t o fit into; ajustarse -discontinuo, batch still.
sobre, t o fit over. -para redestilacibn (pet), rerun still.
ajuste m, adjustment, fitting, setting; (machy) a alambiquero m, (pet) stillnlan; (C) distillery.
fit; (C) piecework, small contract. alambor m, bevel cut, splay.
-a golpe ligero, tapping fit. alambrado m, wiring; wire nlrsll: wire fence.
-a inglete, miter joint. -de botbn y tubo, knob and tube u-iring.
-a martillo, driving fit. -de festBn, festoon wiring.
-a prueba de vapor, steam fit. -descubierto, exposed or open wiring.
-ahusado, taper fit. -encerrado, concealed wiring.
-apretado, tight or close fit. alambrador m (A), wire-fence erector.
-clavado, drive fit. alambraje m, wiring; wire fencing.
-con holgura, loose fit. alambrar, t o u-ire.
-corredizo, sliding fit. alambre m, wire.
-de fase (tv), phasing. -a prueba de intemperie (elk), weatherprocr
-de Ilave, wrench fit. wire.
- de presibn, press fit. -agrio o brillante o claro, bright wire.
-de rotacibn libre, running fit. -bafiado de cobre, coppered wire.
-del trazado, balancing the survey. -cargado, live wire.
-empotrado en caliente, shrink fit. -cinta, flat mire.
-escogido, selective fit. -cobrizado, copper-clad wire.
-estrecho, press fit, shrink fit. -d e aporte (sol), filler wire.
-forzado, tight or force or press or drive fit. -de atar (ref). tie wirc.
-forzado mediano, medium force fit. -de campanilla (c1i.c) , bell wire.
-holgado, loose or free fit. -de contacto, trolley or contnrt wire.
-libre, easy or light fit. -de cuadro indicador (elkc), annunriator wire.
-por contracciBn, shrink fit. -de disparo (vol), leading wire.
-preciso, fine fit. -de edificacibn (elbc), building wire.
-sin holgura, snug or wringing or tunking or -de entrada ( c I ~ c )lead-in
, wire.
push or working fit. -de espinas, barhcd wire.
ajustes, (p) (machy) fittings. -de guardia ( e l k ) , guard or ground wire.
ajustero m (Col), small contractor; pieceworkcr. -de masa (elbc), ground wire.
ajustbn m (Ec), tight fit. -de pGas, barhcd wire.
al costado (nziut), alongside. -de puente (roll, hriilge wire (in the exploder)
ala f, wing (dan; or bldg); leg (angle); flange -de relleno, (u-r) filler wire.
(I beam) ; blade (propeller) ; leaf of a hinge; -de soldadura, u-irc solder; welding wire.
leaf of a folding door. -desnudo, ),arc wirc.
-del corazBn (fc), wing rail (frog) -dulce, soft or arincalcd wire.
-de mosca (Es), brad; tack. - enterizo (el6cj, solid wire.
alabandina, alabandita f (mineral de mangancso), -espigado (AC), barbed wire.
alabandite, manganblende. -espinoso (Es), barbed wire.
Blabe m, (turb) bucket; (turb) gate, vane; (mx) -estirado en frio, cold-drawn wire.
blade. -estirado medio duro, rncdiu~ll-llard-dra:r~~
-director o del distribuidor (turb), wicket wire.
gate, guide vane. -forrado de algodBn, cott,on-coverrd wire.
-regulable, adjustable blade. -forrado de asbesto, asbestos-insulated wire.
alabearse, to warp. -forrado de caucho, rubber-covered wire.
alabeo m, warping, wind; (rd) (V)crown. -forrado de plomo, lead-sheathed wire.
alacena f, locker, closet. -forrado de vidrio, glas-covered wire.
alacrln m, swivel; (Col) clamp. -fundente, welding wire.
aladrar, t o plow. -fundente d e latbn, brazing wire.
aladrero m (min) (Es), timberman. -fusible, fuse wire, a wire fuse.
aladro m, plow. -mejor de lo mejor (el&), best best (BE)
alagadizo, liable t o be inundated. wire.
alagado m, inundated land. -nudo, bare wire.
alagar, t o inundate, swamp, flood; alagarse -para artefactos (elkc), fixturc wire; appliance
(nLut) (B), t o leak. uire.
alagunar (Chj, t o inundate, flood. -pescador (elk), fish wire.
alambicar, t o distilt. -piloto (elkc), pilot wire.
alambre 16 alcayata

-por reestirar, redrawing wire. albitana f (cn), apron, stemson; propeller post.
-soldador, welding wire; wire solder. albolita f (mam), albolite.
-tejido, wire fabric or netting. albollbn m, drain, sewer.
-tremado, stranded wire. ~
albortante m (MI, lighting post.
-trenzado, braided or stranded wire. albufera f, tidal lagoon.
alambrecarril m (A), aerial tramway. albuhera f, pond, reservoir.
alambrera f, wire netting. albGmina f, albumin.
alambrbn m (met) (M), wire rod. albuminoide m, albuminoid.
Blamo, poplar. albuminoideo a, albuminoid.
alamud m, door bolt. albumosa f (is), albumose.
alanita f (miner), allanite. albura f, sapwood.
alar m, eaves; (Col) sidewalk. -de primavera, springwood.
alargadera f, lengthening bar for compass; -de verano, sumn~erwood.
lengthening bar for drill; (chem) adapter. alburno m, alburnum, sapwood.
alargamiento m, elongation, expansion. alcachofa f (bnl), strainer, footvalve and strainer.
-al fallar, ultimdte elongation. alcalescencia f , alcalescence.
alargar, t o lengthen, extend, elongate; alargarse, alcalescente, alcalcsccnt.
to expand, lengthen, stretch. Ucali m, alkali.
alarife m, mason; builder. dcalimetria f , alkalimetry.
alarma f, alarm. alcalfmetro m, alkalinieter.
- de falta de agua (cal), low-water alarm. alcalinidad f, alkalinity.
-de incendio, fire alarm. alcalinizar, to render alkaline.
dasquita f (geol), alaskite (granite). alcalino, alkaline.
alastrhr, to ballast. alcalinoterreo a, alkaline-earth.
albafial m, sewer, drain; ( C ) sewage. alcalizador m (az), liming tank.
-de &w. relief sewer. alcalizar, t o alkalize, render alkaline; (su) t o lime.
-de rebose, r M or overflow sewer. alcance m, reach; range; drift (tackle); (rr) rear-
-derivado, branch or lateral sewer. end collision; (com) balance; (rd) overtak-
- domdstico o de servicio, house sewer, service ing; (ra) coverage; (ac) blow, throw.
connection. -de cavadura (pl). digging reach.
-madre, main sewer. -de descarga (pl) , dumping reach.
-pluvial, storm sewer. -de planeo (ap), gliding range or distance.
-sanitaria, sanitary sewer. -de la vista (ca), sight or visibility distance.
albailalero m, sewer builder; sewer cleaner. alcancia f (M), bin, hopper; (min) chute, mill
albailear, to do mason work. hole; (conc) tremie.
albaiIil m, mason, bricklayer. alcantarilla j, culvert; sewer. drain; conduit;
-de cemento, cement mason. (elec)(Sp) cable duct; (M) basin, cistern.
albameria f, masonry. -anidable, nestable metal culvert.
-ciclbpea, cyclopean concrete. -arqueada, arch culvert.
- de piedra bruta, rubble masonry. -de alivio, relief sewer.
-de piedra labrada, ashlar masonry. -de cajbn, box culvert.
-en hileras, ashlar mssonry. -de chapas mtiltiples, multiple-plate corru-
-en seco, dry masonry. gated culvert.
albarda f, packsaddle. -de descarga, outfall sewer.
albardilla f, coping. capstone; small packsaddle; -de platabanda fl),box culvert.
(C) riding saddle. -de pozo, drop-inlet culvert.
-de cumbre (ed), saddle stone. -interceptadora, intercepting sewer.
albardillado, crowned; troughed. -maestra, trunk sewer.
albardbn m, (bldg)(Ca) coping; (hyd)(A) check -para ganado (fc), cattle pass.
dam; dike; ridge; (M) saddle. -pluvial, storm-water sewer.
albarrada f, mud wall; dry stone wall. -sanitaria, sanitary sewer.
albarradbn m, dike, small earth dam. -visitable (Es), sewer big enough for a man t o
albayaldar, t o coat with white lead. enter.
albayalde m, white lead. alcantarillado m, sewerage.
-anaranjado, orange lead, mineral orange. -separativo, separate system of sewerage.
-de plomo, white lead. -unitario, combined system.
-rojo, red lead. alcantarillaje m, sewage.
dbeddn m, gutter, drain. alcantarillar, to sewer, drain; t o build culverts.
albedo m (fma), sllbedo. alcanzar, to reach; t o overtake.
dbellbn m, sewer. alcaparrosa f,, copperad.
alberca f, pool, pond; basin, tank. alcarria f, plateau.
albercbn m, reservoir. alcatifa f , layer of cinders or other filling under
albergue m, bunkhouse, barracks, dormitory. floor or roof tiles.
alberquero m, tank tender, reservoir custodian. alcayata f , spike; ( C ) staple'; (surv) mad.
dbina f , salt pool or marsh; (miner) apophyllite. -de cafio, pipe hook, leader hook; gutter spike.
dbita f (miner), albite (feldspar). -de rosca (fc), screw spike.
alczyata 17 alicatea
de via, trark spike. -de hblice, propeller blade.
alclzar m (:III),poop deck, q~rnrtcr-derk. -de semlforo (fc), semaphore blade.
nlce m,raihit~r. -desviadora (turb), redirecting blade.
alcohol 1n, alr:r,hol; (rnin) galena. -directriz o distribuidora (turb), wicket gate,
-amflico, aniyl alcoliol. guidc vane.
-desnaturalizado, deriatured alcohol, mcthyl- aletas de enfriamiento, cooling fins.
atcd spirit. alevante m (rnin) ( M ) , overhand stope.
-etilico, ctltyl or grain alr~ohol. aleviador m (hid), alleviator.
-metilico, rnetliyl or wood alcohol. alfa-naftol m, alpha-naphthol.
-propilico, propyl alrolrol. alfagra f (Es), channel, gorge.
alcor m, hill. alfajia f, door or window frame; batten; timber
alcornoque m, rork tree. 10 by 14 c m ; (Col) roofing board.
alcorozado m (cil) (AI), sparc between hearns on alfametilnaftaleno, alfametilndtalina, alpha-
a wall; fillirlg het~veel~ IIPRIIIS. ~ n e t l ~ naphthalene.
alc3tana f, pirk, trrattork; stoncruttrr's hammer. alfaque m, shoal, bar.
-- de dos hachas, tlspllalt rr~attock. alfarda f , (carp) light wooden bearn, scantling;
alcribis in, tuyhc. mftcr; irrigation dues.
alcuba f,dorrrc, cl~pol:~: v:llll t. alfardar, t o join in an irrigation development.
alcubiila f , covcre(1 reservoir; bnsin, pond. alfardbn m (C), girder, hcavy beam.
alcumita f,Alcu~nitc(nlloy)(tradclnark) alfareria f (V), brick masonry; tilework.
alcuza f, oilr%an. alfarjar, t o wainscot.
aldaba f , latch, rntrh, rctaincr. alfarje m, wainscot; paneling.
- de candado, 1i:isp. alfarjia, same as alfajia.
-de contraventana, shutter bar. alfbizar m, splay of door or window.
- de picaporte, latch hasp. alfiler m (M), peg, pin.
-de resorte, spritlg latch. -de Paris (Es), wire nail.
-de seguridad, safety latch. alflerillo m , finishing nail, brad.
-- dormida, dc~:rdlatclr. -cortado, cut fWlishing nail.
aldabia f, rrohs1)ar on a dolll~lcdoor; horizontal -de alambre, wire finishing nail.
tirriber against a wall; plate or sill of a alfombrado m (mam) (V), base course, mat.
part ition. alga f , alga.
aldabilla / (ft), hook, latch. algas, algae.
aldohexosa f (az),aldoliexosc. alglceo, algal.
aleacidn f, alloy. algaida f, sand dune.
-a base de aluminio, alun~inurn-basealloy. algarrobo m, carob wood.
-cuaternaria, quaternary alloy. Blgebra f, algebra.
-de imprenta, type rr~etal. algebraico, algebraic.
- de niquel a1 plomo, lcadcd nickel alloy. algecida m, algaecide.
-de punto bajo de fusidn, !ow-rnclting alloy. algodbn m, cotton.
-delta, delta nletnl. -colodibn, collodion cotton.
-no ferrosa, no~~fcrrous alloy -de calafateo, calking cotton.
alesje m (U), alloy -explosivo, guncotton.
alear, t o alloy. -mineral (A), slag wool.
alecrin m, a11 i\rgcntine lumber vcry hard and -pblvora, guncotton, nitrocotton; cotton pow-
l~rnvy. der.
alefriz m (carp), rabbet. -pBlvora nitrado (vol). tonite.
alegrador m, rearricr, broach.
alegrar, t o rcarn, broach.
- trenzado (elk), cotton braid.
algoso, full of algae.
alejamiento m, receding, separation. alguaza f, hinge.
alejamientos y desviaciones (lev)(M), latitudes alicatado m (C), wall of brick laid on edge.
and departures. alicates m, pliers; tongs; pincers.
alema f, duty of irrjgation water. -aislados, insulated or electrician's pliers.
alemontita f (miner), alleniontite, arsenical anti- -de Bngulo, diagonal pliers.
mon y. -de articulacibn movible, slip-joint pliers.
alerce m, larch, tamarack, hackmatack. -de ayustar (cab), splicing tongs.
alero m, eaves; (bldg)(dam) wing; (bdg) wing -de combinacibn, combination pliers.
wall. -de corte lateral, side-cutting pliers.
alerbn m, ailcron; damper. -de crisol (lab), crucible tongs.
alesador m (A), operator of a drill (shop) -de expansibn, slip-joint pliers.
alesadora f , drill. -de garganta, open-throat phers.
alesaje m, bore (cylinder). -de gqsista, gas pliers.
alesna f , awl. -de guardalinea, lineman's pliers.
alesnado, sharp-pointed. -de punta plana, flat-nose pliers.
aleta f, (rnecli) lug; fin, gill; leaf (hinge); (mx) -de punta redonda, roundnose pliers.
blade; (turb) vane; (na) quarter. -narigudos. long-nose pliers.
-amortiguadora, damping vane. -punzonadores, punch pliers.
alidada 18 almaina
alidada f, alidade. alistonar, t o lath; t o cleat.
-de anteojo, telescope alidade. alita f (ct), alite.
-de anteojo fijo, fixed-tube alidade. aliviadero m, spillway, wasteway; sluiceway;
-de explorador, exploration or expedition ali- weep hole.
dade. -de agua sobrante (al), storm overflow.
-de geblogo, gcologiral alidade. -de crecidas, (r) floodway; (sw) storm over-
-de mirilla, perp-sight alidade. flow.
-d e pfnulas, open-sight alidade. -de cresta libre, open spillway (no gates).
-de topbgrafo, engineering alidade. -de fondo, sluiceway, undersluice.
- para plancheta, plane-table alidade. -de lluvia (ICs), inlet t o a storm sewer.
aligacibn f , tie; bond; alloy. -de pozo, shaft spillw-ny.
aligerar, t o lighten. -de seguridad, rrnc3rgency spillway.
alijador m, lighterman. -de superficie, w:rsten-ay, spillway.
alijadora f , lighter; sander. -lateral, side-chnnrlrl ?pillway.
alijar, t o lighten; t o san(lpaper. -superior (irr), ovcrl.hute.
alije m, unloading, lightening of a ship. -vertical de arena (ot), sand drain.
alijo m, unloading: (C) loromotive tender. aliviador m , spill\\.ay; re1ir.f valve.
alimentacibn f , feed (all senses), ferding. alivianar (I'll) (.\i, t o lighten.
- a sinfin, worn1 feed. alivio m, ea.sing, relief.
- al vacio o por aspiracibn, vacnrlrn feed. - de esfuerzos, stress relief.
-con gasto constante irlni, constant-r:itr feed. -de expansibn, rxpnl~siollrelief.
-de retroceso (ra), feedback. - de vacio, vnruum rcslief.
-directa (pa), dry feed, direct feed (rhloru~e). aljaba ( f ) de electrodos (sol), electrode carrier.
- en seco (pa), dry feed. aljarafe m, flat roof.
-forzada, force feed. aljez m, gypsum, plastrr of Paris.
-mecinica, power feed; mechanical stoking. aljezar W L , gypsun1 quarry.
-visible (lu), sight feed. aljibe m. pool, tank, cistern; tank barge.
alimentado a petrbleo (cull, oil-fired, oil-burning. aljolifa f. mop.
alimentado por gas, gas-fired. aljolifar, to mop.
alimentador m, feeder; feed wire; stoker. aljor m, gypsum.
-basculante, jog feeder. aljorozado m ( V ) , scratch coat of lime and mud.
-con descarga por detrls, rear-cleaningstoker. aljorozar, t o plaster; to smooth up.
-de bandeja, tray feeder. alma f, core (darn): (str) web, st.em (T); (cab)
-- de carbbn, stoker. center, core; (lhr) heart; drill core; scaffold
- de correa, belt feeder. pole.
-d e criba corrediza, traveling-grizzly feeder. - calada o de celosia (est,), lattice web.
-de descarga lateral, s~de-rleaningstoker. - combada (tr), arched web.
-de disco rotatorio, rotary-disk feeder. -de andamio, scaffold pole.
-de dosificacibn (pal, proportioning feeder. -de ciiiamo, (wr) hemp center.
-de enlace (elbe), tie feeder. -de ensayo, test or sample core.
- de hogar, mechanical stoker. - de riel, weh of a rail.
-de parrilla corrediza, traveling-grate stoker. -fibrosa, (wr) fiber core.
- de pelicula (fma), film-metering device. -llena (est), solid web, plate web.
-de la red ( e l k ) , network feeder. almac6n m, warehouse, storc?house, storeroom;
-de vaciado superior, overfeed stoker. store; magazine (camera).
-oscilante, reciprocating feeder. -afianzado, bonded warehouse.
-pesador, weighing or weigh feeder. -de agua, cistern, tank.
-sin fin, scrcw fccder. -de pblvora, magazine.
ahmentar, t o charge; to feed. almacenador m, warehouseman.
aliment0 m (mer), feed, feeding. almacenaje m, storage, warehousing; warehouse
aiindar, t o mark boundaries. charges.
alinderar (.4C), t o mark boundaries. almacenamiento m, storage.
alineacibn f,alignment. - de desbordamiento (hid), valley storage.
-y rasante, line and grade, line and level. -de sobrecarga (hid), surcharge storage.
alineador m, aligning tool. - en las riberas (hid), bank storage.
alinear, t o line, line up, align. -momentlneo (hid), instantaneous storage.
alisador m, finishing tool: smoothing iron (as- -muerto, dead storage.
phalt) ; smoothing blade (road marhinc) ; -para uso (hid!, ronservation storage.
(fdy) sleeker, smootl>er; (A) reamer. almacenar, t o store, stock.
alisadora f, surfacing machine; dresser. almacenero, almacenista m, storekeeper, ware-
-de caminos, road scraper. houseman.
alisaduras f, shavings, turnings. almbdana, almbdena, almidina f,stone hammer,
alisar, t o plane, face. smooth up, surface. spalling hanimer.
alisatubos m (pet), casing scraper. almadia f, raft.
alisios m, trade winds. almagra f , almagre m, red ocher, ruddle.
alistador (m) d e tiempo, timekeeper. almaina f , stone hammer.
almanque 19 altoparlante

almanque m (Col), putlog. -nitidez (tv), high definition.

almarbatar, to frarrie (timber). -polarizacibn, de, high-test (sugar).
almirtaga f , litharpc. -resistencia a corta edad (ct), high early
almatriche m ,irrigation ditch. strength.
almenado, dc~~r:ircd. -tarea (C), high duty.
almenara j, i11.r)1.ctitrn ditch; (Col) surge tank. -volatilidad, de, high-test (gasoline).
almendrilla f, fine (.o:11; fine gravel; (geol) con- altas (cn), upper works.
gloliierate of fine . i t o ~ i ~small
s; file. -aguas, high water.
almendrbn m (LI ,
cil~iglornerate of large stones. altar m (horno), bridge wall, fire bridge.
almidbn m , starch. -de agua, water bridge.
-yodado (is), st:lrc'li-iodine. -de humero, flue bridge.
almilla f ( C : L ~ ~tenon.
I). altavoz m, loudspeaker.
almirez nL (I:thl, 11iorta.r. alteraciBn f (geol), alteration.
-y mano, 11111rt:lranrl prstlc. alternacibn, alternation.
almoceda f (I.:.). \v:tt cr rights; irrigation rate. alternado, alternati~ig.
alniohada f, ct~-liiot~. alternador m (elkc), alternator.
-del escob6n ( ~ I I ) , h:txvsc bolster. -de imanes permanentes, magneto alternator.
almohadilla f. 1,:1(1, rusllion. -de inducido giratorio, revolving-armature
-de apisonar, t:lnll,it~g pad. alternator.
-de tope, buffvl. I~lock. - de inductor e inducido fijos, inductor alter.
-filtradora ( V j , filter 11lock. nator.
almohadillas de freno, 111.:lhchlorks. -de inductor giratorio, revolving-field alter-
almohadillas de friccibn, (c11g)ft iction blocks. nator.
almohadillado m ( h r ~il , r~adtiirlg. alternador-transmisor (ra), alternator transmit-
almohadillar, to r~t-liioll. ter.
almohadbn 711,1o1rc.t voussoir in a semicircular alternador-volante, flywheel alternator.
:trrh. alternancia f (eli.c)(A), alternation, alternanee.
- de agua, x a t c r cushion. alternar las juntas, t o break or stagger joints.
almohatre ?IZ,sill nmt~~o~iinc. alternative, (elec) alternating; (eng) reciprocating.
almojaya j. 1111rlog:outlc~okcr. alterno, alternating; alternate.
albgeno igc11lI , :~llopc.~~i(., drriv:rtive. alternogenerador m (Es), alternating-current
alojamiento 7n ( I I I ~ ~ )sc~it,
, bearing, socket. generator.
alosar, to 1:~)-tilcs. alternomotor m (Es) (A), alternating-curre~~t
aloxito wt, aloxit(: (abrasive). motor.
alpax m. :~11~:ru(:111oy) altibajos m, broken or uneven ground.
alpende ?n, tool house. altigrafo m, altigraph.
alquilar, t o rt'lit: to :~lkylize. altillano m (Col), plateau.
alquilcr n l , ~ . c t ~rcl~tul.
t, altillo m, small hill; penthouse, bulkhead; (A)
alquilizar, to :ilk)-lizc. small addition on top of a one-story build-
alquitarar, to clistill. ing; (A) (Col) garret.
alquitrln m, tar, pitch. altimetria f, altimetry, running levels, t o p e
-cortado, cuth:~ck tar. graphical survey.
-de carb6n, ronl tar. altimetro m, altimeter.
-de gas, g:rs tar., gashouse coal tar. -de agrimensor, surveying altimeter.
- de gas de aceite, oil-gas tar. -registrador, recording altimeter, altigraph.
- de gas de agua, ~v:~tc~-gas tar. altiplanicie f, plateau, tableland.
-de hornos de coque, coke-oven tar. altiplanimitrico, topographical.
-de hulla, roal tar, coal-tar pitch; gas tar; altiplano m, plateau.
coke-()\-en tar. altitud f, altitude, elevation.
-de hulla diluido, coal-tar cutback. alto m, height; hill, elevation; (geol) hsnging
-de leiia, Stockholm tar. wall; (bldg) floor, story, upper floor; (rr)
-de madera, pine tar. (auto) a stop; a high.
-de petrbleo, oil t a r , petroleum pitch. -calor, de, high-heat (cement).
-de turba, peat tar. -carbono, de, high-carbon (steel).
-mineral, asphalt. -explosive, high explosive.
-rebajado, rutback tar. -horno, blast furnace.
-vegetal, coal or wood tar. -rendimiento, high duty.
alquitranado m, tarpaulin; application of tar, altos m (A), first floor above t h e ground.
tarring. altoparlante m, loudspeaker.
alquitranadora f, tar-spraying machine. -a condensador, capacitor loudspeaker.
alquitranaje m, tarring. -de conductor mbvil, moving-conductor loud-
alquitranar, to tl,eat with pitch; t o coat with tar. speaker.
alquitranoso, tarry. -dinkmico, moving-coil or dynamic loud-
alta f (rtliti), Irnngirig wall. speaker.
-Icy, de, l~i-li-c~:ttle(or(*). -electromagnitico, magnetic-armature loud-
mu:tiplicaci6n, de, 111gl1-geared. speaker.
-- electrostltico, condenser or electrostatic alundo m (rfr) , alundum.
loudspeaker. alunita f (miner), alunite, alum rock.
altozano m, small hill. aluvial, aluvional, alluvial.
altura f, elevation, altitude, heiglit; (hyd) head; aluvibn m, alluvial deposit, alluvium; flood of
(str) depth; (r) stage. silt; ('4) flood, inundation.
-cindtica (kid), dynamic head. aluvionamiento m (A), silting up.
-de aspiracidn (hid), suction head; suction aluvionario (A), alluvial.
lift. Blveo m, bed of a river, channcl.
-de carga (hid), head. alveolado (M), honeycon~bed.
-de descarga o de impulsibn (hm), discharge alza f, rise, lift; sliirn; ( h y d ) flashhoard, leaf of
head. a bear-trap gate; (hydj (Sp) stop log; (Sp)
-de despejo o de franqueo, clearance height. fulcrurn.
-del instrumento o del ojo (lev), height of -de tablero basculante (Ilid), a ~ ~ t , o m a t i c
instruinent. flashboard, shutter weir, hingetl-leaf gate.
-de paso, headroom. -de la vllvula, valve lift.
-de presidn (hid), pressure head. alzacarros m, car-lifting device.
-de succibn (bm), suction hegd. alzacoche m, automobile lift.
-de tiro (aa), draft head. alzada f, (drug) clcvation; face of a huildi~ig.
-dinlmica (hid), velocity head. -extrema, end elevation.
-efectiva, (str) effective depth; working depth alzado m, (ar) elevation; (Sp) superstructure.
(gear). - de costado, side elevation.
-esthtica (hid), static head. -delantero, front elevation.
-hidrlulica (al), hydraulic grade. -en corte, sectional elevation.
-libre, vertical clearance, clear height, head- -trasero, rear elevation.
room; freeboard. alzador m, an>- lifting device.
-manometrica total (hm), total head. alzadura f, hoisting, wising.
-metacdntrica (an), metacentric height. alzaguara f (Es), spring (water).
-piezomdtrica (hid), piezometric head. alzaprima f , crou,bar, lever, pinch bar.
-dtil (est), effective depth. -de traviesa (fc), nipper.
d u d m, avalanche, snowslide. alzaprimar, to pry, move with a lever.
alumbrado m, lighting; a lighted; treated with alzar, t o hoist, raise, lift.
alum. alzatubos m, pipe jack.
-a tub0 d e gas, gm-tube lighting. alzavllvula m (auto), tappet.
-de caveto, rove lighting. alzaventana m (auto), window opener.
-de contorno, outline lighting. allanador m (her), a flatter.
-de f e s t h , festoon lighting. allanar, t o grade, level; t o flatten; (met) t o plan-
-reflejado, indirect lighting. ish.
-semiindirecto, semi-indirect lighting. allane m (M), leveling, grading.
alumbrar, t o light, illuminate; to treat with allegador m (Es), fire hook, poker.
alurn; t o emerge (ground water). amacizar, t o cornpress; t o make solid.
alumbre m, alum. amacrhtico, amacratic (lens).
-cr6mic0, cllrome alum. amachambrado (Elt) (Us), tongued and grooved.
-d e amonio, ammonia alum. amachetar, t o chop with a macliete.
-para filtros (V), filter alum. amadrinar, t o couple, join.
-potlsico, potash alum, potassium aluminum amaestrar, (mas) t o set grounds; (hw) t o master-
sulphate. key.
alumbrera f,alunite quarry. amainador m (min), man who handles bucket a t
aldmbrico, containing alum. top of shaft.
aldmina f , alumina, aluminum oxide. amainar, t o lowcr, slack off; (min) to land tlie
aluminato m, aluminate. bucket of ore.
-dicllcico (ct), dicalcium aluminate. amaine m, lowering, slacking off.
-sbdico (pa), sodium aluminatc. amalgama j (111ct)( l ~ ~ i n e rarnalgam.
-tricLlcico (ct), tricalcium aluminate. amalgamador m (met), amalgamator.
aluminico, aluminic. amalgamar, t o amalgamate.
aluminifero, containing aluminum, aluminifer- amantillar (gr), t o top, peak, luff.
ous. amantill0 (gr), topping lift, topping or peaking line.
aluminio m, aluminum, aluminium. amanzanar (A) (U), t o lay out land in blocks.
aluminita f (miner), alumirlite (aluminum sul- amaiios m, tools, eyuipnient, outfit.
phatc). amaraje m, landing on the u7atcr (seaplane).
aluminizar, t o aluminize. amarar, to land on the water.
aluminof6rric0, aluniinoferric. amarillo m a, ycllou~.
alumlnosilicato m, aluminosilicate. -benzo (is), benzo yellow.
aluminoso, aluminous. -de cinc, zinc yello\v (pigment).
aluminotermia f (met), aluminothermy, alu- -de montaiia (miner), yellow earth or ocher.
minot hermics. amarra f, tie, lashing; mooring; (Chj(M) cable
aluminotdrmico, aluminotl~ermic. clip.
-de aleta (n/tut), quarter fast. amoldar, to mold, shape.
-de bote (nL~it),painter. amollar (cab), t o slack, ease off.
-de popa (nhut.), stern fast. amoniacal, ammoniacal.
-de proa (nhut), bow or head fast. amoniacibn f, ammoniation.
-de puerto, ~nooring. amoniaco m, ammonia.
-de travds (ni'tut), l~reastfast, breast line. -albuminoideo (is), albuminoid ammonia.
amarras para correa, belt lloolts or clamps. amoniador m (pa), ammoniator.
amarradera f (Col), nrooring line; sling. -de alimentacidn directa, direct-feed ammo-
amarradero m, mooring post; rnooring berth. niator.
amarraje m, wharfage; (call) serving. amdnico a, ammonium, ammonic.
amarrar, t o tie, lad\, splice, belay, make fast; t o amonio m, ammonium.
moor; ((,ah) t o serve, seize. amonizacibn f, ammonization, a~nmonification.
amarrazones f (n:int 1, ground tarkle. amontonador m, amontonadora f, stacker, piler.
amarre m, tie, splice, I'ashillg; anchorage, moor- amontonador de carbbn, coal trimmer.
ing; (con?) (ll (PC)
) bond. amontonar, to pile, pile up.
-a pata de ganso, bridle mooring. -el fuego, t o bank the fire.
amartillar, t o harnrner. -en camellones (ca), t o windrow.
amasada f (.\I), h:rtch of mortar. amordazar, to clamp.
amasadero nL, pugniill, rlay mill. amorfo, amorplious.
amasar, t o mix (n~ort,ar) ; t o puddle (fill); t o pug, amortiguacibn f, deadening; absorbing; (mech)
tenrper. (eler) damping.
amasillar, to putty. -critica (eli:c), critical damping.
amatol m, anratol (explosive). -de las crecidas (r), flood control.
amberita f, arril1e1.ite ir~splosivr). -peribdica (elkc), periodic damping, under-
Pmbito m, arnl~it,contoiir. damping.
ambulante, traveling (derrick), walking (drag- amortiguador m, (mech) shock absorber, damper,
line). dashpot; (carp) door check; (hyd) stilling
ameba f, amoeba. pool; (auto) muffler; (eler) damper; (auto)
amelga f (irr), ridge, dike. snubber; (chem) buffer.
amelzar, to set boundary moliuments; t o furrow. -de chispas, spark arrester.
amellar, to notrh. -de choque, shock absorber; bumper.
amerar (Es), t,o seep, pcrcr~late. -de energia, energy absorber; (hyd) stilling
amiantista m, ashcstos worker. pool, tumble bay.
amianto m, asbestos, amianthus. -de escape, (eng) exhaust head, exhaust
amiba f, amoeha. silencer.
amibiano, amibico, amoebic. -de 10s faroles (auto), headlight dimmer.
amibicida m a , atnoet)icide. -de golpes de agua, water-hammer suppressor.
amicrbn m (quini), aniicron. -de luz, (auto) dimmer.
amida f, amido m, (cllen~)amide. -de oleaje (hid), surge suppressor; surge
amigdaloide a (peol), alriygdaloid. snubber.
amilasa f (ia), :tnl?;lasc. -de ruido, silencer, muffler.
amilo m (rluim), arnyl. -de sacudidas (auto), harmonic balancer.
aminolcido m (is). anlino acid. -del sonido, sound absorber.
p-aminodimetilanilina (pa), paminodimethyl- -de torsidn, torsion damper.
aniline. amortiguamiento (m) de sonido, soundproofing.
amo m, owner; eniploycr; superintendent, forc- amortiguar, t o cushion, deadcn, lessen; t o damp;
man. t o absorb (shocks); (cbcm) t o buffer,
amohosarse (A) (Ch), t o rust. amortizacibn f, amortization.
amojonar, to set monuments. amortizar, t o amortize; t o redeem; t o refund.
amojosearse (A) (Ec), t o rust. amovible, removable, demountable.
amoladera f, grindstone, grinder. amparar, to protect; (leg) t o hold harmless;
amolado m, grinding. (min) t o satisfy conditions for working a
-de avance longitudinal; end-fced grinding. claim.
-de avance normal, in-feed grinding. ampelita f, ampelite (coal).
-de avance pasante, through-feed grinding. amper m (Es), ampere.
amoladora f, grinder. amper-espira f (Es), ampereturn.
-de armazbn oscilante, swing-frame grindcr. amperaje m, amperage.
-de asientos de vllvulas, valve grinder. -de carga, charging rate (battery).
-de banco, bench grinder. -efectivo, virtual amperes.
-de brocas, bit grinder. amperimetro m, ammeter, amperemeter.
-de espigas, shank grinder (drill). I
-caldrico (Es) , hot-wire ammeter.
-de pie, floor-stand grinder. -de abrazadera, d a m p ammeter.
-de puntas, ce~iter-typegrinder. -de alcance mfiltiple, multirange ammeter.
-hfimeda, wet grinder.
-sin puntas, ccntcrless grinder. -de bolsillo, pocket ammeter.
-de expansi6n o d e hilo caliente, expansion or
amolar, t o grind, sharpen. hot-wire or thermal ammeter.
- de la hClice (herr) (rs), helix angle. -abrazadera (mh), clamp ring.
-de la herramienta (mh), tool angle, angle of -aceitador (lu), oil ring.
keenness. -anual (mad), growth ring.
-de incidencia, angle of incidence. -colector (elhe), slip or collector ring.
-de inclinacidn lateral (mh), side-rake angle. -conector (carp), ring connector.
-de juego (mh) (A), relief angle. -de albura (mad), sap ring.
-de llegada (ra), angle of arrival. -del asiento (v&),seat ring.
-de planeo (ap), angle of glide, obstruction -de bolas tipo empuje (cojinetc), thrust ball
ratio. race.
-de la ranura (sol), bevel or groove angle. -de cierre, lock ring (tire).
-de ray0 (ra), beam angle. , -de cierre hidrkulico (bm), lantern ring.
-de rebajo o de relieve (mh), relief angle. -de crecimiento (mad), growth ring.
-de reposo, angle of repose or of friction. -de Bmbolo, pist,on or packing ring.
-de resbalamiento (A), angle of repose. -de empaque, washer, packing or junk ring;
-de resistencia al corte (rns), angle of shear- (str) filling ring.
ing resistance. -de empuje, thrust collar.
-de retraso (elec), angle of lag, pliase anglc. -de engrase (lu), oil ring.
-de rincbn vivo (est), square-root angle. -de estancamiento (lu), scal ring.
-de rozamiento, angle of friction. -de estopas o de guarnici6n, (eng) junk or
-de rumbo (geof), angle of strike. packing ring.
-de salida, (ra) angle of departure; (geop) -de frotamiento (mot), slip ririg.
angle of emergence. -de la garganta (turb), throat ring.
-de separacibn (mh), front clearance. -de goteo (1111,drip ring.
-de sesgo, angle of skew. -de grasa (lu), grease ring.
-de varenga (cn), reverse frame. -de guarapo (az), juice ring.
-de vista (fma), angle of view or of coverage. -de horquilla, clevis ring.
-descendente (lev), angle of depression. -de levas, cam ring.
-desigual (est), angle with unequal legs. -de lubricaci6n, oil ring.
-entrante, re-entrant angle. -de prensaestopas, (ens) junk ring.
-horario, hour angle. -de remate (est), cap ring.
-igual (est), angle with equal legs. -de resorte, snap ring (piston).
-incluso, included angle. -de respaldo (sol), backing ring.
-labial (A), lip angle (twist drill). -de retenidas, (de) guy ring.
-lateral de cafda (mh), side rake. -de reticulo (inst), cross-liair ring.
-parallctico, angular parallax, parallactic -de rodadura, bearing race, raceway.
angle. -de rodete, turbine case.
-periferico (fc)(V), deflection angle. -de salida (turb), discharge ring.
-recto, right angle. -de traviesas (turb) (U), speed ring.
-subtenso (lev), subtense angle. -desgastable, wearing ring.
-sujetador (est), clip angle. -distribuidor (turb), speed or stay ring.
-superior de inclinaci6n (mh), back-rake -fiador, retainer (ball bearing).
angle. -fraccionado (mad), false ring.
-tangencial (fc), drflection angle. -guardapolvo, dust ring.
-trancanil (cn), stringer angle. -limpiador de aeeite (lu), wiper ring.
-trasero de caida (rnll), back rake. -llenador (est), filling ring.
-vertical (lev), vertical angle, angle of eleva- -microm6tric0, micrometer collar.
tion, altitude or site angle. -portabolas, cage of a ball bearing, ball race.
Lngulos -portante ( t u b ) , case ring.
-adyacentes, adjacent angles. -portapaletas (turb), guide-vane ring.
-alternos, alternate angles. -regulador (turb), gate or shifting ring.
-- de ensamblaje (est), connection angles. -restregador (bmbolo), scraper or wiper ring.
-en cruz (est), starred angles. -rozante (mot), slip ring.
-espalda con espalda, angles back to back. -salpicador (ra), splash ring.
angulosidad f, angularity. -seguidor (hid), follower ring (gate).
anguloso, angular; sharp (sand). / -sincronizador (auto), synchronizing ring.
anhidrico, anhydrous. -sujetador (mh), shell chuck.
anhidrido m, anhydride. knima f, (cab) center, core; web (drill); (mech)
anhidrita f (miner), anhydrite. bore.
anhidro, anhydrous. anibn m, anion.
anidable, nestable. anisomBtrico, anisometric.
anidado, nested. anisotr6pic0, anisbtropo, anisotropic.
aniego m, aniegue m (M), inundation, flooding. anddico (elk), anodic, anodal.
anilina f, aniline. anodizar, to anodize.
anilla f, ring. Lnodo m (elk), anode.
anillar, t o form rings or hoops. -acelerador (ra)(tv), accelerating anode.
anillo m, ring, hoop, collar, rim. -partido, split anode.

-retenedor, holding anode. 1 -fantasma, phantom or dunlmy antenna.

anofeles, anopheles (~nosquito). -ficticia (A), dnmrriy antenna.
anofelino, anopheline. -giratoria, ~.otnr?-~)camantenna.
anolito m (elk), annlytc. -indicadora de direccibn (ap), direction finder.
anomal~af, anomaly (all senses). -larga, long-wire or harnionic antenna.
anortita f (miner), anorthite (feldspar). -mfiltiple, ~~iultiplc-tuned
nnortosita f (geol), anorthosite. -paraguas o sombrilla, urnbrella antenna.
anotador m, recorder, note keeper. -rbmbica, diamond antenna.
anotar, t o take notes. -sintonizada, tuned ant,errna.
anotrbn (ra), anotron. antenas entongadas, stacked array.
antagonists, antagbnico (mer), reactive, antag- anteojo m, telescope (transit or level).
onistic. -astron6mico o de imagen invertida o de
antebahla f (M), entrance t o :I bay. ocular simple, :istrono~nicwl telescope (in-
antezimara f, (hyd) forebay; lobl~y,anteroom; vcrt,ed i~iiage).
(di) antccharnber. -buscador (Enin), t ~ l c w o p i cfinder.
-de compresi6n (A[), air Iork. -de erecci6n o de iinagen recta, erecting or
antecedentes np, preliminary data. terrcst~i:tl Ic.lescopc.
antecrisol m, forcheartll. -de foco exterior, cxt,crnal-focusing telescope.
antedlrsena f , cntrance t o :t dock; first of a scricss -de inversi6n (I?>),erectirlg telescope.
of basins. -de punteria (inla), sigllting telescope.
antedique m, entrance t o a dry doc!;. -meridiano, ~ricridiar~ instrument,.
anteesclusa f , elltrance to a lock. -solar (lev), solar tel~scope.
anteespol6n m, works to protect a molc or jctfy. anteojos de camino, goggles.
anteestudio m, prelirninary st.udy. antepagar, to prepay.
antefondo m, step prof erting thc floor of a lock. antepais m, foreland.
antefornalla f, front part of fi~.rl)ox. antepecho m. railinq; parapet; panel or apron or
antegrtida f (en), lourcr end of In~iricliingways. filler wall; sparidrel; (min) bench.
antehogar m, front part of firebox. antepozo m (A)(&), pump pit for semiartesian
antena f (ra), antcnr~a. well.
- Adcock, Adcock antenna. antepresa f (Es), upstream coffcrdarn.
-aperibdica, deadbeat or aperiodic ant en^>:^. antepresupuesto m, prelirninary estimate.
-artificial, artificial or du11111ry
antenna. anteproyecto m, preliminary design.
-Beverage, wave or Devcl.agc antenna. antepuerto m, outer harbor, anchorage outside
-binomia, binomial array. an artificial port.
-cargada, loaded arit,enl~a. -fluvial, protective works above a river port.
-compensadora, balancing acri:d. antesolera f (hid), upstroam hearth.
-de abanico, fan antenna. antestudio m, preliminary study.
-de argolla, loop antenna. antetecho m (Ch), overhang of a roof, eaves.
-de capacitancia, condenser or capacitor : ~ r i - antetr6n m, forecarriage.
tenna. anteumbral m (hid), upstream sill.
-de capas, tier army. antiablandecedor, nonsoftening.
-de cuadro, radio loop, loop antcnna. antilcido, acid-resisting.
-de cuarto d e onda, qnar;cr-wave an:^:::::^. antiaferrador, antiagarrador (maq), nonseizing.
-de doblete, doublet aritcnna. antialabeo, noriwarping.
-de fajas miiltiples, ~nultibandantcn:::~. antialcalino, antalkaline.
-de haz (Es), beam wrtcnnn. antianofelino, antianopheline (mosquito).
-de inversibn, antenna rcficctor. antiaraiiador, nonscoring.
-de jaula, cage antcnna. antiarcos (elkc), noriarring.
-de lazo, loop or coil antenna. antibiosis f (is), antihiosis.
-de media onda, half-wave antenna. anticapacitivo (eli.~),anticapacitive.
-de molinete, turnstile antcnna. anticatalizador m (quim), anticatalyst.
- de onda, wave or Beverage antcnna. anticitodo 7n (ra), anticathode, anode.
-de plena onda, full-wave antenna. anticlistico (mat), anticlastic.
- de refleribn, antenna, reflector. anticlinal m (geol), anticline; a anticlinal.
-de techo plano, flat-top antenna. -compuesto o mGltiple, anticlinorium.
- de toda onda, all-wave antcnna. -interrumpido, arrested anticline.
- de vientre (Es), loop antenna. -recostado, recumbent anticline.
-dipolo, dipole anterina, (Sp) doublet an- -tumbado, overturned anticline.
tenna. anticlinorio m (geol), anticlinorium.
-direccional, antenna array, beam or dircc- anticloro m (quirn), antichlor.
tional antenna. anticoagulante, anticoagulant.
-direccional transmisora, directive antenna. anticohesor m (m), anticoherer.
-emisora, transmitting antenna. anticombustible m, any fire-extinguishing chemi-
-en V, folded-wire or V antenna. cal.
- espina de pescado, fishbone antenna. anticondensacibn, anticondensation.
- falsa, artificial antenna. anticongelador m, deicer, anti-icer.
anticongelante aparato

anticongelante, antifreeze.
anticontraccidn, nonshrink.
anticorrosive, rust-resisting, antic0rrosii.e. non-
anticorto-circuit0 (clik), antishort.
' antipirico (C), fie-resisting.
antirrajadura, antisplitting.
antirrechinante, antisqueak.
antirresbalidizo, nonslip, nonskid.
I antirresonancia f (ra), antiresonance.

antichirrido, antisqueak. 1 .
antmesonante, (A) soundproof.
antiderrapante (M), nullskid. 1 antisalpicadura, nonsplash (funnel).

antideslizante (m) para correas, belt dressing. anbsdpbco, antiseptic; (pt) antifouling.
antideslumbrante (vi), antiglare. anbsrfonaje, an tisiplion.
antidesvanecedor (ra), antifading. antisimktrico, arrtisyrnmetrical.
antidetonancia f (mg), antiknock value. : . . earthquake-proof, antiseismic.
antidetonante m. antiknock, antidetonant, fuel antisonoro, soundproof.
dope; a antiknock. antisuero m (lab), antiserum.
antiebullicivo (cal), antipriming. antitdrmico, nonco~~durtirlg of heat.
antieconBmico, unprofitahlc. antivaho (A), antig1:Lre (R~:Iss).
antiendurecedor, nonhardening. antizumbido (elk), antillurn.
antien5rane (A), antiseize. antlerita f,aritleritb, native copper sulphate.
antiespuma (cal), antifoam, nonfoaming. antorcha f, welding torch; plumber's torch.
antiestltico (ra), antistatic. -a soplete, blowtorch.
antifase f (elkc), antiphase, opposite phase. -cortadora, cutting torch.
antifluctuacidn (e16c), antihunting.
antifricci6n, antifriction.
antigdnico (lab), antigenic.
de arco electric0 (sol), arc torch.
de guitarra o d e pared, banjo or wall torch.
camino, highway or road torch, fusee.
antigen0 m (lab), antigen. -soldadora, welding torch.
antigiratorio (cab), nonspinning. antraceno m, anthraccne.
antigolpeteo (mg), antiknock. antracifero (geol), anthraciferous.
antihalo (frna), antihalation. antracita f,anthracite or hard coal.
antiherrumbroso, rust-resisting. antracitico, anthracitic.
antihigrosc6pico (A), nonhygroscopic, moisture- antracitoso, anthracitous, containing anthracite.
proof. anulador (m) de energia, stilling pool, any device
antiinductivo (el&), anti-induction. for dissipating tlie energy of falling water.
antilarvario, larvae-destroying. anular a , annular.
antilogaritmo m, antilogarithm. anunciador m (elec), annunciator.
antimagndtico (A), nonmagnetic. anunciar, t o advertise.
mtimal$rico (C), antimalarial. anuncio m, announcement; advertisement.
lntimicrofdnico (ra) , antimicrophonic. aojada f (Col), skylight.
antimoniado, containing antimony, antimoni- apaciguador (m) de arc0 (sol), arc pacifier.
ureted. apagabrasas m (loco), live-coal extinguisher.
antimonial, antimonial. apagachispas m, spark extinguisher or arrester.
antimoniato m, antimonate. apagada a1 aire, air-slaked (lime).
antimdnico a , antimony, antimonic. apagador m, quencher, extinguisher; slaker;
antimonifero, containing antimony. (elec) (M) light switch.
antimonio m, antimony. -a espuma, foam fire extinguisher.
-arsenical (miner), allemontite, arsenical an- -de arc0 ( e l k ) , arc quencher.
timony. - de cal, linie slakcr.
-blanco (miner), valentinite, white antimony. -visible (M), surface switch.
-gris (miner), stibnite, gray antimony. apagafuego, apagaincendios, apagallamas m, fire
-pirof6ric0, explosive antimony. extinguisher.
-rojo, red antimony, kernles mineral. apagar, to extinguish, quench; t o slake (lime);
antimonioso, antimonious. (clec) t o switch off.
antimonita f (miner), antinlonitc, stibnite. apainelado, elliptical (arch); (Colj paneled.
antimonito m (quim), antimonitc. apalancar, t o pry, move with ;I lever.
antimoniuro m, antimonide. apaleadora f (C), power shovel.
antincrustante m, boiler or antiscale compound; apalear, to shovel.
a preventing scale formation; (pt) anti- apamate m, a Venezuelan lumber.
fouling. apancle, apantle m (M), irrigation ditch; flume.
antinodo m (ra), antinode. apantallar (ra), t o shield, screen.
-de la corriente, current antinode or loop. apantanar, t o flood, inundate.
antinormal, antinormal. aparadura f (cn), garbel, plate of the garboard
antioxidante, antirust, rust-resisting, antioxidant. strake.
antipalfidico, antimalaria. aparar, t o dress with an adz, t o dub.
antiparalela j (mat), antiparallel. aparatista (Es), instrument maker.
antiparalelo a, antiparallel. aparato m, apparatus, device, fixture.
nntiparlsito (elk), antiparasitic. -d e distribucibn (elk), switchgear.
antiparras f, goggles. -de mando, control mechanism.
antipatinador m, antiskid device. -de seguridad, safety device.
aparato 27
-de timoneo (cn), steering grar. aperiodicidad f , aperiodicity.
-dibujador, drafting ~riarl~ine. aperiddico (elkc), aperiodic.
-restituidor ( f ~ n s )restltutiori
, machine. apernar, to bolt; t o pin.
-rotulador (dib), lettering ~ ~ i a r h i n e . aperos m, tools, equipment, outfit.
-tensor, take-up tackle, tigllte~lillgdevice. apertura f,a r t of opening.
aparatos sanitarios, plumhi~lgfixtures. apestaiiar (Es), to flange.
aparedar, to wall up. apilador m (ef), decker.
aparejador m, rigger. one who l:tys out the work; apiladora f , stacker, portable elevator.
(Ig) fitter, ni:rr\icr. apilar, t o pile, stack.
aparejar, t o rig; to lay out; (pi) to prime, size, apilonar (C)(P11)(M), t o pile, pile up, stack.
fill; (m:\s) t o 1)und; (lhr) t o rou;:li-dress. apiiiadura f (ef), a jam.
sparejo m, 1)loc.k :i~ldfall; ch:~in block; tackle, apiiiamiento (m) del espectro (e1i.c). spectrum
rigging; p n ~ ~ c l ~ a s(ep;t ) priming, sizing. crowding.
filler; (mas) bond; (iri:~.\)! out; pack- apiiiar, apiiiarse, t o jam, clog, stick, stall.
sadtllc. apique nt, mine shaft.
-a cadena, cl~ainl~lock. apiri m, Iahorer in a mine.
-atesador o de compensaciBn, t:tlie-up tacklc. apisonado m (V), roadbed, subgrade.
-cruzado (l:ul), rross or Ihitrh bond. apisonador m, ralnmer, tamper.
-cuddruple, fonl.-l>n~ t t:rchle. -de relleno, backfill tamper.
-de dibujo, <lraftir~gm:~<,liine. -de vapor, steam roller.
-de lantia, singlc xvtiip. apisonadora J , tamper; roller.
-de maniobras (pet), ~ I ~ : I T vw ~ r l t s . -de neumdticos, rubber-tire roller.
-de molinete, capstan p u l 1 ~ l~loclts ~- (for line- -de patitas de carnero, sheepsfoot or tamping
men). roller.
-de perforacidn (get), drilling rig. -niveladora (ca), tamping and leveling ma-
-de retenida ( ~ I I vnllp ), l)rlrcll.~ar,gny tackle. chine.
-de sogas biseladas (l:~d), clipped or sccret apisonar, t o tamp, compact, ram.
bond. apitdn m, a Philippine lumber.
- de vBlvuia (niv) (hl), valve gear. apizarrado, containing slate.
-diferencial, diffcrcriti:il I~niht,rllairl hlork. apizarrar, to do slatework.
-espigado (1x1). I i c r r i i ~ ~ ~ )IoI OnIr: ~ . aplanadera f, straightedge; mason's float; road
-flamenco u holandCs (I:lrl), Flemish bond. drag.
- inglds (lad), E~igli>libo~irl. aplanador m, roller; grader; (bs) flatter; (mas)
-inglds y cruzado (lad), block-and-cross or float.
cross-and-English hond. aplanadora f, roller; grader; mason's float;
-quintuplo, five-part li~ie. dresser.
-tensor, take-up or tellhion tackle. -a vapor, steam roller.
apartadero m , (rr) hiding; (sr) tul.rrout; (rrl) wide -automotriz, rnotor roller.
place for passing; (canal) wide spot where -con pies de cabra o de pezufia, sheepsfoot or
boats may tie up. tamping roller.
-de paso, gassing siding, turnout. -mecdnica (ec), power float.
-muerto, dead-end siding. -pata de cabra, sheepsfoot roller.
-particular, private siding. aplanar, t o level, grade; t o sniooth u p ; (mas) t o
apartaderos solapados (fc), lap sidings. float.
apartado m, (min) orc separation; (M)smelting; aplantillar, t o work t o a template.
post-office box. aplastamiento m, collapsing; crushing; (pi)
apartador m, ore pickcr: sniritcr. brooming; (conc) (Pe) (Ti) (A) slump. '
apartamiento (m)meridiano, meridian distance. aplastar, t o flatten; t o crush, (pi) broom;
apartar, t o sort, separate, classify; (rr) t o side- aplastarse, t o collapse.
track. aplayar (r), to overflow.
apartarrayos m, lightning arrester. aplicador m (ca) (lab), applicator.
apatita f (miner), apatite. aplicar, t o place ggainst, apply to.
-fluor, fluorapatite. aplita f (geol), aplite.
apeadero m (fc), small station. aplobasalto m (geol) , aplobasalt.
apeador m, land surveyor. aplogranito m, aplogranite.
apeadura, surveying. aplomar, t o plumb; t o coat with lead; aplomarse,
apear, t o fell (trees) ; t o rhock ( ~ h e c l )t;o survey; t o collapse.
t o shore, timber, l~race;(Col) t o support; aplomo m, verticality; plumb b e ; a plumb,
(& to undrrpin.
I) vertical.
apelotonar, t o form into balls. apocrom8tic0, apochromatic (lens).
apelmazar, to compress. apomecdmetro m (lev), apomeeometer.
apeo m, a survey; tirnhering, sl~oring;cutting apopado (nLut), down by the stern.
trees; (M) undel.pirining. aporiolita f (geol), aporhyolite.
aperador m, wlleelivrigllt; foreman; (min) store- aporreador m (Ch), sledge, maul, striking hammer.
keeper. aportaci6n J, (hyd) inflow, runoff; (w) weld
aperar, to repair wagons. metal used in one operation.

aportadero m, anchorage in a port. apuntar, to take notes; t o sketch; t o point; (inst)

aportar (nLut), t o arrive in port. t o sight.
aporte m (hid), runoff, inflow. apunte m, rough sketch; memorandum, note.
aporticado (est)(A). rigidly framed (columns and apuntillado m (min), wedging, shimming.
connecting beam or truss). apurar, t o purify; t o finish; to hurry.
aportillar, t o make an opening in; aportillarse, t o aquastato m, Aquastat (trademark).
collapse. aquebradizar, to ernbrittle.
apostadero m, naval station. aquerita f (geol), akerite.
-de hidroaviones, seaplane base, air harbor. arabana f (az), arahan.
apotema f (mat), apothem. arabinosa f (as), arabinose.
apoyadero m, strut, shore, support. arado m, plow.
apoyado libremente (viga), simply supported. -de caminos, road plow.
apoyaherramienta m, tool rest. -de nieve, snowplow.
apoyapi6 m (auto), footrest. -desarraigador, rooting or rooter plow; grub
apoyar, t o support; apoyarse en, t o abut against, hook.
rest on. -descargador (fr), train plow, ballast plow.
apoyo m, support, bearing, cradle. -mfiltiple, gang plow.
- colgante, shaft hanger. - quitanieve, snowplow.
- de dilatacidn, expansion bearing. araguaney, araguato m. Venezuelan lumber
- de oscilacidn (est), rocker bearing. trees.
-de pasador, pin bearing. aralejo m, a West Indian hardwood.
- d e rodillos (pte), roller or expansion bcaring. arancel m, tariff.
apozarse (Col)(PIt), t o back up (water), t o form -aduanero, schedule of customs duties.
pools. -consular, list of consular fees.
apreciacidn f, appraisal, valuation; estimate; arandela f,washer, gasket; burr.
(inst) smallest reading. -abierta, slip washer, C or slotted washer.
appreciador m, appraiser. -acopada, cup washer.
apreciar, t o value, appraise; t o estimate. -achaflanada o ahusada, bevel washer.
aprecio m, appraisal, valuation. -cortada, cut washer.
aprendiz, apprentice. -de aceite, oil retainer.
aprendizaje m, apprenticeship. -de cabo, grommet.
apresar (Es), t o dam. -de cimacio o de gola, ogee or cast-iron
aprestado m, dressing. washer.
aprestador m (pint), primer. -de cojin, cushion washer.
aprestar, t o make ready; (pt) t o prime, size. -de empaque o de guamicibn, packing washer.
apresto m, outfit, equipment; (pt) priming. -de empuje, thrust washer.
-a soplete (pint), flame priming. -de grifo, bibb washer.
-para correas, belt dressing. -de placa, plate washer.
apretado, tight, close; compact. -ellstica o de resorte, spring washer.
apretador m, tightener. -espaciadora o separadora, spacing washer,
-de corredera, zipper. separator.
-de tuercas (Ch), n u t runner or setter. -fiador o de seguridad, lock washer.
apretar, t o tighten, t o set (brake); (sh) t o crowd; -fijadora, check or lock washer.
t o crimp (blasting cap). -lubricadora, oiling washer.
apretatubo m, hosecock, pinchcock. -nervada, ribbed cast-iron washer.
apretbn m (min), pressure. -partida, split washer.
apretura j,tightness; (top) gorge, narrows. -taza (111,cup washer.
aprietacable m (A), cable clip. araiia f (mec), spider, yoke, crowfoot.
aprietacadena m, chain tightener. araiiar, t o score, scratch.
aprietatuercas m, nut runner or setter. arar, t o plow.
aprieto m, (rnin) pressure; (machy) seizing. araucaria j,a South American pine.
aproche (Col), aproches (M) m, approach. a r a z l m, a South American hardwood.
apropiacidn f (C), appropriation. arbitraci6n f , arbitration,
aprovechamiento m, development, utilization, arbitrador, drbitro m, arbitrator.
exploitation; reclamation. arbitraje m, arbitration; arbitrage.
-forestal, logging, lumbering. arbitrar, t o arbitrate.
-hidroel6ctric0, hydroelectric development. lrbol m, tree; mast; (machy) dlaft, axle; man-
aprovisionamiento (m) de agua, water supply. drel; (bldg) center post of a spiral stairway.
aprovisionar, t o furnish, supply. -acodado, crankshaft.
aprodmacibn f, approximation; approach. -balanceador (nlg)_(A),rocker-arm shaft.
aprodmado a, approximate. -cardln, cardan shaft.
apuntador m, timekeeper; note keeper, recorder. -cigiieiial, crankshaft.
apuntadora f (mh), pointing tool. -compensador, compensating axle.
apuntalamiento m, shoring, timbering, trench -de anclaje (ef), spar tree, head spar.
bracing; falsework. -del balancin, balance arbor.
apuntalar, t o shore, brace, prop. -de boca de pozo (pet), Christmas tree.
-de cabezal, head shaft. -adintelado, flat arch.
-de camas (A), carribhait. -apainelado, elliptical arch.
-de cola (ef), tail tree. -articulado, hinged arch.
-de conexiones (pet), Christmas trcc. -birrotulado, two-hirigcd arch.
-de contramarcha, -capialzado, arth behind a lintel.
-de desembrague, clutch-shiftcr or clutch- -carbbnico (c,lGr)(.\),carhon are.
throwout shaft. -carpanel, tl~ree-centcretlor elliptical arch.
-del diferencial (auto), live axle.
-de direccibn (auto), steering shaft.
-crucero, rib a t intersection of groined arches.
-cubierto (sol), shielded arc.
-de distribucibn, camshaft. -de aligeramiento, relieving arch.
-de excentricas ( C ) , ranishaft. -de Bngulo constante, constant-angle arch
-de impulsibn, driving sliait. (dam).
-de levas, canlshaft. -de asa de canasta (MI, three-centered arch.
-de mando (auto) proprller shaft. -de centro pleno, serrlicircular or full-centered
-de reenvio (Es), countersliaft, secoiitl:iry arch.
shaft. -de cuatro centros, four-centered arch.
-- de sierra, saw mandrel. -de declinacibn (irist), declination arc.
-de torsibn, torq~icsl~aft. -de descargn, relieving arch.
-de transmisibn, drivuig h a f t , (:~utc.)propel- -de dos articulaciones, two-hinged arch.
ler sllaft. -de encuentro, groinctl arch.
-gigantesco, big trce, sequoia; rednr)ocl. -de enjuto abierto, open-spandrel arch.
-grGa (ef), spar trrc., lic:~(lspar or trec. -de tilete, fillet arch.
-motor, driving shaft or axle; cran!rsll:lft. -de la hdlice ((.ti), propeller arch, bridge
- partido, spllt shaft. picrc, tuck plate.
-propulsor, driving aliaft, (:III~CI) 111.ol1cller -de llama (elh), fl:triiing arc.
shaft. -de rnedio punto, sell~icircularor full-centered
arbolar, to plant, trec~s;t o set :I mast. arch.
arbollbn m, sewer, drain. -de radio constante, constant-radius arch
arborizacibn f , arborestacibn f ( M ) , forc%:.t:ition. (dam).
arbotante m, sen~iarrhsupporting s vault,, stl.ut -de sardinel, rowlock (brick) arch.
of a flying buttress; outlooker, Iloistirig -de segmento, segnlcritnl arch.
beam. -de sierra, haclcsaw frame.
arcs f, box. -de tres articulaciones o de triple charnela o
-de agua, cisteru. de triple rbtula, three-hinged arch.
-de herramientas, tooll,ox. -de tres centros, three-cent.ered arch.
arcada f , arcade, series of arrhcs. -descubierto (sol), urishiclded arc.
arcaduz m, conduit; elevator bucket. -en esviaje, skew arch.
arce m, maple. -escarzano o rebajado, segmental arch.
-sacarino o de azGcar, sugar maple. -forestal (tc), loggirifi arch.
arcdn m (Es), curb arou~ida h a f t or u~el1;river- -inverso (ra), arc-back, backfire.
bank. -mGltiple, lnultiple arch (dam).
arcilla f, clay -newado, ribbed arch.
-batida, puddlrd clay. -para troncos (tr), logging arch.
-cocida, burlit (.lay. -parlante (m), spe:tking arc.
-de batln, fuller's earth. -protegido (sol), sllieldcd aro.
-de cohesibn o de liga (ms), boild clay. -rampante, rampant arch.
-de iiltro, filter clay. -rectilineo, flat arch.
-de ladrillero, llrirk clay. -reticulado, framed arch.
- de pedernal, flint clay. -rotulado, hinged arch.
- de pudelaje (M), clay pud(llc. -sesgado, skew arch.
- descoloradora, bleacliirig clay. -sonoro (elbc), singing arc.
-endurecida (V), clay stonc. -taquimdtrico (inst), stadia arc.
-esquistosa, shale. -tricdntrico o zarpanel, three-centered arch.
-ferruginosa, iron clay, clay iroristorie. -trirrotulado, three-hinged arch.
-laminar (V), shale. -- vuelto, inverted arch.
-refractaria, fire clay. a r c h m, bin, bunker; caisson.
-refractaria apedernalada, flint ~ 1 : ~ s . -carbonero, coalhin.
arcillar m, deposit of clay; v t o spread clay; t o arcosa f (geol), arkose (sandstone).
mix ~ i t clny.
h archivador m, filing cabinet.
arcillita f (V), clay stone. archivar, t o file (documents).
arcilloarenoso (geol), argilloarenaceo~!s. archivero m (M), filing cabinet.
arcillocalclreo (geol), argillocalcareous. archivos m, (of) files.
arcilloso, clayey, argillaceons. arder, t o burn.
arc0 m, arch; arc: (elec) arc. Brea f, area; (mess) are.
-a regla, flat arch. -alimentadora o colectora (hid), drainage or
-acarreador de trozas (M), logging arch. catchment area, watershed.
-de calentamiento (ap), warming-up area. argamasdn m, lump of mortar.
-de captacidn o drenaje (hid), catchment irgana f (Es), derrick, crane.
area, waterslied. arganeo m, anchor ring.
-de escurrimiento (hid)(Col), drainage area, argbnteo, argental; silver-plated.
watershed. argbntico, argentic.
-de inundacidn, flooded area; flood plain. argentifero, containing silver, argentiferous, sil-
-de retenci8n (irr) , rl~cck. ver-bearing.
-de sobrerrec~rrido(ap), rllnover area. argentino, argental, silvery.
-de soporte (est), l)earing area. argentita f, arge~it.ite(silver ore).
-de sustentacibn, I~rarir~g area. argentoso, argentous.
-de viraje (ap), turn-around. argilolita f. clay st,one.
-erploradora ( t ~ )sranning
, spot. argilla f. day.
-vertiente (hid), watershed, drainage area. argirita, argirosa f (miner), argyrite, nrgyrose.
6reas extremas (ot,),end areas. argentite.
arena f, sand. argiritrosa / (miner), a r ~ r ~ ~ t l ~ rpyl.:rrcritc.
-acarreadiza, blow sand. argo m (quirn), argon
-corrediza, quicksand. argolla f , ring; staplc; shackle.
-cuarzosa, quartz sand. argiie m, wir~dl:tss, capstan.
-chancada, crusher qand. aridez f, aridity.
-de aristas vivas, sharp sand. lrido m, (conc) (rdj aggregat,~, road metal; n wid.
- de cantera o de mina, pit sand. -fino, fine aggregate. sand.
- de conchas, shell sand. -graduado, graded aggreg:Ltc.
- de duna, blow or dune sand. -grueso, roarse aggrtxg:rte.
-de escape (pet), thief sand. ariegita f (geolj, :tricgitc. (pyroxcnite).
-de fundicibn, ~noldingor foundry sand. arietazo m (hid), water I~amrncr.
-de granos angulosos, sharp sarld. ariete m, rani; water I~arnrncr.
-d e mar o de playa, heath sand. -a vapor, steat11 ram.
-de revocar, plastering sand. -hidrlulico, hy(lraulir ram; water hammer.
-de sflice, silica sand. arigue m (ed) (F),post,, stud.
-fliiida o movediza, quicksand. arista f, edge; salient angle; curb.
-fluvial, river sand. -cortante, cutting edge.
-gasifera, gas sand. -cortante del fuste (Ilerr), body-cutting edge.
-gorda o gruesa, coarse sand. -cortante de la punta (licrr). poir~t-('ritting
-molida, rolled or manufactured sand. edge.
-normal, standard sand. -de encuentro, groin, intersectio~~ of groined
-oriental (A), sand from Uruguay. arches.
-petrolifera, oil sand. -hidrogrlfica (V), watershed divkle.
-productiva (pet), pay or produaing sand. -matada, beveled edge.
-recia, coarse sand. -metllica de defensa, curb bar; corner bead.
-refractaria, fire or refractory sand. -viqa, sharp edge; draft edge.
-rodada, burksl~otsand. aristero m (to) (:hip. I),
-verde (fund), green sand. aristdn m, linc of intersection of groir!cd arches;
arenlceo, sandy, arenaccous. reinforced corner.
arenador m, sander; sandbox; (Ip'co) sand dome: aritm6tica f, arithmetir.
(A) sandblast outfit. aritmbtico, arithmetical.
arenadora f (ca) , sand spreader, sander. aritmdmetro m, calculating machine.
arena1 m, deposit of sand, sand pit or bar; (M) armada f, erection, asscmblp; navy.
sand dune. armadia f, raft.
arenar, t o sand. armado, built-up, framed, assembled; rei~~forced,
arenera f (M), sandblast outfit. trussed.
u e n e o m, sanding, sandblasting. -con pasadores, pin-connected.
u e n e r o m, sandbox; sand trap, settling basin: armador m, erector, framer; sllipou7ner.
grit chamber; (loco) sand dome. -de buques, sliipfittrr, sl~ipbuilder;shipowner.
areniua f, fine sand, molding sand; grit. -de puentes, bridgeman, steel erector.
arenillas (min) (M), tailings. armadura f , erection, assembly; bent, frame-
arenisca f, sandstone. work; truss; : ~ r ~ n a t n r(magnet),
e keeper;
-arcBsica, arkose. mounting; (conc) reinforcement; (V) con-
-verde, greensand. crete forms; (elec)(C) armature.
arenisco, arenoso, sandy. -A, A frame.
areometria f , (rhern) hydrometry, areometry. -articulada, pin-connected truss.
areombtrico, arcometric. -atiesadora, stiffeni~lgtruss.
arebmetro, hydrometer, areometer, (su) spindle. -Baltimore, Ilaltirnore truss.
aretillo m, a Cuban hardwood. -Burr, Burr truss.
arganera f (Es) , g r o o v i ~ ~saw,
g crozc. -comprimida (conc), compression reinforce-
argamasa f , (mas) mortar. ment.
argamasar, t o lay in mortar, t o cement. -contraquebranto (cn), hog frame.
armadura 31 arrancador
-cruzada (conc), tn-o-way reinforcement. -d e compresidn (bmbolo), compression ring.
- -- de arco y cuerda, b a \ \ - > t r i ~truss.
~g d e bmbolo, piston or packing ring.
-d e cubierta, roof truss. d e freno, brake ring.
- d e dos p6ndolas, qu(.c,n-l~oct truss. -- d e guarnicidn, packing ring.
-d e enrejado, Inttire tl.u<s. -d e neumltico (auto), rim.
- d e Ifinula, rresi.!,~rttrubs. -d e pistdn, piston ring.
-d e malla (cone), I I I : L 1.ei11iorcemerlt;
~ mesh -d e resorte, snap ring (piston).
rcir~fori-rmcnt. -d e ventilacidn (auto), ventilated piston ring.
- d e pasadores, yin-cor~ncrtcrltl.n.-s. -dentado, ring gear.
-d e pendol611, liir~~-!rosttr.uss. -desmontable (auto), demountable rim.
- d e rigidez, st ~ ( T c ~ r ~t iI.IISS.
~ro -empaquetador, packing ring.
- d e segueta ( ( ' I , h:ic,ks:lrv franic. -portabolas o de rodillos, bull racc (bearing),
-d e surgencia (l,r.ti(V\, ('llrist~nnstree. roller rage.
- d e tablero inferior, t!rr.oii~l~ truss, -rasca-aceite (aut.0) (ti),srr:tI)er ring.
-d e tablero superior, ( 1 ~ r . ktruss. -rascador, srrapcr ring.
-d e tijera, s~,liclorhtr~i-b. -regulador d e aceite (auto), oil-control ring.
-d e viga, t ~ l l h ~ i l l~ig a 1)~:irn. arpeo m , c w ~ liook:
t grapnel.
-e n abanico, f:m t r u ~ . arpeos d e pie, clir1ll)ing irons, climbers.
-e n arco, arrli t r~1.s. arpillera f, burlap, 1,:lgging.
-e n espiral (r.onr), s11ir:~lrcirlforcernent. arpdn n~ f p c t ) , spear.
-e n K, I< tt.~ibs. -d e circulacidn y desprendimiento, releasing
-enana (1-), pony truss. and circulnting spear.
-Howe, Ilo~vt,truss. -d e disparo, trip $pear.
-Pennsylvania, I'enr~sylvania or Petit truss. - desalojador, releasing spear.
-Petit, I'etit truss. -pescacable, rope spear.
-Pratt, Pr:ttt truss. -pescatubos, rabinr: spear.
-rebajada, pony truqs. -pescavllvulas, valve spear.
-rechoncha (I.), putry tr~iss. arponado, pronged, ragged (bolt).
-selectiva, selcctivc a h s e t ~ ~ l ~ l y . arqueador m ,ship surveyor.
-superior (.I), througli tl.uss. arquear, t o ~1.(.11;t o survey a ship: arquearse
-tejida (ronc), rilesll r t ~ i r i f ~ r ~ e m t n t . (an), t o hog.
-triangular, tri:it~gulnr or truss, War- arqueo m, arching; nieasurement of a vessel;
re11 girder. torlnage of a vessel; (corn) audit; appraisal
-volada, cantile!-cr truss. of assets.
-Warren, lVarren girder or truss, tri:rrlgrllar -bruto, gross tonnage.
truss. - d e registro, registered tonnage, tons register.
-Warren d e doble interseccibn, double tri- -neto, net tonnage.
angular tru>s. arqueria f,series of arches, arcade.
-Whipple, 1Vl1ipple tru-s, do~il~le-intersection arquitecto m, architect.
P r a t t truss. -naval, naval architect.
armaduria f , :iasr~;ihlinpsliop. -paisajista, landscnpe architect.
armaje m, crc.(.tiori, assenil~ly;(.I) fr:~rrlework. arquitectdnico, architectural.
armar, t o assernhle, erect, frame; to reillforce; t o arquitectura f,architecture.
truss. -civil, arcliitecture.
armario ~ n cabinet.
, -hidrlulica, hydraulic engineering.
-d e cortacircuito (cli.c), cutout 1,os. -militar, military cngirleering.
-d e dibujos, glati file. -naval, naval arrliit,erture.
- d e herramientas, tool ralrinet. arquitectural (M) ( E s ) , arcliitcctural.
armazbn f, framework, sl<cleton, frarrir, chassis; arquitrabe m, architrave; ( C ) bearn; (Col) lintel.
floor system of a bridge; (V) cui~crcterein- arrabio m, pig iron; a n ingot.
forren~ent. arramblarse, t o be covered with sand b y a flood.
-A, r l fr:lrne. arrancaalcayatas m ffc), spike puller.
-contraladeo (cbt) +nS:i:- frame. arrancaclavos m, claw bar, nail puller.
- d e orugas, (rr) t1,:lc.k ~I.:IIII(~,
-d e sustentacibn, rii:)\vork, cril,.
rrawler frame. arrancada f, starting.
arrancador m, puller; grubber, ripper; (auto)
-del timdn ( i , n ~rudder , f~.nnic. self-st:trtcr; (elcc) starting compensator;
-para serrucho (.'.I, 11:rt.l.ri:~wfraillc. (pet) fisl~ir~g tool.
-para troncos ( t r ) , loggiirg a1.cl1. -a botdn, pui21-button starter.
armella f , e?.c~l~r,lt; ,tal)lc. -automhtico, self-starter.
- d e resalto, shorilJ(.r cytbolt. -Bendix, I3e11di.r drive.
armdnico m a ( I I I :) ~(c~li,rj,
~ liarrri~r~ic. -d e estator (elbe) (A), field s t a r t e r o r control-
aro m, Iloop. ring; (auto) tire ritri. ler.
-del aguildn (g1.j. hoorn band. -d e postes d e cerco, fence-post puller.
-d e barril, harrcl Iioop. -d e raices, grubber.
-d e base plana (auto), flat-base rim. -d e rotor (.4), armature starter.
-d e caja (auto). 11ollow rim. -d e yerbajos, weed eradicator.
armadura 31 arrancador
-cruzada (eonc), tn-o-wag reinforcement. -d e compresidn (embolo), compression ring.
de arc0 y cuerda, bou-btririg truss. -d e bmbolo, piston or packing ring.
-d e cubierta, roof t r u i . ~ . - d e freno, brake ring.
- d e dos p6ndolas, qu(~c,~i-~)o>t truss. -d e guarnicibn, packing ring.
-- d e enrejado, Inttirr t~.u.s. - d e neumltico (auto), rim.
-- d e IGnula, cresc!,r~ttruss. - d e pistBn, piston ring.
-- d e malla (rorlc), riiat ~cirliorcement;nicsh -d e resorte, snap ring (piston).
reir~forcemcnt. -d e ventilacibn (auto), ventilated piston ring.
-- d e pasadores, yin-coniicrteil t r l ? ~ . -dentado, ring gear.
-d e pendolbn, kirtc-post truss. -desmontable (nuto), demountable rim.
- d e rigidez, st~lTc~rlirr~ t~.uss. -empaquetador, p:rcking ring.
-d e segueta ( ( ' I . h::(,ks:~~\-ft,a~lic. -portabolas o de rodillos, ball rncc (bearing),
-d e surgencia i p r t ) i\.).CYlristr~~:lstree. roller rage.
d e tablero inferior, t!r~.ol~gli truss. -rasca-aceite (auto) (ti), scraper ring.

d e tablero superior, ilcck truzs. -rascador, scraper rirlg.

-d e tijera, S ( , I Z > Otl-11-b.
I.~ -regulador d e aceite (auto), oil-control ring.
-d e viga, tr~~h-irlg ~i :I hc:tm. arpeo 7n, r:trlt hook: grapnel.
-e n abanico, f : ~ r i tl-u+,. arpeos d e pie, clirl~l)irigirons, climbers.
-e n arco, :trrli ~I.LI.S. arpillera f, burl:~p,bagging.
-e n espiral (r.orlc), h11ir:ll reinforccrncnt. arpbn m (pet), spcnr.
-e n K,Ii trubs. -d e circulacibn y desprendimiento, releasing
-enana ( V ) , poriy truss. a n d circulatirig spear.
-Howe, I I o a c truss. -d e disparo, trip spear.
-Pennsylvania, I'ernisylvnnia or Petit truss. -desalojador, releasing spear.
-Petit, I'ctit tl.115~. -pescacable, rope spear.
-Pratt, Pr:ttt truzs. -pescatubos, rasing spear.
-rebajada, pony t rurs. -pescaviilvulas, valve spear.
-rechoncha (I.), pony truss. arponado, pronged, ragged (bolt).
-selectiva, sclcctivc 3 h ~ ~ l l l l J l y . arqueador m, s h i l ~surveyor.
-superior (.1),tlirougli tl.uss. arquear, t o arch; t o survey a ship: arquearse
-tejida (ronc), rll~sllri~inforccment. (an), t o hog.
-triangular, tri:trigulur or \ truss, T a r - arqueo m, archirlg; nieasurcment of a vessel;
reri girder. tonn:rge of a vessel; (corn) audit; appraisal
-volada, cantilel-er truss. of assets.
-Warren, \Varrcn girder or truss, tri:~r~gnl:~r -bruto, gross tonnage.
truss. - d e registro, registered tonnage, tons register.
-Warren d e doble interseccijn, double tri- -neto, net tonnage.
angul:~rtru-s. arqueria f , series of arches, arcade.
-Whipple, IVliijiplc truss, dotil~le-intcrsectio~l arquitecto m, architect.
P r a t t truss. -naval, naval architect.
armaduria f , :r>irr:il,linp shop. -paisajista, larrdsrapc architect.
armaje m, erc(.tio~l, assen~l)ly;(.I) fr:lrncwork. arquitectbnico, architectural.
armar, t o asscnil~le,erect, frarnc; to reir~lorcc;t o arquitectura f,architecture.
truss. -civil, architccturc.
armario m, c>abinet. -hidrlulica, hydraulic engineering.
-d e cortacircuito (cli.c), cutout l~ox. -militar, military cngir~cering.
-d e dibujos, glari file. -naval, naval arcl~iterture.
- d e herramientas, tool rnlrinet. arquitectural (,\I) ( E s ) , arcllitectural.
armazbn f, frarnc\\ork, sl<cleton, frnrrie, chassis; arquitrabe m, architrave; ( C ) beam; (Col) lintel.
floor system of a bridge; (\-) cuilcrctc rein- arrabio m, pig iron; a n ingot.
forren~ent. arramblarse, t o be covered with sand by a flood.
-A, r l frnrrie. arrancaalcayatas m (fc), spike puller.
-contraladeo (cst) , >way frame. arrancaclavos m, claw bar, nail puller.
- d e orugas, (rr ) tl.:tck fr.:~ritc~,
-d e sustentacijn, c1i:)\vork, crib.
crawler frame. arrancada f, starting.
arrancador m, puller; grubber, ripper; (auto)
-del timbn ( m ) , rutldcr fr.:i~i~c. self-st:irtcr; (clcc) starting compensator;
-para serrucho (.'.), 11:~clii:~w I~:LIIIC. (pet) fisllirlg tool.
-para troncos (ti.), li~pgi~rg arcli. -a botbn, 1,usli-buttort starter.
armella f, c ? . ( ~ i ~ ohtuplc.
lt: -automltico, self-st:trtcr.
- d e resalto, shoulder eyrbolt. -Bendix, Bc~ldixdrive.
armbnico m a (11131 ) ((,l(,i,j,I ~ z r r r ~ o ~ i i c . -d e estator (elbc) (.I),field s t a r t e r or control-
aro m, hoop, ring; (allto) tire rill]. ler.
-del aguilbn ( X I . )hoor~i , band. -d e postes d e cerco, fence-post puller.
-d e barril, barrel I~oop. -d e raices, pruhbcr.
-d e base plana (auto), flat-base rim. -d e rotor (A), armature starter.
-d e caja (auto), hollow rim. -d e yerbajos, weed eradicator.
arrancador 32 artefactos

-por inercia, inertia starter. -secundario o de contratensidn (pte), coun-

arrancaengranajes m, gear puller. terbracing.
arrancaescarpias m (fc), spike bar. arriostrar, to brace, stay.
arrancapernos m, spike puller. arroba f, weight of 25 lb; measure varying from
arrancapilotes m, pile puller or extractor. 3% to 4% gal.
arrancar, t o start; to pull, draw; to root out; t o arrojar (exc), to cast, dump; to waste.
spring (arch) ; (min) to mine, dig. arrolladizo, rolling.
arrollado en derivacidn (e16c), shunt-wound.
arrancarraices m (cc), rooter, ripper. arrollado en serie (elkc), series-wound.
arrancasondas m, drill extractor. arrolladura f (mad), shake.
arrancatablas m (ts), plank puller. arrollamiento m (c:li.c), winding.
arrancatocdn m, stump puller. -anular, ring winding.
arrancatubos m, pipe puller, tube extractor. -- compensador, compensating winding.
arranque m, (machy) starting; beginning, intake - de arranque, starting winding.
(canal) ; spring line (arch) ; (rr) lcad ; (rr) -de cuerdas, chord or sl~ort-pitch or frao-
turnout; (rnin) breaking ground; (rnin) tional-pitch winding.
mining, digging. -de lazo, lap wintling.
-domiciliario, service connection to a main. - de marcha, running winding.
-en frio, (eng) cold starting. -de tambor, (lrurrr windir~g.
-prictico o real (fc), practical lead. -diametral, full-pitch winding.
-tebrico (fc), theoretical lead. -inducido, armature winding.
arrasador m (Ch), levcling or finishing macl~ine. -inductor, field winding.
arrasar, to level; (bldg) to wreck, demolish, raze. -ondulado, wave or undulatory winding.
arrastradero m (ef), skidding or snaking trail. -regulador, regulating winding.
arrastradora (f) de troncos (ef), log hauler. arrollar, to roll, wind, reel.
arrastrar, to haul, move, pull, draw, drag; (hyd) arromar, to blunt, dull.
to scour, wash out; (r) to carry in suspen- arroyada f, channel of a small stream, gully,
sion; (hyd)(chenl) to entrain; (lg) to skid, brook.
snake, twitch, yard. arroyado, gullied.
arrastratubos m, pipe puller. arroyo, brook. stream, creek; small valley, gully,
arrastre m, haulage, hauling, carrying, dragging; draw; gutter.
washout; drag mill; slope of an adit; (ra) -consecuente (geol), consequent stream.
pulling; (ra) tracking. -obsecuente (gcol), obsequellt stream.
-capilar, capillary entrainment. -resecuente (gcol), resequent stream.
-de agua (cal), priming. -subsecuente (geol), subsequent stream.
- de dmbolo (auto), piston drag. arroyuelo m, srr~allbrook or valley.
-de fondo (r), bed load. arrufadura f (an), sheer.
arrastres, suspended matter in a stream, silt. arrufo m (an), sheer; sagging.
arrecife m, ridge of rock, ledge, reef; causeway. arruga f, corrugation, wrinkle.
-barrera o de barra, barrier reef. arrugas de doblez (tub), bending creases.
-costero, fringing reef. arrugado, corrugated, fluted.
arreglador (m) de averias (seg), average adjuster arrugamiento m (geol), small fold.
or surveyor. arruma f (cn), a hold, cargo compartment.
arremolinado m (r), eddy. arrumaje m, stowage, stowing.
arremolinarse, t o eddy, swirl, form whirlpools. arrumar, to stow.
arrendador m, lessor. arrumbamiento m, (surv) (nav) bearing; (geol)
arrendamiento m, lease. strike.
arrendar, to rent, lease. arrumbe, arrumbre m (Ch), rust,
arrendatario m, lessee, leaseholder. arrumbrarse (Ch), to rust.
arrestachispas m, spark catcher. arsenal m, shipyard, dockyard; navy yard
arrestallamas m, flame arrester. arsenal.
arriada f, flood. arseniato m, arsenate, arseniate.
arriar, to lower; to slack off; (cab) to pay out; arsenical, arsenical.
arriarse, to be flooded. arsdnico m a , arsenic.
arriba add, above, overhead, upstairs. -blanco, white arsenic, arsenic trioxide.
-de la corriente, upstream. -piritoso (miner), arsenical pyrites, arsenopy-
arricete m, reef of rocks. rite.
arrimadero m, berth a t a dock; ferry slip. -rojo, red arsenic, realgar.
arrimadillo m, wainscot, dado. arsenioso, arsenious.
arrimaje m, lighterage; (Ph) loading platform. arsenito m, arsenite.
arrimar, to place against; (naut) t o dock, berth. arseniuro m, arsenide.
arrimo m, curtain wall; party wall. arsenopirita (mineral de arsbnico), arsenopyrite
arriostramiento m (est), bracing. arsenical pyrites.
-contracimbreo o contraladeo, sway bracing. artefact0 m, device, appliance, fixture.
-contraviento, wind bracing. artefactos de alumbrado, lighting fixtures.
-de portal (pte), portal bracing. artefactos sanitarios, plumbing fixtures.
artesa 33 asfalto

artesaf, trough, tray, launder, mortar tub; (Col) asentado de canto (niarn), face-bedded.
river basin. asentador m, stonenlason; chisel; (pet) settler.
- - de almacenamiento (Col), storage basin or -de chavetas, key-seating cl~isel.
reservi)ir. -de vilvulas, valve grinder.
de amortiguacibn (hid) (Col), stiUing pool. asentamiento m, settlement ; (cone) (A) (C) slump.
-de criba, screen pan. -con vibraci6n (coric), vil~ratoryslump.
-de despumacibn o de espumas (dac), shim- -normal (colic), standard slump.
ming or scum trough. asentar, (str) t o set, seat; (act) to enter; (mas)
- de lavado (pa), wash trough. t o bed; (t) to hone; (machy)(A) t o run in;
-de rebose (:$I),save-all, catchall. asentarse, t o settle.
-de salpicadura (lu) , splash trougli. aseo (m) urbano, street cleaning.
-de via ( f c ) , track pan. aserradeco m, sawnlill.
-de volteo (niz), dumping chute. -a sierra sin fin, band mill.
-oscilante (rnin), cradle. -mitltiple, ga11g mill.
artesano m, artesnn, skilled workman, mechanic. -para chapa, vrneer mill.
-de banco, bench worker, benrbrnan. -para durmientes, tie niill.
artesianismo m (Pe), condition of artcsian water. -transportable, portable sawmill.
artesiano, artesian. aserradizo, fit t o be sawcd into l u n ~ l x r .
artesbn m, tub, mortar box; panel; (min) wash- aserrado por cuartos, quartersawed, edge-grain.
tro~ifili. aserrado (m) (simple, tangent-sawing, plain-saw-
artesonado m, paneling, wainscoting. ing, bastard-sauring.
articulacidn f , joint, hinge, articulation, knee aserrador m, sawyer, sawnlill worker; (Ec) saw-
joint. mill.
-cardhn, rardan joint. aserradora f , power saw.
-de cruceta ( A ) , universal joint. - de banda, hnrld saw, band mill.
-esfkrica o de rbtula, ball-and-socket joint. -de banda para repasar, band r-saw.
-giratoria, swivel joint. -de cantero, stone saw.
-universal, universal joint. -en caliente, hot saw.
articulado, jointed, articulated. -en frio, cold saw.
-con pasadores, pin-connected. aserradura f,sawing; a saw cut.
articular, t o hinge, articulate, joint. aserraduras, sawdust.
artifice m, artisan, skilled workman; maker. aserrar, to saw.
artificial, artificial. -a contrahilo, to saw arross the grain.
artificio m, device, appliance. -a1 hilo o a lo larco, t o ripsaw.
artillero m (min) (Es), blaster, powderman. -metales, to harksaw.
artisela f,rayon. aserrin m, sawdust.
a s (m) de guia, bowline knot. aserrio m (C) (Mi, sawmill.
asa f, handle, haft, bail; (&I)thimblc. aserruchar, to saw.
-de cubo, hail (bucket). asesor m, corisultant; (ins) adjuster.
asbestiforme (ruiner), asbestiforrn. -de averias, average or insurance adjuster.
asbestina f (pint), Asl~estine(trademarl:). -legal, coulisel.
asbestino, ma(le of a-hestos, asbestine. -t6cnic0, tecllnical adviser.
asbesto m, asbestos. asfaltador m, asplialt pavcr.
-acolchonado, (in]) ashcstos blanket. asfaltaje m, aspllalting.
-de corcho, mountain cork. asfaltar, to asplialt.
- e n cartbn, as\)e:itiis hoard. asfalteno (M), aspl~altene.
asbesto-cambray barnizado (ais), asbestos-var- asfiltico, asphaltic.
nished calilhric. asfaltifero, containing asplialt.
ascensibn recta, right ascension. asfaltina f,a3phaltcne.
ascenso m, :kc; promotion. asfaltita f (pet), asphaltite.
- muerto (an), dead rise. asfalto m, asphdlt.
ascensor m, elevator. -adelgazado (M), asphalt cutback.
-de acera, sideurnlk elevator. -artificial, artificial or oil asphalt.
-de carga, freight elevator. -cortado, asplialt cutback.
-de tambor, drurn-tj-pe elevator. -de alta penetraci6n (ca), high-penetration
-de traccihn, trartion-type elevator. asphalt.
--kidrhulico, plr~rigcrelevator. -de cura rbpida, rapid-curing asphalt.
-sin engranaje, gearless elevator. - de curado lento, slow-curing asphalt.
ascensorista m f, clcv:ttor operator. -de petrbleo, petroleum asplialt.
ascua f , anything incandcscerit or red-hot. -de roca, rork asphalt.
asegurado m, the assured. -diluido, cutk~ackasphalt.
asegurador m, f:l.tcrrcr, ancl~or;insurer. -fluxado (ca)(hl), Aux asphalt.
aseguradores contra incendios, fire underwriters. -insuflado, b l o ~ r iasplialt.
asegurar, t o fastrn; to insure. -lacustre, lake as[>halt.
asentable (hid), sett1eat)le. -mineral, rock asphalt.
asentado nL (auto) (. running
l). in. - natural, native asplialt.
-pllstico, asphalt putty. -de polvo, vacuum cleaner, dust exhauster.
-rebajado (ca), flux asphalt, asphalt cutback. aspirar, to suck, draw in.
-rebajado de curacidn mediana, medium-cur- asquistico (geol), aschistic.
ing cutback. asta f, pole; (t) handle, shank; (mas) header.
-retinado a1 aire, air-blown asphalt. - de canto (lad), bull header.
-refinado a1 vapor, steam-blown asphalt. -de suspensores (cv), carrier horn.
-reIlenado, m e d asphalt, asphalt enamel. -, muro de, wall 1 brick thick.
asidero m, handle. -y media, muro de, wall 1% bricks thick.
asiento m, (str) bearing, seat; (conc) slump; set- astaticidad f , astaticism.
tlement (foundation); (hyd) settlement, astktico (elec), astatic.
settling; site; (act) entry; (A) saddle of a astatizar, t o astatize.
lathe. astial m (Es), side wall of a sewer; (rnin) side wall
-del aguilbn (gr), boom-seat castiqg. of a gallery.
-de 10s aguilones (cn), boom or mast table. astil m, shank, handle; beam of a scalc.
-de cola (auto), rumble seat. astilla f, chip, splinter; spa?l.
-de deslizamiento (maq), sliding bearing. - de cantera, quarry spall.
-de expansidn (pte), roller or expansion bear- -de laminacibn (met), spill, lap.
ing. -muerta (an), dead rise.
-de montaje (est), erection seat. astillar, to splint,cr, (pi) broom; astillarse, t o
-de puente, bridge seat. spall; to splinter, (pi) broorn.
-de recambio (vL), renewable seat. astillero m, shipyard, dockyard, naval station;
-d e zaga (auto), rumble seat. rack for pipe or bars.
-longitudinal (cn), trim. -de torre (pet), finger board.
-mineral, mining region. astilloso, splintery, easily chipped; (met) spilly.
-postizo (vh), renewable seat, valve insert. astrPgalo m (arq), astragal.
asignaci6n f , salary; appropriation. astronbmico, astronomic, astronomical.
asimetrk f, asymmetry. asurcar, to furrow.
asim6tric0, asymmetrical, unsymmetrical. atabe m (pb)(Eh), cleanout opening; vent.
asincrdnico, asfncrono ( e l k ) , asynchronous. atabladera f , drag, road planer.
asincronismo m, asynchronism. atablar, to srrced, s~nootlioff.
asintonizar (ra), to detune. atacadera f (vol), bulling bar, tamping stick.
asintota f (mat), asymptote. - de bloque, tamping block.
asihtdtico, asymptotic. -de barro (min)(tilrl), bull, clay iron, claying
asismicidad f , aseismicity. bar.
asismico, aseismic. atacador m, tamping stick or bar.
asistente, assistant, helper. atacamita f, atacaniite (copper ore).
asnado m, mine timber. atacar (vol), to tamp, ram, stem.
asnas f, rafters. atado m, a bundle.
asnilla f , strut, shore; (bldg)(Sp) needle. atador (m) de troncos (cf), load binder, stretcher
asnillo m, carpenter's horse; shore. jack.
asociacibn f , association, company, union. atadora (f) de listones, lath binder.
- de fabricantes, manufacturers' association. atadura f , tie, fastening.
-obrera, labor union. atagula f, (hyd) cofferdam; (mech) guides.
-patronal, employers' association. -celular, cellular (sheet-pile) cofferdam.
-profesional obrera (Ch), trade-union. -de caj6n, open caisson.
asomo m (geol), outcrop, inlier. -de cofre, crib cofferdam.
asotonar, to dig a cellar. -de encofrado y relleno, puddle-wall coffer-
aspa ), vane, wing. flight; (mx) blade; (min) in- dam.
tersection of two veins. -de tablestacado simple, single-wall sheet-pile
aspas, X bracing. cofferdam.
aspereza f, roughness; (conc) harshness. -encajonada, box cofferdam, open caisson.
ispero, rough; (conc) harsh. -methlica (M), coffcrdani of steel sheet piling.
asperdn m, grindstone; flagstone, stone slab; ataguiar, to cofferdam.
sandstone. atajadero m (hid), small gate; (irr) division gate;
-de diamante, diamond wheel. diversion dam.
asperonar (M), to grind (tools). atajadizo m, baffle wall.
asperosidad f (M), roughness. atajador m (mec), arrester.
aspersor m, sprinkler. -de golpe de ariete, water-hammer supprez-
aspaera f, opening in a wall. SOT.
aspiracibn f, suction, draft. atajar, to obstruct; to dike.
- de polvo, dust exhaust. atajo m, dike; (A) cofferdam; (M)cutoff wall;
trail, path; barrier.
-mzclnica, forced draft.
-normal, natural draft. atalajar, to haul; to couple; to harness, hitch up.
aspirador m, suction pipe; draft tube; exhauster; atalaje m, harness; coupling; hitching up.
aspirator. ataludadora f (ca), hacksloper, sloper blade.
-de aserrin, sawdust collector. ataludar, ataluzar, t o slope; t o batter.

atanor m, draintile. atmbmetro m, atmometer.

atapialar (Ec), t o build mud walls. atmbsfera f , atmosphere.
ataque m, taniping of powder; (Pe) breaking -tipo, standard atlnosphere.
ground. atmosfbrica f (ra) ( M ) , static, atmospherics.
ataques (min), deads, rubbish. atmosf6ric0, atmospheric.
atar, t o tie, bind, lash. atoaje m, towing, towage; a tow.
atarazana f, shipyard. atoar, t o tow.
atarjea f, drainpipe, small culvert; (M) small
sewer; (Pe) reservoir.
atolladerO m, (machy) pocket, dead end.
-dom6stica, house connection to a sewer. atollar, atollarse, to stick, clog, jam.
atarquinamiento m, silting up, covering with atbmico, atomic.
mud. atomizador m, atomizer.
atarquinarse, t o silt up. -de pintura, paint sprayer.
atarrajar, t o thread, tap. atomizar, to atomize.
atarugar, t o plug; to wedge. Btomo m, atom.
atascadero m, mudhole, bog. Btomo-gramo, gram-atom.
atascado (cat)). foul. atorarse, t o jam, stick.
atascamiento (m) de hielo, ire jam. atornillador m, screwdriver.
atascar, to stop ,up, obstruct; (bl)(A) t o t a m p - de empuje, alltomatic or spiral screwdriver.
powder; atascarse, t o stick, jam; t o bog atornilladora (f) de tuercas, n u t runner or
down; ( e n d t o stall. tightener.
atasco m, jamming, sticking. atornillar, t o screw; (C) to bolt
ataujia f (AC), ronduit, drain. atoro m, obstrurtion, jam.
ateje m, a hardwoo(l of the \Vest Indies. atracadero m, wharf, landing place, berth; ferry
atejo m (Col), bundle. slip.
atemperador m (aa), attc.mperator. -paralelo, marginal wharf.
atemperar (a:t), t o temper; t o condition. atracar (nkut), to berth, dock, bring alongside.
atenuacibn f (elk), attenuation. atrapador m, trap; (raj catcher.
atenuador m (elk), attenuator, pad; (ra)(A) -de agua, ste:~mtrap.
fader. -de mandfbulas, alligator grab.
atbrmico, athermic. -de ondas (ra) ( A ) , wave trap.
aterrajado cbnico, taper thread. - de polvo, dust collector.
aterrajar, to thread, t a p ; (fdy) t o strickle. atrapadora (f) de arena (pet), sand trap.
aterraje m (ap) (A), landing. atrapanticleos m (pet), core catcher.
aterrar, t o fill with earth; t o demolish; aterrarse, atrapar, t o trap.
t o silt up. atraparripio m (pet(). junk catcher.
aterrizaje m (ap), landing. atraque m, landing place, wharf; mooring.
-a ciegas, Ijlind or instrument landing. atrasarse, (elerj t o lag; (rr) t o be late.
-a favor del viento, down-wind landing. atraso m (elkc), lag.
-aplastado, pancake landing. -de imanacibn, magnetic lag.
-con velocidad critica, stall landing. -histerbtico, liysteresis lag.
-de precisibn, spot or precision landing; ac- atravesado m, (masj(M) header, bondstone; a
curacy landing. crosswise.
-en tres puntos, three-point landing. atravesafio m, header, cap, crosspiece; (bdg)
-planeado, glide landing. Aoor beam; (C) crosstie.
aterronarse, t o berome lumpy, t o cake. atravesar, to cross, pass through; t o place eross-
atesador m, stiffcncr; tskc-up tackle. wise; (tv) to traverse.
-de correa, belt tigl~tener. atravieso m (top)(Ch), gap, pass.
atesar, t o tighten; to stiffen. atrecho m (Pli), trail, path.
atibar, (min) to park, fill up; (Col) to load, stow. atril m (lab), rark.
atices m ( ~ n i n(Col),
) lagging, spilling. atronadura f (niad), cheek.
atierre m, filling with earth; silting up; (min) audibilidad f (ra), audibility.
slide of wa-te material. audible, audible.
atierres (rnin), deads. audifono m, headphone, earphone.
atiesacadena m, chain tightener. audio a (ra), audio.
atiesador m, stiffener; take-up tackle. audioamplificador m (ra), audio or audiofre-
-de apoyo, (gi) bearing stiffener. quency amplifier.
-de mamparo (cn), bulkhead stiffener. audiofrecuencia f (ra), audiofrequeney.
-extremo, (gi) end stiffener. audibmetro m, audiometer.
atiesar, t o tighten; t o stiffen. audibn (ra), audion.
atirantar, t o guy, stay; to truss. audiooscilador m (ra), audio or audiofrequency
atizador m, poker, slice or clinker or slash bar oscillator.
fire hook; stoker. audiosefial f (ra), audio signal.
atizar, to trim a fire. auditor m (M), auditor.
atizonar, t o bond with headers; t o embed in a auditoria f (M), auditing.
wall. augita f (miner), augite, pyroxene.
augita autopropulsor

augita-pdrfido (geol), augitophyre, augite-POT- autodinar (ra), t o autodyne.

phy ry. autodino a (ra), autodyne.
aullido m (ra), howl. autoelevador, self-raising.
-- de borde, fringe howl. autoencendido m, self-ignition.
aumentador m, aumentadora f, booster; in- autoendurecedor, self-hardening.
creaser; augmenter; magnifier. autoengrasador, self-lubricating.
-de presibn, pressure booster. autoenrasillante (ed), self-furring.
-de velocidad, speed increaser. autoequilibrador ( e l k ) , self-balancing.
- de salto (hid), fall increaser. autoestable, independently stable, self-support-
aureola f (geol), contact zone, aureole. ing.
auricular m (tel), earpiece; a aural. autoestibante (nAut), self-stowing.
-de mano (ra), hand receiver. autoestrada f (A) (M) (Es), autorrlohile road.
auriculares (ra), headphone. autoexcitacidn f (el&), self-excitation.
aurifero, gold-bearing. autoferro m (U), automobile on a railroad track.
austemplado m (met), austempering. autoatrador, self-filtering (lens?.
austenita f (met), austenite.
austenltico, austenitic.
austral, southern, austral.
austi m (PR), a construction lumber.
'autofocador, autofocusing, self-focusing.
autofundente, self-fluxing.
autogenerador, self-generative.
autogen6tic0, autogen8sic0, (geol) autogenetic.
ausuba f, ausubo m (PR)(RD), a hardwood. autogenizador m (sol), autogenizcr.
autigenico (geol), authigenic. autdgeno (sol), autogenous.
autoabridor, self-opening. autogiro m (ap), autogiro, autogyro.
autoactuador, self-acting. aut6grafo m (inst), autograph.
autoaeracidn f, self-aeration. autoheterodino (ra), autohcterodyne.
autoaaador, self-sharpening. autoignicibn f, self-ignition; spontaneous com-
autoaguzador, self-sharpening. bustion.
autoajustador, self-adjusting. autoigualador, self-equalizing.
autoalargador, self-lengthening. autoimpedancia f (elkc), self-impedance.
autoalimentador, self-feeding. autoimpulsor m (auto) (Es), self-starter.
autoalineamiento m, self-alignment. autoindicador, self-indicating.
autoamolador, self-sharpening, self-grinding. autoinducci6n f (el&), self-induction.
autoarrancador m, self-starter. autoinductancia f (el&), self-inductance, coeffi-
autobajador, self-lowering. cient of self-induction.
autobasculante, self-tipping, self-dumping. autoinductivo, self-inductive.
autobias (ra), self-bias. autoinductor m (elkc), self-inductor.
autobomba f, motor fire engine. autoinflamacidn f, self-ignition; spontaneous
autobote m, motorboat, powerboat. combustion.
autobGs m, motorbus. autolavador, self-scrubbmg, self-washing.
- d e trole, trolley coach or bus. autoligador, self-bonding.
autocalafateador, self-calking. autolimpiador, self-cleaning.
autocalibrador, self-calibrating. \ autolubricacidn f, self-oiling.
autocamfon m, motor truck, autotruck. autolubricador a, self-oiling.
autocapacidad f (elk), self-capacitance. automltico, automatic.
autocarenaje m, self-docking. automezclador m (conc), truck or transit mixer.
autocargador, self-loading. automotor rn, (rr) motorcar; (A) motor vehicle;
autocarril m, automobile on a railroad track; a self-moving, automotive.
(rr) (Ec) motorcar. autom6vil m, automobile.
autocartbgrafo m (fma), autocartograph. -de plaza (A), taxicab.
autocatalitico (pet), autocatalytic. -de via, automobile on a railroad track.
autocebadura f, self-primiug. automovilario a, automotive, auto~nobile.
autocentrador, self-centering. automultiplicador, self-energizing (brake).
autocerrador, self .locking. autonafta f, motor spirit.
autocl~stico(geol), autoelastic. autonivelador m (ca), motor grader.
autoclave f, autoclave; retort. autodmnibus m, motorbus.
autocoagulaci6n f, self-coalescence. autooscilacibn f (ra), self-oscillation.
autocohesor nt (ra), autocoherer. autooscilador m (ra), self-oscillator.
autocolimacidn f (fma), autocollimation. autooxidaci6n f (quim), autooxidation.
autocompensador, self-compensating. autopatrol m (ca) (A)(V), motor patrol.
autoconducci6n f (el&), autoconduction. autopatrullera f (ca), motor patrol.
autocontrolado, self-excited (oscillator). autopista f (A), automobile road.
autoconvertidor m (el&), autoconverter. autopolarizacibn f (ra) (A), self-bias.
autBctono (geol), autochthonous. autoportante (A), self-supporting.
autodepuracidn f (r), self-purification. autopositivo (fma), Autopositive (trademark).
autodesplazable, self-moving. autopotencial m (geof), self-potential.
autodina f (ra), autodyne. autoprensor m, clamshell bucket.
autodinlmico, autodynamic. autopropulsor, self-moving, automotive.
autoprotector 37
autoprotector, self-protecting. avenar, t o drain.
autopurificacibn f, self-purification. avenida f,flood ; avenue.
autorrecocido m , self-annealing. aventador m, blower, fan.
autorrectificador (ra), self-rectllying. -de arena, sandblast outfit.
autorreductor, self-reducing. averia f,da~nage,breakdown; a damaged article,
autorregadora f, street-sprinkling truck. a second; (ins) average.
autorregistrador, self-recording. - gruesa, general or gross average.
autorregulador, self-regulating. -particular o simple, common or particular
autorroscante, self-tapping (screw). average.
autorrotativo, self-rotating. averiar, t o damage.
autosellador, self-sealing. aviar, t o equip, fit out; to finance, advance
autosifonaje m, self-siplioning. money to.
autosostenido, self-supported. avibn m , airpl:inc.
autotanque m (Es), tank truck. -marino, seaplane, hydroplane, flying boat.
autot6cnica f, autotnvtive engineering. -terrestre, lantlgla~le.
autot6cnico m, a ~ ~ t o n ~ o teligiiieer.
ive avios m. tools. equipment, outfit.
~utotrabador,self-lorking. avisador m , indirator; u-arning sign; alarm; (ra)
autotransformador m (elk), autotransformer, (Pp) nio~iitor.
balancing coil. -de bajo nivel (cal), alarrn gage.
autotransporte m, motor transport. -de incendio, fire alarm.
autotrdfico (dac), autotropllic. aviso ni, advertiserrlent; ~iotice;sdvice.
autovehiculo m (..\), motor vehicle. -de embarque, shipping notice.
autoventilador, self-ven t il:it ing. avivador m (Es), rabbeting plane; molding plane.
autovia f, automobile highway; m (A), gasolirie- axial, axil, axial.
driven llaridcar. Pxico (Es), axial.
I autovolcante, self-tipping, sclf-dumping. axinita f (miner), axinite.
autozorra f ( A ) , liaridcar with power, axonom6trico (dib), axoliometric.
auxiliar, n helper, assistarit, auxiliary: a aux- ayacahuite m, a hlexica~ipine.
iliary. ayudante, helper, assistant.
auxiliares m (tub), specials, fittings. ayui m, an ~Zrger~time wood (semiliard).
nvalancha f, a\~alanclie:(-4) flood. ayunque m (hl), anvil.
avaliz m (A), ,bcaco~i. ayustadera f , ~narlinespike.
avalorar, t o appraise. ayustador m ,splicer.
avaluador m , appraiser, ayustadora f, rablc-splicirig rig.
avaluar, to appraise; t o evaluate. ayustar (Cab), to splice.
avaliio m, appraisal, vahlation. ayuste m , splice.
avance m, (11ret:h) feed, advance; (tun) hcading; -corto, short or tuck splice.
(rr) lead, frog distance; (se) lead, lap; -de cuatro inserciones, four-tuck splice.
(elcc) lead, pitch. -de maderero, logging splice.
-a mano ( ~ n e c )hand , feed. - de ojal, r y e ur loop or thimble splice.
-angular (eli.c), angular pitch. -largo, long or eridlcss splice.
-con frente entero (tiin), full-face tunneling. azada f, spade; Iloc: (C) adz.
-de la admisi6n (rnv), adtnission lead. -para cunetas, drain spade.
- del encendido (rng), advancing the ignition. -para hoyos, post spade.
-del escape (mv), exhaust or inside lead. -pam zanjas, ditch spade.
-de fase (el&), phase lead or displacement. azaddn m, (t) hoe, grub hoe, spud; (ce) trench
-de trabajo (fc), practical lead. hoe, backdigger.
-por friccidn (mh), friction feed. -de pala, scufAe or weeding hoe.
-por gravedad, gravity feed. -meclnico (ec), trench hoc, backdigger.
-prlctico (fc), practical lead. -para arcilla, pneumatic clay spade.
-tedrico (fc), theoretical lead. azadonar, azadonear, t o spadc.
-y banco (tdn), heading and bench. azafrln m (cn), rudder frame.
avantr6n m, front truck of any piece of rolling azanca f ;rnin) (Es), subterranean spring.
stock, forecarriage. azarbe m, imigation ditch (return).
avanzada (j) de onda (elk), wave front. azarbeta f , subsidiary irrigation ditch.
avanzador m, fceder. azarcdn m, red lead.
avanzar, t o advance; (mech) t o feed; (tun) t o azimut m, azimuth.
drive. -asumido, assumed azimuth.
-la chispa (auto), t o advance the spark. -de cuadricula (fma), grid azimuth.
avejigar, t o blistcr. -terrestre (fma), ground azimuth.
avellanado y cincelado (re), coulltersu~ik and -verdadero, true azimuth.
chipped. azimutal, azimuthal.
avellanador m, countersinking bit. azoato m, nitrate.
avellanar, t o countersink. azocalar (Ch), to build (a wall) with heavy base
avellano m (A), a softwood. or watcr table.
avcnamiento m, drainage, draining, subdrainage. Pzoe m. 11itl.ogen.
azogar 38 balance
azogar, t o slake (lime). bacilo m, bacillus.
azogue m, quicksilver, mercury; (M) silver ore. -coli, colon bacillus, Bacillus wli.
azogueria f , amalgamation works. bacteriano, bacterial.
azoico, (geol) azoic; (chem) nitric. bacterias j, bacteria.
azoladora f (fc), adzing machine. -autotr6ficas, autotrophic bacteria.
azolar, to adz; to dub. -coliformes, coliforrn bacteria.
azolvarse, to silt up; t o become obstructed. -nitrificantes, nitrifying bacteria.
azolve m, silt. bactericida j, bactericide.
azolvos m, silt; obstructions. bacteri6fago m (is), bacteriophage.
azotea f, roof, flat roof, (bldg) terrace. bacteriologia f, bacteriology.
az6tic0, nitric. bacteriblogo m, bacteriologist.
azficar m j, sugar. bacteriostltico, bacteriostatic.
-amarilIa, brown sugar. biculo m (hlj, transit rod, range pole.
-aprovechable, available sugar. bachadora f (M), rontl-patching machine.
-blanco, white or refined sugar. bache m, rut; mutll~olc;pothole; ( C ) sump.
-concreto, concrete sugar. bacheado (m) en frio (ca), cold patch.
-crudo, raw sugar. bachear, to patcl~a road.
-de alta polarizaciBn, high-test sugar. bacheo m (ca), patching, filling ruts.
-de caiia, cane sugar. baddn m, gutter; gully; (A) paved ford.
-de centrifuga, centrifugal sugar. badiiejo m, bricklayer's trowel.
-invertido, invert sugar. bagacillo m (az), trash, fine-cut bagasse.
-mascabada o morena o terciada, brown sugar. bagazo m, bagasse; (min) mud from drill hole.
-reductor, reducing or invert sugar. bahareque m, wall of cane plastered with mud
-refino, refined or white sugar. and chopped straw.
-turbinado (C), centrifugal sugar. bahia j, bay, harbor.
azucarero m, sugar-mill worker, sugarhouse fore- bahorrina f (dar) (M), sludge.
man; sugar tecllnologist. bailar (auto) (A), t o shimmy.
azuchar, t o shoe piles. bailoteo m (auto), shimmy.
azuche 'm, pile shoe. bajaf, fall, drop; discharge (employee).
azud f, diversion dam, weir. -definicidn (tv), low definition.
-de encofrado, crib dam. -frecuencia, low frequency.
-para peces, fish weir. -ley, low grade (ore).
azuela f, adz. bajada f, descent, slope, downgrade; downspout:
-curva, spout adz. (p) riser; (nliri) ladderway.
-de cotillo completo, full-head adz. -de antena (ra), leadin, down-lcatl.
-de espiga o de ribera, spur-head or ship car- -de inmundicias (pb), waste stack; soil stack.
penter's adz. -pluvial (ed), leader, downspout.
-de medio cotillo, half-head adz. bajamar f, low tide (sometimes used to mean
-ferrocarrilera, railroad adz. ebb).
azufre m, sulphur. -m l s baja, lowest low tide.
azufroso, sulphurous. -media, mean low tidc.
azul m a , blue. -media m l s baja, mean lower low water.
-de bromoclorofenol (lab), bromochlorophe- bajante m, low wat,er; leader, downspout; (p)
no1 blue. stack; standpipe.
-de bromofenol (lab), bromophenol blue. -de aguas de lluvia, leader, downspout.
-de bromotimol (dac), bromothymol blue. -de aguas negras, soil stack.
-de metileno (dacj, methylene blue. -de aguas servidas, waste stack.
-de Prusia (dib), Prussian blue. -de ventilacibn, verit stack.
-de timol (dac), thymol blue. bajar, t o lower; tlo descend; t o drop, fall.
azulado por recoccibn, blue-annealed. bajareque, see bahareque.
azulejar, to set glazed wall tiles. bajial m, low ground suhjert t,o overflowing.
azulejeria f , glazed tiling. bajio m, sand har, shoal; lowland.
azulejero m, tilemaker; tile setter (wall). bajo m, sand bar, shoal; (rr~inj(Rf) footwall.
azulejo m, glazed tile; (A) wall tile. floor; a low; adv below; pr under.
-antisonoro, acoustical tile. -calor de endurecimiento (ct), low heat of
azumagarse, (Ch) to rust; (Ihr) (Ec) t o decay. hardening.
azurita f , azurite, blue copper ore, blue malachite. -ocfanaje, de, low-octane (rating).
azutero m, custodian of a diversion dam or irri- bajos m, ground floor.
gation intake. bajomando m (auto), underdrive.
bajura f (PIt), lowland.
bakelita f, bakelite.
bala f, ball; bale.
babazas f, slime (water mains). balance m, balance; (act) balance sl~eet.
babeta f (to) (A), flashing. -calbrico, hcat balance.
babor m (nbut), port, larboard. -de comprobaci6n (cont), trial balance.
bacilar, bacillary. -del oxigeno (dac), oxygen balance.
-d e la sacarosa (az), sucrose balance. -grampa (A), clamshell or grab bucket.
-de saldos (r.orlt), tri:tl balance. -- volcador o de volteo, dunlp or contractor's
balanceador (m) armbnico (auto), harn~onicbal- bucket.
anccr. baldeadora f , flualrer.
balancear, (rnech) (clec) (art) to balance; balan- baldear, t o bail o u t ; t o w:~sh,flush.
cearse, to rock, roll, wol~hlc. baldeo m, bail in^: \vaslril~g,flushilrg.
balance0 m, b:rl:tncilrg; oscillation, rocking, baldio m, unculti\-:itecl land; public land.
s\vil~ging;( n a r ~ t )rolling. baldosa f,floor tile, pavitlg tile.
balancin nz, working hcarn, balance beam; bas- -de techar ( A ) , roof tile.
cule; handle: rockrr arm; beam of a scale: - de vidriado mate, matt-glazed or dull-glazed
whiffletree; spreader; pump jack; (21) tile.
s~vinging scaflold; (-4) eccentric-arbor -gres, clay floor tile.
press. baldosado m, tile pavinn.
-compensador, equalizing beam. baldosar, to lay floc~rtiles.
-de bomba, pump Ixalie. baldosin m, floor tile.
-del freno, br:rke I~carn. -de ladrillo (C'r~ll,n brick 20 x 20 x 4 cm.
-de tiempo ( I I ~(:I), ~ I timina lever. balero m (SI), I~ail1te:irittg.
-tiracable (pet). s ~ ~ n ( I dnrrn. cr - de rodillos, roller k)c:l~ing.
balancines de la brfijula ( ( , r i ) , giinhals. balicero m (lrv)O I ) , rodtrrnrr.
balancinero m ( A ) , ogcr:rtor of an ercentric- balinero m , t~alli.nvc; 11:rll hearing.
a r l ~ o prrss.
r balines m, s111a1111:tlls ( I ) ~ i ~ r i ;t ~
balandra f , snt:ill railing vesscl; (A) scow. balita f (I<'), 1rteas11r.eof :rt)o~lt0.0'3 acre.
balanza f , sc:rlc., b:tlancc: (rrrinl Illinrl sh:~ft. baliza f,11uoy;sl~r\-(.ypolr: trl:trlicr, beacon.
-analitica (I:rl)). :111:tI~-~tcnl I~:rI:t~~re. -a farola (.I),l i ~ l r th t ~ ~ t ~ c ) n .
- de humedad (111s).tnoibture scale. -de acercamiento (:ip), :~pproarhtwacon.
-de induccibn (elixc), in(lrt(~tio~r b:llanre. -delimitadora (at)). I)ourl(lary n~:trker.
- de plataforma, platform sc:tle. -fija, be:tcon, rnnge 113:~rkcr.
-- d e precisibn, analytic:rl t~:rlanr:e. -luminosa, gas buoy; liglit tzacon.
- d e resorte o de tensibn, spring balanre. balizador m , blioj. tender.
-d e torsibn, tors1011t)alan(.e. balizaje m, buoying; >y,&rn of beacons; txnconnge.
I balanza-balde wz. u-cigl~il~g I~ucket. balizar, t,o 1,rroy; to 111:trkwith h a c o n s .
balanza-tolva f , weigh hr)ppcr. bnlbn m, (Ial)) I)nllootr; balloon tire.
balao m, a Philipl)ine lumber. balsa f, pool, pond; raft; balsa, corkwood; (A)
balastaje m, 1):lllasting. ferryboat; (\-) flatboat; (min) hanging
balastar, to bnl1:rst. scaffold liscd in shaft timbering.
balastera f , h:tllast pit. -de clasificacibn (cf), sorting jack.
balasto nr. 1)nll:rst; ro:r(1 mcttal; (U) conglomerate -salvavidas, life raft.
used for ro:rd J)~til(liltg. balsada f,raft load, boatload.
balastrar ( h l ) , to haIl:~ht. b a l s a d x a f , ferry.
balata f, bnlata (:tlh~I I S C ~for ~ a r i o ~gurn-yicld-
is balsaje m. raftina; ferrying.
ing trees a r d sorrretimcs used t o lncan bklsamo m (Es)i\-1, (Ibr) b:ilsarn.
rubber); (1') a hardwood; (&I) brake lin- -del Canadi, Canada balsam.
ing. balsear, to raft; t o ferry.
balate m, terrare; border of a trench. balseo m, rafting; (Ch) ferry.
balaustrada f,balustrade. balsero m, ferrytnan.
balaGstre m, baluster; (Ec) brirklayer's trowcl. balsbn m (LI), backwater, pool.
balcbn m, balcony; (M)(Pe) sidehill cut; (Ch) ballesta f,laminated spring.
car platform; (pet) derrick platforn~. -d e arco o de media pinza, sernielliptical
balconcillo m (pet), monkey board, derrick plat- spring.
form. -d e cayado, three-quarter elliptical spring.
balconeria f, balcony construction; balcony -doble, cl1iptic:tl sprir~g.
material. bambolear, to sw:iy. ~vobhlc,(auto) shimmy.
balconero m (M), erector of iron balconies. bamboleo m, sway, swinging, wobbling, (auto)
baldada f, bucketful. shimmy.
balde m, bucket, pail. bambG m, b:rnrboo.
-arrastrador (A), drag scraper. banca f, bench; banking; brokerage.
-basculante, dump or contractor's bucket. bancada f, bench; ( n ~ a c t ~ bedfranre,
y) solepiece.
-cargador (me) (A), skip loader. bed (Iathr) ; (tnachy) (A) bearing; (min)
-de arrastre, draglinb bucket; drag scraper. stope.
-de ascensor (B), ele*ator bucket. bancal m, herln, &rich, terrace; sandbank.
-d e extraccibn, mine bucket. bancarrota f, h:r~rkruytry.
- de horrnigbn (.4), concrete t)ucket. bancaza f, bedy1:rtr: Ireavy bench.
-de maniobra (ec), reharrdli~~g bucket. -del torno, lall~c.Ixd.
-de pozo (exc), shaft bucket. banco m, (fin) bunk; (geol) strntrlm; (carp)
-d e transportadora (A), conveyor bucket. bench; (COXIS) ( h l ) bent; (r) sand bar; lev$
-excavador (A), digging bucket. ground.
banco 40 barco

-ascrradbr, saw table. banquear, t o level; to bench; (Col)(V) t o exca.

vate; (pmy) t o bank (airplane).
-barrera, barrier beach.
-de arena, sandbank, sand bar. banqueo m, leveling, grading, benching; a bench;
(pmy) banking; (Col) (V) excavation.
-de balasto (fc), ballast pit. - de prCstamo (ot) (V),borrow pit.
-del camino (Ec) , roadbed. banqueta f , berm; sidewalk; haunch, shoulder of
-de coral, coral reef. a road; banquette.
- de cota fija (lev), bench mark. banquilla Cf) de aserrar (hl), sawbuck.
-de desperdicio (ot) (M), spoil bank. banquillo m (to), cricket, cant, saddle.
-de doblar (ref), bending table. fabricatillg banquina f , berm, shoulder; (A) wall footing.
bench. banquisa f (A), pack ice.
-de emisibn, bank of issue. banquito m (A), rail clip.
-de estirar, drawbench. baiiadera f, bathtub.
-de grava, gravel bank. baiiado m (A) (U),marsh, wet land.
-de hielo, ice floe. -de asfalto, asphalt-dipped, asphalt-coated.
-de interruptores (el&) (PR),switchyard. -de cinc, zinc-coated.
-de IiquidaciBn, clearinfiouse. -en caliente, hot-dippcd.
-de nivel (lev), bench mark. -en estaiio, tin-dipped.
- de pruebas, test stand, testing bench. baiiar (pint), to dip.
-de sierra, saw table. baiiera f, bathtub.
-de soldar, welding slab or table. baiio m, bath; bathtub; bathroom; coating
-de taller o de trabajo, workbench. (paint, etc.).
-bipotecario, mortgage bank. -congelador, frcczing bath.
banda f, belt, band; (CA) window sash; iron -de aceite, oil bath.
tire; (M) belt course; side of a sliip; (cr) -de ducha o de lluvia o de regadera, shower
track. bath.
-cruzada, crossed belt. -de inversiBn (fma), reversing bath.
-de cadena (M), chain belt. -endurecedor (fma), hardening bath.
-de cuero, leather belt. -fijador (frna), fixing bath.
-del embrague, clutch band. -Maria (lab), water bath, double boiler.
-de esteras o de oruga, crawler belt. -para tubos, pipe dip.
-de freno, brake band. bao m (an), bearrl, cross timber, deck beam.
-de guardia (ra), guard band. -de bodega, bold beam.
-de hule, rubber belt. -de horquilla, fork beam.
-de rio, riverbank. -del pet0 de popa, transom beam.
-de rodamiento, tread band (tire); (cr) track. -maestro, midship or main beam.
-de sintonizaci6n (ra), tuning band. -sesgado, cant beam.
-de transmisibn, driving or transmission belt. baos de 10s raceles, panting beams.
- de transmisiBn libre (ra), pass or a t e r - baquelita f , bakelitc.
baquelizar, to bakelize.
transmission band.
- del ventilador (auto), fan belt. baqueta f (vol) (Es), tamping stick.
-eslabonada (M), endless belt. bara f, bar (unit of pressure).
-lateral inferior (ra), lower side band. baranda f , barandado m, barandaje m, barandal
-lateral superior (ra), upper side band. m, railing, handrail, balustrade, banister.
-maciza (Es),solid tire. barandilla f,railing; sideboard of a wagon; (Plt)
-portadora (elCc), carrier band. stake of a flat truck.
- transportadora, belt conveyor. - de resguardo, highway guardrail.
- V, V belt. barba Cf) de taladro, burr (steel), fin.
barbacana f, narrow opening in a w d ; weep
bandaje m, tire (rubber or iron); rim.
- del inducido (el&c),armature band. hole; (hyd) (A) gate opening.
- macizo, solid tire. barbeta f, lashing; (cab) seizing, serving; (naut)
gasket, stop.
bandarria, see mandarria.
bandeador m (C), tap wrench. barbetar (cab), t o serve, seize.
bandear, to sway, weave, oscillate; (Ch) t o per- barbilla f (carp), beveled end of a timber for
forate. framing; tenon.
bandeja f, tray. barbotaje m, barboteo m (lu), splash.
-cogegotas, drip pan. barca f, boat, barge.
-de burbujeo (pet), bubble tray. -carbonera, coal barge.
-de resudaciBn (pet), sweating pan. - chata, flatboat, scow.
bandeo m, sway, weaving. - de grba, derrick barge.
bandera f, (rr) (surv) flag. -tanque, tank,barge.
banderero m (M). flagman. barcada f, bargeload, boatload.
banderin m, signal flag. barcaza f, lighter, barge, flatboat.
banderola f, (rr) switch target; (bldg)(A) tran- -alijadora, lighter.
som; (surv) flag. -perforadora, drilling barge.
-a balancin (A), pivoted transom. barco m, vessel, boat, barge.
barco 41 barra
-costero o de cabotaje, coasting vessel. -cuello-de-ganso (herr), gooseneck bar, wreck-
-de carga, cargo boat, freighter. ing bar.
-de transbordo, ferryboat. -de alinear (fc), lining bar.
-petrolero, oil tanker. -de arc0 (met), arrh bar.
-de argolla (cst), cyebar, loop rod.
barco-puerta J, caisson of a graving dock, caisson
-de argue, capstan bar.
baric6ntric0, harycentric.
-de asiento (cumpucrta), sent bar.
-de atalaje, draxp-t~ar.
baricentro m, barycenter. - de brida (fc),splire Imr, angle har, fishplate.
i bario m (quim), barium. -de celosia (cut), lattice bar; web member.
barita j,baryta. -de cone>:idn, (cng) conrlertir~grod, pitrnm;
barite1 m, rvindlss. (elec) conriection bar.
baritina f (miner), barite, barytes, barytinc. -de contratensibn (ptc), counterbrace, coun-
barjuleta J , tool Lag. tcrdi:rgorial.
barlovento m, wilitlward. -de corredera, ( s c ) x-fllve stem.
barniz m, varrlisli. -de corto circuit0 (clcci, sliorting bar.
-aislador, electric or insulating var~iish. 2de cremallera, rack bar.
-a1 aceite o a1 bleo, oil varnish. -de cuiia (tnrt), wedge bar.
-craso o graso, oil vnrnisli. -de chucho tic), bridle or switcl~or head rod.
-de alcohol, spirit varliish. -de distribucibn (elite)(C:), bus bar.
-de alto aceite, long-oil varnish. -de emergencia ( f t ) , pa11ic bar.
-de aparejo o de apresto, sizing, -de emparrillado (cal). grate bar.
-de bajo aceite, sl~nrt-oilvarnish. -de empedrador, p:~villg I>:II..
-de inmersibn, dipping varnish. -de enclavamiento (fc), c!ctcctor bar.
-de intemperie, spar varnisli. - de enganche, dranbar.
-de laca, sl~ullac. -de enrejado (csl), lattice I~ar.
-de rociar, spraying varnish. -de entibar (re), tlolly bar.
-exterior o marino, spar or exterior varnish. -de estancamiento (cotriguertn), seal bar.
-japonbs, japan drier; jayall varnid~. -de g u a r ~ c i d n curb
, hay; cornc:r bead.
-mate, flat varnish. -del inducido ( e l k ) , arrrlaturc bar.
I -para secado a1 horno, baking varnish. -de mina (rrlin), hand drill.
-secante, drier. -de ojo (est), eyehnr.
barnizador m, varnislier. -de orejas (ref), lug bar.
barnizar, to varnish. -de parachogues (anto), buffer bar.
barodinlmica f, barodynamics. -de parrilla (cul), grate bar; clinltcr bar.
barodinlrnico, barodynanlic. -de percusibn (pet), sinker bar.
barbgrafo m, barograpll, recortling barometer. -de recalcar, swage bar (saw).
barograma m, hnrogr:lm. -de remolque, towing bar.
barom6tric0, barometric. -de rio, shoal, bar.
barbmetro m, barometer. -de rosca, threaded rod.
-altim6tric0, altitude baromctcr. -de suspensidn, hanger.
-aneroide, aneroid barometer. -de taras (b-iscula), tare bar.
-de mercurio, mercurial barometer. -del tejido (V), ( t u ) web member.
-registrador, recording ba~.olr~etcr. - de tiro o de tracci6n, drawbar.
barometrdgrafo m, bnror~ietrogroph,b:~rograph. - de torsidn (auto), torque arm.
baroscopio m, baroscope. -de trabaz61i o de unijn (rcf), bond bar
baroterm6grafo m, btrrothermograph. dourel.
barotermdmetro m, barotherniograph. -de uiia, claw bar, nail puller.
barquear, to transport by boat, to ferry. -de ventana, muntin, willdow bar.
barquero m, boatrman, ferryman, ligliterman. -deformada (ref), defornied bar.
barquln m, bellows. -desviadora (fc), deflecting bar.
barra f: bar, rod; sand bar. -en U (met), U bar.
-alimentadora, feed rod. -I (met), I bar.
-angular (fc), angle bar, splice bar. -imanada, bar magnet.
-arrugada (ref), corrugated bar. -indicadora (fc), detector bar.
-atiesadora (est), sag rod. -lisa (ref), plain or smooth bar.
- cabecero (ref), header bar. -bmnibus (elk), bus bar.
- colectora (elbe), bus bar. -para encintado, curb bar.
-colectora de compensacidn, equalizer bus. -patrbn, test bar.
- colectora de control, col~trolbus. -perforadora (pet), sinker bar.
-colectora para fallas, fault bus. -plana acanalada, channel flat.
-colisa (rnh) (.4), swivel bar. -plana bruiiida, ground flat.
-comercial, nicrcllant bar. -plana con cantos dC fleje, band-edge flat
-corrugada (ref), corrugated bar. -punta-de-cuiia, wedge-point crowbar.
-cuadrada giratoria (pet), grief stem, kelly. -punta-de-espolbn, pinch-point crowbar.
- cuadrada torcida (ref), square twisted bar. -punzdn (vol), punch bar.
barra 42 barrenos
-radial (auto), radius rod. -de columna, column drill.
-rociadora (ca), spray bar. -d e corchos (lab), cork borer.
-sacaclavos, stripping bar, nail puller; wreck- -d e cruz, star bit or drill.
ing or claw bar. -de cuatro alas (pet), four-wing bit.
-subtensa (lev), subtense bar. -de diamantes, dlarriond drill.
-T, T bar. T iron. -d e discos (pet), disk bit.
-taladradora, boring bar. - de fdo en cruz, star drill.
- tirante, tie rod. - de friccibn (pet), drag bit.
-torneada (met), turned bar. - de guia, ceritcr bit.
-tractora (fc) ( m h ) , drawbar. -de gusano, wor111auger.
-trancanil (cn), stringer bar. -- de lirnpieza (sxj, c~lcnnoutauger.
-trazadora (planlrrietro), tracing arm. -d e mano, harid drill, jumper.
-tumbadora (fc), tumbling rod. -d e ojo, ring auger.
-V, V bar. - de pecho, breast auger.
-2, Z bar. -de perforacibn desviada (pet), directional
barras bit.
-de armadura, reinforcing bars. -de rodillos (pet), roller bit.
-d e barreno, drill steel. -d e tierra, earth auger, posthole digger, well
-d e deslizamiento, guides (gate). or soil auger.
-d e enlace (est) (C), lacing bars. -espiral, twist drill, auger bit.
-d e yunque (az), anvil bars. -iniciadora (pet), s ~ ~ u ( l d i n
-espaciadoras (ref), spacing bars. -para berbiqui, t ~ r a c chit.
-portavlstago (pet), carrier bars. -para cabillas, do\vel hit.
-repartidoras (ref), distributing bars, spacing -para hoyo de poste, postholc auger.
bars. -para macho, t a p ilrill.
barraca f,barrack, bunkhouse; warehouse, stied. -para mortajas, blotti~igauger.
-de hierro (Ch), hardware store. -para pozos, ~vclldrill.
-de maderas (Ch), luniber shed, lumberyard. -picadora (sx), chopping bit.
barracbn m, barracks. -piloto, pilot drill or Lit.
barraganete m (cn), bulwark stay. -principiadora (net), spudding hit.
barraje m, dike, barrage, diversion darn. -rompepavimento, pavement brc:tker, bull-
barrales m (CII), si(1cboards of a wagon. point.
barramina f (Ec), drill. -sacanficleos o sacatestigos, core rlrill.
barranca f, cliff, bluff; gorge, ravine; (A) river -salombnica, twist drill; scrrw :rugtr.
bank; (-1) (Uj downgrade. -tubular, rorc drill; calyx drill.
-abajo (.\I, downgrade, downhill. barrenas, drill steel.
- de falla, fault scarp. barrenador wt, drill runner; anger, drill.
- de falla con erosibn, fault-line scarp. barrenadora f , drill.
barranco m, precipice, cliff; gorge. - de arcilla, pneurriatic clny spade.
barranckn, m, gorge, canyon. barrenar, t o drill; to blast; barrenarse (tdn) (XI),
barrancoso (top). broken, rough. t o hole throufiti, connect up.
barranquilla f ( \ I ) , gully. barrendera f (rnaq), sweeper.,
barraquero m (A), warehouseman. barrendero m, sweeper (man).
barreal m, r1ay pit. barrenero m, drill runner.
barredera f ( o t ) ( E c ) ,drag scraper. barrenillo m, boring insect.
barredor m, sn7eepcr (man). -d e caiia, (.arie 1)orer.
-de locomotora, cowcatclicr. -de muelles, wlrwf borer.
barredora f ( ~ ~ i a qsweeper.
), barrenista W L ,drill runner.
- de goma, squeegee. barrenita ( f ) de mano, gimlet.
- de tractor (ca), tractor sweeper. barreno m, drill; drill lrolc, borehole; (Col) tirilled
-el6ctrica (%I), vacuunl rleaner. n-ell.
-patrulladora ((.a),patrol sweeper. -cebado (vol) (JI), rniqsed hole.
-remolcada, drawn road broom. -de alivio ( ~ n i n )block
, t~olc.
barrena f , drill, auger, gimlet, drill bit; crowbar. -de enlechado, grout hole.
-adamantina (\I) ; adamantine drill. -de voladura, blasting Iiolc.
- batidora, churn drill. -fallido (vol) (%I), nrissed Irole.
-cola d e pescado, fishtail bit. barrenos
-cortanficleo, core bit. -de alivio (t,i~n),relief holes.
-d e arrastre (pet), drag bit. -de corte (tiln)(>I), cut holes.
-de cable, cable or well or churn drill. -de cuele o de franqueo (rrrin), cut holes.
-d e canaleta recta, pod auger or bit. -d e destrozo (nliri) (tdn), hreakcrs, brcaking-
- de canteador, stonecutter's or plug drill. down lioles.
- de caracol, twist drill, auger bit. -d e ensanche (min) (tdn), lloles for enlarging
-de cateo, earth borer. shots.
-d e cesto (pet), basket bit. -del perimetro (tirn), rim holes.
-d e cincel, chisel bit. -limitadores (vo!), l i ~ i eholes.
barrer 43 bastidol

barrer, to sweep; (di) to scavenge. barros activados (dac), activated sludge.

barrera f , fence, barrier, barricade; (rr) crossing barroso, muddy, clayey, silty.
I gate; clay pit; (hyd) diversion dam. barrote m, heavy bar; grate bar; rung; (A) door
-colectora (ef), bag or sack h r n . bolt; (rr)(C) angle t ~ a r ; (sb) hate11 I):II.
-corrediza (fc), sliding gate. hatch batten.
-cortafuego, firebreak, fire stop. barrotin m, batten of a hatch; hatch bar; (rr)
-de biscula (fc), hinged and counterweighted carline; (sh) carling.
I crossing gate. barya f (fisica), barye.
1 -- de cable (ca), cable guardrail. basa f, base, pec!cstal.
-de cinta (ca), traffic tape. basada j (cn), launclling cradle.
-de clasificacibn (ef), sorting boom. basal (V), basal.
-de detrito (hid)(A), drift barrier. baslltico, basaltic.
-de guardia (ca), guardrail. basaltiforme, basaltiforin.
-de guia (ef), sheer or fender or glancing
-flotante, log boom.
-guardacamino, traffic or road guard, high-
way guardrail.
-guardacruce (fc), crossing gate.
-interceptadora (cf), catch or trap boom.
basalto m (geol), basalt.
-analcitico, analcite basalt.
-prismltico, colurnnar hasalt.
vitreo, basalt glass, vitrobasalt, hyalobasalt.
basaltoide, basaltoid, basaltifor~n.
basamento m, basc; pedestal; (A) footirrg, foun-
-para basuras (r), drift barrier. blscula j, scalc (for weighing) ; (rr) (Ec) crossing
-parahielos (r), ice scrren. gate.
barrero m, clay mixer; clay pit; mudhole. -de balancin, heam scale.
barreta f, crowbar; bullpoint; small bar; (min) -de plataforma, platform scale.
moil. -de pozo, pit scale.
-con espolbn, pinch bar. -de via, track scale.
-de pinchar (A), pinch bar. -enclavable, dormant scale.
-de punta, bullpoint. blscula-puente m, weig11l)ridjic.
-de punta recalcada (vol), bulgepoint driv- bisculn-tolva f (ag!(il), weigl~ingbatcher.
ing iron. biscula-vagones m, rar durl~ger.
L -de soldadura (V),wclding rod. basculador m, dumper; rocker; (nlin) tippleman;
-de uiia, claw bar. any tipping device.
-desquiciadora (Ec), bar for loosening rock. -de caja (co), body rocker.
-pata-de-cabra, claw bar. -de carros, car dun~pcr.
-rompedora, bit of a paviug breaker, bull- bascular, to tip, tilt.
point. base f , basis; base (a11 senscs); rail flange.
barretas, (AI) drill steel. -compound (rnh), conrpound rest.
barretear, to bar, work m-ith a bar. -de aviaci6n, air or aviation basc.
barretero m , ~ninec,drill runner in a mine; man - de comparacibn (lev), comparator base.
who works with a bar. - de comprobacibn (lev), chcck base.
barretbn m, heavy cron-bar; (Col) miner's pick. -de cuchilla (motocaminera), blade base.
barrida f (ciudad), district, ward, quarter. -de hidroaviones, air harbor, scaplane base.
barrial m, clay pit,; mudhole. -de riel (fc), base of rail.
barrica f, cask, barrel. -de rodado (A), %heel base.
barricada f , barricade. -de ruedas, whecl base.
barrida f,sweeping; (di) scavenging. - de la soldadura, root of weld.
barrido m (tv) (ra), sxvecp. -de tope (pet), landing base.
barriga f , bulge, belly. -naval, naval base.
barril m, barrel; measure of about 20 gal. -negra (ca), black base.
-de frotacibn, tumbling barrcL -sanitaria (ed), sanitary base.
barrilada f, capacity of a barrel. bases del concurso, bidding conditions.
barrilete m, clamp; pawl, dog; keg. bases de licitacibn, bidding conditions, hforma-
-de leva, cam clamp. tion for bidders.
barrilla f (rnin) (B), doncentrates; metallic copper basicidad f, basicity.
mixed in ore. blsico (quirn)(geol)(met), basic.
barrio m (ciudad), district, ward, quarter; s u b basitas (geol)(A), basic rocks.
urb. bastarda, bastard (file).
barro m, mud, clay, silt; sludge; earthenware; bastidor m, frame, bedframe; chassis; (Col) win.
adobe; (pet) slush. dow sash.
-amasado, clay puddle. -auxiliar (auto), subframe.
-cloaca1 (dac), sludge. -de carril (tc), crawler or track frame.
-cocido, terra cotta, burnt clay. -de puerta, door buck, doorframe.
-de barreno, drill sludge. -de rodaje, truck frame.
-- digerido (dac), digested sludge. -de rodillos (met), stand of rolls.
-esmaltado, glazed clay or terra cotta. -de sierra para metales, hacksaw frame.
-refractario (GI, £ire clay. -de ventana, window frame.
bastidor 44 bidimensional

-inferior, underframe. bejuco m, rattan.

basto, rough, unfu~ished;coarse. be1 (el&), bel.
bastbn m, (rr) staff (block system); (su) proof belio m (elkc) (.4), bel.
stick, sampler. benceno m, benzene.
bastr6n m, (t) spokeshave. bencidina f, benzidine.
basural m (Ch), garbage dump. bencina f,gasoline; benzine.
basuras f, trash, rubbish, dirt, refuse; garbage; beneficiable (min), workable.
river drift. beneficiador m, operator of a mine or smelter;
basurero m, garbage dump. processor; cultivator.
batalla f, wheel base, distance between axles. beneficiar, to sn~elt.refine; t o work a mine; t o
batayola f (cn), handrail. beneficiate (ore) ; t o process.
bate m (fc), tamping pick. beneficio m, smelting, ore reduction, beneficia-
batea j, trough, launder; tray, mortar tub; (V) tion; working of a mine; profit.
paved dltch; (V) paved ford; (min) batea; -de explotacibn, operating profit.
(auto) oil pan; (A) paved gutter crossing a -de madera, lumbering.
road. -de minerales, smelting.
-de coque, coke tray (aerator). bentonita f, bentonite.
-de pilada (conc), batch box. bentonitico, bentonitic.
bateador m (fc), tamping bar, tamper. bentos (is), benthos.
bateadora f, power tamper. benzol m, ber~zol,benzene.
-unitaria, unit tamper. berbique, berbiqui m, carpenter's bracc; (U)
batear, to tamp (ties). crankshaft.
bateo m, tamping. -acodado, angular bitstock.
bateria f, battery (all senses). -de engranaje, angle brace.
-A (ra). A or filament battery. -de herrero o de pecho, breast or fiddle drill.
-anddica (ra), anode or plate battery. -de matraca, ratchet brace.
-B (ra), platc or B battery. -de ribera, ship carpenter's brace.
-C (ra), grid or C battery. -para rincones, corner bracc.
-compensadora (elkc), floating battery; buf- -y barrenas, brace and bits.
fer battery. berilio m (quim), beryllium.
-de acumuladores, storage battery. berlinga f, pole, round timber, spar.
-de calderas, battery of boilcrs. berma f (ot), berm. (rd) shoulder.
-de camiones (M), fleet of trucks. berroqueiia f a, granite.
-de fdamentos (ra), A or filament battery. besar, a, block and block, chockablork, two-
-de inrnersibn (elkc), plunge battery. blocks.
-de mazos, stamp mill. betanaftol m (qufm), beta-naphthol.
-de pantalla (ra), screen battery. betatr6n m (ra), betatron, rheotron.
-de pega (min), blasting battery. betonera j (Ch), concrete mixer.
- de pisones, stamp mill. betumen m, bitumen.
-de placa (ra), B or plate or anode battery. betuminadora f (ca) (Es), bituminous distributor.
-de polarizaci6n negativa (ra), bias cell. betiin m, bitumen, pitch, (C) stucco.
-de rejilla (ra), grid or C battery. -judaico o de Judea, asphalt.
-elevadora (elk), booster battery. betunar, to coat with pitch; (C) t o stucco.
batey m, ground occupied by a sugar mill and ap- bias (ra), bias.
purtenances; (PR) area in front of a coun- -C o de rejilla, grid bias, C bias.
try house. biasar (ra) (A), to bias.
batidera j,beater, maul; (Sp) mortar hoe. biaxil, biaxial.
batido m, (ra) beat; a hammered, wrought. bi&xico (Es) (A) (V), biaxial.
-en frio, cold-hammered. biberdn m (lab), nipple.
batidor m, beater, agitator; (A) mixer; (min) bibirii m (mad), greenheart.
dolly; (met) shingler. bicable, a double-cable.
batiduras j (met), mill or hammer scale. bicarbonato m, bicarbonate.
batiente m, jamb; gate sill; lock sill; (dam) bicilindrico, ( e n g ) double-cylinder.
apron, hearth, (dd) apron; (carp) stop bicloruro m , bichloride.
bead. -de estaiio, tin or stannous chloride.
- de esclusa, miter or lock sill. -de mercurio, mercuric cllloridc, corrosive
batir, to beat, hammer, pound, tamp: t o stir. sublirnatc.
batista barnizada (ais), varnished cambric. bicbncavo, biconcave, double-concave, concavo-
batdmetro m, bathometer. ooncave.
baud (tel), baud. bicbnico, biconicsl.
baurita f, bauxite (aluminum ore). biconvexo, biconvex, double-convex.
bayoneta f, , (mech) bayonet; (auto) bayonet bicromato m (qulm) , bicluomate.
gage (oil level). bicrbn m (med), bicron.
bedano m, mortising chisel. bichero m, boat hook.
Beggiotoa (is). Beggiotoa. bid6, bidet m (pb), bidet.
begohmio m (elkc), begohm. bidimensional, twodimensional.
bidirectional 45 biturninoso

bidireccional (elbc), bidirectional. -de estaiio, tin dioxide, stanriic oxide.

bid6n m, steel drum; (C) drum of a hoist; a tin. bipi6 m, bipod.
large call. bipolar, bipolar, two-pole.
biela f , (cng) connecting rod, pitman. biposte, bipost (lamp).
-motriz, connecting or main driving rod. biprima (mat), double prime (x").
-paralela o de acoplamiento (loco), coupling biriqui m (Ec) (AC), carpenter's brace.
or side rod. birlo m (M), stud bolt.
bienes m, property. birrectlngulo, birectangular.
-inmuebles o raices o sedientcs, real estate. birrefringencia f (fnia), birefringence.
-- muebles, personal property. birrefringente, bircfringcnt.
-semovientes, cattle. birrotulado, two-hinged.
bienhechuria f ( C ) , improvements (real estate). bisagra f, hinge, butt hinge.
biflsico (elkc), two-phase. -a municidn, ball-bearing hinge.
bifilar (cli.c), two-wire, bifilar. -acodada, offset liinge.
bifluoruro m (quirn), bifluoride. -con levante, rising hinge, skew hinge.
bifurcacibn f , juriction of streams; crotch; (1)) Y -de bolitas, ball-tip door butt.
brancli; (rr) ( C )(Sp) julictior~. -de friccidn, friction hinge.
-de ramal paralelo (tub), upriglit Y branch. -de muelle, spring hinge.
-doble (tub), double Y branch. -de paleta o de ramal, strap or joint hinge.
-en U (tub), U hrancl~. -de pasador fijo, fast-pin butt.
bifurcador m (aa), bifurcator. -de pasador suelto, loose-pin butt.
bifurcarse, t o fork, branch. -de resorte, spring hinge.
bigorneta f , small anvil; tinsmith's stake. -de superficie, flap or surface or full-surfacr~
-de acanalar (ch), creasing stake. hinge.
-de arista viva (ch), hatchet stake. -de tiro ancho, wide-throw hinge.
-de costura (ch), seaniing or grooving stake. -- de tope, butt hinge.
-de pico, hcakhorn stake. -desmontable, loose-pin butt.
bigornia f , anvil. -en T, T hinge.
bigote de gat0 (ra)(A), r a t whiskcr. -inerte, dead hinge.
bigotera f, (clwg) bow cc)rripass, l ~ o wdividers; -medio superficial, half-surface or half-mor-
slag t a p (blast furnacc~). tise hinge.
bigrilla (ra) (A), double-grid. bisecar, t o biscct.
bihilar (elk), two-mire. biseccibn f , bisection.
bijaguara f, a Cuban liardwood. bisectriz f , bisector.
bilabarquin m (Ec), ciu pel~tcr's horse. bisel m, a bevel, chamfer: (lbr) wane.
bilateral (c1i.c)(mec), hi1:ttor:~l. -a1 hilo (mad), bevel rip.
biiis f (I:tb), bilc. -a inglete, bevel niitcr.
-lactosa, lactohe I~ilc. -de trozar (mad), bevel cutoff.
bimbalete m (RI), strut; ridgcyole; pump jack. biselado, beveled; (lbr) waney.
bimetal m, binictal. biseladora f, cliamfcring tool.
bimethlico, biluctallic. biselar, t o bevel, chamfer, skive.
bim6rfico (!.a), I)i:nori)!i. bisilicato m (qulni), bisilicate.
bimotor, two-motor, bimotor. bismutina f (miner), bismuthine, bismuthinite,
binario (qrii~ri) (mat), 1)iuary. bismuth glance.
binaural, bi!i:~uraI. bismutinita f , bismuthinite, native bismuth sul-
binocular a, bi~iocular. phide.
biaodo m (ra) (mat), binode. bismuto m (qufm), bismuth.
binoraio (mat), binomial. -blenda (miner), bismuth blende, eulytite.
bioactivaci6n f (dac), bio-activation. bisulfato (m) de sodio, sodium bisulphate.
bioaeracibn f (dac), bio-aeration. bisulfito m, bisulphite.
biofiltracidn f (is), biofiltration. bisulfuro m, disulphide, bisulphide.
biofiltro, biofilter. bita f (nLut), cleat, bitt.
biofloculacidn f (is), bioflocculation. -de amarre, mooring bitt.
biogen6tico (is), biogenetic. -de remolque, towing bitt; towing post.
bidlisis f, biolysis. bitlcora f (cn), binnacle.
biolitico (dac.), biolitic. bitadura f , turn of a rope around a bitt.
bioldgico, biological. bite m (A), bead (on a board).
bioprecipitacibn f,bioprecipitation. bitdn m, bitt; double-head chock.
bioquimica f , biochemistry. -de fondeo, riding bitt.
bioquimico, biochemical. -de remolcar, towing bitt.
biorreduccidn f (dac), bioreduction. bitoque m, (M) faucet, cock; (CA) sewer.
biosa f (az), biose, disaccharide. bitulitico, bitulithic.
biotita f (miner), biotite, black mica. bitumlstico, biturnastic.
biotrdn m (ra), biotron. bitumen m (U)(M), bitumen.
bijxido m (qui~n),dioxide. biturninifero, containing bitumen.
-carbdrico, carbon dioxide. bituminoso, bituminous.
bituvia boca

bituvia f (ca), Bituvia (trademark). -conditional o facultative (fc), permissive

bivalencia f, bivalehce. blocking.
bivalente (qulm), bivalent. -manual (fc), manual blocking.
biviario, two-lane (highway). bloquera j (Es), concrete-block machine.
bizcocho m (Col), a salmon brick. bobina f, (elec) coil; (elec) bobbin.
blanco m, gear blank; blank form; a white. -apagachispas, blowout coil.
-de antimonio, antimony white (pigment), -captadora (ra), pickup coil.
antimony trioxide. -con nGcleo de hierro pulverizado, dust-core
-de barita (pigmento), baryta white, barium coil.
sulphate. -con temblador, vibrator coil.
-d e bismuto (pigmento), bismuth whitc. -de acoplamiento (ra), coupling coil.
-de cinc (pigmento), zinc whitc. -del campo, field coil.
-de China, Chinese or zinc white. -de carga, loading coil.
-de Espafia, whiting, Spanish white. -de cesto (ra), basket coil.
-de plomo, white lead. -de compensacibn, conqxnsating coil.
-d e yeso, whiting. -de chispas, spark coil.
blafido, soft. -de choque (A) (Col), rtloke or irnpctiancc coil.
blandura f, softness. -de desenganche, release roil.
blanquear, t o whitewash; t o bleach. -de devanado universal ( A ) , lloneycorr~broil.
blanquillo m, an Argentine lumber (semihard). -de disparo, tripping coil.
blastogranitico (geol), blastogranitic. -d e encendido o de ignicibn, spa1.k or ignition
blastoporfiritico (geol), blastoporphyritic. coil.
bleck o bleque (A), a term applied t o all t a r and -de enfoque (ra) , focusing coil.
asphalt products. -de ensayo, exploring coil.
blenda f (miner), blende, sphalerite. -de extinciirn, blowout coil.
-cadmifera, greenockite, cadmium blendc. -de inductancia, inductance roil, reactor, in-
-cdrnea (M), hornblende. ductor.
-d e zinc, zinc blende. -de mixima, ovcrload rclcase coil.
-roja, ruby blende (sphalerite). -de nGcleo de hierro, iron-core coil.
blindado, armored, ironclad; (elec) shielded. -de oposicibn, bucking coil.
blindaje m, armor; (elec) shielding; (Sp) tunnel -de panal, lattice-wound or honeycomb coil.
lining. -de prueba, exploring coil.
-antimagn6tic0, magnetic screen or shield. -de reaccibn, choking or reactance or impcd-
-cerrado (e1i.c). interlocking armor. ance or retardation coil, reactor, kicking
-del radiador (tc), radiator guard. coil.
blondin m (EsJ, cableway. -de reactancia, reactance coil, inductor.
bloque m, block. -de regeneraciirn, feedback or tickler roil.
-amortiguador, cushion block. -de retencih, retaining or holding coil.
-calibrador, gage block. -de la voz (ra), voice coil.
-comparador (lab), blork comparator. -deflectora o desviadora (ra), deflecting coil.
-de barrenar, boring block. -en derivaciirn, shunt coil, (inst) potential
-d e batir (ch), dolly block. coil.
-de casas (Pit), city block, hlock of houses. -excitadora, csciting coil.
-d e cilindrbs, cylinder hlock. -exploradora, cxploring or search coil, ex-
-d e clavar, nailing hlock, wood b r i k . plorer.
-de doblar (ref), beridirig hlock. -inductora, ir~cluctioncoil.
-de enrasillar (ed), furring block. -nido de abeja (m), honeycomb coil.
-d e estampar (her), swage block. -sintonizadora (ra), tuning coil.
-d e fallas (geol), fault block. -t6rmica (tel), heat coil.
-de fusibles ( e l k ) , fuse block. -tip0 canasto (ra), basket,-weave coil.
-de golpeo (pb), driving block, turnpin, tam- -vibratoria, vitrator o r trenibler coil.
pion. bobinado m, bobinaje m (el&), windirts.
-de motor, engine block. bobinadora f , winding machine.
-de patas (f c), heel blork, heel raiser. bobinar, to wind.
-d e recalcar (si), swage block. bob0 m (Plt)(V), s lurl~beruscd in building.
- de relleno (ed), filler hlock. boca f, mouth, entrance; nozzle; (t,un) portal;
-desabollador (ch), dolly block. (hyd) intake; (top) gap, pas>, saddle; (t)
-para triscar (si), setting hlock. pcen, nose.
-partido de enrasillar, split furring tile. -de agua, hydr:lnt.
-portaherramienta (mh), tpol block. -de aspiracibn, air inlet.
-refractario de construccibn, structural tile. -de caida (a]), drop inlet.
-sectional '(fc), hlock (signal). -d e calle, inlet t o a storrn sewer.
bloquear, is block (all senses); (M) to chock; -de ca~bBn(cn), coaling hatch.
(rnin) (B) t o block out. -de carga, fire door of :ihoiler.
bloqueo m (fc) (ra), blocking. -d e cepillo, a ( ~ n a n ~ ) ( Vfinishcd
), with a
-absoluto o definitive (fc), absolute blocking. wooden float.
boca 47 bornba

-d e corazbn (fc), toe of a frog. boj m, boxwood.

-d e corneta, hellmouth. boje m , :L Iiardwood of C u b a a n d P-lerto 1iir.o.
-d e desagiie, dram inlet. bola j, ball.
-d e descarga, outlet, tii-charge opening. -rompedora, skull cracker, wrecking ball, 11:iiI
-d e entrada, intake, inlet: portal: nlanhole. breaker.
-d e incendio, fire hydrant, fireplug. -y cuenca, ball and socket.
-d e inspeccibn, nianllole. bolas del regulador (nivj , go\-ernor balls.
-de limpieza, cleanout hole: sluiceuray. bolardo m, bollard, mooring post!.
-d e man6metr0, gage hatch. boleo m, boulder; deposit of boulders; (sb) cam-
-d e pez, f i h m o u t h (splice). her, roundup.
-d e pozo (pet). \\-ellhe:td. boleteria f (fc), ticket office.
-d e puerto, entrance t o a harbor. boletero m (fc), ticket agent.
-de registro, rnanliole, rnanhead. boleto m, ticket.
- d e rio, ~ i i o u t hof a river. bolin m, hall; shot.
-d e salida, outlet. bolina f , sounding line; ( n m ~ t )bowline.
-d e tormenta (A) (U) (Pe), inlet t o a storm- bolo m, (lbr)(C) hole: (I'll) machete.
v-:1tcr .e\vrr. Eolbmetro m (eli.r), holorileter.
-d e visita, manlrole. bol6n m , cohhle, 1,o~ilder:rubble stone.
-escotilla, li:lt(.1i\\-ay. bolsa f, hag, sack; pocket; stock exchange;
-tip0 d e hongo (:la), mushroom outlet. pockct of rich ore.
bocacalle f, strcet intersection. - de aire, air pocket, (eng) air lock.
bocacaz m , opening it1 :t flume or dam. - de atacadura (vol), tamping hag.
bocal m ,tnoutlr, etltr:~nrc;(top) gap; strait, nar- - d e compensaciones (0, clearinghouse.
rows ( h : l~~ o r:) (mill) pit head. - de contraccibn (met), pipe, contraction cavity.
bocallave f, kcyliolc; keyhole plate; (A) socket - de corteza (mad), I ~ n r kpocket.
wrench. - de resina (mad), pitch pocket.
bocamejora f (]])in),ai~xiliaryshaft. -d e valores, stock exchange.
bocamina f , cntrnnre t o a niine. - de vllvula, valve hag.
bocana f (Col), nioutll of a river. -d e vapor (rug] (pet), vapor lock.
bocarte m, crusher, s t a m p Inill; drag mill. bolsada j, pocket, cavity; pocket of rich ore.
bocartear, t o r r i ~ s h . bolsbn m , (geol) bolson; (min) pocket of rich ore.
bocarteo m, c r i ~ ~ l i i n g . bolsonero (niin) (B), in rich pockets.
bocateja f, first tile in a course; hollow under a bornba f , p u m p ; fire engine; b o ~ n b (V)
; mudlrole.
roof tile; (Vj eaves. -a mano, linnd pump.
bocatoma f (liitl), intake. -a nafta, gasoline-driven pump.
bocazo m ( r o l ) , hlo~\-\-r~ut,pop shot. -a1 vacio, V ~ C I I U I I~~U I I I ~ .
bocel m, molding p1:me; convex rriolding. -a vapor, steanl purrlp.
boceladora .f, niol(iit~cplane. -alimentadora, fecd or 11oiler-feed pump.
bocelar, t o forni niol(litlgs. -alternativa, reriprocati~lgpump.
bocelete m ,small mol(ling glane. -aspirante, su\-r:tiorlpump.
bocel6n m, Inrgc tiio!ding plane; (sf) (Col) ridge -barrera, dredging or niud pump.
roll. -calorim8trica, bomb c:rlosirncter.
'~ocina/, t)ushing: hell end of a pipe; (nuto)(rs) -centrifuga difusora, diffuser-type centrif11g:il
horn; (C) Ilu:jrap; hellniouth; (511) ?tern pump.
tube; (Ii>.ci)!.\~morning-glory [:pillway). -centrifuga voluta, volute-type c e n t r i f u ~ a l
-d e bruma, foghorn. pump.
- exponencial ( e l k ) , exponential horn. -colgante (exc), sinking pump.
bocina-vertedero (hid), mor~ling-gloryspillway. -contadora, rnetering pulnp (gasoline).
bocoy m , large Ijnrrel, hogshead; ( C j nleasure of -contra incendios, fire punip; fire etigu~c.
about 175 gal. - chupadora, surtiou punlp.
bochorno m, s u l h y weather; (rnin)(ll) after- - d e accibn simple, single-acting punip.
damp; chokedamp, blackdamp. -d e aceleracidn (auto). accelerator p u i ~ l p .
bodega f , warehouse, storehouse; (naut) hold; -d e aletas, vane-type rotary punlp.
cellar; (Clr) boxcar. - d e aletas deslizantes, slidi~ig-vntlepunip.
-de herramientas, tool house. -d e aspiracidn doble, double-suction puriiy.
-de tramo (fc), section tool house. -de aspiracidn simple, single-suction putlrg~.
bodegaje m, storage charges, warehousing. -d e balancin, beam punlp.
- en hGmedo, wet storage (battery). -d e barrido (di), scavenge pump.
-en seco, dry storage (battery). -d e carena, bilge pump.
bodeguero m, storekeeper. -d e carrera regulable, ~ariable-displace~llerit
bogie m (fc), truck. pump.
-de arrastre, trailing truck. - d e cigiiefia, crank-action piimp.
-giratorio o d e u n solo eje, pony truck. -d e cigiiefia y volante, crank-arid-flyn-hct
-piloto, pilot truck. pump.
bogue m (Es). Boghead coal. -d e cilindro corredizo (pet), traveling-eyL~.
boicot, boicoteo m, boycott. d e r punip.
bomba 48 boquilla

-de concreto, Pumpcrete (trademark). -inatascable, clogless pump.

-de chorro, jet or water-jet pump. -insertada (pet), insert pump, casing pump.
-de desplazamiento positivo, positive dis- -inyectora de combustible, fuel-injection
placement pump. pump.
-de difragma, diaphragm pump. -manual, hand pump.
-de doble efecto, double-acting pump. -medidora, measuring pump; (auto) metering
-de doble paso o de dos escalones o de dos or dispenser pump.
etapas o de dos grados, two-stage pump. -multigradual, multistage pump.
-de dosaje, measuring pump. -para pozos profundos, deep-well pump.
-de dragado, dredging pump. -quintupla, quintuplex pump.
-de efecto iinico, single-acting pump. -rarificadora (ra), vacuum pump.
-de bmbolo, piston pump. -reciproca (Pe), reciprocating pump.
-dd Bmbolo buzo o de dmbolo macizo, plunger -recogedora (pet), pickup pump.
pump. -reforzadora, booster pump.
-de engranaje d e oreja triple, three-lobe ro- -rotativa, rotary pump.
tary pump. -rotativa de engranaje interior, iritcrnal-gear
-de estribo, stirrup pump. pump.
-de fango, mud pump. -sumergible, submersible or deep-well turl~ine
-de gasto variable, variable-discharge pump. pump.
-de hblice, propeller or screw pump. -surtidora de gasolina, service-station or gas-
-de impulso, impulse pump. oline-dispensing pump.
-de impulsor hbierto, open-impeller pump. -suspendida (exc), sinking pump.
-de impulsor cerrado, closed-impeller pump. -triple, triplex pump.
-de impulsores opuestos, opposed-impeller bombas gemelas, duplex pump.
pump. bombaje m, pumping.
-de inflar (A)(U), tire pump. bombardeo electrbnico, electron bombardment.
-de inrnersibn, submersible or deep-well tur- bombeable, pumpable.
bine pump. bombeado m, pumping; arching, crowning; a
-de lbbulos, lobar-type rotary pump.
-de lodo, mud jack; sludge pump; dredging or
arched, crowned; dished.
bombeador m, pumpman, pumper.
mud pump; (pet) slush pump. bombear, to pump; to crown; to camber; bom-
-de mo4ero (M), plunger pump. bearse, to bulge, spring.
-de ocho ,grados, eight-stage pump. bombeo m, pu~npirlp;crowning; bulging; camber.
-de odgeno, oxygen bomb. bomber0 m, pumpman; fireman.
-de paletas deslizantes, sliding-vane rotary bombilla f, incandescent lamp; bulb.
pump. bombillo m, small pump; (p) trap; (C) lantern
-de paletas oscilantes, swinging-vane rotary globe; (C) incandescent lamp; (C) radio
pump. tube.
-de paso mfiltiple, multiple-stage pump. bombbn m, pump used in sugar mills.
-de paso recto, straightway pump. bonanza f, large deposit of rich orc.
-de pique (auto) (A), accelerator pump. bonderita f, Bonderite (rustproohg)(trade-
-de pistbn, piston pump. mark).
- de potencia, power pump (reciprocating bonderizar, to bonderize (rustproof).
pump driven by external power). bonete m (vh), bonnet.
-de presibn (pet), pressure bomb. bongo m, scow, flatboat.
-de resorte, spring-actuated pump. bonguero, boatman, bargeman, lighterman.
-de rodete doble, double-mnncr pump. bonificacibn f, bonus; (irr) (hi) reclamation.
-de rosario, chain pump. bonificar (cont), to credit.
-de salvataje, salvage or wrecking pump. bonista (C), bondholder.
-de sentina, bilge pump; sump pump. bono m, (fin) bond.
-de simple efecto, single-acting pump. -a corto plazo, short-term bond.
-de succibn a1 extremo, end-suction centrifu- -colateral, collateral-trust bond.
gal pump. -de primera hipoteca, first-mortgage bond.
-de succibn lateral, side-suction centrifugal -hipotecario, mortgage bond.
pump. boquera f, head gate; sluice gate; outlet; (Sp)
-de sumidero, sump pump. cesspool.
-de trasiego, transfer pump. boquerel m, nozzle.
-de turbina, turbine pump. boquerbn m, large opening; (top) gap, pass.
-de vaivin (A), reciprocating pump. boquete m, gap, pass; opening in a wall; (elec)(A)
-desarenadora, sand pump. air gap.
-doble, duplex pump. boquilla f, small opening; chuck, collet; socket;
-giratoria, rotary pump. bushing; nipple; noazlc; (tcl)(hyd) mouth-
-impelente, force or pressure pump; impeller piece; (w) tip; (top) gap, pass; (mas) chink.
pump. -ahusada (mh), spring collet, draw-in collet.
-impulsora de diafragma, diaphragm force -alsladora, irisulatirig bushing.
pump. - aspiradora. aspirating nozzle.
boquilla 40 botella

-de agua, ncedlc nozzlr. d e encauzamiento, Irvre.

-de anillo a escuadrs, h q ~ ~ n s c - r i nnrizzl-.
x libre (l~icl)(cn), f r c r l ~ n : ~ ~ c l .
- .-
- de anillo agudo, u ~ ~ i t - r iliozzic. ~ ~ f i provisional (.\I), coffc~r(l:r!:l.
-- -

-de Borda ( l ~ i ~ l13orti:r'h

), 11111r1t11pic(.c. bord6n In, fl:irlge of a wheel; b u l b o n a n nnglc
-de borne ( r l i , ~ )terrrun:~l
, I)usliing. or 'I.
- de brida, flnngc(1 ~rozzlc. boreal, ~ r o r t h e r n .
-d e calorifero, r:~di:itor t~ushing. b6rico (qr~ilrl),boric, hornric.
-de collar, sing rliurk. borna (PI<.(.),see borne.
-del electrodo (sol), electrode tip. borne m, (c.lcr) tc~.llli~l:~I, binding p o s t ; a 1i:il.d-
- d e engrase, oilllolc.
de flujo, flow rlozzlc.
-d e contacto, c o n t a c t tcsrnin:~I.
-d e forro, lincr hushiug. - d e masa ( a u t o ) , g r o l u ~ <tlr ~ . n ~ i r ~ : t l .
-de guia, jig I > a h h i i ~ ~ . borneadero TIL ( n h t ~ t ) ,PI t 11: t r11.11il1g I)a~in.
-d e inundaci6n (:In), floorling 11ozzlr. bornear, (1i:iut) t o hv-il~g,tri1.11; bornearse, t(;
-de manguera, ~:ozzlr,.
110-17 \v:i1 1).
-de pulverizadora, ~)I.:I.\.or :I~I.~>YII..~I .111zz1:,. bornita j, 1101 ~ ~ i ipcr,~ ~ . l l(,rilliwr lc ole.
-de quijadas convergentes ( ~ I I ~ ICOIICL ), or boro 111 [[IIITIII), 1111rin1.
(Ira>S-~lli>S ~111~~1-Ollt l'~11ll'k. borol6n T I E , 1~osolo11 (:1111~:thiv<>1 (tr:rcleniark).
-de reborde hembra ( t i ~ l l i , uuthitlc h c ~ ~ dborra / ( I I I ~ I I ) , II:II.I.V~I I,IJI,!<.
husl~ing. - d e algodbn, rot t f ) IT
- ~ :~,lc:
~ cotto11 Ii~itcrs.
-de reborde macho, ilrhirle li(~ic11111~l1ing. t o r r a d o r m , I ~ I I ~ I ~c11:1ft:
II rl.:i.:cr.
-- d e snjeci6n ( I I ~ I . I
.), - d e tinta, i ~ ~r,l.:l-cr.
- l;
-- de tuerca fiadora i1.lC1.1,I o i , k - ~ ~ nI,r~hl~ing.
t borradura .f, ci;r;rirc.
-entrante (I~itl).I3or1l:~'s1)s re-vlitsa~lt111011111- borrar, t o c l . : ~ ~ ~
piccc. borrasca /. : I J ,~ ~ ~ ~ j , ~ ~ v l(11. r i~~v~o ~t i. k\ t-~ct l -111inc.
-fibrosa (PIC?), f i l w Iiuhliing. borl-ico nz, ( , , : I v ~.) :J I \ \ ~ I ~ (1011l<c~y.
-inyectora d e combustible, frlcl-ii~jcction borricbn In. *i.:rl'fol~i1101-I-. ! ~ I I K C~ : t \ v l ~ ~ ~ r h r .
nozzle. borriqllete nl. -:~\r!~os.r.~ . : : ~ l r ~ t l l t el r~' os r s e .
-lanzaarena, s:1~~~11~1:1st nr~zzlc. boruro ni ( , ~ I I ~ ! :I I )I I. S ~ I ~ I ~ .
-n~ezcladora,~ n i u i n g11ozz11~. bosque 7 n , io~.(rht.
-muestreadora (v:rl,or), h:il~ipli~igI I O Z Z ~ C . bosquejar, t o akctvlr.
-para macho, t:11) (&IIII(,~;. bosquejo ni. :~I,
-para soldar (tnl)), h ~ l ~ i r s Ii ~~u~s gl l i n ~ . bo!a (f) d e ascensor IIi), elevator boot.
-rociadora, spray nozz!c. botas d e gorna, t 111)l;rl. i ~ o o t s .
-sin cabeza, Ir(~:rrllchhI I I I ~ ~ I ~ I I ~ . botada /, I : L I I I I I , ~ I ~ I I ~ .
-sin reborde ( t r ~ l , ) far(,
, 111141:nfi. botadzro III ( o i l , ( I I I I ~ I ~h])i~il
, 11:ink.
boratera f (.I)(B) (Cll), IIC~:LX d c ~ l ~ o > i t . botador in, c r : ~ r p ) 11:ril w't: (1.c) haclring*ut
borato nz ( I ~ I I ~ ~Ix~r:itc..
II), 1)rlll~~ll; ( > I > ) ~ ~ l ~ l l > lt::p1>c>t.
b6rar m. 11or:lu. - d e v i h u l a , \ :llvc t : ~ l ~ p c t .
borbo!lar, borbotar, t o guhl1. b11il up. botafango 111, ~ ~ l n d f i u a r i l .
borbollbn m, hpriug: t ) o i l ~ ~!I[).~ g botaganado 111, c ~ ) \ x - ~ ~ a t <l.ol ~r ~ c r~, r niovtr pilot.
borbotzo ni, gtisl~illg.1>11l~Iili11c, Ijuili11g 1 ~ 1 ~ . bataguas ~n ( c ~ l )n.:ltvr . t:rl)le; A a ~ l l i ~rail1 ~ g ; shed;
borbotbn m, boil iv -:r11(1,n ii~~. 111;oriover :I tlo111.;Ic:~rler b<iui; ~r.cathel.irig.
borda f (cn), b~~l\r:ll.k: ~r111w:~lc. botalodo m ( P I O , 111r1~1::11asil.
borde m. e(lgc: d i l ~ c .Ic.\.i.c.. botalbn rn, tler.r i r k t ) r \ o ~ l ~ ( V, ) ht:ikc.
-de ataque, u l ~ s i ~ - cor: t ~lc:rc!illg~~ or cntcl.i~lg - de pala, .Iiovt-l l1oo111.
etlgr. -para cable d e arrastre, clrnglilie boom.
-de desviacibn (is:.), l~orclcrclicck. botalonenr (V), t o h t a k c o u t .
-de encnuzarniento, lrvcc. botar, t o d n l n p : ( r s c ) to w t r t e ; t o lau11ch; (re)
-de entrada, Icatl~ila(YIKP. t o I n c k out,.
-de obturacibn, I I ~ : I C ~ ~ I I : : e11~e. -a1 agua, t o l:runr?l.
-de retacadura, c.nlkillg eOyc. botarel m, hl~ttrcsn,c o ~ ~ ~ r t c ~ . f o r . t .
-de salida, dowiistrc:ru~ or tr:iiling o r leaving botavaca ?ri (['I:), (loco) r lot, co\vcatrlrer.
edge. bolavara f, hooln, a:~lT;I)ij:~t11ool;; \\-ago11 pole.
-de solapa (cn), s i g h t edgc. botazo m (rli), fc~ltl(,r,~.ul)l>il~:: > t ii).
-de la soldadura, t o e of well.. bote ~ n I>o:L~;
, rnnt:lillcr; (:\I) l ~ u c k c t ,sliip; (sh)
-laminado, rr;llccl cclgc (ztccl p l a t r ) . (RI) clil,pc.s.
-recortado, sl~caretfr t l c r (htec.1 platr). I - d e draga (AI), (lr:rgli~icbucket.
bordeadora f , t u b e c s p : r r ~ ( l r ~I)cadl~ig
, tool, (1x1) -d e lata, tin cuiltnincr.
flue ~.nllcr.;(irr) ~.itlgcl.. ,
-d e paso, Ier~.yhoat.
-de discos (isr), di.-k ritlgcr. , -d e valva d e almeja (,\I), c l a n ~ s h e l lbucket.
bordear, t o fl:r~~gc*: t o (vlp-. -- salvavidas, I~t'c-11o:it.
bordillo m . rrlrl), sl11111i11cl.. volador, flyill:: ho:rt.

-de labio ((,:I), lip t.tu.11. bote-sifbn, sil~hollcall.

bordo m, d i k r ; edge: sick of s ship. botella f, I ~ o t t l e .
- de contencibn. lcvcc, klilic. -- a s p ~ r a d o r a(lab), asuirittur Lotl!~.
botella 50 brazos

-cuentagotas (lab), dropping bottle. -cdnica, nun buoy.

-de lavar (lab), wash bottle. -de amarre o de anclaje, mooring buoj..
-de presi6n (lab), pressure bottle. - de asta, spar buoy.
- de sondeo, sounding bottle. - de campana, bell bnoy.
-para filtrar, filter flask. - de cuarentena, quarantine buoy.
botero m, boatman. -de doble cono, nun buoy.
boterola f , dolly; rivet sct or snap. -de espia, warping buoy,
botiquin m, medirine che,t. - de gongo, gong buoy.
-de emergencia, first-aid-kit. -de medio canalize, r~iid-rhanncl1,uoy.
- de urgencia, first-aid kit; first-aid station. -de palo o de pertiga, spar l)uoy.
boto, 1)lunt. -de pito o de silbato o de sirena, whistling
botbn m, button; doorknob; rmnkpin; (rhcm) buoy.
bead; (Ibr) knot; (RI) snap team of n~ulcs de tambor, can hiioy.
or bulls; (merh) (C) boss. -luminosa, g:ts buoy, light buoy.
- del alumbrado (anto), light button. -sonora, I)cll buoy.
-de arranque, (auto) starter pedal; (eler) boya-farol, fins or lighted buoy.
starting buttorl. boya-tonel, ran Inlay.
- de avance transversal (mh), cross-feed knob. boyante, hlioyarlt.
-de bocina (auto), llorn button. boyar, to buoy; t o float.
-de la calefaccidn (auto), heater button. bracero m, laborer, workman.
- del cebador (auto), clloke button. braga f , sling; spreader for hoisting.
- de contacto, push button; contact button. bramante ( n ~ aislador,
) i~~sulatirlg
- de embrague (mh), clutch knob. bramil m, chalk line; a line nlarked with chalk.
- del estrangulador de aire (auto), choke but- branca f (Col), pier, pilaster.
ton. brancal m , franie of a wagon; (Plt) wagon shaft.
- de manubrio, (eng) crankpin. brandal m, backst,ay, ticback.
- de pestillo o de puerta, doorknob. branque m (cn), stem.
- de presibn, push button. brasero m, brazier, fire pot, salamander.
-de la puesta en marcha (auto)(A), starter -de gasolina, plur~~ber's torch.
button or pcdnl. braunita f, hmuuit,e (ore of :na:lganese).
-de sintonizaciBn (xi), tuning knob. braza f (nhut), fatllom.
- de tope (cv), button stop. brazada f (Col)(V), fattiom.
-de trlfico (ca), traffic-marking button. -de piedra (M), a cubic measure used in scll-
-partido (elbc), split knob (insulator). ing building stone.
-pulsador, push button. brazaje m, depth of water.
-reflector (ca), reflecting button. brazal m, irrigation ditch.
-y tub0 ( e l k ) , knob and tube (work). brazo m, arm; leg of a n angle; branch of a tree;
botones d e herramentero, toolmakers' buttons. branch of a stream; mast arm.
botonera f , panel of push buttons. -, a, by hand.
bournonita f, bournonite, wheel ore. -de adrizamiento (an), righting lever or arm.
bbveda f, vault; arch; (geol) dome, cupola; (A) -de ataque (pl)(M), dipper stick.
crown of a road. -del cigiieiial, (eng) crank arm.
-corrida, barrel arc11 or vault. - de compls, leg of a compass.
- de aligeramiento, relieving arch. -del cucharbn (pl),, dipper stick.
- de aristas, groined arch, cross vault. - de direccidn (auto), steering arm.
-de, centro pleno, semicircular arch. - del 6mbol0, piston rod.
-de cruceria, groin vault. -de gobierno (auto), control arm.
- de descarga, relieving arch. -de griia, (crane) h o o ~ njib; , (de) stiffleg.
-del fogdn (cnl), fire arch. -del muiidn de direccibn (auto), steering-
-del hogar, fire arch. knnrkle arm.
- de medio caii611, barrel arch; semicircular -- de palanca, lever arm, leverage.
arch. -de pared, \\-all l)rack~.t.
- de medio punto, semicircu1:~r arch. -de romana, bean1 of a scale.
-de panderete (E.;),timbrelorGuatavinoarch. - de ruptura (auto), breaker arm.
-de segmento, scgrncntal arch. -montador (tiin), erector arm.
-en caiibn, barrel arch or vault. -oscilante, rocker arrn; (pet) swing arm.
- escarzana, s e g ~ n e ~ l tarch.
al -para llmpara, lamp bracket.
- esferica, dome. -para retenida (poste), guy arm.
-rebajada, flat arch. -polar, pole arm (planin~ctcr).
-tabicada (Col), arch of brick laid on the flat. -rastrillador (is), raking arm.
bovedilla f, arrh between steel floor beams; -rigido, (tle) stiffleg.
closed body of a t r l ~ c k ;(sb) poop, stern -trazador, tracer arm (planimeter).
overhang, corlr~tcr,fantail. -volado (pte), cantilever arm.
bovedBn m (PC),clia~nbcrin a mine. brazos, labor ( ~ n e r ~ ) .
boya f,buoy; float. -de cucharbn a horcajadas (pl), straddle-type
-cilindrica, ran buoy. dipper sticks.
brazola broca

brazola f, coaming; curb. - de tractores, fleet of tractors.

-de escotilla, hatch coaming. -del trlnsito (lev), transit party.
-de registro, manhole coaming. -sanitaria, sanitary squad.
brea f , pitch, tar, brea, perroleurn asphalt. -topogrlfica (A), survey party.
-de alquitrln (N), coal-tar pitch. brillante, bright (wire); glossy (finish).
-de carbbn o de hulla, coal tar. brillantez f (il), brilliance, lurninosity, subjective
-de hulla residual, coal-tar pitch. brightness.
-de primera destilacibn, straight-run pitch. brillo m, (miner) luster; (il) brightness; gloss;
-de tierra, earth pitch. (ra) glow.
-mineral, asphalt, mincral pitch; maltha, -anacarado, pearly luster.
mineral tar. -ceroso, waxy luster.
brear, to coat with pitch. - craso, grcasy lustcr.
breccia f (gcol) , breccia. -de betcn, pitchy luster.
brecha f , a breach, opening, crevasse; (gcol) -grasiento o mantecoso, greasy luster.
breccia. -grasoso (B), greasy luster.
-de dislocacidn ( A ) , crush or frirtion or fault -mate, dull luster.
breccia. -nacarado, pearly luster.
-de fallas o de friccidn o de trituracidn, fault -resinoso, resinous luster.
or crush or frirtiorr 1)reccia. -sedoso, silky luster.
-de talud, talus breccia. ' -subjetivo (il), subjective brightness, lurni-
brechacibn f (gcol), brecciation. nosity, brilliance.
brechiforme, brccciated. -terroso, earthy luster.
brechero m (cc) (If),trailbuilder. -vitreo, vitreous luster.
brechoide (B), brccciated. brinco (m) hidrlulico, hydraulic jump.
brechoso, brecciated. I briqueta f, briquet.
breque m, bmke; (PC) baggage car. briquetar, briquetear, t o briquet.
brequero m (Col), brakcman. briqueteadora f , briquetitlg press; briquct mold.
brete m (fc)(.\), cattle pass, cattle ramp. brisa f , breeze, light wind.
briaga f, sling; (Col) hoisting rope. -elGctrica, electric wind.
brida f, (p) flange; c l a ~ n p ;splice platc; bridle -ligera, light or gentle wind.
(cable) ; bridle (harness) ; (rr) splice bar; -moderada, ~rloderateor fresh wind.
(mt) dog. brisera f (C) (Pit), windshield.
-angular (fr) , angle bar. brisero (Col), windshield.
-ciega (tub), blind flange: blank flange. brisote m, strong wind.
-corrediza (tub), slip-on flange. bristol m (dib). Bristol board.
-curva (tub), saddle or tank or boiler flange. brizna f, splinter, chip.
-de acoplamiento, colnpa~lionflangc; coupling broca f, drill, drill bit; (A) driftpin.
flange. -buriladora, router bit.
-de arrastre (mh), clamp dog. -centradora, center bit or drill.
-de collar (tub), neck or collar flange. -de acanalado doble, doublc-flute drill.
-de copa (tub), hat flange. -de acanalado recto, straight-flute drill.
-de deslizamiento ( V ) , slip-on flange. - de acanalado simple, single-flute drill.
-de enchufe (tub), socket flange. -d e acanaladura triple, three-fluted drill.
-de junta montada (tub), Van Stone or -de alambre, wire drill.
-de alegrar, reamer.
lapped-joint flange.
-de obturacidn (tub), blind flange.
-de orificio (tub), orifice flange.
, -dc avellanar, countersinking bit.
-de barrena, drill bit.
-de piso (pb), waste nut, floor flangc. -de canal de aceite, oil-tube drill.
-grapa (A), lathe dog. -de canaleta recta, pod bit.
-lisa (tub) (M), blank flangc. -de cuchara, pod drill, spoon or pod bit
-loca, loose flange. -de diamantes, diamond bit.
-para artefact0 (pb), fixture flange. -de doble corte, dual-rut drill.
-para martillar (tub), peening flange. -de espiga ahusada, taper-shank drill.
-para plato (torno), chuck platc. -de espiga recta, straight-shank drill.
-postiza (C), loose flange. -de manguito, shell drill.
-reductora, rcducing flange. -de paso corto, high-spiral or high-helix
-roscada, screwed flange. drill.
-soldada, welded flange. -de trinquete, ratchet drill.
-tapadera (tub), blind flange. -desmontable, detachable bit.
-tapbn (tub), barrel flange. -destornilladora, screwdriver bit.
bridas gemelas o de unidn, flange union, corn- -espiral o helicoidal, twist drill.
panion flanges. -estrellada, star bit.
bridar, t o flange. -pasadora (est), driftpin.
brigada f,party, squad, gang; (tk) flcet. -piloto, pilot bit.
-de campo, ficltl forces or p:lriy. -postiza o recambiable, detachable bit.
-de dibujantes, scluacl of draftsmen. -salombnica, twist drill.
brocal bulbo

brocal m, rim; mouth of a shaft; curb around a -d e artesa, t r o u g l ~compass.

shaft; (51) sidewalk curl); (min) collar; -de azimut, a z i n ~ u t hor a n ~ p l i t u d ecornpass.
(exc) pit I)o:irtis, well rurh. -- d e bolsillo, pockct ro1n1)ass.
brocantita J ( n ~ i n e r ) ,brocllnntite (copper sul- - de declinacibn, declination rompass.
ptlate). -d e geblogo, geologist's ro111p:~ss.
brocha j, hrush. -de inclinacibn, (ltl)l)ing rorllyass, dip ncc(lle.
-d e alambre, wirc l~rush. - de induccibn, u l d n c t i o ~or ~ earth-inductor
-d e blanquear, whitclvash brush. co111gass.
-para pintura, 1):lintl)ruslr. - de minero, mine dial, miniug cornpass.
-para ventanas, .-ash tool, fitch. -d e nonio, vernier con1l)ass.
brochada f , hri~slistroke; brush coat. -de reflexi6n, priri~naticronlpass.
brochal nL. I~ea(lerbenln. - de selvicultura, fnrestcr's ronlpass.
brochar, t o hrush. -de senos, h e g a l r a n o ~ ~ ~ c t c r .
broche nz, Ilasp. -de tangentes, taliger~tgalvanometer.
broches para correa ( C )(Ai),belt hooks or lacing. -- de topbgrafo (BI), survcyol ' 3 (:onlpass.
brochbn, whitewash 1)ruali. giroscbpica, gyroconlpass, directioilal gyro.
broma J, tctrcdo, sllip~vorm. -goniombtrica, radio colnpahs.
bromado, \vorrn-eaten. -maritima, rnarir~cr'scompass.
bromato m (quiin). hromate. -minera, n~initrgrorilpass.
bromhidrato m, Iiydrobron~ide,hydrobromate. -repetidora, rt.pc:tter eorllpass.
bromhidrico, Iiydrobro~nic. -suspendida ( n ~ i n )liangirlg, compass.
brbmico, brolnic. bruiiidor m, burrlislier.
bromito m (quirn), bromitc. bruxiir, t o burnihlt, polisl~.
bromo m (quim), hromine. brusca f (cn), ca~nl)cr,roundup.
bromofenol m (is). I,ro~liophenol. brusco, sb:irp ( ~ u r v or e grade).
bromuro m, bromide. bruto, gross; crudc.
-metilico, methyl bromide. bruza f , coarse brush.
bronce m, bronze; brass; (rnin) iron pyrites. bucear, t o dire.
-a1 estatio, tin hronze. buceo m, diving, submarine work.
-a1 estaiio-plomo, leaded tin bronze. bucharda f ( ~ n a m ) husl~liammer;
, crandall.
-amarillo, brass. buchardar, to bushlian~mer.
-antilcido, acid bronze. bufarse, t o swell, Ileavc.
-cromado, cllromiurll bronze. buhardilla f,garret: (A) skylight.
- de alto plomo, 11igl1-lcad bronze. buja f (tub) (maq) (>,I), bushi~lg.
-d e aluminio, alulninurn bronze. bujarda f (mam), busliliamn~er.
-d e campanas, I,cll ~ n e t s l ha1.d
, bronze. buje m, bushing, slceve.
- d e caiibn, Xun metal. -al ras (tub), flush bushing.
-d e carbbn (nlinj, coal brass or blende. -d e ballesta (auto), spring bllslling.
-d e niquel-estaiio, nickel-tin bronze. -de contratuerca (eliac), lock-nut bushing.
-duro, hard bronze, hnrd or bell metal. -de reborde (tub), shoulder bushi~ig.
-fosforado, phospllor bronze. - de reduccibn (tub), b ~ l s l ~ i n g .
-hidrlulico, liydraulic bronze. -de tubo-conduct0 (cli.c), conduit busl~ing.
-manganbsico, mangnnesc bronze. -maestro, lriaster bushing.
-silicado, silirou Lt.onzc. -para manguera, hose bushing.
-Tobin, T o b i ~ iI>ronze. -para soldar (tuh), soldering or rvclding bush-
bronces ( f c ) , c:rr l)~.ns~c~s. ing.
bronceado, brass-iil:itcd, bronzcd. -partido, split bushing.
bronceria f, bronze tvork, br:isswork; bronze or bujia f , spark plug; candle; candle power.
brass s l ~ o p . -caliente, hot spark plug.
-d e obra, strurturnl bronze work. -de encendido o de inflamacibn, spark plug.
broncero m, broncista m, brassworker, bronze- -decimal (il), dcrin~:ilrandle.
smith. - elbctrica, electric or .I:~l,Iochkoff candlc.
brookita f , brookitc (titanium ore). -esfbrica (il), spherical candle power.
broqueles W L ( t i ~ n(Es),
) poling boards. -fria, cold spark plug.
broquero m (nlllj (LI),bit dresser. -Hefner (il), I-lcfner canclle.
brotadero m, spring (water). -hemisferica (il), hemispherical candle power.
brotar, t o crop o u t ; to clncrge (ground water). -hora, ca~ldle-hour.
brotazbn m, a n outcrop. -international, international or British stand-
brote m (C), outcrop. ard candle.
-d e filtracibn, seepage outcrop. -luminosa o luminica, candlc power.
broza f, brushwood; (C11) mine waste; (Pe)(B) -mbtrica, meter-candle.
poor ore. -normal o patrbn, stanclard candle.
brucita J , brucite, native magnesium hydroxide. -plomada (t6n), plunlb candlc.
brGjula f,compass, n~agneticneedle. bujia-pie, foot-candle.
-d e agrimensor, surveyor's compass, circum- bullrcama f (cn), rider.
ferentor. 1 bulbo m, (-4) bulb (lamp) ; (ra) (hl) tube.
I bulbo 53 cabal1611

-a1 vacio (M), vnruum ttthc. buscapolos m (c1i.r). polc fir~dcr.

- de amplificacibn (raj (111,amplifier. buscatubo m, pipe fir~rlc>r.
- de fuerza (r:rj (I:), polvcr t111)-. busco tn (Ilitlj, gate or 1o1.A-or miter sill; toe wall.
- de presibn ( m s ) , I ~ u l bof Ilrrshnt.c. butano m, butane.
-electrbnico (31j, electron tl~lw. buterola .f, dolly, rivet set.
-fotoel8ctrico (A\), p l ~ o t o t u l ) c ,plroto~lcc,tric bazamiento ?:L. (ge01) dip; (min) pitch.
tllhc. -arriba, npdip.
-indicador d e sintonia ( r : ~ ) ( l I j tuniii:: , irrcli- buzar (gcol), t o dip.
r:itilr t 11l)r. buzarda f (ctl). hrc.nithook.
-mezclador (rn) (>I), mixcir t ul~o. buzo m, <liver;1>1111igcr.
bulbn m, l ~ o l t ,(.I) nln1.11itreL o l ~ . buzEnm, I ~ i t l . 11r111ker;
letter box; (13) chute; (Pe)
-cornfin, r~l:tr.l~ittebolt. Illnl~llolr.
-de ajuste (cst 1 , fitt~ng-up1)olt. - d e compensacibn (ng), surge Ilopgcr.
- d e anclaje, :lr~cirorI)olt. - de inspeccibn (31) (J'e), n ~ a t ~ h r ~ l c .
-de arado, p1i1\v l ~ o l t . -d e metralla, S I . ~ : lI ~ i) ~ i .
- de cabeza d e hongo y cue110 cuadrado, c:~r- -- para carbbn, 1.0n1l ~ ~ t l r k rco:ilI~ir~.
riaze l ~ o l t . buzones cargadores (conc), 111ixcr bins.
- d e cabeza perdida, r o r t ~ ~ t c r s l l ~l x i k~ l t ;f1:lt- buzonera f, (.\I) d1.ail1.
II<-:i(l stovc IlOIt.
-d e cabeza ranurada, ~ T I ) V I11oIt. >
- d e carroceria (.\). (.:II.I.I:ICI: 1101:.
- de eclisa ( f r . ) , fr:/rk 1;ol:. cabalgadura, park nrrininl.
- del 6rnbol0, ( c n ~ ~) ~ i - l [o> i~l l t. cabalgar, t o I ; L ~ov(,t.
-de fijacibn (.\), stud IIOI;, ictir.l-rn-; I . I . I I I I ~ caballaje 71, ( ( ' 1 . I ~ o ~ . s r ~ ) o w c r .
bolt. caballeria f. :I l a t ~ dI I I ~ ~ : I -:iI,ollt
I I I P 3:3%iacres in
-de grillzte, s l t n ~ ~ ll~~lrr~ l t . "IIII:~, I O I i :II,I,(,S 111 Ai~'xii,o,1!)4 n ~ ~ in e s
- de montaje 1 , crc(.tlr>rlbolt. I'u(.l to I:I, 11. :1110llt 11 1 acres it1 Ccrilral
- d e ojo, cyt>bolt. X~rtctI ~ : I ; $:1(11llcliorrc.
- d e pistbn, (cngj j)i-tor~pin. caballeriza f, ht:~l~l(..
- d e via (CI.), t1:~r.kI ~ r ~ l t . caballero m (ot). sjmil tl:ruk.
-nervado ((.st). r i l ~I~olt. caballele m , t r(,hr Ir I ~ e t ~ .,I r , frnrnc; I ~ o r s e l ~ c n d ;
-ordinario, ~rrar.lri~lc 11olt. (k1) g:ti~try;(.\) ~ S I I ~sawlrot S: he; ridge of
-para cangilones, c~l(~\-aior I>olt. n roof, ri~lrr~.i)olc.~ . t ~ l g1.o1l; u (vn) yoke;
-para peldafios, h t < , l ) IIOIL. (1iic1.11)s:lclcila; (?:I) l.idge, .iti~alldikc; (rd)
- torneado, ~ , I I ~ I I CI)olt.(~ rx-i~~dt~o\v.
- zurdo, I,olt m i t ! ~Icft-lt:~rttltIlre:i~l. - A, A fr:llll(~.
bulonado m , I ~ o l t i l ~ g1itt111g
, 1111. - de 10s aguilones (1.n). l)oom crutch.
bulonar, t o I~olt. - de andamio, hrnir111(llic,~.>e.
bullir, t o boil. -d e aserrar, h:~\\-I~ot.ho.
buque m, I ~ o n t x-rsscl;
, (C.\) ~li~orft.:u:i~. - -- d e cablevia, c:tl~lcwnyton-clr.
- carguero, rnrgn boat, f l . c i g l ~ t ~ s ~ . - d e extraccibn ( I I I ~ IIre:l~lfr:~n~c.
-cisterns, tntil,cr. - d e maniobra, (11.1 s v i t c i ~s t n r ~ d ;floor stn11d
-costanero o de cabotaje, ~ . o : i z t i ~~~cga s r l . (g:1tc).
-fanal o faro, l i ~ l ~ t h l t t l ) . -d e mfiltiples tramos, nlultiplc-story bent.
-frigorifico, rcft iget.:~torship. -d e pilotes, prlc \,c,tlt.
-petrolero, oil c:~tlkcr. - en H, I1 frntrlc.
burbuja f. 1)listcr; but)l)le. - en marco, I r a t ~ i r dI ~ c u t .
burda f. I ~ : ~ ~ . k s t
ny, -oscilante, roclicr b r t ~ t .
burel m, rri:~rlit~e>l)ilie, lid. -portapoleas (pet j, rron-11 I~lock.
bureta f (1:111j, buret,. caballo m, I ~ o r s c ;l~orsepo\\-er;snlvllorsc; wood
buril m, stnnll clli~cl,graver. roof tru.;s.
burilada f, cl~isclcut. -d e carga, 1):~ckI~orac.
buriladora f, graver; routcr. -d e fuerza o d e vapor, I~orscporvcr.
burilar, t o cl~iscl,carve. -d e fuerza a1 freno, hr:llic 11orscl)owcr.
burlete m, wcatllcr strip; ( g ) joint runner, g:~skrt. -d e montar, snrldlc l~orsc.
burnetizar (trladj (&I),t o buri~(>ttize. -d e tiro, drnft Ilorsc.
burro m, sawl~orsc;trestle berlt; (111it1)winrllass; -electrico, elcrtric Irorsrpo~vcr.
donkcy; (sh) vang; (Pit) stcplndder; (C) -mktrico, trietric Ilorse~~o\vcr.
rlicck platc. caballo-hora, Iiorsepower-hour.
buscacloaca m, scwcr-pipe locator. caballos
buscador m, (inst) finder; (rn)(.l) cut whisker. -al eje, s l ~ a f t1~0rsc~)o~ver.
-d e fajas (Inla), strip finder. - de establecimiento (Es), installed horse-
- d e visibn directa (fln:~),direct-vision view power.
findcr. -d e regimen (mot), llorsrpomer rating.
buscafallas na (eli*r),fault lo~.:tlizcr,fnultfil~der. caballbn m, dike, lever.
buscahuella m (auto), spotligl~t. -desviador (ca), \vntcr bar.
cabecear 54 cable
cabecear, t o rock; t o pitch (ship); (M) t o cap; cabezada f,bridle, halter; (C) headwaters; (top)
(Ibr) (M) t o end-match. highest part of a region; (nlin) header
cabeceo m, (naut) pitching; (M) stone revet- beam; (naut) pitching.
ment. cabezal m, cap, header, lintel; bridle; header
cabecera f,head~vall;intake; capital city. brick; (rr~t)headstock.
cabeceras f (Col), headwaters. -alzador (gato), lifting Iiead.
cabecero m, header heani; cap, lintel; head -d e balancin (pet), bcarnhcad.
I~lock;(mas) header, borldstorie; yoke of a -d e cajdn (cal), box headcr.
window frame. -d e cerco (cat), ririg header.
-d e caballete, c:lp of a trestle bent. -d e conduct0 d e semicio (elk), servire head.
-d e esclusa, lock head. -d e conexibn miiltiple (tub), branch T.
-d e pilotes, pilo cap. -d e control (pct), control 11catl.
-d e pozo (al), manliole Ircarl. -d e choque (fc), bumper, bumping post or
-d e puerta, doorllcntl, lilitel. block.
cabecilla f (clCr)(L-), t~uidirgpost, terminal; rn -d e entrada (az), inlet he:rd.
(F),forc111:111. -d e entubamiento (uct), casing head.
cabellera f (f~lr:~),cornn. -d e nivelacibn (inst), levt~liiighearl.
cabestrillo m (r:1rl)), strap, diagonal tie. -d e pozo, T\-ellheatl,(pet) rasing hcz~d.
cabeza f , 11~:trl(ri\-rt, t~olt,:laill; 11e:lcl of wlter; -d e pozo con prensaestopa (pet), bradcnhcn(l.
Iicn(l of Ii~rhcs; (gi) flarige; :rtlderldu~r~ -d e seguridad (pet), safety 1ie:~d.
(gc;ir). -d e sujecibn (11111), workhead.
-avellanada (r.i>), countersnnk head. -d e taladrar nil^), horil~gor drilling hratl.
- caliente (r~ict),, hot top, feed- -d e torno (rrrh), lathe head, lieadstock.
11c:~l. -d e tuberia d e revestimiento (yet), c:ising
-cilindrica ranurada, fillistcr 1ic:td (screw). head.
-, de, on cl11l. -d e tubo d e produccibn (pet), tubing hratl.
- d e la biela, (cng) 1,ig end. -d e tubos, (p) hr:ir~cl~ T ; (Im) tube header;
- d e botbn alto (1.c). :Irorn head, high blittoll- (C) tube slieet.
IIC:I~. -divisor ( m h ) , dividing or iridcx head.
- d e cementacibn (pet), cementing hcatl. -fijo (mh), headstock.
- d e circulacibn (pet), circulating hcad. -giratorio (mh), toolhead.
- d e 6mbol0, pistolihcad. -mezclador (sol), mising head.
-d e empaque (pet), st~iffingbox. -mdvil (nlli), tailstock, poppethead.
-d e esclusa (hitl), lock head. -obturador (pct), packing lica(1.
-d e la flbrica (re), manufactured head. -para barrenar (mh), drilling head.
- del 6ltro (nz), filtcrliesd. -para tuberia d e perforacibn (pet), drilling
- d e golpear (pet), chi\-ing head. head.
-d e hervidores (c:tl) (A), header. -portacuchillas (as), adz or cutter block, cut-
- d e hincado (pet), drivehead, driving cap. ter cylinder.
- d e hongo, musliroonl head (column) ; button- -portatronco (as), head block.
head (rivet or bolt). -transferente (as), transfer l~lock.
-d e mina, entrance t o a mine. cabezales (az), lnill checks, housing.
- d e negro (hl), niggcrhcad, boulder. cabezo m, submerged rock, reef.
-d e perforacidn (pet), drilling head. cabezdn m , boulder, niggerhead; (Col) eddy.
- del pilote, butt of a pile. whirlpool.
- d e pozo (pet), wcllhcad; casing head. cabezorro m, 1)olt with large head.
-d e remache, rivcthcad. cabezote m, rubhle or one-man stone, (conc)
-d e seta (re), buttonhcad. plum.
-d e sonda (pet), drilling hcad. cabida f , contents; capacity, space.
-del timdn (cn), rud(1crllead. cabilla f, steel bar, clowcl, driitholt, treenail;
-- d e tornillo, screwhead. (naut) belaying pin; pintle; (conc) rein-
- d e tuberia (pet), tubing head. forcing bar.
-d e vllvula (.I), valve bonnet. -d e reparticibn (ref) (N),distributing bar.
-embutida (re). countersurik head. -d e tensiBn (ra), tension dowel.
-encajadora (pet) (RI), drivehead. -estriada (ref) (V), defornied bar.
-fijadora (tornillo) (A), fillister head. -U, U bolt.
-fuera d e l a cuerda (en), chordal addendurn. cabilldn nL, lntldcr rung.
-- fungiforme, musl~roomhead (caumn). cabina f, clcvator car; (tk)(sh) cab; cabin of an
-inferior, (gi) bottom flange. airpl:rr~c.
-martillada (re), driven head. cabio m , joi5t; trimmer beam; lintel; rafter.
-para llave, \vrench head (bolt). cabio m, lintel; rail of :t door.
-perdida (re), countersunk head. cable m, cable, rope. line; (elec) caljlc.
-superior, (gi) top flange. -acorazado (elkc), armored cable.
-trasera (perforadorn), back head. -agitador (pet), jerk line.
- (Para otros tipos de cabeza vkase remache y -alimentador (elbc), feed cable.
perno.) antigiratorio, nonspinning wire rope.
-armado, armored cable; multiple-conductor -de retencitin, guy cable; (bu) holding line.
cable. -de retroceso, (sh) backharil rope; (Ig) haul-
-arrollado con encaje, (wr) lorked-coil cable. back, receding line.
-atesador, tightening or take-up line. -de las tenazas (pet), tong line.
-blindado, a r n l ~ r c dcable. -de torcido concdntrico (eloc), concentric-lay
-carril (cv), track cable. cable.
-cerrado (Es), locked-coil cable. -de tracci6n, (wr) haulage cable; (cy) hauling
-cinta, flat wire rope. or endless line; (ce) dragline.
-concdntrico (elk), concentric-lay cable. -de traslacibn, (cy) hauling or endless line;
-corredor, running rope. (Ig) straw or grass line.
-de abach, Manila rope. -de via (cv). track or main cable.
-de aceite (c16c), oil-filled cable. -de volteo (ruch), dumping line.
- de acercamiento (cv), inhaul ca1)le. -, de un solo, (bu? siugle-line.
- de acero, wire rope or cat>le. -grira (Es), cableway.
-- de achique (pct), swabbing line. -guardacarretera, higlr\vay guard cable.
-- de alambre, wire rope. -Manila, Manila rope.
-de alambres ajustados, (wr) locked-wire - mensajero, carrying or messenger or load
cal~lc. cable.
-de alambres pareados (elk), paired or non- -metilico de alma fibrosa, filler-core wire rope.
qund(fc(1cnl~lr. -muerto, standing rnyc; (pet) dead line.
- de alejamiento, (cy) outhaul cable; (lg) -para encarrilamiento (fe), a~rcrkingrope.
hni~ll,:ick. -para intemperie ( ~ 1 6 ~ weathrrjlroof
1, cable.
-de algodbn, cottoll rope. -para maniobras (fc), switcliing rope.
- de almas mfiltiples, multiple-core cable. -para vientos, guy cable.
- de alzar, hoisting line, -portador, (cy) main or load cable; suspension
- de aproximacibn (cr), inhaul cnblc. cable.
-de arrastre, draglinc, hauling cable. -preformado, preformed wire ropc.
- de arrollado liso, (wr) smooth-coil cable. -protegido (eli.~),sliieldcd cable.
- de avance ( ~ l l )crowd
, line. -rastrero, hauling ccible.
-de botones crv), button linc. -rosario (cvj (.\I. llritton linc.
- de cadena, chain rablc. -soltador (cut.l~),tripping line.
-de cliiamo, hlanila or hemp rope. -suspendedor (pte), suspender cal~le.
-de carga, load or carrying cat~le. -sustentador, c:rrryirig or load cal)lc.
-de cierre (cucl~j,closing or digging line. -telefgrico, aerial tranlway.
-de cola, tag line. -tractor o sin fin (cv), hauling or endless line.
-de compensaci6n, take-up line. -transbordador, mllleway.
-de conductor mGltiple (elk), multiple-con- -trenzado (c16c), stranded or braided cable.
ductor cable. -vaciador (cuch), dumping linc.
-de conductores d e sector felcc), srctor cable. cableado rn (cab), lay.
-de conductores encerrados (elk), sllielded- -corriente, regular lay.
rori(1nrtor ca1,le. -cruzado, (cab) regular lay; plain lay (rope).
-de conductores gemelos (elk), twin wire. -paralelo, laug lay.
-de conductores separados (clbc), split-con- cablear (cab), to twist, t o lay.
ductor cable. cablecarril m, cableway ; aerial tramway.
-de cordones planos, flattened-strand wire -corredizo, traveling rableway.
rope. -giratorio, radial cableway.
-de corrida, running rope. cablero m (XI), rigger.
-de la cuchara (pet), bailing line. cablerriel m (cv), track cable.
- de descarga (cucli), durnping or trip line. cablevia m, csbleway; aerial tramway.
-de elevacibn, hoisting or fall or load line. -de arrastre (cf), cableway skidder.
-de empuje (pl), crosvti line. -d e cable templado, Tautline eableway
-de espira cerrada, (wr), locked-coil cable. (trademark).
-de extraccibn, cable on a niine hoist. -flojo, slackline cableway.
-de gas ( e l k ) , gas-filled cable. -radial, radial cableway.
-de giro (gr), sluing line. -trasladable, traveling cableway.
-de h e n e q u h , sisal rope. cabo m, rope, strand; foreman; handle; cape; end
-de izar, fall or hoisting or load line. -ciego (A), rap nut.
-de labor, running rope. -de cuadrilla, straw boss, assistant foreman.
-de ladeo (tdnj(nbut), bull line. -de hacha, ax handle.
-de levante (hf), hoisting line. -de labor, running rope.
-de mando, operating cable. -de mecha ( A ) , shank of a drill.
-de nudos (cv), button linc. -de pico, pick handle.
-de recorrido (cv) (A), hauling or endless line. -de pistola, pistol grip.
-de refmnamiento, snubhing linc. -de retenida, guy cable; guy strand.
-de remolque, hawser, towing line, towline; -guardacamino (ca), guardrail strand.
(type of wire ropc) hawser, n~ooringlinc. -Manila, Manila rope.
-mensajero, suspension or messenger strand. -de adujadas, coil chain.
-muerto, starrdirig ropc, guy cable. - de agrimensor, survcyor's chain (fit3 feet).
-para vientos, guy strand. - de aisladores (elcc), chain insulator, insula-
cabotaje m, pilotage; coastwise shipping, cab* tor string.
tage. -de ajuste, toggle cllain, (lg) bunk cli:~iri.
cabrestante m, ninc11, crah, capstan; iZ frame, -de amarrar, mooring chain.
breast or lrouse derrick. -de cable o de contretes, cable or stud-link
-corredizo (liid), travclirig gate hoist. chain.
- de cadena, chain block. -de distribucibn (auto), timing chain.
-manual, hari(l-power winch. -de dragado, dredge (:t1ai11.
-para remolcar, towing winch. -de empuje (pl), crowding cllain.
cabrestantero m (pet), winch-head man, rathcad -de engranaje, pitch cllairi.
nran. -de escalera, ladder clrain.
cabria f, winch, capstan, m,indlass, crab; crane, -de eslabbn con travesaiio, stud-link chain.
derrick; A frame, gallows frarnc, housc -de eslabbn torcido, twist-link chain.
derrick; ( 1 ~ jnn~irier;
) oil dcrrick. -de eslabones cortos, close-link chain.
-chinesca, differential windlass. -de eslabones planos, flat-link chain.
- de aguilbn, jib crane. -de fondeo, mooring chain.
- de manivela, crank windlass. -de Gall, Gall's chain.
- de martinete, pile-driver leads. -de Gunter, Gunt,er's or surveyor's chain.
- de pies rigidos, stiffleg derrick. -de herramientas (pet), string of tools.
- de tres patas, shear legs, tripod derrick. -de mando, t r a ~ ~ s ~ ~ l i sor
s i odriving
n chain.
- de vientos, guy derrick. -de medir, sur~rcyor'aor Gunter's chain; cngi-
-izadora de compuerta (hid), gate hoist. neer's clrain.
-remolcadora (tc), towing winch. -de montafias, mountain range.
-transportadora de troncos, logging arch. -de oruga, crawler belt.
cabriada f ( A ) , truss; pile-driver leads. -de paso corto, short-pitch chain (flat link).
cabrial m, rafter. -de paso largo, long-pitrh cliaiir.
cabrilla f, sawhorse, sawbuck; trestle horse. -de produccibn, assembly or production line.
cabrio m , joist; raftcr. -de rocas, reef, ridge of rock.
cabribn m, chock. -de rodillos, rollcr cl~airi.
cab& m (fc)(XI), caboope. -de seiiales (cn), telegraph chain.
cabuya f, sisal or licmp ropc. -de transmisi611, chair^ belt, driving cliain.
cabuyii m, an Argentine hardwood. -de troncos, log bourn.
cabuyeria f, rigging, outfit of ropes or cables; -enroscadora (pet), spinning chain.
sllip chandlery. -lubricadora, o i l i ~ ~chain.
cabuyero m , ship chandler. -motora, driving chain.
cacarafia f, pitting (rust). -para hojas de ventana, sash chain.
cacarafiado, pitted. -para ingenieros (lev), e~iginecr'schain (100
cacera f , ch:t~inel, canal, irrigation ditch. feet).
cacerola f (lab), casserole. -para neumiitico, tire chain.
cachacera f (as). mud tank, blowup. -rotatoria, roller chain.
cachar (~rrad),t o split; t o rip. -silenciosa, silent chain.
cachaza f (as), srurn, froth, foam, mud. -sin soldar, we1dlc.i~chain.
cacheta f (ft), ward of a lock. -sorda, silent chain.
cachete m, splice plate, scab, fishplate; jam or -transportadora, chain conveyor.
cheek plate. cadenas de cola (ef), tag chains.
cachimbaf, (; I) well, spring; (hi) miner's
shallow cadenada f (lev), length of one chain.
lamp; (Pe) house connection t o a sewer. cadenear (]el-), t o chain.
cachimbo m, (V) nozzle; (V) inlet. cadeneo m. chaining.
cachizo (mad), fit to be sawed. cadenero 7n, chainman.
cachorro, cachorrero m (vol) (A) (Ch), very light -delantero, head rhainmau,
blast. -trasero, rear chainman.
cachucho m (Ch), bucket; coil pan in nitrate -zaguero (A), rear rhainman.
plant. cadenetas f (Cll), bridging between joists.
cachuela f (Pe). rapids of a river. cadeniUa Cf) de tiro (elcc), pull chain.
cadahalso m, shed. cadmiado, cadmium-plated.
cadalso m, scatrold, staging. cadrnio m, cadrniuin.
cadena f, chain; log boom; (cons) tie, brace, rcin- caedizo m, lean-to; a unstable, ready t o fall; clc-
forccn~ent,buttress. ciduous (tree).
-afianzada, stud-link chain. caer, caerse, to fall, drop; t o fail.
-antiderrapante (&I), tire chain. cagafierro m, slag, scoria.
-antideslizante, tire chain. caico m (C), reef, 511031.
-articulada, block chain; pitch or pintle chain. caida f, fall, drop; (hyd) head; (geol) dip; (str)
-comprobada, proof coil chain. failure; (nlin) slip, fall of rock; (bldg) roof
-con juntas de pasador, pin-connected chain. leader.
caida 7
,j caja
-- bruta (hid), gross he:id. de distribucibn, (sci ~ : i I v crllcst; (clcr) tlis-
-de agua,,rf::ll.>iition or j u ~ ~ c t i oI n
de friccibn, (113 (1) friction dro11. - - del eje, /o~~r.~i:il box, axle box.
- de tensi6n d e la reactancia (cl;r.), rract:ln~.c - - del embrague (auto), r~liltr~ll c,:lse.
drop, rlna~lraturrvornponc!it,. - de empacadura (bl), stl~tiirlgI~ox.
-efectiva (hid), eff(:c.tivc head. - de empalme (cli,c), j u ~ ~ c t ior o ~sglire
~ or
-estitica (hid), stat i(: 11c:ltl. joirlt box.
-IR ( c l i ~ )1R , rlri~p. - d e empaque ( R I ) , packing rase.
-pluvial, rair~fall. - de empaquetadura, stufirlg box.
-por impedancia (elfie), i n ~ y e d a ~ drop.~re - d e enchufe (eli,c). rcce1>tarlc, outlet.
-fitil (Ilid), useful Iieatl. -d e engranajes, gear case, gearbox; (auto)
caidos (mill), f:rlle~~ matrrial. transrriission.
caimin m, Stillsun ~ v r e ~ l c l(AT)
i ; ore cliutc; (1)~-t) -d e engrase (fc), journ:~l box, axlc box.
tongs. - d e entrega (irr), delivery box.
caipbn m (RD), a t,irnher tree. -- d e escalera, stair wrll.
cairel m ( r n ) , rail. -- d e esclusa, slui(,c box.
caja f, box, case; car body, truck hod>-; (rar-1,) de estopas, s t ~ t f i r ~box. g
mortise, recess; (elcr) c a l ~ i ~ ~ (rn:rr,hy)
ct; -- d e e x t r a c c i h , 111irlerage.
housing, casing; (cler) o r ~ t l e tI~ox,junrtior~ -d e fuego ( m i ) , firct~ux.
box; (rd) scc:tion exr:iv:~tc(l for pavc~nerlt; - d e gasto visible, sight-flow hox.
(min) tlrirkrrchs of a veili; (ro::~) casli; anfc, - d e grasa, grease caw.
casl~box;casl~ier'sofEce; fu~icl;(CII) river - de herramientas, tooll~ox,tool cllcst.
bed. - de humo, arnokel)ox, I ~ r c e c l ~ i ~ ~ g .
-basculante, clump 1,otly. -d e incendio, Ils.dral~t,.
-chica, petty casli. -- d e ingletes (r.arp), nlitcr l ~ o x .
-de abonado (el<%(.) (agun) , service 110s. - de jubilaciones, I > C I I ~ ~ O fund. II
-de acceso, i r ~ s p c c t i o ~110s;
i Gas.
( c l r ~ . 11~11
) - d e lavado (id), f i u ~ l ltank.
-de la aguja (inht), colnpass 1~0s. -d e menores, jetty cahll.
-de ahorros, savings barll;. -d e muestras (.hx), rorc 1)ox.
-de alimentaci6n (az), fecrl wcll. - de orificio (hid), orifice box.
-del alma (sx), core Ijox. -d e paso (cli.(.), pull l~ox.
-de amortizacibn, sirrliilig furld. - de pilada ( I I I ~ I Ihatc11 ~ ) , or rnorlar box.
-de arranque (elcr), startirig l~o..:. -- d e puente trasero (auto), rear-:~xle I i o u s i ~ ~ g .
- de ascensor, elevator sllaft. -d e la puerta (M), door I)uck.
-de avance (mh), fee11t)os. -d e registro, m:ml~ole(street).
-de banjo (auto), h a ~ l j ohouhin::. - d e resistencias (elcc), 1.esista11c~: 1,ox.
-de bLscula, scalo box (wc~igliii~g), - d e retiros, r( fund.
-de bobinas (auto), coil I)ox. - de rodillos (roji~lete),rullcr rare.
-d e bolas (rojincte), t ~ a l lrugr, rt%t::ir~cr. - d e salida (cl;r), outlet or (.o~:tluit110.u.
-- de bomba, pump casing. -d e salida doble, d o n l ~ l eo r two-gang outlet
-de borne ( e l k ) , terrllir~alh o u s i ~ ~ c . ljox,
-de cadenas (en), chain luvl;cr. -- d e salida simple, siilgle o r onc-g:ung outlet
-de camtio, (auto) gear rahc, gea1.110~;(mt) box.
speed I~ox. - de salida triple, triple or three-gang outlet
-de cambios ripidos ( l o r r ~ o ) ,quick-cl~a:~rc tjox.
gearhox. -- d e sebo (U), grease cup.
-de caracol (tlirl)), scroll case. - - d e seccionarniento (cli.c), section:~lising box.
-de carretilla, rvheelbarro\v tray. - d e seguridad, s:ifc; safe-deposit box,
-de carro, car I ~ o d y wagon
; body. -d e servicio, (clcc) service box; (irr) aelivery
-de caudales, safe. box.
-de cepillo (herr), planc stocli. - d e sulfitacibn (:rz), s u l ~ ~ h box. ur
-de cerradura (ft), lock case. -- d e transferencia (PO),transfer case.
-de cigiiefial (auto), cra~ikcase. -- d e transrnisibn (auto), gear o r tra11~1liis~ion
-de contact0 (clbc), recegtarlc, socket. case.
-d e contador, meter box, (elw) nrctcr trough. d e unibn, junction box.
-de ccntrapeso (ventana), xvcigl~t110s. - d e vagbn, car 1~0dy.
-de cortacircuito (elkc), cutout box. -d e viilvula, valve chest; valve box.
-de la chapaleta (vB), clack hox. - d e vilvula a1 cordbn, curb box.
-de chumacera, journal box, pillow block; - - d e vapor (nlv), stearn chest.
axle box. -d e velocidades, (auto) gear or transnlission
-d s decadas ( e l k ) , decade hox. case; (rnt) spcrd box.
-de derivacih, (clcc) j u r ~ r t i o or
~ ~tap 1 x 1 ~ ; -- d e ventilaci6n, air or ventilation shaft.
service box; (sd) diverting 1)ox. -d e visita, manhole, inspertion \,ox.
-de derrame (as), overflow box. - del volante (auto), flywheel l ~ o u s u ~ g .

-del diferencid (auto), differential case or - - d e volteo, d u m p body.

housing. - derivadora (irr), delivery box.
caja caldear
-distribuidora (ca), spreader box, cradle. -e n rosca (A), light draft.
- esparcidora (ca), spreader box. -mBximo, extrer~iedraft.
-espiral (turb), scroll case. -medio, mean draft.
- estancadora (mag), gland. -sin carga, light draft.
-fuerte, safe. calador rrc, calking iron; drill for taking samples.
-grasera (fci ( C h ) , journal box. -para Brboles (for), incretilerit or accretiorl
-partida, split casing. t1orcr.
-pequeiia ( E r ) , petty rash. caladura f, horing.
-playa (co) ( A ) , flat body. calafate m, c:llkirrg ctiisel or iron.
-portacuchilla acabadora (mh), finishing box calafateador m, c:~Iker (man) ; calking tool.
tool. -agudo, l ~ u t or t $harp iro~i.
- portacuchiua desbastadora (mh), rougl~ing -angosto, spike iron.
-de cubierta, durnt) or drck iron.
box tool.
-- repartidora (irr) (Sl),division box. -d e estopa, ynrnir~giron.
-volcable o volquete, dump bods-. calafatear, t o r:tlk; (nr:~s)(Col) t o point.
-y espiga, (carp) ~rrortiseand tenon; (p) (M) calafateo m, c : ~ l k i ~ ~ g .
bell and spigot. calaje m. (rlcc) :i~igulardisp1aceme:it; (t) setting
caja-dique m, cofferdarn. (angle).
cajear, t o ~ ~ i o r t i s recess.
e, calamansanay m, a Philippine 111mI)rr.
cajera f, groove, channel, recess, key scat. calamina f (miner)(met), c:~laminc.
-colectora (lu), collrcting groove. calaminas(Ch) (H), galvar~izedcorrngat,ed shrcts.
-de chaveta ( ~ n a q )keyway, , key seat. calandria f, (chern) cala~idrin;( ~ n a e h y )ralen(1er.
-del eje, jourrial hos, pillow block. calaiia f (I.:s), guard railii~g, parapet, b u k -
-d e lubricacibn, oil groove. head.
cajero m, castrier; box nraker. calar, n limcstorie quarry; 1: t o pn.forat,e; t o
caj6n m, packing case: caisson; bin; skip, scale- wedge; to treat wit11 l i n ~ c ;t o make rore
p a n ; car body; locker; ( C h ) ( V ) gorge, can- borings; to sink (caisson); (riaut) t o draw;
yon; (Col) concrete forms; (elec) cabinet; a calcareous.
(Ec) box rulvcrt. calavera f (auto)(M), taillight.
-cargador, loading skip. calaverita f, calaverite (gold ore).
-d e aire comprimido, pneumatic caisson. calca f , a copy.
-d e carro, wag or^ hody; car body. -heliogrkfica, sun print, blueprint.
-de embalaje, packing case. calcado m, trarir~g.
-d e madera (exc), scale box. calcador m, tracer.
-d e volteo, durnp body. calcantita f , chalranthite, native copper sulplrate.
-esqueleto, crate calcar, t o trace, copy.
-neumltico o sumergible, pneumatic caisson. calclreo, calcareous.
cajones d e agregados, aggregate I~ins. calce m , wedge, liner, shim; underpinning; iron
cajonero m, (csc) Inan w l ~ ohandles skips or tire.
scalepans, ( ~ n i n )bottomer, onsetter. cilcico a (quinr), ealcic, calcium.
cajuela f,groove, recess. calcina f, (Sp) correretc.
c a l f , lime. calcinador m, ralcirier; ( n ~ i n )roaster.
-a6rea ( I ~ s ) , quicklime; high-calcium lime. calcinar, t o ralrir~e,burn, roast (ore).
-apagada, slaked lime. calcio m, c:ilci~lln.
-blanca, hi~lr-e:ilcium lime. -clorurado, calcir~nichloridr.
-clustica, caostic lime, quicklime. calcita f (111i11er).c i i l ~ . i tc~a,l r . ~ ~ ) : ~ ~ . .
- grasa, rich or high-calcium lime. calco m, a tracing; (V)original tlrawirig or1 trans-
-gruesa (A), quicklime. parent paper.
-hidratada, Iiydratcd or slaked lime, mason's -a lfipiz, pencil tracing.
hydrate. -heliogrlfico blucxprint.
-libre, free lime. -litogrBfico, lithotr:~cillg.
-muerta, slaked or hydrated lime. calcocita, calcosina f,clralroeite (copper ore).
-pobre, lean or magnesium lime. calcopirita f, chalcopyrite, yellow rwpIx.r ore,
-tal como sale, run-of-kiln lime. yellow pyrites.
-viva, quirklirne, caustic linic. calculador m, calculating machine; estimator,
-y canto, stone ~riasonry. computer.
cala f, cove, srnall hay; hold of a vrsscl; (naut) -circular, circular slide rule.
draft; test core, test boring; tcst pit. -d e red (rlbc), network ralerilat,or.
- de prueba, tcst boring, boring core. calcular, t o compute, calculate; (str)(C) t o
calabozo m (C), kind of machete. design.
calabrote m, hawser. calculista, computer, estimator; (str)(C) d c
calado m, (naut) draft, depth; (C) stencil, open- signer.
work; (elec) (A) angular displacerncnt. cBlculo m, computation; calculus.
- de popa, draft aft. calda f, heating; a heat (steel).
-d e proa, draft forward. caldeador m, heater.
- e n plena carga, load draft. caldear, t o heat; t o weld.
calddn 59 * calibrador

caldin m, an Argentine wood used for paving -a vapor de muy baja presibn, vapor Ilcntinp.
blocks -- de punto, spot heating.
caldeo m, heat,ing; welding. -por aire aspirado, draw-tllrougll Ii~,t-l,l:~.jt
-a martillo, hammer welding. heating.
- a rodillo, roll welding.
- de herrero, blacksmith welding.
-por aire soplado, blow-tllrough hot-1,l:ist
-por induccibn, induction heating. -por vapor de escape, exhaust-stcanr ?:eating.
caldera f, boiler; tar kettle; (min) winze: (min) calefaccionar, to tre:~t.
sump. calefaccionista m, heating contractor.

-a combustibn de aceite, oil-fired boiler.
-acuotubular, watert,ube boiler.
acuotubular ripida, express boiler.
-calefactor m, heater.
de panel, panel radiator.
calefbn ( m ) electric0 (A), electric Iicatcr.
I -de calefaccibn, heating boiler. calentada f, a heat (steel).
1 - de calor de desecho o de calor residual, calentado a1 blanco, wllite-hot.
waste-heat boiler.
I -de colector mfiltiple, multidrum boiler.
calentado a1 rojo, red-lrot.
calentador m, heater.
i -de cuatro pasos, four-pass boiler. -a presibn, pre;.sure feed-water Iicatcr.
- de hogar contenido, integral-furnace boiler, -a rocio, spr:ty-t,-l)c fwd-water Ileatcr.
-de hogar exterior, external-firehox boiler. -a soplo de aire, air-hlnst heater.
-de paso Gnico, once-through-type boiler. -a vacio, varsuuln or pl.irllary fccti-n-atci.
-de retorno de llama, return-tut~ularboilrr. heater.
-de tiro descendente, downdraft hoiler. -a vapor de escape, exhaust-steam feed-w:llcr
- de tornallama, return-tubular boiler. hezzter.
- de tres colectores, three-drum boiler. -a vapor vivo, live-steam feed-water heater.
-de tub0 directo, through-tube boiler. -atemperador (aaj, tcrnperirrg Ilcater.
-de tubos a1 aire, exposed-tuhe boiler. -de agua de alimentacibn, iced-water he:~ter.
-de tubos de agua o de tubos hervidores, -de cambiavfa (fc), switch heater.
wat,ertube boiler. -de contraflujo, counterflow feed-~vntcrheater.
-de tubos de humo o de tubos de llama, fire- -- de chorro de aire (an), blast heatcr.
tube boiler. -de dinamita, dynamite thamcr.
-de tubos sumergidos, s~lbmerged-tubeboiler. -de escape directo (call, thro~lglior tl~orough-
-de vacio, vacuum boiler. fare heater.
- elictrica, electric steal11 generator, electric -de espacio, space heater.
boiler. - depasomGltiple,multiflowfeed-watcrhcater.
-enteriza con hogar, integral-furnace boilrr. -de serpentin, coil-type heater.
-escocesa, Scotch boiler. -de superficie (abfalto), surfnco I~cnter.
-humotubular (Prf), fire-tube boiler. -desaereador, dclternting feed-water heater.
-fgneotubular, fire-tube boiler. -inducido, indurcd or. draw feed-water heater.
-instantlnea o rlpida, flash boiler. - unitario, unit or sp:tcc heater.
--locombvil, portable boiler on wheels. calentamiento ( m ) suplementario (sol), concur-
- multitubular escocesa, Scotch marine boiler. rent heating.
-semifija, semiportable boiler. calentar, to heat,; calentarse, t o heat up, run hot.
-tip0 locomotora, locomotive-type boiler. calera f, limclciln; limestone quarry.
-tubular de retorno, return-tubular boiler. caleria f, limekiln.
-tubular sin retorno, t,hrough-tube boiler. calero m, opel.ator of s limekiln; a calcareous.
-vaporizadora de mercurio, mercury boiler. calesa f (~nin) (M), buc.ket.
calderada j, water capacity of a boiler. calesfn m, cart, wagon; corlcrete buggy.
caldereria j, boilermaking; boiler shop. caleta j, cove, snlall bay, i~rlct,;(1'11) short strcet.
calderero, calderista m, boilermaker. caletero m, coasting vesscl; (V) stcvcdore.
calderilla f (min), blind shaft. caleza j (Ch), ore bucket.
caldero m, boiler; caldron; (met) ladle. calibita f (mineral de hierro), chalybite, siderite
-de brea, tar kettle. calibracibn f, calibration.
- de colada, ladle. calibrador m, gage, calipers; sizer; (rr) clearance
caldo m (lab), broth. template; (rr) ( V ) track gage.
- de formiato ricinolado, formate ricinoleate -a cursor, slide caliper.
broth. -con arco, wing calipers.
- de lactosa Y bilis verde brillante, brilliant -convertible, inside and outside calipers.
green bile lactose broth. -de ahusamiento, taper gage.
- lactosado violeta cristal, crystal violet lac- -de alambre, wire gage.
tose broth. -de Lrboles, tree compass.
calefacci6n f, heat, Ileating. -de cinta, feeler ribbon.
- a panel radiante, radiant-panel heating. -de corteza, bark-measuring instrument.
-a tuberia simple (ed), one-pipe heating sys- -de cubo, socket gage.
tern. -de engranajes, gear-tooth calipci.
-a vacio, vacuum heating systcm. -de espigas, shank gage (drill).
-a vapor, stcarn heating. -de mechas, drill gage.
calibrador 60 calle

-de muescas, groove gage. -de estrfas, fluted reamer.

-de roscas, screw-pitch gage. calita f , calite (alloy).
-macho, male gage. caliza f , limcsto~~c~.
-para dientes, gear-toot11 caliper. -cavernosa, r:ivern limestone.
-para espesor, outsi(1e calipers; slip gagc. -magnesiana, n~agnesianlinlestonc, dolomite.
-para interior, inside calipers. calizo, calcsreous, c o ~ ~ t a i r ~ ilirnc.
-para planchas, slleet g:tgc. calmar (met), t o kill, dendrr~clt.
calibraje rn, gaging, r:llil~r:ltii~n. calor m, hcat.
calibrar, t,o gage; to c:rlipcr; to cnlihrate. -aprovechable, ~ l s ~ f rIle:~t. il
calibre m, gage, I~ore,r:rliber; (inst) gagc, jig; -concomitante (sol), r o n r ~ ~ r rheating. ~nt
calipers; (rr) ( Xl) gage. -de desecho, wnstr kit>:~t.
-a colisa, slid? ralipcr. - de fraguado ((.on(.I.1ica:tt oi setting.
-a vernier, vernier c:iliprr. -de hidratacibn, 1lc:it of 11:-iir:~tion.
-americano, A~ncriclrnor Browne and Sharpe -de humedecimiento ( I I I ~ ) ,11t':it~of wetting.
wire gage. - de remojo (:la), hcnt i ~ ~vtxtti~~y.f
-corredizo, sliding calipers, caliper rule. -de rozamiento, f~ ii,ti(>rl:llIlrnt.
- de altura, surfarc gage. -de sublimacibn (:la), 11cut of sul~li~~r:ltior~,
- de anillo, ring gage. -especifico, spct.ifir Ileal.
-de articulacibn ajustable, lock-joint calipers. -latente de fusibn, l a t r r ~ hcat t of irision.
-de articulacibn fija, firrn-joint calipers. -- moderado de endurecimiento (ct), lrloderate
-de Birmingham, Ilirnlingliarn wire gage. heat ;f h:trdening.
-de centro, center gage. -sensible (:la), sensil~leheat.
-de circunferencia, circnn~fcrenregage. caloria f , caloric.
-- de comparacibn, lrlartcr or reference gage. - - grande, laige or grcat calorie, kilogrrinl-
- de comprobaci6n. check or scttusg gagc. calorie.
-de copa, sock6.t gage. -pequeiia, small ralorir, gram-rnlorie.
-de dientes limpiadores (hi), raker Rage. caloria-gramo, ~ranl-caloric,,srnall calorie.
-de espesor, outside calipers; thickness gage. caloria-kilogramo, kilogra~ri-calorie, great c:tloric.
-de estirar, drawplate. calbrico, caloric.
-de juego miximo, not-go gage. calorifero m, radi:rtor, heater; a giving heat.
-de juego minimo, go gage. -de aire, liot-air f u r r ~ a r ~ .
-de limites, lirnit gage. -de tuberia, pipcvsoil radiator.
-de macho, plug gage. -de vapor, steam radi:rtor; heating boiler.
-de nonio, vernier calipers. -directo-indirecto, direct-indirect rz~diator.
-de profundidhd, depth gage. -mural, w:rll radiator.
-de ranuras, groove gage. -seccionado de fundicibn, sectional cast-iron
-de resorte, spring calipers. radiator.
-de superficie, surface gage. -tapado, conrealed radiator.
- de taller o de trabajo, working gage. calorifico, calorific..
-de tolerancia, limit gage. calorifugo, ~lonc.o~lducting of heat, I~eat-resisting.
-de traspaso, trarlsfer calipers. calorimetria f,calorimetry.
- de triscado (si), tooth-set gage. calorim6tric0, calorinletric.
- determinado o especifico, definite gage. calorimetro m, calorinretcr.
-escalonado, step gage. - de estrangulacibn, tllrottliilg calorinlrter.
-exterior, snap gage; outside caliper. -de separacibn, st:parating ealonrneter..
-hembra, receiving gape. calorita f (aleaci611),calr>~.itc.
-hermafrodita, Ilermayhrodite calipers. calorizar ( I I I C ~t )o, calorize.
-indicador, indicator calipers; indicating gage. calota f ( t h ) (A), tog Ilcadinp.
-interior, niale gage. caloventilador m (&I),lleating fan.
-maestro o patrbn, nlastcr or standard gage. caluma f (top) (PC),gag, pass, gorge.
-microm6tric0, n ~ i c r o ~ r i r tc.alipers.
rr calza f, wedge, c l ~ o r k ,sl~ini,liner; (str) shoe;
-normal, stbrltlard gage. (C) brake block; ( t ) tip.
-para guardarriel (fr), guardrail gagc. calzada f, paved ri~zttlway,(.auseway; (A) im-
-para troncos, log calipers. proved road; (Pli) wagoli road.
-Stubs, Stubs wire gage. calzador m (vol) (A), t:lrrigirlg stic:k.
-trazador, marking caliper. calzar, t o wedge, (.hock, scoti.ll, shin^; t ( ~key;
calicanto m, stone masonry. (rr) to tarnp ties; (1) t o tip.
calicata f (A), test pit. calzo m, wedge, ellock; S ~ I I I fout I I ; l)lock; l r i ~ , t i x ~
caliche m, ralirhe (stiff whitish clayey soil); (R) block; ( ~ n a r h y s) h ~ ~ c .
(Ch) soil t h a t & ~ r o d ~ l chodiurrl
cs nitmte. -de detencibn (f1.1,srot(,h t~lork.
calichera f (Ch)(Pe). r ~ i t r a t edel)osit; residue of -de puerta (ft), binder.
t h e caliche after l>r.oductionof thc salitre. calzos de estiba ( C ) ,dunnage.
calidra f (M), a special k ~ n dof hydrated lirne. calzbn m (tuh), Y, bifrlrcation.
calientarremaches m, rivet heater. callapo nL, (~nirl) (Ch) s t r o t ; (13) hnndI):lrrom.
caliente, hot, warrn. calle j,street.
calisuar rn (A), reamer. -urbanizada (Es), street paved and curbed.
callejdn cambio
callejdn m. lane, alley: (top) pass. -- d e vapor ( n i r ) , steam r h r s t .
-del e j e (en), shaft tur~rirl,hl~aftallry. -d e vertedero (hid), wcir c.har~~hrr.
callejuela f,small stre(+: (hll traffic lane. -d e visita, ~ ~ ~ : t r l l ~irisl~cr.t
o l c , 1011 c*l~arnt~cr.
cama f, bcd, bril1)l:tte; straturrl; cog; cam; body -desripiadora (dacj, grit rl~nrrrlx~r.
of a A:tt trrlck or car. -desviadora, divrlrsio~~ rh:i1111)(1r.
-de mortero, hed of rnortar. -doble (frna), two-couplet or two-lerls cnnlcra
-d e roca, bedrock, ledge rock. -espiral (tusb), scroll case.
camada /, s t r a t u m , layer. -estereofotogramdirica, stcrcoca~nera.
camagdn m, a Philippirle l~imher. -fotogrifica, canicr:x.
cimara f, rha~riber,rooni; rarrlcra; (auto) inner -granangular, 'ivitlc-anglo carncr:t.
t u b e ; (niin) >tall, r o o ~ n ,rh:~nthcr. -hfimeda (lab). fog roo~il.
-aerofotogramdtrica, ( . : L I I I ~ I . ~for a c r i d phc- -limpia (al) (I-), flu.*l~tank.
toar:iphy, arrocamera. -mGltiple (final, tttl~ltiplr-lenscarnrrn.
-ampliadora, enlargirig c:imcra. -n6nupla ( ~ I I I : I ) . ~ i i i i ( ~ - I c ~c:~lileri~.

ii -- anublada (Inl)), fog rootrl; clouil clla~nber.

-captadora (hiti) (Pe), illtake cha~nher.
-cartogrlfica, n ~ a p p i n gralnc.rn.
-cernidora (is) (Pe), serceti cI~:i~~rbrr.
- proyectora, 1~1.ojr.r.tior1
-quintupla ( ~ I I I : Lfi)VL~-IPIIS
-rectificadora 1f111:r), r(~el,ifyirtgc,arlic*r:t.
-registradora ifni:~I . sc(.orrlil~gC:IIIIC~:L.
-compensadora (corli). ~ ~ l c ~ : ~ r i r ~ g I r o ~ ! ~ r . -separadora ( I i l ( l I , sr.rc3rr~( . I I : L I I I I ) c ~ .
-cu8druple ( ~ I I I : ~ ) . four-couple or f o u r - l . . ~ ~ ~-s6ptica ((1;11,1, > I . ~ , I i(. t:rr~ir.
I C D I I ~ C :L.
I --simple ( ~ I I I : ~ ),,+ i t ~ ~ i c - i (P:II~I(,I,:L.
I -d e aire, air rhamhcr. -t%levisora,~ ~ , I ( ~ V ~ . - I O(.:IIII(*I.:L.
-d e aire comprimido, pncur~r:itir* rrli\sr)n. -- tomavistas ( ~ I I I : I ) , ~ . i ( %C\:vI I I I ~ ~ : L .
-- d e Bngulo ancho (fril:~),w-idc.-nriglc, (,:LIIII.L.:L. -- triple (ftll:~),tl~~.c~(.-lr.~ls ranrcr:r.
- de aspiracidn, (enc) surtion r . l ~ : ~ n ~ l ) t ~ r . camarin nl, clcvnto~~ : t rs11:tft : (.:~g(l.
-d e bajada (ve), t1o~vrit:iltr(.Ir:r~rrt)cr. camar6n I I L (Clr), n.l~rc~ls :iii~l:I& usrd ti) I ~ ; ~ n d l t ~
-d e bifurcacibn (all, ,il~rlctior~ i.h:i~~~bcr. logs.
-d e calma (hid), st illi~lr~\-cllor box. camarote (cn), s t : ~ t ( ~ ( ~ o ~ n .
-d e carga (liid), surgc tank or ~11a111bcr; forc- cambark m ( A ) , :I soft 1vood.
bay. sambiacorrea m , I>c-lt41iftcr.
-d e cascajo (dar), grit clian~l)cr. cambiador m,c l i a ~ ~ f : (s\+ ~ t it(.hrnar~
.; ; ( c l c ~ slvitl-l~
) ;
-- d e comercio, charriher of con~n~c-rve. (rr) (Ch)(M) switrh; helt slliftrr.
-d e compensacidn, (hyd) surge tank or clinr11- -d e calor (M), Iirttt e x ( . I r : ~ ~ ~ g ~ r .
ber; (conl) - d e frecuencia ( s : ~ )f, r ( ~ j r ~ e l i cllnrlgrr.
-d e l a compuerta ((Is), cairson rlranihcr. -d e polos (rli,(.),~jolec11:ingcr.
-d e confluencia (:\I), junrtiou ehaull)cr. -d e toma (, t ; ~ gchur~ger.
-de copiar, copying r:trnera. -d e torre (fr), to\
-d e decantacibn, settling basin. -d e velocidad, bpccd-cha~igcr,vnri:ible-sycrrl
-d e descompresidn (tiun), dcr.orr111rcssion trans~rrissiorr.
charr~l~er. cambiar, t o c l ~ a n g c csrhange;
, t o switch.
-d e digestidn (cl:~r.),c1igrs:iotl rin~rp:~rtrl:~::t, -engranajes (nuto), t o shift gc:irs.
slu(lge-digest ior~rhn1n1)c.r. -marcha (1ii:ti1), t o revers(,; t o c.llnnge sprcd.
-de dosificacidn ((lac), ( l i ~ > i ~eh:ir~~l)cr.
lr: cambiavia m (fc), tllrnout ; swit~21;(C)(>I)(PI0
- d e empalme (elk-), s~~licitrg r,l~:ir~iber. s1vitclr11l:1rr; (11)turntable.
- d e equilibrio (I~irl),silrgc, t : t ~ ~ k . -d e aguja, pi>int s\vitch.
1 d e esclusa, 1oc.k ( ~ ) ~ : t r ~ r l ~ c r . - de desvio doble, Y switrf~.
-- d e horizonte (inla), hor.izorl r:~mer:r. -de resorte, ~i)t.inx' i ~ v i t ~ l i .
I -d e limpia (nl) ( L ) , autoi~rnticflusli t:1111c.
- de mardo, control roolll.
-d e tope, htut) s\vitrh.
-d e traspaso doble, clian~orldswitcll, doul)lc
-d e miquinas, crlgi~ler o ~ n i . crossover.
-d.: oleaje ( I ~ i d )surge, clla~nhcr. -e n Y, Y switvl~.
-d e pelicula continua ( ~ I I I coritinuous-strip
~), -saltacarril, jl1111r)crswitch.
camera. -t i n d e m , tandcrrl s\\-itch.
-d e pleno (ve), plenum rllarnber. -tumbadora, gl.ouud illrow, grourld-lcvrr
-d e presibn (hid), forebay. s~ritrh.
-d e pl1v:rizacidn (auto) (U), mixing chamber. cambio nz, change; (rr) switrlr; (auto) s l ~ i f t ;
-d e reduccidn, reduction camera. (corn) exchange.
-d e reparticibn (irr), division box. -aGreo, overhead frog (trolley).
-d e retencidn (dac) (Pe), det,entiun cllamber. -corredizo (fr), slip switch.
-d e rocio (as), s p r a y rhamber. -corrido (fc), flying switch.
-d e salida (hid), aftcrhay. -d e aguja (fc), p o i r ~ or t split o r t o n p l ~ cswitch
-d e suhida (ve), uptake chamber. -d e arrastre ( f r ) , tr:liling-r~oint switch.
-d e trabajo, working charnber. -d e banda (r:il(~i),banri switch or selector.
-d e tranquilizacibn (hid), stilling chamber. -d e bases (quirrl)(Pe), base exchaiigc.
-d e turbina, wheel pit. -d e cruzamiento (fc)(A), slip switch.
-d e turbuleccia (di), turbulerlce chamber. -d e descarrilar (fc), derail switch.
-d e marcha, (eng) reversing. -cuba, tank trurk.
-d e rasante, break in grade. -chato, flat truck.
-d e resorte (fc), spring switch. 1 -d e adrales, flat truck with racks.
-d e talbn (fc), trailing-point switch. -d e auxilio, wrecking car.
-d e tope (fc), stub switch. I -d e barandas (A), flat truck with racks.
-d e trazo (fc), change of line, relocation. -d e caballete, straddle truck.
-d e t r e s tiros (fc), three-throw switch. -d e cama plana, flat t,ruckr
-d e velocidad (auto), gearshift. -d e disparo (gcof), slrootirig truck.
- d e via (fc), switch; turnout. -d e escalera, (elrc r r ) towcr truck.
-d e via triple (fc), threr-throw snitcli. -d e estacas, stake-t~odyt r ~ l r k .
- digital (auto), gearshift on the stecringwhccl. - de expreso, express or pickup truck.
-enfrentado (fc), facing-point switch. -d e extensibn, rrach trucli.
-extranjero o exterior (fin), foreign exchange. -d e grfia, truck cranc.
-inglCs (fc)(.%),slip switch. -d e maroma (hf), dump truck.
- quimico, ctlcn~icalchnnge. - d e medio carril, half-tmck.
-volumBtrico (rns), vol~lrncchangc. -d e pilada o d e revoltura ((.one),I>:ltch truck.
cambista m, switrl~man;money rhanger. - de plataforma, flat truck.
cambium m (mad), cttrr~l~ium. -d e registro (geof), recording truc~k.
c a m b o a t l m, an .\rgrntine lumber (semiharrl). -d e reparto, express or pickup or delivvry
cambray m. ca~ntjric. truvk.
-barnizado (ais), varrlished ran~\xic. - de taladro (geof), drill trl~(.li.
-impregnado, enlpire cloth, can~bricinsu1:~- -d e teleros o d e varales, flat truck with stakrs.
ti?n. -d e volteo, dump trurk.
camelia f (met), camelia. -elevador o levantador, lift truck.
camellbn m, sawhorse; (Lop) ridge; windrow, -esparcidor (en), distrilxltor tnlck.
(irr) border. -materialista (IM), truck for Iiauling eoncrcti
-distribuidor (hid), sprmder ridge. materials.
camilla f, stretcl~er;har1dl)arrow. -mezclador (conr), truck mixcr.
caminamiento (lev)(I,:>), traversing. -multicelular (corr(.)(A), multiple-batch truck.
caminante, foot pnhsenger. -plano, flat or plntforn~truck.
caminero m, road ~vorkrnan; (rr)(h) trark I:%- -playo (A). flat truck.
horcr; n pertairling t o roads. -regador, ~prilrklertrurk.
caminillo m (C), runway, footwalk. -remolcador, tow truck.
camino m, ro:td. -tanque, tank truck.
-afirmado, pared roadway, improved road. -tractor, truck tractor.
-carretero, wagon road. -volquete, dump truck.
-carrozable (I.:(.), wagon road. camionada f , truckload.
- d e acceso, access road. camionaje m, trucking, truckage.
-d e acceso controlado, controll~d-accessroad, camionero m, truckman, truck driver; truck
through highway, parkway. owner, hauling rontractor.
-d e acceso ilimitado, local-servire road, scrv- camioneta f , light truck.
ice drive. camisa f, jacket, lagging; sleeve, bushing; drill
-d e acceso limitado, through or lirniterl-arcess chuck.
highway, freeway, psrkmay, thruway. -d e agua, water jackct.
-d e arrastre (cf) , skid road. - d e caldera, boiler Iafifiing.
- d e fomento, feeder road. -d e nudo ( M ) , coupling slccve.
-d e recua (V), trail. -del pistbn (auto)jA), pistori skirt.
-d e remolque, towpath. -d e polvo (ag), dust jacket.
-d e simple vertiente, hanging road. -d e vapor, steam jaclcct.
-d e sirga, towpath. -hfimeda (auto), wet-typc cylinder liner.
- d e tierra, dirt or unimproved rbad. -seca (auto), dry-type cylinder liner.
-d e troncos, corduroy road. cambn m, felloe, felly.
- d e u n agua, hanging road. campamento m, carrrg.
-e n balcbn, benched road. campana f, bell; anything bell-.sllaped; (1)) hub,
-mejorado, improved road. bell; (cler) petticoat (insu1:~tol.).
-natural, unimproved or dirt road. -d e sire, air ch:trr~bcr,air rcccivcr.
-real o troncal, highway, main road. -d e bucear o d e buzo, diving bell.
-vecinal, local or subsidiary road. -d e freno ( A ) , brake drum.
camibn m, truck. -d e goteo (elcc), drip ~ c t t i c o a t .
-a horcadas, straddle truck. - d e lodo, mud socket (drilling).
-agitador (conc), truck rr~ixer;truck agitator. -d e nieblas, fog bell.
-andamio, (elec rr) tower truck. - d e pesca (pet,), socket,.
-autombvil, motor truck. -d e soldar (tub), welding hell.
-basurero, garbage trurk. - d e vidrio (lab), hcll gl:~ss or jar.
-batidor (ronc), truck agitator; truck mixer. -neumatica (hf), pneutnatir caisson.
-cisterna (A), tank truck. -y espiga (tub), bell anti spigot.
campanilla 63 canal611

campanilla (f) elGctrica, electric hell. -medidor d e Parshall, Parshall flutne.

campaiia f, level country; field (work). -metllico superficial ( e l k ) , surf:~(.c iiict:~;
campista m, miner who works 011shares, tributer. rrtceway.
campo m, field (all senses) ; mining camp. -para alambres ( e l k ) , rareway, condllit.
-de aterrizaje, latlding ficld, airfield, airpark. -para barras conductorns (cl'c), hus1v:~y.
-de aviacidn o d e decolaje, airpark, airfield. -para lanchones, barge catlal.
-de fuerzas (elk), field of force. -troncal (irr), main canal.
-de imagen (ftna), i ~ n n g efield. -vertedor, trough sgillway, chute spilln.:~~.;
-de la lente (fma), field of view. spillway channel.
-de radiacidn (m), radiation field. canal f , conduit, pip<!, d u c t ; channel iron; roof
-fijo ( e l k ) , stationary or constant field. gutter; groove, slot.
- gasifero, gas field. -de aluminio (cst), nlltnrinllrn cl~nnnel.
-giratorio ( e l k ) , rotating or revolving ficld. -de bajada (cd), lc:itlcr, tlownspout.
-petrolero o petrolifero, oil field. -de barra (e,t), lxir-niill (,l~:~nncl.
-productor (pet), protlucirig ficld. -de cables, c:rble cir~ct.
-roso, open or flat (.outrtry. - de cruzamiento (FI.).frr~gclranncl.
-visual, ficlil of view or of vision. - de desagiie (Pel. .1>\r-rr pipc.
can m, corl~cl, hr:icl;ct, l~olstcr; column c.:ip; -de enrasillado (rlli, flit ring channel.
shoulder; pawl, dog. -de hum0 (&I),f l ~ ~ r .
cn3al m, ~ 5 1 1 3 1 , c11an1ie1, gullet; rhllte, flume. -de lluvia (to). gllttilr.
race; (rtlin) grolnid ~ l u i c e ;(m) channel; -de pestaiis, flnt~g~,~vny.
(clec) raceway, wireway. - de ventilacibn, rc,ntiln:ion dllct.
-alimentador, fecdcr canal, hendmce. -para construcci6n de carros, rar-building
-asociado (m), associated cliar~ncl. cllannel.
-auxiliar (el&?),auxiliary guttcr. -para construcciones navales, slriphuilding
-cribador, screcn chute. channel.
-de acceso (hid), head canal, approach chan- -U (M), c11:inncl iron.
nel. canalado, corrugated, fluted, grooved.
-de aduccibn, headrace, head canal. canalador m. chanrreler; r a l ~ l ~ e t i nplane.
- de agotamiento, drainage canal. canaladura f,corrug:~tion,flutir~g.
-de alcantarillado, drainage or sewer canal. canalera f (Es). roof gutter.
-de barras colectoras ( e l k ) , busway. canaleria f, system of ducts or ditches.
-de carga (Es), hcadrace, open penstock, canalero m (irr), custodian of a canal; (RI) irriga-
pentrough. tion suhscril~er.
-de combinacidn ( e l k ) , combination raceway. canaleta f, chute; groove, rorrllgotion; roof gut-
-de conduccidn, aqueduct canal. ter, eaves t r o n g l ~ ; street guttcr; (coric)
-de corriente portadora ( e l k ) , carrier chan- spout.
nel. -de aforos venturi, Venturi flume.
-de derivacidn, diversion channel. -de carga, loading rtiutr.
-de descarga, spillway channel, wasteway; -de descarga, dumping chute.
tailrace. - de reparticidn (irr), head flume.
-de desfogue (M), tailrace. -d e toma e n marcha (fr), track pan.
-de escurrimiento (~rls),flow channel. -plegadiza, jackknife chute.
-de flotacibn, log s l u i ~ e . canalistas m (Ch), irrigation suhscrihcrs.
-de fondo abierto ( e l k ) , open-hottom rare- canalizacidn f , canalization; flutnr; piping; sys-
way. tem of ducts; (clec) wiring; (clcc) 1ay011t
-de fuga, tailrace; spillway channel. of conduits; (m) channeling.
-de lodo (pet), mud ditch. -d e circunvalacidn simple (elbe), single run-
-de llegada, headrace; channel of approach. around wiring.
-de mareas, tideway. -d e desagiies, sewer system.
-de piso metllico celular (elk), cellular- -d e red doble ( e l k ) , double-grid wiring.
metal-floor raceway. -de red simple (el&), single-grid airing.
-de radiodiiusibn, broadcasting channel. -descubierta (clcc), exposed work.
-de riego, irrigation canal. -elbctrica, electric wiring; system of conduits
-de traida, headrare. for electric wiring.
-derivado, branch canal. -maestra, mains.
-descubierto, open channel. -oculta (elBc), concealed work.
-desviador, diversion channel. canalizar, t o canalize; t o cl~annelize.
-dosificador (is), dosing flutne. canalizo m, flutnc, ct~arincl;fairway, gut.
-en balcbn (M), bench flurnc. -d e control, contrnl flunle.
-evacuador, spillway channel, wasteway; (irr) -de evacuaciGn, sluiceway; (irr) return ditch.
return ditch. -- medidor, riicaauring flunie.
-madre (irr) (Pe), main canal. canalbn m , flurne; gutter, eaves trough; (elec)
-maestro, main carial. gutter; waste pipe; (M) chute.
-maritime, ship canal. -armado o ensamblado (to), box or built-~u,
-medidor, measuring flume. gutter.
- de garganta, throat flurnc. -cbncavo, in-rurvr edger.
-de media ladera, bench flume. - convexo, out-curve edger.
-de Parshall, Parshnll flume. --de acera, curb tool.
-medidor, control or nlrasuring flume. - de peldaiios, step edger.
-suspendido (to), hanging gutter. -en bisel, bevel edger.
canasta f, basket; (hyd) strainer. - miiltiple (as), gang edger.
canastilla f, (M) bucket; (M) car of aerial tram- cantear, t o lay on edge; t o cut stone; t o pitch
way. (stone) ; to edge.
canastillo (hid), traslirark. cantera f, quarry.
canasto m, basket; (6) small mortar bucket. - de arena, sand pit.
cancagua f (Ch), a stiff sandy soil. -de grava, gravel pit or bank.
clncamo m, eyebolt; bolt. - de lastre, b:~ll:tst pit.
-- arponado ihl), ragged bolt. -de prgstamo (ot), borrow pit.
- de cuello, shoulder eyebolt. canteria f , sto~icrutting;rlunnying; cut stone,
- de ojo, eyebolt. ah11l:~rmasonry; s t o ~ ~ c c u t t iyard.
-- de remache, rivct ringbolt. canter0 m , stonrarautter, quarrymari ; (A) raised
cancel m , ecrccn; (CA) partition. area liel(1 1)y curl)s.
cancha f,yard; levcl tract of Iarid; airpark; wide cantidad f,cjll:tntit~..
stretch of :L rivcr; (,C)p:lth, road. -- negativa, r ~ ~ i n qu:tritity.
-- de almacenaje, st,orc y:ii.d. cantil m, cliff.
- de aterrizaje, Inndlng ficld, airfield, airp:lrk. cantilever m, cantile\rcr.
-de equipo (cons), equipn~entyard. cantimplora f , werp l~olc.
- de secamiento id:tr) ( C h ) , sludge-drying bed. cantina f, con~niibs:trystore, vanteen; s:tloon.
canchal m, deposit of hor~ldcrs,(52) morairle. cantizal m, stony grour~d.
canchamina f , yard aroi~nda mine shaft. canto m, edgc: tliirkncss of a I~oard;asl11ar st011e;
canchaminero m (CII),laborer i r ~a mine yard. pebble, 1)ouldcr.
canchero, yard foren~nn. -, de, on edgv.
candado m, p:ldlock; latch. -de corte, cutting edge.
- de aldaba, hasp lock. -laminado, rolled edge (stcrl plate).
-de combinacibn, corlibination padlock. -recortado, sl~caretlcxlgr (strcl plate).
candela f, flarc, torch. -rodado, l)oulder, col~hlr.,pebble.
candelero m, support, cradle; stancliion. -sin labrar, rough :tsl~lar.
candelbn m (11D), a Iiardivood. -vivo, square ctlgo.
candencia f, i~icar~desccr~rc~. cantonera f, curl, ar~gleor h:~r,corncr I~ead,any
candente, inc:~ndcsccnt,red-hot. piece reinforcing a corner or edge; (Sp)
candil (m) de minero, ~riiner'slamp. ar~gleiron.
candileja f , (ill footlight: (rr) fusee. cantorral m, gravelly or stony ground.
canecillo m, corbel, bracket. caiia f, shank, handle; s1i:tft; (naut) tiller; cnnc,
cane1 m (Es), rannel coal. reed; stem, stalk; rod.
~ l l (C) t ~ e n dof 3 river.
caney m, s ~ ~ l ;bay; -brava, bamboo.
canga f (A) (B), a soil corlt ailling iron. -del ancla, shank of an :tnchor.
cangagua f (Col), a soil used for making a d o l ~ c -de azficar, sugar c:tne.
brick. -de barrena, drill sl~ank.
cangahua f ( E r ) , hardpan. - de Bengala o de Indias, rattan.
cangalla f,mine refuse, tailings. -de columna, shaft of a column.
cangildn m, bucket; (Col)(V) rut; (Ec) mudllole; - de mina, rni~ic? gallery.
(Plt) srn:tll waterfall. -del timbn, tiller.
-basculante, tip t~ucket. -de volar, blastir~gholc.
- de arrastre, (1r:tgline bucket. -d u k e o melar, sugar cane.
- de elevador, elevator burket. caiiada f, r a v i ~ ~ gorge,
e, gulch; (C)(PR) brook;
-volquete, dump or rontmctor's bucket. (A) inlet,, estuary.
cangrejo m (mcc), any grappling device, O~et) caiiadbn, conyon, gorge.
casing spear. caiiahuate m, lignum vitae.
canguildn m (Ch) , bucket. caiiamazo m, burlap; canvas.
canilla f, fauret, spigot, bibb, cock; reel, spool. caiiamelar m, sugar plantation.
-para manga, hose bibb. caiiamiel f, sugar cane.
-surtidora, fauc-et. cliiamo m, Ircrr~p,jute; (CX) hemp cord; (Ec)
canoa f, flurne, trough; launch, canoe; (CA) roof burlap.
gutter. -de calafatear, calking yarn.
canon m, list; rate; tax; royalty. -de empaquetar, h e n ~ ppncliing.
- de arrendamiento, rental rate. - de las Indias, jute.
-d e riego, irrigation rate. - de Manila, h,Ianila I~cmp,abaca.
cantal m, stony ground : spall. -embreado, tarred ~narlinc.
cantalita f (geol), cantalite. -trenzado, 1)r:lided hemp.
canteador nL, canteadora f, (t) edger; edging saw; caiieria f , piping, pipe, c o ~ ~ d u ipipework.
yltching tool. -bridada, flanged pipe.
- - conductora (pet). line P~DC. - d e expansidn (cn), expansion trunk.
-corriente, s~;lnilnrdpipe. -d e llave, shank of a key.
-d e acueducto, \v:~irrtilains. -d e ventilacibn, air shaft.
-d e aduccibn, supply line, arlucduct. -electrbnico ( r a ) , electron gun.
- de arcilla vitrificada, sewer piye, glazed tile -lanzacemento, cement gun.
1)lpi.. -para tubos (ed), pipe shaft.
-d e barra enclavada, Lock-bar pipe (trade- -perforador (pet), perforating gun.
lll:ll.I<j. caiiuela f (vol) (M), fuse.
- de carga, penstock, force main. caoba f, mallogany.
-- de conduccibn (hid), s c l u ~ d u c t ,supply line. -falsa, bastard or false mahogany.
-d e duelas d e madera, ~vood-stavepipe. caobilla f (C)(PR), a n inferior variety of mahog-
- de entubacibn (1)rti. casing 1)ipc. any.
-d e fundicibn, cast-iri111pipe. caobo m, mahogany tree.
-de fundicibn liviana, soil p i l ~ c ,lightweiglit caolin m, kaolin, China clay
caht-iron pipe. caolinico, kaolinic.
-d e hierro centrifugado, centrifugal cast-iron caolinita f (miner), kaolinite, kaolin.
pil~c. capa f , layer; s t r a t u m ; ply; ( p t ) coat; (mas)
-d e hierro forjado legitimo, gerluirlc n ~ o u g l l t - course; coot of plaster; (mill) searn, vein.
iron pipe. ( C ) slicker, oilskin coat.
- d e macho y campana, Ijell-:rnd-spigot pipe. -acuifera, water-bearing s t r a t u m , aquifer.
-derivada, t)r:111(.11l ~ i l ~lirlc.. c -aisladora d e humedad (A), waterproofing
-extrapesada, e x t r a - l ~ r : ~ vpipe. >- course.
-forzada o d e presibn, pressure co~lduit,pen- -Appleton (ra), Applcton or F layer.
sto1.1;. -azotada (U), scratch coat (plaster).
-maestra o matriz, in:lins. -barrera (ra), barrier or blocking layer.
-remachada e n esciral, 5pir:tl-riveted pipe. -blanca (yeseria), finishing or wllite or p u t t y
-roscada, s~.rcrvril1)ip1,. or skin or skin1 coat.
-sin costura, h~':lllll<'h~ trilling. -caf6 (M), brown cost (plaster).
-surtidora, :rrlucdu~,t,aupyly pipe. -d e acabado, firlisliing coat; (plaster) white
-universal, L t ~ i v ( ~ r ~~s ~. ~i lh t - r rpipe. o~~ or p u t t y coat.
caiiero m, caiiista 1 7 1 , p i p c ~ n : ~plumbcr, ~~, pipe -d e baldeo (ca), flusli seal.
fitter, s t r s r i ~fitter. -d e base (ca,, 11:tse course.
caiiito (rrr) pasador, ~ ~ i pslrr\-c. c. -d e conglomerante (en) (Cli), binder course.
cniio m, l)ii)c., ci)il(lnit; piit t r r ; roof lcn~lcr;small - d e cubierta (ca), cover s t o ~ o ~ re coat.
~ t r ~ : I l l (I)\\.)
l: l~I1:11111(~1;(.\) l10se; (C) SUIIIP, -d e defensa o d e desgaste, wearing coat or
floor 111:1in,s t ~ . o ci~lli't
t t o :L b C \ % W . surface.
-arenero (loco), satld g i l ~ e . - d e desgrose (A), scratcli coat of plaster.
-aspirante ( b ~ i . ) ,suction pipc, (1%) suction - d e emparejamiento o d e e n r a s e (ca), lcvel-
11r)he. ing course.
- d e absorcibn (.I), pcrfor:~trdwell pipe. - d e Heaviside (m), Hcavisidc layer, iono-
- d e acotamiento, st,~.viccc o ~ ~ ~ i c ~ - r i o n . sphere.
- d e alimentacibn, fc(d or inlet pipe. -d e imprimacibn (pint), priming coat.
-d e bajada (cd), d o \ v ~ ~ q ) o uIc.:rdcr. t, -- d e ladrillos, course of brick.
-d e bridas, fl:trlgrd pipe. -d e ligazbn, binder course.
- d e chimenea, st:lck. -dB mortero, bed of niortar.
-d e desborde, o\~erflowpipe. -d e pega (ca) (V), tack coat.
-d e drenaje, dt.:ii~~yil~c, drsiritilc. -d e reflexibn (gcof) , rcflecti~lg layer or horizon.
-- d e expulsibn (1,111)(.\), discllargc pipc. - d e rodamiento (ca), wearing surface.
-de impulsibn (I)lrri, dis(.l~:u.gcpipc. -d e sellado (ca), seal or carpet coat.
- de perforacibn, drill l ~ i p c drive ; pipe. - d e velocidad (geof), speed or velocity bed.
- de servicio (.\)(('), service connection. -F (ra), F or Appleton layer.
-de subida, -freltica, ground water, water table, aquifer.
-de tornillo, s~.rcwcdo r tlrrcaded pipe. -gasifera (pet), gas cap.
-expelente, (cltg) exllaust pipe; (pu) dis- -pegajosa (ca)(h.I), tack roat.
clisrgc pigc. -rayada, scratch coat (plaster).
-pluvial ( i d ) , lr:rtlrr, d~)wnq)orlt. -sellante (ca), sc:rl coat.
caii6n m. ~ i p c tul)c: , gorgr, (.:111yon;1):lrrrl of a n - superficial ( c : ~ ) surface
, course.
arc.11; lxirrcl of :L ~ L I Tt):~t,t.t>l
I: of L: I t > d r a n t ; cap& m (Pit). a llardwood.
(Col) trce t r u n k ; (IIIIII)d ~ . i f tgallery.
, capacidad f , ~,al)acit y : (elcr) rapacitance.
-d e ascensor, elrv:rtc~rbl~:ift. - a1 r a s ( c c ) , struck c:~p:~city.
-d e caldera, I)ollcr tulle. -asignada, ratetl capacity.
-d e cemento, ccnient gull. colmada (ec), heaped cnp:icity.
-de columna, sllaft of 3 colurnn. - corporal (1.31,body cnparitance.
-d e chimenea, ctiinlrley flue. - d e asiento (nis)(hl), bearing capacity.
-d e escalera, stair well. - - d e conduccibn, (hyd) flow capacity; (elec)
- d e escoben (en), hawsepipe. c11rrc~1it-carryLig cnuacity.
capacidad 66 caracteristica
-de ganancia, earning power. -de turno, shift boss.
-de modulacidn (el&), modulation capability. -de la via, track foreman.
-de soporte del terreno, bearing power of soil. -general, general foreman, walking boss.
-directa (ra), straight-line capacitance. caperuza f,pipe cap; hood.
-dispersa (ra), stray capacitance. capialzado m, flashing over door or window.
-distribuida (ra), distributed capacitance. capilar, capillary.
-electrostltica, pernlittance, electrostatic ca- capilaridad f, capiuarity.
pacity. capilla f, bonnet, hood, cowl.
-encubridora (pint), hiding power, covering -de viilvula (mg) (Es) , valve chamber.
capacity. capillo m (met), cupel.
-entre electrodos (ra), interelectrode capac- -de prensaestopas (pet), packing gland.
itance. capital m, capital (money).
-grilla-placa (ra), grid-plate capacitance. -activo, working capital; (Ch) capital assets.
-inductiva especifica (elk), permittivity, spe- -de explotacibn, working capital.
cific inductive capacity, dielectric constant. -en giro, working capital.
-interruptora (elhc), interrupting capacity. -fisico (Ch), capital assets.
-parlsita (ra), stray capacitance. -integrado o realizado, paid-up capital.
- portante, carrying capacity, bearing power. -pasivo (Ch), capital liabilities.
-rebosada (V), hcapcd capacity. -social, capital stock.
-t6rmica, heat or thermal capacity. capital f , capital (city).
capacfmetro m (. capacitance
.I), metcr. capitalists, s a, capitalist,.
capacitador m (elk), capacitor, condenser. capitalizar, to capitalize.
-cornpensador (ra), buffer capacitor. capitln m, captain; foreman.
-de acoplamiento, coupling capacitor. -de patio, yard fore~narl.
-de bloqueo, blocking capacitor. -del puerto, harbor master, captain of tho
capacitancia f (elk) (mec), capacitance. port.
-aciistica (ra), acoustic compliance or capac- capitania Cf) del puerto, offico of the harbor
itance. master.
- de entrada (ra), input capacitance. capitel m, capital, column head, (conc) column
-de salida (ra), output capacitance. cap.
-- interelectrbdica (ra), interelectrode capac- cap6 m (auto), hood.
itance. caporal m (V), foreman.
-lineal, straight-line capacitance. capota f , hood; auto top; cowling (airplane).
-propia, self-capacitance. capote m, hood; (Col) topsoil.
-rejilla-cktado, grid-cathode capacitance. clpsula f , capsule, bottle cap; cartridge shell; lid,
-rejilla-placa, grid-plate capacitance. covcr; (lab) dish.
-vagabunda, stray capacitance. -de carbbn (tcl), carbon button or capsule.
capacitivo (clec), capacitive. -de evaporacidn (lab), evaporating dish.
capacitbmetro m, (ra) (A) capacitance meter, (M) -detonante, exploder, blasting cap.
condenser meter. -detonante t'? tiempo, dclay blasting cap.
capacitor m (elbc), capacitor, condenser. -fulminante, blasting cap, exploder.
- de dkcadas (ra), decade condenser or capac- captacibn f, (hyd) catchment, impounding; divcr-
itor. sion; (r)(A) capture; (ra) pickup.
- de placas ajustables, variable or adjustable captador (m) de polvo, dust collector.
capacitor. captar (hid), to impound, collect; t o divert.
-de placas paralelas, parallel-plate capacitor. captura f (r), capture.
-filtrador (ra), smoothing capacitor. capuchina f (Col), door or window latch.
-regulable, variable capacitor. capuchbn m, (auto) valve cap; (pi) driving cap;
capacho m, bucket; (sh) dipper; brick hod. chimney cap.
--con descarga por debajo, bottom-dump capuli m (Pe), kind of timber used in mines.
buckct. cara f, face: check.
-de elevador, elevator bucket. -anterior (dib), nrar side.
- de extraccibn, mine bucket. -brillante (cuero), flesh sidc.
-de pala, shovel dipper. -dq campana, bell face (hammer).
- de tiro, dipper of a pullshovel or trench hoe. -de la flor o de pelo (cuero), hair or grain
-de torre (conc), tower bucket. side.
-pesador, weighing bucket. - de la ralz (sol), shoulder, root face.
-tip0 cdscara de naranja (Ch), orange-peel -de rueda, tread of a wheel.
bucket. -posterior (dib), far side.
caparrosa f , c,opperas. caracol m, spiral; (turb) scroll case; (A) worm
capataz m, foreman. gear.
-de brigada, s(luad boss. caracteristica f (mec)(el&) (mat), cll:~racteristic.
-de carpinteros, foreman carpenter. -anbdica (ra), plate characteristic.
-del desencofrado (mo), stripping foreman. -de desprendimiento (rx), emission character-
-del patio, yard foreman. istic.
-del tramo (fc), section foreman. -de grilla (ra), grid characteristic.
-de traspaso (ra), transfer characteristic. carbonilla f, fine coal, pulverized coal; cinder.
caramero m (V), drift carried by a flood. carbonita f (miner) (vol), carbonite.
carato ( m ) de cement0 ( V ) , ce~tientgrout. carbonizador m, carbonizer.
1 carhtula f (M), dial of an instrument. carbonizar, to carbonize; to char.
carbodinamita f (vol), carbodynamitc. carbon0 m, (chem) carbon.
carbohidrato m (is), carbohydrate. -de temple (met), temper carbon.
carbohidrdgeno m, carbohydrogcn. carbonbmetro m, carhonometer.
carbblico, carbolic. carbonoso, carbonaceous.
1 carbouneo m, carbolineum (wood preservative). carborundo m, carborundum (abrasive).
I carbolita f (abrasive). Carbolite (trademark). carburacibn f, carburetion, carburizing.
carbolbn m (abrasivo), Carbolon (trademark). -doble, dual carburetion.
carbbn m, coal; rharcoal; carbon. -por agente sblido (met), pack carburizing.
-activado (pa), activated carbon. -por pulverizacibn, spray carburetion.
-aglomerante o aglutinante, caking coal. carburador m, carburetor.
-animal, bone charroal, bone black. -a succibn ascendente, updraft carburetor.
-antracitoso, anthrarite. -de barboteo (Es), surface carburetor.
-bituminoso, bituminous coal. -de corriente descendente, downdraft car-
-brillante, glanrc ronl. buretor.
-conglomerante, rnliing coal. -de chorro, spray carburetor.
-de ampelita o de bujia, cnnnel coal. -de evaporacibn, surface carburetor.
-de astilla, splint coal. -de flotador, float-feed or constant-level car-
-de forja o de fragua, blacksmith coal. buretor.
-de gas (V). gas carbon. -de inyector, jet or injection carburetor,
-de huesos, animal charcoal, hone black. -de pic0 compuesto, con~poundcarburetor.
-de lefia o de madera, clr:trco:tl. -de pulverizador, spray carburetor.
-de llama corta, srnokelcss or hard coal. -de surtidor (Es), spray carburetor.
- de llama larga, soft coal.
-de piedra, coal.
-de retorta, gas carbon.
-entrozado (M), broken coal.
-de tiro descendente, downdraft carburetor.
carburante m, carburetant.
carburar, to carburize, carburet.

1 -graso, hiturninour or soft or gas coal.

--lustroso, pitch coal.
-mate, canncl coal.
carburizador m, carburizer.
carburizar, t o carburize, caseharden; t o carburet.
carburo m, carbide.
-cementado, cemented carbide.
-mineral, coal. -de hieno, iron carbide, cementite.
-noaglutinante, noncaking or free-burning rod. -de silicio, silicon carbide, carborundum.
-para calderas, steam coal. carburbmetro m, carburometer.
-pezoso, pitch coa!. clrcamo m, sump; wheel pit; (min) drain; (min)
-seco, dry or nonvolatile coal. flume.
-semigraso, scruil~ituminousronl. -de succibn, suction pit.
-tal como sale, run-of-mine coal. carcasa f, casing; framework.
-vegetal, charcoal. -de motor (elk), motor frame.
carbonaciBn f (pa) (Pe) , carbonation. -espiral (turb), scroll case.
carbonado m, carbon or black diamond. clrcava f, gully, ditch, gutter.
carbonatacidn f,carbonation. carcavbn m (top), gorge.
carbonatador m, carbonator. carcax' m (M) , carcass (tire).
carbonatar, to carbonate. ckcel f, clamp, cramp; vise; fiyd) gate groove;
carbonato m, carbona:e. timber frame in a shaft; notch. (min) hitch;
-6cido de sodio, acid sodium carbonate, bi- (ill carcel.
carbonate of soda. -de banco, bench vise.
-ambnico, amrno~liumcarbonate. -para sierra, saw clamp.
-de calcio, calcium carbonate, carbonate of -para taladradora, drill or jig vim.
lime. clrcel-hora (il), carcel-hour.
-magn6sic0, magnesium carbonate, (miner) carcoma f, wood borer, timber worm; dust mede
magnebite. by the borer.
-sbdico anhidro, soda ash, anhydrous sodium -blanca (mad), white rot.
carbonate. -roja (mad), red rot.
carboncillo m, fine coal, slack. carcomerse, to become worm-eaten; to decav; to
carbonear, to char, carbonize; to load coal. be undermined.
carbonera f, coalbin; coal mine; (bl)(A) coyote carcomida f, decay; corrosion; (cono) honey-
hole. comb.
carboneria f,coalyard. carcomido m. (Pe) wormhole; a worm-eaten,
carbonero m, coal miner; coaldealer; coal han- (Ibr) wormy; corroded; decayed; honey-
dler; a pertaining t o coal. combed.
carbbnico, carbonic. carda Cf) para limas, file card or b r d .
carbonifero, coal-bearing, carboniferous; coal- cardln, Cardan (joint).
carrying. cardlnico, Cardanic.
cardenillo 68 cargo
cardenillo m, verdigris. -especffica, unit load.
cardiar (V) , to ream. -estitica, (hyd) static head; (str) static or
cardinal (mat), cardinal. dead load.
carear, t o face, snlooth up; to mill. -explosiva, blasting cllnr~e.
carena f, ship repair, careening; ship's bottom. -fraccionada (est), partial Iuading.
carenaje m, ship repair; careenage. -fundamental (elk), I~aseload.
carenar, t o careen; to repair s ship, t o dock for -hidrlulica, head.
repairs. -inductiva ( e l k ) , inductive or lagging load.
carenero m, dockyard, shipyard; graving dock. -limite, safe or allowable load.
carenote m (cn), bilge keel, rolling chock. -muerta (est), dead load.
oareta f, mask, farc shield. -neta (an), cargo dead-weight tonnage.
-antigls, g a s mask. -pagada, pay load.
-de soldador, welding mask, face shield. -permanente (est), dead load.
carga f , load, loading; freight, cargo, lading; -plena, full load.
(hyd) head; (conc) rharge, batch; (elec) -por lotes, less-than-carload freight.
charge, load; (met) heat, charge; (ra) load- -por vagones, carload freight.
ing. -presumida o prevista o supuesta, assumed
-a granel, bulk cargo. loading, design load.
-absoluta (hid), absolute head. -propia (cut), dead load.
-accidental, live load. -remanente, residual charge, electric residue.
-admisible, allowable load. -rodante, moving or rolling load.
-alar (ap) (A), wing loading. -tip0 (est), standard loading.
-bruta (an), dead-weight tonnage. -transversal (est), beam loading.
-- conectada (el&), connected load. - btil, pay or useful load; live load.
-de altura (hid), elevation head. -viva, live load.
- de arranque en frio (cf), pickup load, warm- cargada f, a load.
ing-up allowance. cargadero m, loading platform; frcight station;
-de aspiracibn (hrn),suction hcad. charging opcning.
- de atraque (vol) (A), stemming, tamping. cargado sobre vagbn, loaded on cars, FOB (free
-de barreno, blasting charge. on board).
-de buque, carzo. cargador m, loader; mucking machine; mucker
-de calefaccibn (aa) , heat load. (man) ; (bo) stoker; (elec) charger; shipper,
-de camibn, truckload. freighter.
-de carro, wagonload; carload. -a parrilla articulada (cal), chain-grate or
-de cucharbn, bucketful; (sh) di~perful. link-grate stoker.
-de descarga (bm), discharge head. -autoalimentador, force-feed loadcr.
- de energia (hid), energy head. -de acumuladores o de baterias, battery
-de enfriamiento (aa) , cooling load. chargcr.
-de ensayo, test load. -de alimentacibn superior (call, overfeed
-de entrada (hid), entrance head. stoker.
-de faja (ms), strip load. -de cadena sin fin (cal), chain-grate stoker.
- de flexi6n (est), beam loading. -de cangilones o de cubos, bucket loader,
-de fractura, breaking load. portable elevator.
-de friccibn (hid). friction head. -de carbbn (cal), stoker.
-de funcionamiento (hid), operating head. -de hogar, mechanical stoker.
-de hormigonera, batch of concrete. -de hormigonera (nlz), skip loader.
-de Uegada (hid), head of approach, velocity -de mandil, apron loader.
head. -de parrilla corrediza (cal) , traveling-grate
-de ocupacibn (aa) , occupancy load. stoker.
-de presibn (hid), pressure head. -de retorta lateral (cal), side-retort stoker.
-de prueba, test load, trial load. -de retorta Gnica (cal), single-retort stoker.
-de punta, (str) column loading; (elec)(11) -de retortas miiltiples (cal), multiple-rctort
peak load. stoker.
-de rotura, breaking or rupture load. -de tractor (ec), tractor shovel, tractor loader.
-de rueda, wheel load. -distribuidor o esparcidor, spreader stoker.
-de seguridad, safe load. -por debajo, und~rfccdstoker.
-de servicio o de trabajo, working load. -portit~l,wagon loadcr, portablc conveyor.
-de succi6n (hrn), suction hcad. -sacudidor (mz), shakirlg shlp loarlrr.
-de utensilios (aa) , appliance load. cargadora f, any loading or stobulg apparatus.
-de vacio (hid), vacuum hcad. -de troncos (rf), logger.
-de velocidad (hid), velocity or dynamic -de tfinel, tunnel shovel, mucking machine.
head. cargamento m, load, cargo, loadlng.
-diniimica, moving load; dynamic head. cargar, to load; t o charge; to stoke; (act) to
-efectiva, (hyd) effective or net head; (tr) debit, charge.
pay load. cargo m, cargo, freight; oEce, position; (act)
-espacial (ra), space charge.

cargbmetro m. Lo:rrlorncter (trademark). - del distribuidor (mv), valve travel.
cargueo 7n ( C h ) , l o : r t l i ~ l ~ . - del 6mbol0, piston stroke or travel.
carguero nz, c:rrr~(-r: I~c:rht of 1 ~ 1 r d e n loader. ; - d e encendido, (eng) ignition or working
cllnrgcr; (.I) cnrgil 1)o:rt. stroke.
carguio m, c:rrgo, loail. -d e erogacien (bm) (A), delivery stroke.
cariado, dihint(hgr:it~'~l, roltcr~. -d e escape, (eng) exhaust stroke.
caries (f) seca, rlry rot. -d e la excentrica, throw of t h e eccentric.
carleta f. (t) iilry. -d e expulsibn, exllaust stroke, (di) scaveng-
carlinga / ( e n ) , niast s t r p . ing stroke.
carnalita f , r:rr~i:rllit~(ore of magnesium a n d -de filtracibn (pa) (U), filter run.
potassinrn). -de fondo, groundsill.
carneta f (.I<:), notcl,ook, field book. -de fuerza, power stroke.
carpa f, tent; (C'h) t:rtr):illiin. -d e ladrillos, course of brick.
carpanel, sce arco carpanel. -d e la leva, lift of t h e earn.
carpero wt (1~1.1 ( E . 1 , 11r:ln who looks after tents. -d e la marea, range of t h e tide,
carpeta f , coating; pavernenl; (Uj ( h l ) s l ~ ~ b . -del martinete, d r o p of a pile hammer.
-asflltica, sllect asp:i:rlt. -de pared (carp), wall plate.
-bituminosa ( r ~ r ) ,sliirl co:rt of bituminous -d e retroceso, back stroke.
rnatcri:rl. -de soga (lad). strrtcller course,
-d e desgaste, \vearing sr1rf:lre. -d e techo, c c i l i ~ joist.
-de fundacibn, for~rlrl:itiondnl, or niat. -d e tizones (lad), Iie:r(ler course.
carpintear, t o tio (.ur1)(>!ittbr1r.01.k. - de trabajo, working strokc (piston).
carpinteria f,c:rrl>entry; c i t r [ ~ e ~ l tbliop.
cr -descendente, dou-11 strokc.
-a vapor (..I).SIIOII (.:~r~)rri:ry. -motriz, (eng) r v o r k i ~ ~org power stroke.
-de armar ( V ] , btructural r:~rpt~rltry. -portacabio (to), birldir~grafter.
-de blanco, tri111,~l~iIl\vr)~.k. carrero m, t e a ~ i ~ s t e truckniarl;
r, operator of a
-de encofrado, for111 c : i r ~ e ry; ~ ~ tfor111C ~ I . I ) ~ I I - handrar.
ter s11op. carreta f, cart. \vajion.
-d e modelos, pattrrrr~n:rking, -d e remolque, tmilcr.
-d e obra, structur:~lr.:lrlj(:~l~ry. -volquete, tluil~l)cart.
-d e taller, s l ~ o p~:LI.L)PIILI.Y, 111111~vork. carretada f , c:lrtlo:~tl, \va~onload.
-meclnica, t~iillworli;i~iill,r:tr~)entersliop. carretaje m, cart:igc, (11.ayage.
-metllica, light iror~\\-o~.k in a building, espe- carretal m (Es), rough aslrlar stone.
cially doors a11c1n.iridow5. carrete m ,reel, coil; spool; (elec) coil.
-naval, silil) (.nrlx.~it~.y. -d e autoinduccibn (PIC-c),self-induction coil.
carpintero m, e : r r ~ ~ r r i t ~ ~ r . - de encendido ( a u t o ) , ignition coil.
-ademador, ti111l~1r111:in. -de indtrccibn (el;(,), irlductio~lcoil.
- armador, erecti~lg( ' : ~ r [ ) ~ ~ nframer. trr, -- d e pelicula ( f ~ i ) ; ~ fill11
) , q)oi>I.
- de banco, stiop c:irperitc,r. -- de resistencia (e1i.r~.rcbh~>t:i~icc coil.
- '
d e buque o de navio o de ribera, sliipwrigl~t, -en derivacibn iv16(.),s l ~ u r coil, ~ t (inst) goten-
ship cal.I,i.litcr. ti31 coil.
-d e carreta o de prieto, wlicrlmright. -excitador ( e l k ) , cxciti~igcoil.
-encofrador o de moldaje, fur111c;Lrperiter. -extintor de chispas ( c l ( ~ )I,~ l o ~ v o ucoil. t
-maestro, forelri:rn or Itr:rstcr c:trpci~ter. -inducido ( e l k ) , arnlatilrc coil.
-modelador, pat terriln:~kcr. -inductor, ilidnctiou roil.
carraca f,rntcllet 111.:1(.(., r:itcl~rt. -terminal i:iih), de:r(l-crl(l spool.
-estiradora d e alambres, frr1c.e raf~.liet. carreteable (?;I), fit for Ii:ruli~ig.
carrada f (Cs), c:rr.Ioa~l;w:rgonlo:id. carretear, t o c a r t , 11:ruI; (ap) t o taxi.
carrasca f, carrasco m, pi11 oak, sw:rmp %Lit0 carretel m, re(,l, spool; rvincll head, (pet) eathead.
oak; wooci1arid. carreteo rn (ap), tuxiirlg.
carrascal m, woodlarid; (Colj gr:rrc.l h d . carretera f,higliway, road.
camera f, strongback, WLLLC~. stringer, r311gCT; -- biviaria, two-lm~ehighway.
(Col) girder; (carp) wall pl:tte, sill; pul.lin; -cuadriviaria, four-lane higllway.
glrt; I~ixlrway; (Col) nvcliuc; (111acIiy) -d e acceso, access road.
strokc, throw, travel; (111:rs) course; (dock) -d e accesos Iimitados, limited-access h i u -
stri~igl~icce, backing lo^. way, freeway.
-a1 aterrizar (ap), Ialidi~igrun. -d e cuatro vlas, four-lane highway.
-ascendente, 111)stroke (piston). -d e dos trochas, two-lane t~igllway.
-de a d m i s i h , (crlg) nd~nission or Lrtnko -d e trochas mGltiples, ~nultilarlehigllway.
stroke. -de via libre, express I~igliway.
- de aspiracibn, (eng.) suction strokc. - expresa, tllrougt~or express higliway, free-
-de barrido (di), s c r v e ~ l g i l ~strokc. g Tvny.
-de cornpresibn, (elinj conlpression stroke. -matriz o troncal, main or through Iiigliu~ay.
- de la compuerta (lritl), g a t e travel. carretera-parque [I\), ~~:rrli\v:ry.
-de defensa (rr~ucllc),fer~tlcr. carreteria f. ~v:lg,.rl~i sliol); \ v I i ( ~ ~ l w r iwork.
- de deacarga (IJI~I), delivery stroke. carretero m, truck~riun,tea:il,ter; wlleelwright.
canetilla 70 carro
carretilla f,wheelbarrow; small car; hand truck: -partido (tranvia) , slot rail.
tramway bucket; cableway carriage; (rr) -Gnico, monorail.
truck; trolley; (A) (L) small wagon; (lg) -Vignola, T rail, standard railroad rail.
bummer, skidder, dolly, drag cart. carriles de oruga, crawler tread.
-a horcada, straddle truck. carriles para recolocacibn, relayers.
-alzadora, lift truck. carrilada f, flangeway; treadway.
-concretera, concrete barrow. carrilano m (Ch), worker on a railroad, track-
-corrediza, I-beam trolley; cableway carriage. man.
- de a t r l s (loco), trailing trurk. carrileo m (V),scraping a road to fill ruts. I

- de cuerpo d e acero, steel-tray wheelbarrow. carrilera f , track; r u t ; (rr)(C) siding; (Col) grat-
-d e equipaje, baggage truck. ing; (tr) track.
- de mano, hand or warehouse truck. -de carena, track of a marine railway.
-de riel (fr), pony car. -d e grGa, crane runway.
- de suspensibn, cableway carriage. -de oruga, rrawlcr tread.
-de via (fc), track barrow. -de transbordador, runway of a transfer table.
- electrica (rol), electric squib. -decauville, narrow-gage trark.
- elevadora, lift truck. -industrial, industrial railway.
-pesadora, weigh larry. carrilero m (Ch), railroad worker.
-portante (fr), pony truck. carrillo m , small cart; t:tckle hlorli; I-beam trol-
-portatubos (pet), casing wagon. ley; (Sp) sheave, pillley.
-tubular, tubular-frame wheelbarrow. -de contact0 (fr clbc), contart plow.
carretillada f, wheelbarrow load. carriola f (Col), purlin.
darretillero m, uzheelharrow man; (min) trammer. carrito m, small car: concrete buggy; cal)leway
carreto m (Col) (V), a hardwood. carriage; sliding-door hanger; t,raveler,
carretbn m, wagon, cart, truck; (PR) reel; (M) trolley; (lg) bummer, doily, skidder; (ea)
concrete buggy. (V) scraper.
-corredizo, cahleway carriage. -cargador (ef), loading carriage.
-cuba, tank wagon. -corredizo, r*al,leway carriage; lathe carriage;
- de carriles o de orugas, track or crawler trax-eler, trolley; (Ig) skidrling carri:ige.
wagon. -de cigiiefia, small car moved by hand powcr.
--d e remolque, trailer. -de mano, handcar.
-de volteo, dumpcart, dump wagon. -para ruedas, wheel dolly.
-herramental, tool wagon. -portador (mh), lathe carriage.
-regador, sprinkling wagon. carro m, car; wagon, truck, cart; automobile.
- semicarril, half-track. -aguatero, watering cart.
-tanque, tarlk wagon. -andamio (fc eli,c), tower car.
carretonada f,wagonload, t,ruckload, cartload. -automotor (fc), motorcar.
carretonaje m, cartage, trucking, haulirlg. -barrenador, drill carriage; wagon drill.
carretonero m, truck or cart driver, teamster. -basculador, dump car.
carricuba m, sprinkling cart, tank wagon. -basurero, garbagc car; trash car.
carril m, rail; track, traffic lane; treadway; nar- -bodega (Ch), boxcar.
row road; (V) rut. -caja (M), boxcar.
-a garganta, grooved o r streetcar rail. -calichero (Ch), nitrate car.
-americano, T rail. -carbonero, coal car.
-conductor, t,hird rail, contact or conductor -cargador, charging carriage.
rail. -cerrado, boxcar.
-contraaguja, stock rail. -correo, mail car.
-de aguja, switc,ll or point rail. -cuba, tank car; tank wagon.
-d e alambre, aerial tramway. -de aparejo o de auxilio, wrecking or derrick
-de alivio (fc), easer rail. car.
-d e arranque (fc), lead rail. -de aserradero, sawmill carl.ianc.
-d e hlscula, weigh rail. -de cajdn, boxcar; ( C ) gondola car.
-de cambio, switch rail. -de carga, freight car.
-de canal, grooved or streetcar rail. -de costado bajable, drop-side car.
-de cremallera, rack rail. -de despejo, clearance car.
-de desecho, scrap rail. -de dos vertientes, gal)le-bottom car.
-d e hongo o d e patin, T rail, standard railroad -de embudo (C), hopper-hottom car.
rail. - de equipajes, baggage car.
-de muelle, spring rail (frog). -de escalera (A), tower car (elm rr).
-de puerta corrediza, track for sliding door. -de expreso, express car.
-de ranura, grooved or streetcar rail. -d e extraccibn, mine car.
-de toma, third or conductor rail. -de grGa, wrecking or drrritlc car; crane truck
-dentado, rack rail. -de hacienda (A), cattle car.
- doble T, girder rail. -de herramientas, tool car; tool wagon.
-guia, guardrail. -de mangueras, llose cart.
-maestro, stock or running rail. -de mano, handcar, push car.
- de perforadoras, drili carriage, jumbo. -de pago, receipt.
-de plancha ( C ) , flatcar. - de porte, freight bill; bill of lading; (A) way-
1 _- de plataforma, flatcar.
-de remolque, trailer.
-de privilegio, franchise, concession.
-de riego, sprinkling cart. -de venta, bill of sale.
-de socorro, u.recking car. -dinamom6trica, dynamometer card.
-de taladros, drill carriage. -diurna (tel), day letter.
-de tolva, hopper-bottom car. -geogrbfica, map.
-de torno, lathe carriage. -geogrlfica agrea, aerocartograph.
-de torre (fo e l k ) , tower car. -hidrogrlfica, chart.
-de trampas, drop-bottom car. -magnctica, magnetic chart.
-de traslaci6n, transfer car or carriage. -marina (A), chart.
-de volteo, (lump car. -nocturna (tell, night letter.
-de vuelco, durnp car; tip cart. -planialtimetrica (A), contour map.
-decauvi!le, riarrow-gage dump car. cartabbn m, square; rule; gage; (dwg) triangle;
-dormitorio (M), slecping car. (str) gusset plate; peak of a roof; (A) splay.
-elevador, lift truck. -con transportador, protractor triangle.
-entero, por, in carload lots. -corredizo, slide caliper.
-estafcta, mail car. -de inglete, bevel square.
-ganadero, cattlc rar, stockcar. -de profundidad, depth gage.
-gSndola, gondol:~Tar. -de rotulacibn (dib), lettering angle.
-herramental, tool car. -dilatable (Es), bevel protractor; protractor
-inferior, undcrcnrriagc. triangle.
-lastrero (Ctl), ball:~it car. -para madera (A), board rule.
-motor (I<'), rrlotorcor. cartabonear (A), to work with a square.
-nevera, rcfrigcrator car. cartln m (V), a hardwood.
-pagador, pny car. cartela f, bracket, corbel, console, bolster; knee
-para trozcs, snwlnill carriage. brace, gusset.
-petrolero (Ch), tank car. -aguantadora (cn), toe bracket.
-pipa, water cart. -atiesadora (cn), tilting bracket; stiffener
-plano, flrttcar. bracket; tangency bracket.
-portaherramienta (rnh), tool carriage, t,ool- -de tangencia (cn), tangency bracket.
slide. cbrter m, housing, casing, cover.
-portasierras (as), saw carri3gc. -del diferencial (auto), differential case.
-raso, fntcnr. -de engranajes (auto), gearbox.
-reja, cattlc rar. -del motor (auto), crankcase.
-salitrcro ((:Ill, nitrate car. cartera f, (Col) notebook, field book.
-salbn, chair car. cartografia f , cartography.
-separador, itllrr car. -- airea, aerial photographic surveying, air-
-tanque, tank car; water cart. plane mapping.
-traflla (cr). wagon scrapcr. cartografiar, to survey, make maps.
-transversal (mh), c!.ohs carriage. cartogrlfico, cartographic.
-tranvia o urbano, strectrnr. cartbgrafo m, cartographer.
-volcador, durnp car; d u n ~ pwagon. cartbmetro m, chartometer.
carro-montacargas, lift truvk. cartbn' m, cardboard, millboard, heavy paper;
carro-soporte, latile saddle. (M) gusset plate, bracket.
carros completes, por, ill carload lots. -alquitranado, tar paper.
carroceria j, :~uton!ol~ileboclg (not usually ap- -comprimido o de Fuller, pressboard. Fuller
plied t o trucks); (AM) truck L~ody. board.
-de turismo, touring-car body. -de asbesto, asbestos board.
-de volteo (hl), dnlnp hotly. - de bagazo, celotex.
-transformable, ronvo~~tililc body. -de fibra, fiberboard.
carrocero m (Es), wl~eclwrigl~t. -de paja, strawboard.
carrosage m (auto), iilclination of tlic fronb -de yeso, plasterboard, wallboard.
wheels. -embetunado, tar paper.
carroza f (cn), eoml~anion,cornparlion head. -fieltro (U),roofing paper or felt.
carruaje m, any kind of vehicle. -piedra, papier-mLch6.
carrucha f (AC), rccl; sticave, pulley. -tabla ( C ) , wallboard.
cartaf, cllart, map; letter, docu~ilcnt. cartoteca f (V), map file.
-caminera (Ch), rvatl ning. cartucho m, cartridge.
-certificada, registered letter. -de dinamita, dynamite cartridge.
-colorimitrica la:^), c~olosch:i~t. -de fusible (elk), fuse cartridge.
-constitucional, irlcorpol.ation papers, rhartcr. -atrante, filter cartridge.
-de ciudadania, naturalizatiori pitgers. -fusible ( e l k ) , cartridge fuse.
-de cr6dito simple, clean letter of credit. cartulina f, Bristol board.
- de fletamento, charter party. carupal m, a Venezuelan lumber.
casa castillete

casa f, house; firm. casillero m, rack (for pipe, etc.) ; (C)bin.

-central, main or home office. casimba f, well; spring.
- constructors, construction company. casiterita f, cassiterite (tin orc).
- de azotea, penthouse.
-de bombas, pump house.
caso (m) fortuito, force niajeurc, contingency,
act of God.
-de calderas, boilerhouse. casquete m, cap; shell; helmet.
-de cambio, moneyexchange ofhe. -de burbujeo (pet), bubble cap.
-de cartas (cn), chart house. -del cabezal (torno), headstock cap.
- de comando, control house. -de espiga (ca), dowel-bar cap.
- del comando (cn), bridge house.
-de comercio, business concern.
-de hincar (pi), drive cap.
-de soldador, welding helmet.
-de las compuertas (hid), gatehouse. -de tubo, pipe cap.
- de departamentos, apartment house. -de uni6n ( v i ) , union bonnet.
-de distribuci6n (cl@e),switch house. -de la vllvula, valve bonnet.
-de fuerza, powerhouse. -guardahumo, smoke helmet.
-de liquidacibn, clearinghouse. -sellador (v6), seal cap.
-de mttquinas, enginehouse; powerhouse. casquijo m, gravcl, gravel bar.
-de 10s molinos (az), mill house. casquillo m, ferrule; gland; slcevc, hushing;
-- de 10s tachos (az), boiling house. socket; pipe cap; base of an incandescent
-$e tramo (fc), section house. lamp; horseslioe; (min) blasting cap, es-
-matriz, main office. ploder.
-redonda (fc) (M), roundhouse. -abierto (cab), open sockct.
cascada f, waterfall, cascade. - acuiiado (cat,), wedge socket.
cascadas (C), rapids. -cerrado (cab), closod socket.
cascajal, cascajar m, gravel pit or bed. -conectador (elk), hickey.
cascajero m, gravel bed; worked-out mine. -del alma (sx), core barrel.
cascajo m. gravel; quarry waste; (rr) ballast; -de bayoneta, hayonet-socket base (lamp).
(sd) grit; (:\) rubble aggregate, cobbles. -de boca cuadrada, square-drive socket.
cascajoso, gravelly. -de calafateo (tub), calking fcrrule.
cascara f, rasing. shell; bark. -de doce estrias, twelve-point socket.
-de naranja, (buj orange peel. -de empaque, packing follower.
cascarBn m, shell, casing; (ar) vault; (A) deposit -de guia (n~li),guide bushing.
of scale. -de mot6n, coak.
easco m, shell, casing; cask; (naut) h d ; (V) -de ocho estrias, eight-point socket.
central part of a city. -de prensaestopa, gland.
-de buzo, diver's helmet. -de puente (cab), bridge sockct.
-de caldera, shell of a boiler. -de rosca, screw base (lamp).
-de cojinete, bcaririg shell. -de soldar (tub), soldering bushing, sweating
-del radiador (auto), radiator shell. thimble.
-de soldador, welding helmet, head shield. -de tubo-conduct0 (cli.~),conduit bushing.
cascote m, debris, rubbish; rubble; (A) brickbat; -deslizante, slip bushing.
(CXC)muck. -destornillador, screwdriver socket.
cascotear (Col), to level up with rubbish. -escalonado (cab), stepped socket.
caseoso (ms) (M), compressible, easily deformed. -escariador, reaming shell (drill).
caseta f, small building; cabin; (tk) (sh) cab. -estriado, (t) socket.
-de balanza, scale house, weighhouse. -flotante, floating bushing.
-de cabezal (min), head house. -para cabilla (ca), dowel socket.
-de control ( e l k ) , switch house. -partido, split bushing.
-de guardaagujas (fc), switchman's shanty. -por soldar (tub), welding neck; stub end.
-del guardacrucero (fc), crossing watchman's -reductor, pipe bushing.
shanty. -universal, universal socket.
-de mando, control house. casquillos (fr), car hmsscs.
-de mando de compuertas (hid), gatehousc. castaiieteo rn (herr), rhattcr.
-herramental, tool house. castaiio m, chestnut wood.
-telefhica, telephone booth. castaiiuela f, lewis; lewis bolt; stone bolt, split
caset6n m (ds) (M), caisson gate. bolt; (naut) cleat.
casilla f, small building, shed; privy; post-office -de cantera, lewis.
box; (loco) cab; (elec) cubicle; cabinet; castillejo rn, scaffolding, trestlework; ~ c d e s t s l ;
(Ec) water closet; (Sp) column in a note- bed framc.
book. castillete m, scaffold; trestle bent; A frame;
-de aceites, oil house. horse; pile-driver leads; gallows frame; oil
-del cambiador (fc), switchman's shanty. derrick; (min) headframe.
-de compuertas (hid), gatehouse. -armado, framed bent.
-de correo, post-office box. -de cablevia, cahleway tower.
-de herramientas, tool house. -de pilotes, pile bent.
- del maquinista (loco), cab. -- de transmisi6n, transrnissio~ltower.

-provisorio (pte) , falsework. cauchotar, t o treat with rubber.

castillo m, ( ~ n i n )headframe; (sb) forecastle. caudal m, volulne of flow.
-de popa (cri), poop deck. -afluente, runoff, inflow.
-- de proa (cn), forccastlc. -critico, critical flow.
castina f , flux. -de avenida, flood flow.
casucha f, shanty; (sh) cab. -de estiaje, low-water flow.
cata f, test pit; testing, tcst boring, erploraiion. -graduado o regularizado, regulated flow.
catacllstico (gcol), catarlastic. -instantlneo, momentary flow.
catadora f , eartli auger, any tool for exploring -medio, mean flow.
the ground. -sblido, material in suspension in a stream.
catalejo m, telescope. -subcritico, streaming flow.
catalina f (Es)(C), sprocltet, gear ~vliccl. -supercritico, sliooting or supercritical flow.
catllisis f (cluilri), catalysis. caudaloso, of great volurrle, running full, in flood
catalitico, catalytic. causticador m, causticizer.
catalizador m, catalyst, catalytic : ~ ~ e r i t . causticar, t o caustirize.
-de lecho fijo (pet), fixed-bcd catalyst. clustico, caustic (all senses).
-usado, spent catalyst. caatil m (AC), soldering iron.
catalizar, t o catnlize. cautin m ,soldering iron.
catllogo m, catalogue. cava f, pit, excavation.
catalpa f (mad), catalpa. cavadizo, easily excavated.
catar, t o explorc tlie ground, dig tcst pits; to cavador m, excavator.
sample. -de agujeros de postes, (t) posthole digger.
catarata f, waterfall, cataract; (se) catar:rct. -de zanjas, trench rriachine, ditcher.
catarina f (XI), sprocket. cavadora f, excavator.
catarocas f (geol) (A), c:ttaclastic rocks. -cargadora, elevating grader.
catastral, cadastral. -de arcilla, pneumatic clay spade.
catastro m, inventory of real estate in n district; -de capachos, bucket excavator.
cerisus, cadastre. -de desagiies, drainage ditcher.
cateador m, prospector; sampler, trier. cavadura f, excavation, digging.
catear, t o rnalie borings, explore the ground, cavar, t o excavate, dig.
prospect ; t o sample. cavazanjas, mlquina, trench machine.
catenaria f , rater1ar.y. cavazbn f (Es), excavation.
-hidrosthtica, hytlrostntic catenary, elastics. caven m, a Chilean hardwood.
cateo m, prospecting, exploration; sarnplir~g. caverna f , cavern, hollow.
cateto m, leg of n right tl.ianglc. cavernoso, full of cavities, porous, containing
catetbmetro m (lab), cathetonicter. voids.
catetrbn m (ra), cathetron. caveto m, quarter-round concave molding.
catigul m, an Argentine wood (semihard). cavidad f, cavity.
catibn m ( e l k ) , cation, kation. cavitacibn f, cavitation.
catibnico, cationic. cay0 m, small island, cay, key; shoal.
catbdico, cathodic. caz m, flurne, canal, race.
cltodo m (elcc), catliode. -de descarga, tailrace.
-a calefaccibn directa, directly heated cathode. -de traida, Iieadmce.
-de calentamiento indirecto, indirectly heated -vertedor, spillway clianncl.
or equipotential cathode. cazaclavos m, nail puller, claw bar.
-de charco (de ~iicrcurio),pool-type catliode. cazadera f, (min) hitch.
-virtual (ra), virtual cathode. cazangueo m (hf), clearing land.
catodbgrafo m, catllodograph, radiograph. cazarremaches m, rivet set or snap.
catolito m (elk), catliolyte. cazo m, ladle, bucket, dipper.
catbptrico, caioptric (light). -de cola, gluepot.
catraca f (A), ratclict. -de colada, pouring or charging ladle.
cauce ni, clianncl, river bed. -de fundidor, casting ladle.
-de alivio, floodway. -para asfalto, asphalt dipper.
-de derivacibn, diversion clianncl. cazoleta f, bucket of a turbine; pan; dolly; (Sp)
-de escape, tailrace. water-closet bowl.
-de evacuacibn, spillnmy channel. -del diferencial (auto), housing of the differ-
-de llegads, lieadrace. ential.
-libre, open clianncl. cazonete m, toggle.
caucibn f,security, guaranty. cebadero m, opening for charging a furnace.
-de licitador, bid security. cebador m, (auto) priming cup; choke; (pu)
caucionar, t o bond (employee). primer.
caucho m, rubber; (V)automobile tire. cebadura f , priming.
-endurecido, hard rubber. cebar, (bl) t o prirnc; (pu) t o pnime; (bo) t o feed,
-regenerado, rcclairrled rubber. charge; cebarse (vol)(hl), t o misfire.
-silvestre, native or wild rubber. cebo m, (bl) prinier, fuse; (rd) binder; (bo)
cauchotado (A), rubberized, waterproofed. charge.
-de gelatina (vol), gelatin primer. -de alto horno, slag cemcnt.
-eldctrico, exploder. -de bajo calor, low-heat cement.
-fulminante, blasting cap, exploder. -de calor moderado d e fraguado, moderate-
-retardado, delay blasting cap. heat-of-hardening cement.
cebolla j (bm), strainer for footvalve. -de empizarrar, slater's cenient.
cedazo m, screen, sieve, strainer, riddle. -de escoria, slag cement.
-corredizo, traveling screen. -de fraguado lento, slow-setting ccment.
-de arrastre, drag screen. -de fraguado rlpido, quick-setting or high-
-de banda, band screen. early-strength cement.
-de disco, disk screen. -de goma, rubber cemcnt.
-giratorio, revolving screen. -de silice, silica cement.
-para peces (hid), fish screen. -modificado, modified cement.
-sacudidor, shaking screen.
-natural, 11atur:tl rement.
-vibrante, vibrating screen. -para empaquetadura, gasket cement.
ceder, t o yield. give way, fail; t o assign. -para pisos de vidrio, vault-light cement.
cedro m, cedar. - plistico para techos, roofing cement.
cddula f, certificate. official document; schedule; -Portland, Portlnr~dcenic,nt.
(fin) (A) bond. -puzolbnico, pozzolariic c~?mcnt.
-de cambio, bill of exchange. -reforzado (Col), reinforced concrete.
- de investigacidn (tr), tracer. -refractario, liigh-temperature or refractory
-hipotecaria (:mortgage I), bond. cement.
cegar, t o wall up; t o plug, stop up. -resistente a 10s sulfates, sul1)liate-resisting
cegesimal a, centimeter-gram-second. cement.
ceiba f, ceibo m, tropical tree that yields kapok. -romano (Es), natural ccment.
ceja f, flangc; (>I) tire head; (C) trail, path. sin arena, lieat cenient.
celador m, watchrlian; maintenance man. -suelto, bulk or loose cerncnt.
celaje m (Es),skylight; transom. cementoso, cenientitious.
celda f , cell; bin. cenagal m, swariig.
-de bateria (.\), battery cell. cenagoso, swaIrlIjy.
-de energia, (eng) energy cell. cenicero m, nshpan, ashpit.
-fotoelbctrica, photoelectric cell. cenit m, zenith.
celita f. (ct) (conc admixture) cellite. cenital, zenithal.
celoidina f (frna). celloidin. ceniza f , ash.
celosia f, (str) latticing, lacing; window blind, -de soda, soda ash, anhydrous sodium car-
lattice. bonate.
-de ventilacibn, louver. cenizal m, ashpit, ash dump.
cdlula f, ccll; cubicle. cenizas, aslies, cinders.
-fotoelbctrica (A), photoelectric cell, photo- -de plomo, lithargc, lead ash.
cell. -volcbnicas, volranic ash.
-fotoemisora, phototube. centelleo m (ra), flicker.
-talofido (ra), thalofide cell. centesimal, centcsi~nal.
celular, cellular. centbsimo m a , hundredth.
celuloide m, celluloid. centihrea f, rcntiare, centare.
celulosa f , cclllllose. centibara 1, centibar.
celul6sic0, cellulosic. centigrado, centigrade.
celuloso a , ccllnlar. centigram0 m, centigram.
cementacibn f ( ~ n a m(met),
) cementation. centilitro m, centiliter.
cementador m (pet), cementer, cementing outfit. centimetrado ( A ) , dividedintocentimeters(tape)
cementadora f, (Sp) cement gun; (pet)(Ec) centimetro m, ccntinieter.
cementing equipment. centinormal, centinormal.
cementar, t o cement; t o carhurize, caseharden. centipoise, centipoise.
cementer0 a. pertaining t o cement. centner m, ccntncr.
cementista m, cemcnt worker, cernent mason. -mbtrico, metric or double centner.
cementita f (met), cementite. centrador m, ccntralizcr, centering device.
cement0 m, cement. - de embrague (auto), clutch pilot.
-a granel, bulk or loose cement. -fijo (mh), stcady rrst.
-artificial (Es). Portland cement. centradora f , (nit) spotting tool.
-armado, reinforcrd concrete. centraje m, ccriteririg.
-asflltico, asphalt cement. -propio, de, sclf-centering.
-de aha resistencia a corto plazo (M), high- central f, plant, station; sugar mill
early-strength cement. telephone exchange; a central.
-de alta resistencia inicial, high-early-strength -auxiliar, stand-by power plant.
cement. -azucarera, sugar mill.
-de alta velocidad ( h l ) , high-early-strength -de bombeo (Col), pumping station.
cement. -de energia o de fuerza, power plant, power-
- de alto calor, high-heat cement. house.
central 75 cerca
-de escorrentia (PR), river-run power plant. -biselador, chamfer plane.
-de hormigbn (A), concrete-mixing plant. -bocel, plane for making half-round moldings.
-de transformacibn, transformer station, s u b -cbncavo, hollow plane.
station. convexo, round plane.
-elbctrica a vapor, steam-electric powerhouse. -de achaflanar, bevel plane.
-electrbgena o generadora, generating or -de alambre o de acero, wire brush.
central station, electric powerhouse. -de albaiiil (V), float.
-elevadora, pumping plant; hoisting installa- -de alisar, smooth plane.
tion. -de angaletar (A), miter plane.
-hidrlulica, water-power plant. -de astrigalos, beading plane.
-medio encerrada (elkc), semioutdoor station. -de banco, bench plane.
-telefbnica, telephone exchange. -de cantear, edge plane.
-tbrmica, steam power plant. -de contrafibra, block plane.
-termoelbctrica, steam-electric power plant. -de costado, side plane.
central m (C), sugar mill. -de encabezar escalones, nosing plane.
centrar, to center. -de ensamblar, dovetail planc.
cbntrico, central, centric. -de gramil, rabbet planc ~ i t fcnce.
centrifuga, centrifugadora j, centrifuge, centrif- -de hierro doble, double-iron planc.
ugal. -de juntas, jointing plane.
centrifugar, t o centrifuge. -de madera (V),mason's float.
centrlfugo a, centrifugal. -de mediacafia, half-round or reed plane.
centripeto, centripetal. -de molduras, molding planc; beading plane.
centro m, center. -de ranurar, grooving or rabbet or plow or
-a centro, center t o center. dado plane.
-de la carga o de distribucibn (elk), load cen- -de refrentar, cross-grain plane.
ter, center of distribution. -dentado, toothing plane.
-de deformacibn (frna), center of distortion. -desbastador, jack plane.
-de estacibn (frna), camera station. -limador, shaping planer.
- de figura (mat), center of figure. -machihembrador, rnatching plane.
-meclnico, planer, jointer.
-de flotabilidad (an), center of buoyancy.
-de flotacibn (an), center of flotation. -meclnico de banco, bench planer or jointer.
-de giro, center of gyration. -metllico, wire brush.
-de gravedad, center of gravity. -raspador, scraper plane.
-de inercia o de masa, centcr of inertia or of -rebajador, rabbet or plow or sash plane.
mass. -redondo, compass plane.
-de momentos, center of moments. -universal, combination plane.
-de perspectiva (frna), perspcctivc center. cepillo-juntera, jointing plane.
-de presibn, center of pressure. cepillo-rasqueta, scraper plane.
-de rotacibn, center of gyration. cepo m , waler, ranger, ribbon, stringpiece, strong-
-de simetria, center of symmetry. back; cap of a bent; stock of an anvil;
-de la vista (frna), center of vision. stock of an anchor; shell of a tackle block;
-demogrlfico, center of population. clamp, vise.
-fotogrlfico (frna), photographic or plate cen- cequibn m (Ch) (V), irrigation canal.
ter. cera f, wax.
-geom6tric0, center of figure. -amarilla (pet), yellow wax.
-momentlneo, instantaneous center. -de parafina, paraffin wax.
-muerto, dead center (twist drill). -para correas, belt wax.
- substituto (frna), substitute center. cerlmica de construccibn, hollow tile, structural
centroidal, centroidal. terra cotta.
centroide m, centroid. cerlmico, ceramic.
centropunzbn m (C), center punch. cerargirita f, cerargyrite, horn silver, native sil-
ceolita j (miner) (pa), zeolite. ver chloride.
cepa j, butt end; stump; (Ch) trestle bent; (M) cerca f, fence.
footing, cutoff wall. -alambrada, wire fence.
cepillado por cuatro caras (mad), dressed four -alemana (C), worm or snake fence.
sides. -de estacas, paling fence.
cepillado por un canto (mad), dressed one edge. -de lienzos (C)(PR), fence built in panels be-
cepilladora f , planer, plane; jointer. tween posts.
-de banco oscilante, reciprocating-table - de nacer, fence of wire on posts that have
planer. taken root.
-desbastadora, jack plane. -de pie ( C )(PR), paling fence.
cepilladuras f , shavings. -de piedra, stone wall.
cepillar, to plane, face, dress; t o brush. -defensa de cable (ca), cable guardrail.
cepillo m, plane; brush. -en zigzag, worm fence.
-acabador, smootll plane. -paranieve, snow fence.
-acanalador, fluting plane. -viva, hedge.

ciego cinchar

ciego, l~lind (flange, nut, window, etc.); blank -de prueba, test c ~ ~ l i n d e r .
(flange, ctc). -graduado (lab), graduate cylinder.
cielo m, ceilirig: top. -maestro (auto). niaster cylinder (brake).
-abierto, a, on tlic surfacr, in open cut. -primitivo (en), pitch c y l i ~ ~ d e r .
-del hogar (1.a1),crown hllcct. -sacaniicleos, core barrel (drill).
-descubierto, a, on tlic s~irfacc. -triturador, rrujhing roll.
-raso, flat or flrisll ceiling, plastered ceiling. cilindros
-raso aciistico, arcoustical ceiling. - de conformar, forming rolls.
ci8naga /, sw:tlrig, 111arb1i. -de enderezar, straightening rolls, (sb) man-
ciencia f, scicncc. gle rolls.
cienegal m (Pli), swamp. -de expansiBn (pte), expansion rollers.
cionmil6simo m ,onc ilundrrd-thousandth. -de forjar, forging rolls.
cienmilimetro m , one 111i11dr~dtlr of a t~iilli~tlctcr. -terminadores (met), finisliing rolls.
cienmillon6simo m , orle Iiundrcd-ririlliontli. cilindroide m, cylindroid.
cieno m, 111~11: slr~dgr. cilonita f. Zylonite (tratle~nark).
-activado (dnc), nctirntrd s l u d ~ e . cjma f, crest, summit, peak, top.
- de acumulador ( e l k ) , battc,ry niud. cimacio m, ogee; (h4) spill\\-ay bucket.
-digerido (dac), digested dlidnc. -vertedor, rollway (darn).
- elutriado (dac), rlut riatrd sludge. cimborrio m, donre; (rnin) roof, ceiling.
-hiimico (c!ac), liu~iiussludge. cimbra f, arch cc~itering.
cientifico, s~.ientific. cimbrar, to center (arch ) ; cimbrarse, t o sway,
ciento, cien 7n (I, hun(lrrtl. vil~rate.
cierracompuerta 7% (I~idl,gate-rlosing device. cimbreo m, srray, vibration.
cierrapuerta m, door clierk. cimbrbn m (.I),~ ~ i b m t i o n .
cierre m, closure, scaliiifi, luckin::. cimbronazo m (V), cartl~puakc.
-a tornillo, svrcm lock. cimentacibn f , foundation, footing.
-del cojinete (rriaq), 1,c:lring sr:~1. - de cajbn, pneumatic-caisson foundation.
-Ce linea (pet), li~ic1)linrl. -de emparrillado, grillage foundation.
-dcl trazado (lev), c1osul.e. -de zampeado, niat fou~idation.
-de vapor (:ng) ( X I ) , va1)or 11)c.I.. - escalonada, stepped footing.
- definitivo ii~rcs:~), filial closure. -sobre pilotes, pile foundation.
-hidrlulico, water se:il. cimentar, to lay a foundation, to fourid.
-relhmpago, zipper. cimento m (geol), cenreriting material.
cierro ?n, in(,losurc;ience. cimiento m, foundatiori, footing; foundation
cifra (f)global, l u n ~ psnln (~.ontrart). niaterial; cement.
cigiicfia /. r r a ~ r k ;swrci); x\-i~rrli,~vinilnss,cap- -de retallo, stepped footing.
stan; ( C ' ) l ~ a n d ~ a autolilo1)ile
r, on a rail- -ensanchado, spread footing.
road tl.ac4. -romano (Pe), hydraulic: lirne.
cigueiial m , rr:lnkshaft. cimbmetro m (ra), cy~nometcr.
- dc compensacibn, halancccl rrankshnft. cimoscopio m (elk), cynioscopc.
-de cuatro codos, four-tliru\v crankshaft. cinabarita f (Es), cinnabar.
-de dos codos, two-t1il.u~crnnkshnft. cinabrio m, cinnabar (rnercury ore).
-de siete cojinetes, seve~l-bc.:tri~igcrankshaft. cinc m, zinc.
-equilibrado, balm~ccd1~rnnks1i::ft. -no gastable (elk), wssteless zinc.
-simple o de un codo, single-tlirow crank- cincado, galvanized, zinc-plated, zinc-coated.
shaft. -a fuego, hot-galvanized.
-voladizo, overhanging cr:tnkel~aft. cincar, to galvanize, zincify.
cilanco m, slack or stagnant water, backwater. cincel m, cl~isel,cutter, graver.
ciliado a (is), cillate. -arrancador, floor or box cliisel.
cilindrada f , piston displacenient, cyli~rdercnpac- -de filo en cruz (cantero), cross chisel.
ity. -d e fundidor, flogging chisel.
cilindradora f,road roller. -de pic0 redondo, roundnose chisel.
cilindraje m, rolling. compacting. -de uiias (Es), stonecutter's chisel.
cilindrar, to roll, compact. -dentado (cantero), tooth chisel, bumper.
cilindreo m, rolling. -debastador, drove cliisel, boaster, drove,
cilindrico, cylindrical. boasting chisel.
cilindro m, cylinder; roller, roll. -hendedor, splitting cl~isel.
- apisonador, tamping roller; paring roller.
-- compresor, road or paving roller.
cincelador m, chipping hammer; chipping chisel;
- de bomba, pump cylinder; working barrel. cincelar, t o chisel, carve; t o chip.
-de caldera, shell of a boiler. cincifero, containing zinc, zinciferous.
- de caminos, road roller. cincita f, zincitc, red zinc ore, red oxide of zinc
- de culata en T, T-liead engine cylinder. cinco sextos, five sixths.
- de curvar, bending roll. cincha f , girth, belt.
- de frenaje, brake cylinder. - de seguridad, safety belt.
- de laminar, roll in a steel mill. cinchar, to cinch; t o hoop, band.
cinch0 78 circule
cincho m (M), belt, hoop, band, iron tire; (min) -de guardalinea, lineman's belt.
frame for shaft timbering. -de seguridad, safety belt.
-d e plomo, lead shield (for screw). -para herramientas, tool belt.
-para herramientas, tool belt. cipo m (Es), boundary monument; milepost.
cinemltica f, kinematics. cipr6s m, cypress.
cinemltico, kinematic. circ6n m (miner) (rfr), zircon.
cindtica f, kinetics. circonia f (rfr), zirconia.
cinbtico, kinetic. circ6nic0, zirconic.
cinglador m, blacksmith's hammer; (met) shin- circonio m (quim), zirconium.
gler; (met) squeezer. circuit0 m (clbc), circuit.
-de guijadas, alligator or crocodile squeezer. -aceptor (ra), arreptor circuit.
-rotativo o d e leva, rotary or can1 squeezer. -amortiguador, darnping circuit.
cinglar, t o shingle (iron). -an6dico (ra), anode or plate c~ircuit.
cingueria f (A), shect-metal work, sheet-metal -atenuador de las altas (r:~),I~ass-boosting
shop. circuit.
cinguero m (it),sheet-metal worker, tinsmith. -chtodo-tierra (ra), catho(1e follower.
cinta f , belt; tape; strip; (carp) batten, waler, -combinado, cowl>ol~n(l circrlit.
ribbon; (str) girt; sliver (rope). -compuesto (tcll, corl~pohitcdcircuit.
-aisladora insulating or friction or -de absorci6n (ra), aL)bor~~tio~l or tank rirmlit.
binding tape. -de acoplamiento par resistencia, r~bistance-
-barnizada ( e l k ) , varnished tape. coupleti circuit.
-conectora (carp), ribbon connector. -de admisi6n (ra)(A), acceptor circuit.
-de acero, steel tape. -de aprorimaci6n (fc), : ~ p p r o : ~ circuit.
-de agrimensor, measuring tape. - de descarga (tv), discharge circuit.
-de bolsillo, pocket tape (measuring). -de disparo (r:t), trigger circuit.
- de cordones, corded tape (measuring). -de entrada, irlput circuit.
-d e dilmetros (ef), diameter tape. -de linea (fc), line circuit.
-del embrague, clutch band. -de media onda (ra), half-wave circuit.
-de empalme (el(.c), friction or insulating -de placa (ra), plate or anode circuit.
tape. -de plena onda ( m i , full-wave circuit.
- de encajonar, box strapping. -d e prueba, test circuit.
-de freno, brake band; brake lining. -de rejilla (ra), grid circuit.
-de friccibn, frictio~lband; (elec) friction or -de salida, output circuit.
binding tape. -de sangria (ra), t)lecdcr circuit.
- de gdnero (nied), cloth tape. -de via (fci, track circuit.
-d e hierro, strap or band iron. -de via libre (fc), clearing circuit.
-de lienzo, linen tape. -de vuelta, return circuit.
-de limpieza (al), cleaning tape. -derivado, hrarlch circuit.
- d e medir, tape line, measuring tape. -desviador (tv), dcflcction circuit.
-de resorte, spring-winding tape (measuring). -en puente, hridge circuit; jurnper circuit.
-d e selvicultor, circumference or forester's -equilibrado, balancetl circuit.
tape. -fantasma, phantom circuit.
-d e tela (lev), cloth tape. -inducido, sccondarj- circuit.
- de tela reforzada (lev), metallic tape. -inductor, primary circuit.
-d e transporte, belt conveyor. -oscilador (ra), oscillatory circuit.
-de urdimbre methlica (C), metallic tapc. -oscilante barredero (ra), smeep circuit.
-de vidrio ( e l k ) , glass tape. -receptor (ra), rccc.iving circuit.
-- fusible ( e l k ) , fuse link. -rechazador o repulsor (ra), rejector circuit.
-methlica (lev), metallic tapc; (A)(Sp) stcel -reflejo (ra), rcfcs circuit.
tape. -restaurador (tv), restorer circuit.
-methlica articulada (Es), chain belt. -tanque (ra) (A), tank rircuit.
-metrica, mrasuring tape. -trampa (ra), trap circuit.
-pescadora ( e l k ) , fish wire, snake, pull wire, circulacibn j, circulation.
fish tape. -a gravedad (cf), ~ r a v i t ycirculation.
-vitrificada (elk), Rlass tape. -forzada, forced circulation.
cintada J (lev), tape Imgth, tape measurement. circulador m , rircu1:ltor.
cinteada f (gcol), l)and, streak. circular, v t o circulate;; a circular.
cintero m, (Sp) hoibting line; (surv) tapeman. circulo m, circle.
-delantero, liead tapeman. -anual (mad), annual ring.
-trasero, rcar tapcman. -azimutal, azi~nuth circle.
cintillo m (Pit), sidewalk curb. -cenital (trArrsito), vcrti(.al circle.
cintka f, arch 'centering. -de ahuecamiento (en), detlrnduln circle.
cintrar, t o centtr (arch). -de aterrizaje ( : ~ p )circle
, rrtarker.
cintrel m, template for an arch. -de cabeza (en), addendurtl circle.
cintura j, ,throat of a chimney; belt. -de esfuerzos, circle of stress.
cintur6n m, belt. -de Mohr, Rlohr's circle.
circulo 79 a- clavo
-de pie (ms), LO? circle. -de cedazo, screcn clasiifier.
-de punto medio (IIIS), mid-point circle. - de paletas o de rastrillo, rake classificr.
-- de talud ( ~ n s )slope
, circle. -de rastro de vaiv6n, reciprocating-rake clas-
-primitive (en), pitch or rolling circle. sifier.
-taquim6trico (inst). stadia circle. -de rebose, overflow classifier.
circumpolar, circu~npolar. -de taza, bowl classifier.
circunferencia f , circumference. -en espiral (arena). spiral classificr.
-de ahuecamiento o de raiz (en), dedendum -hidrlulico, hydraulic classifier, jig.
or root circle. clasificar, t o classify, grade; t o screen; t o rate.
-de base (en), base circle. clistico (geul), clastic.
-de rotura, circle of rupture. clavador m, (surv) (Ec) stake driver.
-de tensibn (A), circle of stress. -de cabillas, (t) driftbolt driver.
-primitiva (en), pitch circle. -de pernos, bolt driver; spike driver.
circunferencial, circumferential. -de postes de cerco, fence-post driver.
circunscribir (mat), t o circumscribe. clavaestacadas m, sheeting hammer.
cisco m , coal dust, rulrn, slack; (V) cinders. cjavar, to nail, spike; t o drive piles; (sh) t o crowd.
-de coque, coke breeze. -a firme (pi)(C), to d r ~ v et o refusal.
cisterna f, tank, cistern. -hasta el rebote (pi), to drive t o refusal.
citacibn (f) a licitadores, call for bids, invitation clavazbn f , stock of nails.
to 11iddr.r~. clave /, key, krystonc; (conr.) bonding key;
citara f,brick wall 1 brick thick; (Col) partition quoin; (V)lintel; (ciwg) legend.
nrall. -de trabazbn (conr), bonding key.
citarilla f, thin partition wall; (M) thin partition clavellino m, a Pout11 American lumber.
block. clavera f,nail hole.
citarbn m, (C) wall 2 bricks thick; (Col) header. clavete m , small nail, tack.
citrato (m) f6rrico am6nico (lab), ferric ammo- clavetear, to tack, nail.
nium citrate. clavija /, pin, peg, dowel, driftbolt; cotter; pin-
ciudad f, city. tle; (eler) plug; (rlcr) stud.
ciudadela f (cn) (A). bridge deck. -a cuchilla (elbc), kriife plug.
cizalla /, a shear. -de la cigiiefia, (eng) crankpin.
-de dentar (si), gummer shear. -de conexibn (el&), terminal stud; attach-
-de escuadrar, squaring shear. ment plug.
-de guillotina, guillotine or gate shear. -de contact0 (elfc), plug.
-de palanca, lrvrr or alligator shear. -de correccibn (inst), adjusting pin.
-hendedora, splitting shears. -de desconexibn (elbo), disroilnecting plug.
-mirltiple, gang shear. -de divisibn (nih), illtiex pin.
-para chapa, street-metal shear. -de dos patas, cottrr pin.
-para metralla, scrap sllear. -de escala, ladder rung.
- para planchas, plate slrear. -de expansibn (RZ), expansion bolt.
cizallador m, sliearcr (man). -de infinidad (el&), infinity plug.
cizallamiento m, shearing stress; shearing. -de piso (elk), floor plug.
cizallar, t o shear. -de trepar, pole step.
cizalleo m, shearing; shearing stress. -hendida, cotter pin, split pin, spring cotter.
dara f ( A ) , spacing, span. -sincronizadora ( e l k ) , syrrclironizing plug.
claraboya f , skylight; transom; clearstory. -tlndem ( e l k ) , tanderti-blade plug.
-de bbveda, vault light. clavito m, brad, small nail, tack.
-sin masilla, puttyless skylight. -cortado, cut finishing nail.
claridad f, (il) brightness; (tv) (Sp) brilliance. -de cabeza cbnica, flooring brad.
clarificndor m, clarifier. -de Paris, wirc brad.
-de batea (pa), tray clarifier. -para contramarcos, casing nail.
-de batea miiltiple (pa), multiple-tray clarifier. clavo m, nail, spike; (min) chimney; (nlin) (M)
-intermitente, internlittent clarifier. rich body of ore.
clarificar, to clarify. -agrio, bright nail; (C) cut nail.
clarifloculador m (is), Clariflocculator (trade- -arponado d e techar, barbed roofing nail.
mark). -comiin de alambre, con~monwirc nail.
clarigestor m (is), Clarigester (trademark). -corriente, common nail.
claribn m, crayon. -cortado, cut nail.
claro m, clear space; clear span, bay, opening; a -cuadrado ( C ) ,cut nail.
bright (wire) ; clear (glass) ; light (color). -de alambre, wire nail.
-de compuerta, gate opening. -de barquilla, boat spike.
-de puente, span of a bridge. -de cabeza acopada, cupped-head nail.
-de puerta, doorway. -de cabeza embutida o perdida, countersunk
-de ventana, window opening. nail.
clasificador m (is) (min) (ag), classifier; screen. -de cabeza excgntrica, offset-head nail.
-cbnico, cone classifier. -de chilla, lathing nnil.
- de arrastre, drag classifier. -de doble cabeza, double-headed nail.
avo 80 ~Ioroamoniaco
-d e embarcaciones, boat spike. -d e empotramiento (V), house connection t o
d e 6lo d e cincel, chisel-point nail.
d e fundicibn, foundry nail.
a sewer.
-- d e presibn, depressed sewer.

d e listonaje, lath nail.
d e muelle, dock spike.
d e punta d e aguja, needle-point nail.
-derivada, branch sewer; lateral
- domiciliaria, house sewer.
- emisaria, outf:tll sewer.

-d e punta diamante, diamond-point nail. - escalonada, flight scwcr.

-d e punta excentrica, side-point nail. -interceptadora, intercepting sewer.
-d e punta roma, blunt-point nail. -maestra o maxima o troncal, trunk or main
-d e ripiar, shingle nail. sewer.
-d e rosca, screw nail, drive screw. -ovoide, egg-shaped sewer.
-d e techar, roofing nail. -pluvial, storm sewer.
-d e tinglar, clout nail. -secundaria, subniain sewer.
-d e via, track spike. -tubular, pipe sewer.
-d e 1pulg, twopenny nail. -unitaria (C)(A), romhiricd sewer.
-d e 11h pulg, threepenny nail. cloacal, pertaining to sewerage.
-d e 1%pulg, fourpenny nail. cloaquista m ( A ) , nian u.ho lays scwcr pipe.
-d e l3/4 pulg, fivepenny nail. cloche m (V), clutch.
-d e 2 pulg, sixpenny nail. cloque m. grapnel, grappling iron.
-d e 21/4 pulg, severipenny nail. cloraci6n f , chlorination.
-d e 21/2 pulg, eightpenny nail. -a1 punto d e saturacibn (is), break-point
-d e 23/4 pulg, ninepenny nail. chlorination.
-d e 3 pulg, tenpenny nail. -con residuo combinado aprovechable (pa),
-d e 31/4 pulg, twelvepenny nail. cornhined rrsidn:il rlilori~lation.
-d e 3y2 pulg, sixteenpenny nail. -con residuo libre aprovechable (pa), free
-d e 4 pulg, twentypenny nail. residual chlorination.
-d e 4% pulg, thirtypenny nail. -simple (pa), plain chlorination.
-d e 5 pulg, fortypenny nail. clorador m, chlorinator.
-d e S1/2 pulg, fiftypenny nail. -a1 vacio, vacuum chlorinator.
-d e 6 pulg, sixtypenny nail. -de alimentacibn directa, direct-feed chlo-
-d e 8 pulg, eightypenny spike. rinator.
-espaiiol (C), cut nail. -d e mano, manual chlorinator.
-fechado, dating nail. -d e vacio visible, visible-vacuum chlorinator.
-franc&, wire nail; ( C ) finishing nail. cloramida f (quim), chloramide.
-harponado, barbed nail. cloramina f (pa), chloraminr, ammonia cl~lorine.
-inglis ( C ) ,cut nail. cloraminaci6n f , chlorarnination.
-lancer0 ( & I ) , toenail. cloramoniar, t o treat with chloramine.
-marcador (min), spud, spad. clorar, t o chlorinate.
-para bisagra, hinge nail. clorato m (quim), chlorate.
-para hormigbn, concrete nail. clorhidrato m, Irydrochlorate.
-para lanch6n, barge spike. clorhidrico, liydrochloric.
-para remachar, clinch nail. cl6ric0, chloric.
-rielero, track spike. clorificar, t o chlorinate.
clavo-pija, f e t t e r d r i v e lag screw. clorimetro m, chlorirnetcr.
clavo-tornillo, drive screw. clorinaci6n f , chlorination.
clica f (ft) (.\), keeper of a lock. clorinador m, chlorinator.
clima m, climate. clorinar, t o chlorinate.
clima artificial (M), air conditioning. clorin6metro m, chlorometer.
climbtico, climatic. clorita f (miner), chlorite.
climatologia f , climatology. cloritico, rhloritic.
clin6grafo m, clinograph. cloritizaci6n f , chloritization.
clinometria f, clinometry. clorito m (qulm), chlorite.
clin6metro m, clinometer, slope level, angle clorizaci6n f , chlorinat ion.
meter. clorizador m, chlorinator.
clinquer m (MI, clinker. clorizar, t o chlorinate.
clisimetro m (M), slope gage. cloro m, chlorine.
clistron m ( r a ) , klystron. -amoniacal, proceso (pa), chlorir~oammonia
clit6metro m, clinometer. process.
clivaje m (geol), cleavage, stratification. -combinado disponible, comhincd available
- d e disyuncibn, fracture cleavage. chloririe resiclual.
-d e flujo, flow cleavage. -libre disponible, free availal)le clilorine re-
cloaca f, sewer: sidual.
-colectora, intercepting sewer. -residual o restante (pa), chlorine residual.
- d e alivio o d e rebose, relief or overflow sewer. cloroalimentador m (pa). Clilorofceder (trade-
- d e descarga, outfall sewer. mark).
-- del edificio, house drain. cloroamoniaco m (is), chlorarriirie.
clorocresol 81
clorocresol m (is), cti1oror;esol. cobreado, copper-plated.
clorofenol m (is), cliloroyhe~~ol. cobreria j,copper work; copper shop.
cloroflceas (is), Clilorophyceae. cobrero m, coppersnrith.
clorofila f , clrloropllyll. cobrizado, copper-plated.
clorometria f, cliloromctry. cobrizo, containing copper; copper-colored.
clorbmetro m, rlrlorometcr. coca f, kink.
cloroplatinato m, chloroplatinate. coccibn f , baking, roasting, burning (brick).
-de amonio (lah), amrnonium chloroplatinate. coceo ni (M), thrust.
-potbsico (is), potassium chloroplatinat,e. cocer, to bake; to boil.
cloroso, chlorous. cociente m, quotient.
clorurar (quirii) (met), t o chloridize. -diferencial, differential coefficient or qua
cloruro m, chloride. tient.
-hurico, gold chlorirle. coco m (is), cocrus.
-de amonio, ammonium chloride, sal a m m e cocobolo m, coroholo (hardwood).
niac. cocodrilo m (mec), grab; squeezer.
-de cal, chloride of lime, bleaching powder. cocha f (B)(Ec), lake, pond.
-de hidrbgeno, hydrogen chloride, hydrorlile coche m, (rr) car, coach; closed automobile.
ric arid. -automotor (fc), motorcar.
-sbdico, sodium chloride, cornmon salt. -comedor, dining car.
coagulacibn f , coagulation. -de estacibn (auto), station wagon.
-de flujo ascendente (is), upflow coagulation. -de observacibn, observation car.
coagulador m, coagulator. -de pasajeros (Ch), passenger car.
coagulante m, coagulant; a coagulant, flocculent. -de remolque, trail car.
coagular, to coagulate; to clump; coagularse, to -de tranvia, streetcar, trolley car.
coagulate, forrn floc; to clot, clump. -de turismo (auto), touring car.
colgulo m, floc, coagulum, clot. -dormitorio, sleeping car.
coaltar m (Es), tar, pitch. -motor, (rr) motorcar.
coaltarizar, t,o coat with pitch. -salbn, chair car.
coaltitud f , coaltitude, zenith distance. cochecito lateral, sidecar (motorcycle).
coasegurador m, coinsurer. cochera f, carbarn; garage.
coaxial, coaxil, coaxial. cocherbn m, enginehouse, roundhouse.
cobaltifero, containing cobalt. cochinilla f (mad), wood louse.
cobaltina, cobaltita f (miner), cobaltite, cobal- cochino m (met), pig.
tine. cochitril m, crib.
cobalto m, cobalt. cochura f, baking, roasting.
-arsenical (miner), smaltite. codal m, strut, spreader, spur, trench brace;
-gris, snraltite, gray cobalt. frame of a saw; try square.
cobaltoso, cobaltous. -del eje (cn), shaft strut.
cobertizo m, shed; penthouse; (Col) lean-to; (ap) codaste m (cn), sternpost; stern frame.
hangar. -popel, rudderpost, sternpost.
-de trasbordo, transfer shed. -proel, sternpost, propeller post, body post.
-de trenes, trail1 shed. codeclinacibn f, codeclination, polar distance.
-para carros, carbarn, car shed. coders f (nAut), breast fast.
para nieve, snowshed. c6digo m, code.
cobertura f , cover, covering. -de edificacibn, building code.
cobijadura f (geol)(A), overthrust; alluvial de- -de seiiales, signal code.
posit. Cbdigo Eldctrico National, National Electris
cobola f, a Costa Rican pine. Code.
cobre m, copper. cddigo Morse (tel), Morse code.
-abigarrado, bornite, purple copper ore. codillo m, knee, elbow, bend.
-amarillo (miner), copper pyrites, chalcopy- codimero m (pet), codimer.
rite. cod0 m, (cons) knee; (machy) crank; (p) elbow,
-ampolloso, blister copper. bend.
-aililado, covellite, indigo copper; azurite, -abierto, long elbow.
blue copper ore. -angular, miter elbow.
-azul, azurite, blue copper ore, blue malachite. -cerrado, short elbow.
-de acarreo (geol), drift copper. -compensador, expansion bend.
-del chtodo (met), cathode copper. -con base o con soporte, base elbow.
-de cementacibn, cement copper. - con derivacibn o con salida lateral, side-out-
-gris, tetrahedrite, gray copper ore. let elbow.
- negro, blister or black copper. -con lomo o de copa, bossed elbow.
-piritoso, copper pyrites, chalcopyrite. -de campanas, bell-and-spigot quarter bend.
-rojo, red copper ore, cuprite. -de curva alargada o de radio largo, long-
-tenaz, tough-pitch copper. radius elbow.
-verde (miner), malachite. green malachite. -de doble ramal, double-branch elbow.
- vftreo, vitreous copper, torbernite. - de enchufes, socket-nd elbow (for welding).
codo 82 coeficiente
-de inglete, miter elbow. -de deformacibn (ms), deformntion coe5-
-de orejas, drop elbow. cient.
-de palanca (maq), crank. -de derrame (hid), runoff coefficient.
-de pendiente o de rosca inclinada, pitch -de descargue (hid), coefficient of discharge.
elbow. -de deslizamiento, sliding factor (darn).
-de reduccibn, reducing elbow. -de desviacibn (ra), deflection factor.
-de retorno unido, return bend-close type. -de diagrama. (eng) diagram factor.
-de servicio, service or street elbow. -de dilatacibn, coefficient of expansion.
-de tangente larga, long-tangent elbow. -de dispersibn (elbc), leakage factor.
-de toma particular, service elbow. -de elasticidad, n~odulusof elasticity.
-de tres salidas, three-way elbow. -de entrada (ve), coefficient of entry.
-de unibn, union elbow. -de escamas @a), coeff~cientof scde hard-
-de I/g, eighth bend. ness.
-de I,$, quarter bend. -de escorrentia (hid), runoff coefficient.
-de 5%'. sixty-fourth bend. -de escuadreo (an), block coefficient, cocffi-
-de 111/4O, thirty-second bend. cient of fineness of displaceinent.
-de 221h0, sixteenth bend. -de escurrimiento superficial (hid), surface
-de 45". eighth bend, 4S0 elbow. runoff coefficient.
-de 60°, sixt.11 bend. -de explotaci6n (fc), operating ratio.
-de 7 2 O , fifth bend. -de extincibn (rlu!rn), extinction coefficient,
-de 180°,return or half bend. specific absorption index.
-doble, offset; return bend; three-way -de filtracibn (ms), coefficient of percolation.
elbow. -del Gltro (frna), filter factor.
-en escuadra, right-angle bend. -de finura, coefficient of fineness.
-en octavo, eighth bend. -de flecha (est), deflection coefficient.
-en U, return bend. -de fricci6n o de frotamiento, friction factor,
-falso (as), false knee. coefficient of friction.
-macho y hembra, service or street elbow. -de friccibn de deslizamiento, coefficient of
-obtuso (A), eighth bend. sliding friction.
-para baranda, railing elbow. -de gasto (hid), coefficient of discharge.
-para inodoro (pb), closet bend. -de hinchamiento (ms), coefficient of swelling.
-recto con desplazamiento, single-offset quar- -de inflacibn (ms)(A), coefficient of swelling.
ter bend. -de luminosidad (il), luminosity factor.
-reductor, taper or reducing elbow. -de modulaci6n (el&), modulation factor or
-suave, long-radius elbow. index.
coeficiente m, coefficient. -de mortalidad, death rate.
-completo de traspaso de calor (aa), over-all -de operacibn (fc), operating ratio.
coefficient of heat transfer. -de pandeo (est), buckling coefficient.
- de absorcidn (hptica), absorption factor, co- -de permeabilidad, (hyd) percolation coeffi-
efficient of absorption. cient; (sm) coefficient of permeability.
-de acidez (geol), acidity coefficient, oxygen -de Poisson, Poisson's ratio.
ratio. -de precipitacibn, rainfall coefficient.
-de acoplamiento (el&), coupling coefficient. -de produccibn, load factor (compressor).
-de afluencia (hid), runoff coefficient. -de productividad (pet), productivity index.
-de amortiguacibn, coefficient of damping -de propulsibn (an), propulsive coefficient.
(vibration). -de reactancia (el&), reactive factor.
-de amortiguacibn viscosa (ms), coefficient of -de rectificacibn (ra), rectification factor.
viscous damping. -de recuperacibn o de rechazo (pi), coefficient
-de amplificacibn (ra), amplification factor or of restitution.
constant. -de recuperacibn elhstica (rns), coefficient of
-de aprovechamiento (elbe), load factor. elastic recovery.
-de aspereza (hid), coefficient of roughness. -de reflexibn, (ra) reflection coefficient; (il)
-de autoinduccibn (elkc), coefficient of self- reflection factor.
induction, self-inductance. -de relajamiento (met), relaxation factor.
-de caida de tensibn (elkc). drop factor. -de remoldeo (ms), remolding index.
-de cambio de volumen (ms), coefficient of -de rendimiento (aa), coefficient of perforrn-
volume change. ance.
-de cargamento (tr), load factor. -de resistencia, coefficient of strength.
- de caudal (hid), coefficient of discharge. -de restitucibn (rns)(fma), coefficient of resti-
-de compactacibn (ms), coefficient of consoli- tution.
dation. -de retardo, (hyd) coeficient of retardation;
-de conductividad tCrmica, coefficient of thcr- (wp) drag coefficient.
ma1 conductivitP. -de retraso (hid), coefficient of retardation.
-de consolidacibn, (en) coefficient of shrink- -de riego, duty of irrigation water.
age, shrinkage factor; (srn) coefficient of -de rozamiento, coefficient of friction.
consolidation. - de rugosidad (hid), roughness coefficient.
coeficiente cola

-de seguridad, factor of safety. -d e bolas con adaptador, adapter-type hall

-de sequedad (in \, wiltilry cocficicnt. bearing.
-- de superficie (:ip). >11rf:1(,erocficient, $,I"- -d e bolas con anillo d e resorte, snap-ring-
fa(.~-:llC:Lf:L(.t(lr. type t):~llbcaring.
-d e trabsjo, f:lctor of safety. - - d e bolas d e contact0 angular, angular-con-
-de transmisibn, (lit) cocffi~,icntof tr:lns~nis- t a c t ball hewing.
-d e bolas d e empuje, thrust-type ball bear-
a i o l ~ (11)
; t ~ ~ ~ r h t i ~ i fi :i ~o ct lt ~ r .
-d e traspaso superficial de calor (an), film 111g.
coefficiclit, uf Ilc,at tlatlhffr. -d e bolas d e empuje doble, two-direction
tlrrust hall hearing.
-dielbctrico, dielectric const:mt. -de bolas d e proteccidn doble, double-
-espumante, f o : ~ ~ ~ cocficic~lt ~ing (water). sl~ieldedball 1)c:ivitlg.
-resistivo (cli,c)(.l), cocfficicnt of resistance. -d e bolas d e proteccibn simple, single-shielded
-uniforme ( I ~ I ($C) ) . unifornritj- roeCcicnt. b:i11 bearing.
coeficientes del Almirantazgo (an), Adnrir:rlty -d e bolas doble, doul~le-rowllsll bearing.
COl1ht:llltb. -d e bolas radial, radi:rl hall bearing.
coercitividad f ( e l k ) , coercivity, coercive force. -d e bolillas, bnll be:irinp.
cofa f (cn), top, crow's-nrst. -d e casco recambiable, replaceable-shell
cofactor ?)L (nlat), cof:iclor. bearing.
cofisico, col)lt:~q:rl. - d e cola, tail 1)cnring.
cofre m, 110s;crtl); I ~ i n (A) ; conrrctc form; (:lute) -d e collares, c o l l ~ rbe:iring.
(RI) I~oo(l. - d e descanso, pillolv 1)lock.
cogedero m , 11:rrlrllc. grip; hnil. -- d e doble efecto, two-direction (roller) bear-
-indicador d e tensiBn (Icy), tension llatrclle, ing.
spvittg 1~:lIallr~~. -d e efecto simple, singledirection (roller)
cogegotas m ,drip pnn. b(t:tri~~g.
coger, to gr.:is11: t o rollcct; t o close u p , obstruct; -d e empuje, thrust or axial hcari~lg.
(mas) (Col) (1.) t o point. -d e engrase automiitico, self-lul~ricatingbear-
cogollo 7n, stn:rll eltd of a polc or pile. ing.
coherencia f ( ~ n : ~ tc) o, l r c r c ~ ~ r ~ ~ . - de H a Gnica, s i t ~ ~ l e - r o (bnll)
w hearing.
coherente m, l~itrdcr;n r,o!~chirc,rolrerrrrt. - d e m a s mfiltiples, multirow (ball) Ilenring.
cohesijn f , coltc..iolr, borrd. -d e guia, pilot or guide tlcaring.
-aparente (IIIS),ap1):~rcntrolirsion. -d e manguito, slccve br:tritrg.
-verdadera (III.), tl.r~ccolre~iu~i. -d e piedra (inst), jexvcl henring.
cohesivo, col~r~>iv'. -d e resorte (I&), spring die.
cohesor nz ( r : ~ )rol~crcr.
, -d e rodillos ahusados, tapered roller bmring.
cohete m (nlitt), bl:rsting fuse; blast 11olc; (31) -d e rodillos esfbricos, splterieal roller bearing.
dylrallrite c:~rtl.idpc. -d e rodillos rectos, straight roller bearing.
cohetear (nrin)(hl), t o 1)lnst. - d e rolletes, roller bearing.
coigiid m, a South Alllrrirntr softwood. - d e rolletes cbnicos, t:lpered roller hearing.
coihue m, a Cliilean h : ~ r d \ ~ o o d . -de roscar, dic for tl~rcaditrg,screw plate.
coincidencia f, coitrcidelrce. -de suspensibn, suspension bea * rlng.

coincidente, coinri(lcnt. -de terraja, die for threading.

coincidir, t o coi~lciclc;t o 1natc11 (rivet 21oles). - d e tope (U), thrust bearing.
cojear, (ellp) t o kt~ock. -enterizo, unit or solid pillow block.
cojin m, cushion, p : ~ l :pillolv hlock. -exterior, outboard hearing.
-del embrague, clutrlr ruslrion. -flotantk, flo:rting bearing.
-de vacio (cotrc), vacr111t11~ n a t . -partido, split pillow block.
-roscado para soldar (t111,), n-rltiing pall. -piloto, pilot beari~rg.
cojinete m, bcarittp, pillow block, journal box; -radial, radial or anrrular bearing.
b n s l ~ i ~ ~( tgl :~ die.
) -radioaxial, radial-tlrrust bcaring.
-a municiones, 1~x11l>eariirg. -recalentado, h o t bearing.
-a rulemin, roller hearing. cok m, coke.
- acabndor (rs), sizer die. -d e petrbleo, petroleum coke.
- autoalineador, self-:rlirning b c a r i n ~ . -d e retorta, gas coke.
-autolubricador, oilless or self-lubricatirrg -para altos hornos, Illast-furnace coke.
hcarirlg. cola f, gluc; tail; (t) tang, fang, s h a n k ; stub,
-axial, axial or t h r u s t hearing. stump.
-cerrado, solitl hmrinp. -aislante, insulating glue.
-cbnico, cone hr:lt.itrg. -animal o d e huesos, anilnal glue.
-de agujas, nrcrllc 1)earing. - d e agua fria o d e caseina, cold-water 01
-de nlineamiento, alip~rnlcnthenring. rascin gluc. r:~.;cin cctnrnt.
-d e anill0 esfGrico, s i ) l ~ r ~ . i ~ . a l - rhaacrci n g . - d e barrena, sllnnk of :I drill.
-de aciento (.I). .<tcp I)c3vitrg. -- d e carpintero, joiner's glllr.
-de bcncada, l':~.+cor I I I : : ~ ? ~ 1)c:rring. - d e golondrina (cnry) (11.e~). swnllowtail
-d e bolas axial, thrust-t2-l~ebn!! bearing. dovetail.
cola 84 colocadora

-d e martilIo, peen of a hammer. -de corriente (el&), current collector.

-d e milano o d e pato, dovetail. -de desagiie, (pb) main soil pipe, house Brain
-d e pescado, isinglass; fish glue; fishtail (bit). (Pe) sewer.
-de rata, rattail (file) ; driftpin. -de escamas (pet), scale trap.
-marine, marine glue. -de espumas (dac), scum collector.
-para madera laminada, plywood glue. -de fango, mud trap.
colas (min), tailings, chats. -de grasa, grease trap.
colada f, (met) melt; (conc) pour; (conc) lift; -de humedad, moisture scparator or trap.
(eonc) batch. -de lodos, sludge collector.
-de prueba, trial batch. -de pBrtiga (fe elk*), polc trolley.
coladera f, strainer; (hf)(PIt) leaching cesspool; -de polvo, dust collertor.
(M) sewer, drain. -de sedimentos (vnl), mud drum.
coladera-punta, well point. - de tormentas (Es), storm sewer
coladero m (min), winze, ore chute. -de tubos, manifold hcadcr.
colado en el lugar (conc) , poured in place. -de vapor (loco), strnnl drum.
colador m, strainer.
-a presibn, pressure strainer.
-pantbgrafo, pantograyh trolley
-pluvial, storm-water sewer.
-de caiio pluvial (to), leader strainer. -sanitario, sanitary sewer.
- de cesta, basket-type strainer. -visitable (Es), sewer large enough for a man
-de coque, coke strainer. t o enter.
-de lodo (pet), mud screen, sllale shaker. colector-cabezal, header of a boiler.
-para hojas (hid), leaf screen. cblera (m) asiitico, Asiatic cholera.
colag6n m (M), conduit, canal. colero m, gluepot; (~nin)(&I)(Pe) labor foreman.
colanilla f, door bolt. coleta f , burlap.
colapez f, isinglass; fish glue. colgadero m, hanger.
colapsible ( i!
, collapsible. colgadizo m, shed, lean-to; a hanging, suspended.
colapso m (M), failure, collapse. colgador m, hanger.
colar, t o pour; to strain; t o cast; (tun)(M) t o -autoalineador, self-aligning hanger.
drive, bore; t o sink (shaft): colarse, t o -de artefact0 ( e l k ) , fixture hanger.
seep, percolate; t o sift. -de cable, (cj-) fall-line carrier; (elec) cable
- en basto, t o rough-cast. hanger.
colatitud f, colatitude. -de canalbn (to), gutter hanger.
colato de sodio (lab), sodium cllolate. -de mensajero (rli.c), messenger hanger
colcbtar m (abrasive) , colcothar, rouge. -del revestidor (get), liner hanger.
colcha f (ais), quilt, blanket. -de tubo, pipe hanger.
colchado m (cab), lay. -de vigueta, joist hanger.
-a la derecha, right lay. colgante m, hanger, pendant; a suspended, hang-
-a la izquierda, lcft lay. ing.
-corriente o cruzado, regular or plain lay. -de servicio (elk), service drop.
-lang o paralelo, lang or cable lay. -giratorio, swivel hanger.
colchar, t o lay rope. colgar, t o hang.
colchbn m, cushion, mattress; (elec cab) bcdding. coli-aerbgenes (is), coli-acrogenes,
-amortiguador (hid) (Col), stilling pool. colibacilo m (is), colon bacillus, Bacillus wli.
-d e agua, water cushion, stilling pool. coliforme, coliform (bacteria).
- de barro (hid), clay blanket. colillas f (min), tailings.
- de cieno (dac), sludge blanket. colimacibn f , rollirnation.
-filtrador (pa), filter blanket. colimador m, rollirnator.
-hidrlulico (&I), stilling pool. colimetria f (pn)(C), coliform density.
colear, t o yaw, buck; (nuto) to shimmy. colina f,hill.
cclectivo m (tr) (A), small public bus. colineacibn f (mat), collineation.
colector m, collector; catch basin, trap; intercept- colineal, collincar.
ing sewer; (irr) return ditch; (elec) conl- colisa f,slide; (eng) link.
mutator; (elec) collector; (niin) collector; -d e Stephenson (mv), Stephenson lil~k.
(p) (Pan) n~anifold. colisidn f , collision.
- cloaca], main sewer. colmado, heaped up.
-de aceite, oil trap; drip pan; (auto) oil pan. colmatacibn f, colmataje m, filling; earth fill;
-d e aguas blancas (A), storm-water sewer. (A) silting up.
-de aire, air trap. colocabilidad f (conc) (hl), placcability.
-de aire comprimido, air receiver (compres- colocado en frio ((.a), cold-lnitf.
sor). colocador m, setter, glnccr, positioner; (sa) set-
-de alivio (M), relief senrcr. works.
-de arc0 (fc elbe), bow trolley. -de ladrillos (C), bricklayer.
-de avenidas (Es) , storm sewer. - de vagones, car spotter.
-d e barro, mud trap, catch basin. -- de via (maq), trark layer.
-de cascajo, grit collector. colocadora f , setter, placer.
-de condensado, condensate or steam trap. -neumltica, pneumatic concrete placer.
colocar 85 combustdleo

colocar, 11 plnrc, lorat.e, set; t o invest. -zunchada ( r o n ~ ) ~ h o o p erolumn.

colodibn m. rolloiliorl. columnar (grol)(~ni~icr), r.olnmnar.
colofonia /. rc.sin. columnata f, row of rolurn~~s, colonnade.
cologaritmo m , rolognritlim. columpio m, bascule, any device with a swinging
coloidal, colloitl:~l. motion.
coloide m, cr)lloi(l. coluvial (goal), collnviaI.
coloniaf, (I'll) sugar ~>lantntion; (11) farm; (lab) collado m, hill; saddle, gap, pass.
colony. collar m (me?), collar, collet.
color m, color. -de bolas, ball race (bearing).
color de recocido, t c r ~ ~ p color.
cr - de cementar (pet), cementing collar.
amarillo, yrllo~v. -de circulacibn (pet), mud collar.
amarillo claro, light ycllow. -del excdntrico (rnv), eccentric strap.
amarillo de pnja, straw rolor. -de hincar (pi), drive sleeve.
amarillo oscuro, dark yclloxv. -de mdstil (cn), mast collar.
amarillo pllido, faint yellow. -de perforacibn (pet), drill collar.
azul, blue. -de terraja (nih)(A), threading die.
azul brillante, brig!~t blue. -de tope, stop collar.
azul oscuro, tlnrk blue. - de vaciado (tub)(V), joint runncr.
azul puro, full blue. -micromitrico, micrometer collar.
blanco, white. -para rueda (fc), a-heel scat.
castcfio amarillento, hro7-n ycllow. -poratescobillas (elk), brush ring.
castafio purpGreo, p r ~ r l ~ hrown.
le collarin m, collar.
castaiio rojizo moteado, spotted red brown. -de empuje, thrust collar.
cereza claro, li-lit rlirrry. -del prensaestopas, gland.
negro rojizo, black red. collera f (fc)(..i), a length of track bctwcen two
pajizo oscuro, dark straw. pairs of opposite joints.
pajizo pllido, pale straw. coma f (fma), corna.
pGrpura, purple. comalbn m (eli.c)(('), comc-along clamp.
rojo cereza mediano, nrerlium cherry red. comando m, coritrol.
rojo cereza oscuro, d n r ! ~rlicrry rcd. -a distancia, rc~notecontrol.
rojo cereza puro, full clicrry rcd. -digital, fingcr-tip control.
rojo de sangre oscuro, dark blood red. comarca f, region, territory.
salmbn, salmon. comba f . warp, wind, bulge; camber; (rd) crown;
salmbn claro, light snlrnon. (Pe) maul, slcilgc; (auto)(:l) caster; (m)
color patrbn, standard oolor. (Sp) antinodc, loop.
colorante m, coloring n1:rttcr. -de canto (mad), crook.
colorimetria f, colorimetry. -de plano (mad), bow.
colorimitrico, colorimetric. combada de oxigeno disuelto (is), oxygen sag.
colorimetro m, rolori~iictcr. combadura f, warping, bulging; camber; sag.
colpa f , coppcras; (min) (PC) 3. silver ore. combar, t o camber; t o bend; (Ch) t o strike with
columns f , column. a maul; combarse, t o sag, warp, bulge;
-cerrada, box column. (na) to hog.
-combinada, con~binationrolumn. combersa f (to) (A), valley.
-compuesta, (stl.) built-up column; (conc) comb& m, waist of a ship.
conrposite colulnn. combinacibn f (mat) (quim), combination.
-de agua (fr), water column. combinado quimicamente, chemically combined.
-de asiento esfkrico, round-end column. combinador m (elkc), controller.
-de barras Z, Z-t~arcolumn. -de gobierno, master controller.
-de burbujeo (pet), bubble column. -magnitico, full-magnetic controller.
-de caja, box colunrn. combinarse (qulm), t o combine.
-de celosia, latticed column. combo m, maul, sledge.
-de direccibn (auto), steering column. comburente m a, combustible.
-de equilibria (hid), surge tank. combustibilidad f, combustibility.
-de extremo fijo, fixed-end column. combustible m, fuel; a combustible.
-de fraccionamiento, frvctionating tower. -de seguridad, safety fuel.
-de fundicibn, cast-iron column. -tipo, reference fuel.
-de plancha y lngulos, plate-and-angle col- combustibn f, combustion.
umn. -a presi6n invariable, constant-pressure com-
-de planchas atiesadoras, battened column. bustion.
-escalonada (est), stepped column. -a volumen constante, constant-volume com-
-finix, Phoenix column. bustion.
-H, H column. -espontlnea, spontaneous combustion.
-Lally, Lally column. -fraccionada, fractional combustion.
-positiva (elbe), positive column. -fumhora, smokeless combustion.
-reguladora (hid), surge tank, standpipe. -retardada, afterburning.
-tubular, steel-pipe column. combustbleo m, fuel oil.
combust6leo 86 compreso
-de calefaccibn, furnace oil. -interior, inside calrpers.
-Diesel, Diesel oil. -microm6tric0, n~icrometercalipers.
-para buques, bunker oil. -para huecos, inside calipers.
comej6n m, termite. -portallpiz, pencil compass.
comerciable, marketable; merchantable (grade). -universal, universal compasses.
comisaria f , commissary. compensacidn f , conipc~lsation;balancing; take-
comisariato m (Ec), commissary. UP.
comisario (m) de averias (seg), average surveyor. -de bajos (ra), bass compensation.
comisibn f , cornmittee, co~nnlission; (surv) (C) -de la brfijula, compass compensation.
party, corps: (corn) commission. -de la pendiente (fc), grade compensation
- de estudios ( C ) ,survey party. (for curvaturr).
compacidad f (ot) (T') (PIC), compaction, corn- -de tierra (ra) (Es), counterpoise.
pactness. -de tierras (ot), balancing cuts and fills.
compactacibn f, romparting, consolidating. -por accidentes d e trabajo, workmen's com-
compacto, compact, dense. pensation.
compaiiia f, company, corporation. compensador m, compensator (all senses) ;equal-
-anbnima, ~ t o c kcompany, corporation. izer, adjuster.
-aseguradora, insurance company. - armdnico (auto), harmonic balancer.
-colectiva, partnership. -de arranque (elhc), starting compensator.
-fiadora, bonding company. -- de freno, brake adjuster.
-por acciones (C), stock company. -de impedancia (elkc), impedance compen-
comparador m, comparator; comparer. sator.
-de banco, bench comparator. -de p6rdida de tensibn (e1i.c). linedrop com-
-de bloque, block cornparator. pensator.
-de color, color comparator. -de ruedas (auto) (A), wheel balancer.
-de pie, pedestal comparator. -elevador ( e l k ) , b:ilancer-booster.
comparigrafo nc (f~na).cornparagraph. compensar, to compensate (all senses); t o bal-
compartidor m (.\), official charged with the dis- ance, equalize.
tribution of irrigation water. competencia f, competence, fitness, capacity;
compartimiento m, compartment, (rr) stateroom. competitive bidding, competition; (r) com-
-de calderas (cn) (A), boiler room. petence.
- de mando (co), driving compartment. competente (geol). competent.
-de mlquinas (cn) ( A ) , engine room. complejo m a, complex.
cornparto m (irr) (A), division box. -fundamental (geol), basal complex.
compls m, compass, dividers, calipers. complementario (mat), complementary.
- con arco, wing compass or dividers; quadrant complemento m (mat), complement.
compass. complexo a, complex.
-de agrimensor, surveyor's compass. componente m f , component (all senses) ; (chem)
- de biseccibn, bisecting dividers. constituent.
-de calibres (Es), calipers. -desvatada (el&), wattless component.
-de corredera (Es), slide caliper. -electromagn6tica (ra), magnetic component.
-de cuadrante (Es), wing compass or dividers. -en fase (elec), inphase component.
- de divisibn, dividers. -harmdnica ( e l k ) , harmonic component.
-de divisidn a resorte, hairspring or spring -negativa de secuencia (elhc), negative s c
dividers. quence cornporient.
- de espesor, calipers, outside calipers. -nula de secuencia (elk), zero sequence com-
-de espirales, volute con~pass. ponent.
-d e exterior, outside calipers. -positiva de secuencia (el&), positive se-
-de gruesos, calipers, outside calipers. quence component.
- d e mar, mariner's compass. -vatada (el&), active or iriphase component.
- de marcar, scribing conipnss. componer, to repair, overlraul.
- de muelle, bow pencil or pen or dividers. composicidn f (qufm) (niat), composition.
- de precisibn, hair conipass, hairspring di- composturas f,repairs.
viders. compound a (niv) (elbc), compound.
- de proporcibn, proportio~ialdividers. -cruzado, cross-compound,
- de punta fija o de punta seca, dividers. -en tlndem, tandem-compound.
-de reduccibn, proportional dividers. compoundaje m. compounding.
- de regla (B), beam compass. comprador m, buyer.
- de trazar, draftsn~an'scompass. compregnado, compregnated (plyvood).
-de tres piernas, triangular compass. compresibilidad f, compressibility.
- de vara, beam conipass, trammel. compresible, con~pressible.
- deslizante, beam compms. compresimetro m (;icompression
), gage.
- divisor, dividers. compresibn f , compression.
-giratorio, rotating or drop spring or rivet -de dos etapas, two-stage compression.
compass. compresivo, compressive.
-hermafrodita, llermaphrodite caliper. compreso, compressed.
compresbmetro m , compression gage, compres- -d e desagiie o d e evacuacibn, sluice or waste
someter. gate.
compresor m , comprrssor. - d e deslizamiento, sliding gate.
- de ingulo, angle (.orrlpressor. -d e doble cufia, tlouhle-disk gate (valve).
- d e anillo ( I i c ~ r )l~istorl-rlrlg
, compressor. -d e esclusa, sluice gnte: lock gate, floodgate.
- de chorro (air), jtlt ronrpressor. -d e guillotina, shrar g a t e ; sliding gate.
-de un grado, airiglc-st,age rornpressor. -d e limpia, sluice gatc (darn).
-d e volumen (r:r), volulne compressor. -d e marea, tide gate, floodgate.
- en linea recta, straight-line compressor. -d e orugas, caterpillar or Broome gate.
.- multigradual, m11ltistage compressor. -d e paso, slnltoff gate.
compresores gemelos, duplex compressor. - d e perforacibn ( p e t ) , drill gnte.
compresora f , colnprcssor. -d e postigo ( t u r b ) , wicket gate.
-a correa, hclt-(11iven romprcssor. - d e purga, sluice gate.
- a motor, mot or-driven cornpressor. - d e retencibn, t)a(,kw:rter gate.
- axial, axial-flow ronrpressor. -d e rodamiento, roller gate.
--centrifuga d e aletas radiales, radial-bln(1e -d e rodillos, fired-\rl~rrl gate, trurk-type
cerrtrifug:~lcor!lpnys.;or. g a t r ; S t o n r y gate; roaster gate.
-d e aletas corredizas, sliding-vane rotary -d e ruedas fijas, fired-wheel gate.
compl.cssor. -d e sector, sector gate: dr111n gate.
-d e cinco grados, fire-itayr cornprcssor. - de sector rodante, rolling sertor gate.
-elevadora, hooiter rornlirrssor. -d e segmento, srgmer~talor Tainter gate.
-mbvil, porta1)le ronlprrihor. -d e senricio (irr), tlelivrry gntr.
-neumitica ( A I ) , s i r cornprr>ssor. -d e tablero engoznado, hinged-leaf gate,
-rociadora, spr:~ying colr1l)rcssor. sl!
-rotativa, rotary colliprr.$ior. -d e tambor, d r u m gate.
compresorista nz, oprrator of a compressor. -d e tiro, (1:lrnper (flue).
comprimible, corn prrssiljlc. -d e tolva (ag), +,in gate.
comprimir, t o co~nl)rris,rom1)art. -d e toma, intake or head gate.
comprobacibn Cf) del transit0 (Ec), tracing (a - d e urgencia, cmcrger~rygate.
slripnlcnt). -d e vagbn (Es), truck-type or k e d - w h e e l
comprobador m, c1recl;rr: tester. gatc.
-de contadores, m c t r r tester. -deflectora (aa), deflecting damper.
:omprobante m , vourller. -derivadora (irr), delivery gate, turnout, divi-
-d e venta, hill of sale. sion gnte.
comprcbar, t o circcl;, vcrify; t o prove. -desarenadora, sand or sluice gate.
compuerta f. (11)-d) g a t r ; (hldg) half door; (tk) -descargadora, sluice or waste gate.
gatc; (T') bulkllc~aclin a ronrrete form. -deslizable (.I), coaster gate.
-abatible (co), do~vn-folrlinggate. -desripiadora (Ch), sluice gate.
-acuiiada (KO, mc.tlfie gate. -desviadora, diversion gate.
-aforadora, ~nrtrrg:rtc. -elevadora o levadiza, rising gate.
-basculante. t i l t i t ~ cgate. -estranguladora (aa), tlirottlirlg damper.
-Broome, I3rooriic or rntrrpillnr gate. -flotante (ds), caisson.
-cilindrica, rollir~gor roller g:ltc; ring gatc. -medidora (irr), mrtcrgate.
-de abanico ( R I ) , T t ~ i r ~ torr r radial g:~tc. -partidora (irr), bifurcation o r division gate.
-d e abatimiento, bc:rr-trap g:ctc; drum gstc. -piloto, fillrr gatc.
-d e aguja, ncrtllc v:llvc. -radial, radial or Tainter g a t e ; (min) arc gate.
-d e aletas ajustables (a:%), multiple-louver -radial inferior (mill), underswung arc gate.
danrpcr. -radial superior (min), overhung arc gate.
-de alzas, l ~ c a r - t r a ppate, roof weir. -rodante, rollcr gate; rolling sector gate.
-de anillo, ring p:ltc. -trasera (co), tail gate.
-de anillo corredor (Col), rinp-followrr gate. -- trasera cargadora, tail-gate loader.
- de anillo estancador, rir~s-scnlg:itc. -tubular (Es), gate valve.
-de anillo seguidor, ring-f(1llowcr gate. compuertas
-d e arc0 (inin), a r r or 1.adi:~Igatc. -d e demasias, spillway gates.
-d e arc0 inferior (inirr), un(1erswung arc gate. -d e derrame, spillway or crest gates.
-de arco superior ( r n i ij,~ o v c r l ~ u n garc gatc. -del umbral, rrcst gates.
-de arranque, hcad fiate. compuesto m , a c o n ~ p o u n d ;a compound, (str)
-d e bnsuras, s k i ~ i i t ~ ~fiat?.
i~ifi 1 ~ 1 i lup.
-d e bifurcaci6n (irr). I)if~rrrationgatc. -aditivo (quirn), addition c o n ~ p o u n d or
-de buzbn (:I$), hln g:ltc. protitrrt.
-de csbecern, head gatc. -aislador, in>ulating compound.
-de cierre anulzr, ring-seal gate. -d e cortar ( r n l ~ )cutting , compound.
-d e cizalla, ?!!car gstc. -d e curacibn ( r o n r ) , curing compound.
-de cola (ro). tail g:ltc. -d e enfriamiento, cooling compound; (mt)
-de cufia, n.e(lgc g a t e (valve). cutting c o > ~ ~ p o u n d .
- d e chapaleta o d e charnels, flap gate. -d e pulir, lapping or buffing compound.
compuesto 88 condensador
-de retacar, calking compound. -fresco, green concrete.
-d e sellar (el&), sealing compound. -graso, rich concrete.
-de soldar, soldering paste; brazing com- -grueso, harsh concrete.
pound. -magro o pobre, lean concrete.
-de tarrajar, thread dope. -premezclado, ready-mixed or plant-mixed
-desincrustante, boiler compound. concrete.
-impermeabilizador, waterproofing com- -premoldeado, precast concrcte.
pound. -reforzado, reinforced concrete.
-inflamable (vol), flash compound. -simple, plain concrete.
-para banda, belt dressing. -tieso, stiff concrete.
-para cable, cable compound or dressing. -trabajable, workable concrcte.
-para enchufes (tub), joint compound. concurrente (n~at)(seg),concurrent.
-para engranajes, gear compound. concursante, biddcr.
-para roscas, thread paste. concurso m, meeting, assembly.
-para terminador de cable (elk), pothead - de acreedores, creditors' meeting.
compound. -de competencia (A), competitive bidding.
-quimico, chemical compound. concusibn f, concussion.
-sellador de juntas (ca), joint-sealing com- concha f, shell, casing; boiler scale; (V) mill
pound. scale; (V) scale of rust; (cc)(M) scalepan,
cornputador m (inst) (MI, computer. skip.
computar, t o compute, calculate. -de almeja, (bu) clamshell.
computista m, computer. conchabador m ( A ) , labor contractor.
cBmputo m, computation. conchabero m (Col), taskworker, pieceworker.
comunicacibn f,communication. conchifero, containing shells.
concadenamiento m, linkage. conchudo, shelly, shaly.
concavidad f , concavity. condensable, condensable.
cbncavo m, cbncava f , cavity, hollow. condensacibn f , condensation.
cbncavo a , concave, dished. condensado m, condensate.
cbncavo-convexo, concave-convex. condensador m (mec)(elkc) (fma), condenscr,
concentracibn f, concentration. (elec) cap~~citor.
-en seco (min), dry concentration. -a vacio, vitcuum condenser.
-hidrogenibnica (pa), hydrogen-ion concen- -acorazado, shell-and-tube condenser.
tration. -atmosferico (aa) (rfg), atmospheric con-
-por venteo (min), dry blowing. denser.
concentrado m, a concentrate; a concentrated. -cerimico ( e l k ) , ceramic capacitor.
concentrador m, concentrator. -compensador (ra), balancing condenser.
concentrar, to concentrate. -de acoplamiento (ra), coupling capacitor or
concentricidad f,concentricity. condenser.
conc6ntric0, concentric. -de aire (clbc), air condenser.
concesibn f, concession, grant ; (mech) allowance. -de bajas perdidas (ra), low-loss condenser.
-social, corporate franchise or charter. -de bloqueo (el&), stopping or blocking con-
concesionar (M), to grant a concession. denser.
concesionario m, holder of a concession, licensee, -de casco, shell-and-tube condenser.
grantee. -de contraflujo (aa), counterflow condenser.
conconete m (M), small irrigation ditch. -de corrientes opuestas, countercurrent con-
concordancia Cf) de fases (elkc), phase coinci- denser.
dence. -de corrientes paralelas, parallel-flow con-
concrecibn f (eeol), concretion. denser.
concrecional, concretionary. -de chorro, jet condenser.
concrecionar, t o sinter. -de chorro mtiltiple, multijet condenser.
concretar, to concrete. -de dCcadas (ra), decade condenser or capaci-
concretera f ( C ) , concrete mixer. tor.
concreto m, (cons) concrete; (su) concrete, con- -de derivacibn (ra), by-pass condenser.
crete sugar. -de doble flujo, double-flow or two-pass con-
- a soplete (AC), gunite. denser.
-acorazado, armored concrete. -de electrolito pastoso, dry electrolitic capac-
-agrio, harsh concrete. itor.
-aguado, sloppy concrete. -de a t r o (ra), filter capacitor.
-armado, reinforced concrete. -de inundacibn, flooded condenser.
-ciclbpeo, cyclopean concrete. -de ingeccibn, jet condenser.
-de cenizas, cinder concrete. -de pasaje (A), by-pass condenser.
-de clavar, nailing concrete, Nailcrete (trade- -de paso (elk), by-pass condenser.
mark). -de paso mGltiple, multiflow condenser.
-de escorias, slag concrete; (C) cinder con- -de placa (elk), plate condenser.
crete. -de reflujo, reflux condenser.
-en masa, mass concrete. -de rejilla (ra), grid condenser.

condensador 89 conductor
-de rocio, shower condenser. -de captacidn (Pe), intake pipe.
- de superficie, surface ro~~dcriser. -de cuatro pasos (elkc), four-way cable
-de un paso, single-iiow cot~~lcnsrr. duct.
-de vapor acuoso, vnpor rondensrr. -de desagiie, sewer, drain.
-fraccionador, fractio~i:tti~~c:
condenser. -de desembanque (presa), silt sluice.
-miiltiple (ra), garlg ronde~iscr. -de desfogue (hid), sluiceway, wasteway.
-neutralizador (r:t), neutralizing capacitor. -de entrada (ds), filling culvert.
-patrbn, standard caparitor. -de espuma (as), foam canal.
- radial, radizrl-flow condenser. -de evacuacibn, outlet pipe; sluiceway.
-regulable (elbe), variable or adjustable con- -de fibra (elkc), fiber conduit, fiberduct race-
denser. way.
-rotatorio (elkc), rotary or syrlcllronous con- -de humo, flue.
denser. -de impulsibn (l~id),force main.
-sintonizador (ra), tuning condenser. -d e irrigacibn, irrigation canal.
-sumergido (aa) (rfg), sul)n~cr!rc.dcondenser. -de servicio (elkc), service conduit.
-variable (rs), trimmer or variable condenser. -de tormenta (Es)(A), storm-water sewer.
condensar, t o condcrise. -de troncos (ef), log slide, dry slide, slip, log
condensita f (e1i.c). Corld(:nsil r ( t radernarli) . chute.
conducciBn f, condl~ctio~i; tranq)ortation, cart- -de vaciamiento (ds), emptying culvert.
age; (auto) driving. -- de ventilacibn, ventilation duct.
-de calor, tl~crrnalconduction. -de via iinica (elkc), single-duct conduit.
-delantera (auto)(M), front drive. -eductor (aa), exhaust duct.
-electrolitica (quini) , rlcctroly tic condurt ion. -elcctrico, electric conduit, raceway.
-final (auto) ( h f ) , final drive. -fibroso flexible (elbc), loom, flexihIe tubing.
-rasante (Pit), gravi:j- r o n ~ l ~ ~ i t , . -forzado (hid), pressure conduit, penstock.
conducir, t o carry, corlduct, convey; (auto) t o -metllico flexible (elkc), flexible nietallic con-
drive. duit, flexible raceway.
conductancia f , con(111rtanrr. -metllico superficial (elkc), surface metal
-anbdica (ra), platr c o ~ ~ d ~ ~ r t a r ~ c c . raceway, nietal molding, wireway.
-de dispersibn el;^), leakage conductanre, -mtltiple (elkc), multiple-duct conduit.
leaknnce. -para barras colectoras (elbe), busway.
-de entrada ( r ~ i )inp~it,
, cond~~ctancc. -para hielo (hid), ice chute.
- de grilla (ra), grid (.o:~( -para zdcalo (elbc), baseboard raceway.
-electrbdica (ra), elet,trodc or grid or plato -pluvial, storm-water sewer; roof leader.
conductance. -por gravitacibn (hid), gravity conduit.
-especifica (is), spccifir rot~tlnct:tnre. -portacable (elkc), cable duct.
-molar (quim), riiolar rollduct ante, molecular -simple (elk), single-duct conduit.
contluctivity. -sin fondo (elhc), open-bottom raceway.
-unitaria de conveccibn (:&:I), unit convection -superficial de alambres (el&), wireway, sur-
conductance, fill11 coeficie~lt for convcc- face raceway, molding.
tion. -superficial de madera (elkc), surface wooden
conductibilidad f,conductivity. raceway, wood molding.
-calorifica, thermal co~~dnctivity. -surtidor, supply pipe.
conductividad f, conrh~rtivity. conductom~trico(quim), conductometric.
-magn&tica, magnetic conductivity, perme- conductbmetro m, conductometer.
ability. conductor m, (elec) conductor; (rr) conductor
-molecular, molecular conductivity, 111olar (auto) driver, chauffeur; (Sp) motorman
conductance. operator of a machine; conveyor, carrier
-tcrmica, thermal ronchlctivity. (w) lead; a (elec) conductive.
conductivo (elkc), conductive. -a tierra, ground wire, grounding conductor.
conduct0 m, conduit, flume, aqueduct; duct; -a tierra de la red, system grounding conduc-
flue; chute; (elec) conduit. tor.
- celular (elk), conduit (street). -compuesto (el&), composite conductor.
-de abastecimiento (hid), supply line, aque- -de alimentacibn, feed wire, feeder.
duct. -de arrastre, drag conveyor.
-de aceite, oil duct or groove; oil pipe. -de artesas, pan conveyor.
-de aduccibn, supply line, aqueduct, supply -de bagacillo (as), trash conveyor.
pipe; supply duct. -de bagazo (as) , bagasse carrier.
-de alambres, wireway, raceway, electric con- -de bateas, pan conveyor.
duit. -de cafia (as), cane carrier.
-de arcilla vitrificada, clay ronduit. -de cinta en espiral, ribbon conveyor.
-de banqueta (hid), bench flume. -de contact0 (elbe), contact conductor.
-de barro vitrificado, vitrified-tile conduit. -de correa, belt conveyor.
- de basuras (hid), trash chute. -de cubetas, bucket conveyor or elevator.
- de caja (hid), box flume. -de cubiletes ( C ) , bucket conveyor.
- de calibracidn (hid), rating flume. - de entrada (elk), lead-in wire.
conductor 90 conmutador

-de entrada de servicio (el&), service en- -particular (tub) (elk), house connection.
trance conductor. -perfecta a tierra (elk), dead earth or ground.
-de estera (C), apron conveyor. -por enchufe, (elec) plug connection; (p) bell-
-de gusano, screw conveyor. and-spigot joint.
-de husiilo (C), spiral conveyor. -triingulo-estrella (el&), delta-star connec-
-de locomotora, engine driver, locomotive tion.
engineer. -trilngulo-trihgulo (e16c), delta-delta con-
-de obras (A)(Ch), construction manager; nection.
resident engineer. co~guracibn f (qufm)(top) (mat), configuration.
-de paletas, flight conveyor. codti110 m (M), pea gravel or stone.
-de rastrillo (C), drag conveyor. conflacibn f, smelting, ore reduction.
-de retorno, (elec) return conductor; (ce) re confluencia f, confluence, junction of streams;
turn conveyor. (rr) junction.
- de segment0 (elk), segmental conductor. confluente m a, tributary, confluent.
-de tablillas, slat or flight conveyor. confocal, confocal.
-de toma (elk), collector conductor. conformador m, grader, road shoper; driftpin;
-de tornillo (C), screw conveyor. (mt) shaper; contour machine; forming
-espiral, screw or spiral conveyor. machine.
conductores de compensacibn (elk), compensa- -de bastidor inclinable, leaning-frame grader.
tory leads. -de motor, motor grader.
conductores de derivacibn (elk), shunt leads. -de ruedas inclinables, leaning-wheel grader.
condulete m (elkc) (V), Condulct (trademark). conformadora f,grader; shaper; former.
conectador m, connector; (elec) outlet. -de arrastre, pull grader.
-de elementos, cell connector. -de caminos, road scraper or grader, sub-
-de manguera, hose connector. grader.
-el6ctrico d e carriles (fc), rail bond. -elevadora, elevating grader.
conectar (mec) (elk), to connect. conformante (mat), conformal.
conector m, connector (all senses). conformar, to shape.
-a presi6n (el&), pressure or solderless con- conforme m, approval; a (math) conformal.
nector. qongelar, congelarse, to freeze.
- a tierra (el&), grounding connector. conglomerldico (geol)( A ) , comglomeratic.
-angular (carp), elbow connector. conglomerado m (geol). conglomerate; a con-
-cerrador (elk), locking connector. glomeratic.
-corrugado (carp), corrugated joint fastener. -de boleos, boulder conglomerate.
-de anillo dentado (carp), toothed ring con- -de chinos, cobble conglorneratc.
nector. -de fallas, fault conglomerate.
-de anillo partido (carp), split-ring connector. -de granito (A), granolithic (floor)
-de bridas, flanged connection. -de pefias (V), cobble conglomerate.
-de caja (el&), box connector. -de peiiones (V), boulder conglomerate.
-de cordbn (el6c1, cord connector. -de trituracibn, crush conglomerate.
-de derivacibn (elk), tap connector. -fundamental, basal conglomerate.
-de entrada (tub), service or houseconnection. conglomerante m , binding material.
-de perno partido, spl~t-boltconnector. conglomerltico, conglomeratic.
-de rosca, threaded connection. conglutinador m, coalescer.
-de torones (cab), strand connector. conglutinarse, to coalesce, coagulate, cake.
-ele (carp), elbow connector. congosto m, canyon, gorge; pass.
-en cruz, cross connector. congruente (mat), congruent.
-sin soldadura (elk), pressure or solderless conicidad f,taper; conicity.
connector. cbnico, conical.
coneridn f, connection, joint. cbnicohelicoidal, coniro-helicoidal, spiral bevel.
-de campo o d e montaje (est), field connection. conffera f (mad), conifer.
-de estrella (el&), star or Y or wye conncc- conifero, coniferous.
tion. coniforme, cone-shaped.
-de rosca, threaded connection. conjugado, conjugate.
-domiciliaria (tub) (elk), house service. conjuntador-disruptor m (auto), make and break.
-empernada, bolted connection. conjunto m (mec), assembly.
-en cascada (elk), cascade connection. -de fusible, fuse unit.
-en delta (el&), delta connection. -de la impulsibn final, final-drive assembly.
-en sene paralelo (elkc), series-parallel or -de varias salidas (el&), multioutlet assem-
multiple-series connection. bly.
-en T (elk), branch or T joint, T or Scott -motriz (auto) (A), power plant.
connection. conmutador m (elbe), transfer or change-over
-en trilngulo (elkc), delta connection. switch; commutator.
-en V (el&), V or open-delta connection. -a1 vacio (ra), vacuum switch.
-estrella-estrella (el&), star-star connection. - antena-tierra (ra), lightning switch.
-oara tuberfa, pipe coupling; pipe fitting. -de bandas (ra)(M), band selector or switch
-de cilindro, drum switch. consenador m (elk), conservator, expansion
-de custro terminales, four-way switch. tank.
-de cuchillas, knife switch. conservadora f ( m a d , maintainer.
-de derivaciones, t a p switch. -caminera, road maintainer.
-de dos direcciones, two-way switch. -de cuchiias mCltiples, multiple-blade main-
-de escobillas, brush switch. tainer.
-de gobierno, master switch. conservar, t o maintain.
-de polos, reversing switcli. -la derecha (ca), t o keep t o the right.
-de tres direcciones, three-way switch. consignacibn f, consignment, shipment; appro-
-de vuelta (mot), direction switch. priation.
-giratorio, dial switch. -, en, on consignment.
-inversor, reversing switch. consignador m, consignor.
-para rayos (ra), antenna or lightning slvitch. consignar, t o consign.
-reductor (auto), dirnnlcr switcll. consignatario m, consignee.
conmutar, t o cummutate; t o throw over (elec consistencia f,consistency.
switch). consistente, consistent (material).
conmutatriz f (elkc), converter. consistbmetro m, consistency meter, consistorn-
con0 m, cone. eter.
-aluvial, alluvial cone, cone delta. consola f , bracket, console.
-basculable (ap), tipover cone. -colgante, shaft or drop hanger.
-de depresibn de bombeo, cone of pumping -de andamiaje, scaffold bracket, builder's
depression. jack.
- de deyeccibn (geol), debris cone. -para poste, post hanger.
-de espigas (tub) (V), reducer with spigot consolidar, t o compact, consolidate; consoli-
ends. darse, t o settle, become compact.
-de pulverizacibn, spray cone. consolidbmetro m, consolidonieter.
-de revenimiento (cone) (M) , slump cone. consonancia j (elk), consonance, resonance.
-de silencio (ap) , cone of silencc. consonante (eli.c), consonant, resonant.
-de viento (ap), wind sock. constantln, constantana, constantano m f, con-
-dispersor (hid), diffusing cone. stantan (alloy).
-entre con0 (gcol), cone-in-conc. constante f a , constant.
-hidrlulico, hydrauconc. -de amortiguacibn ( e l k ) , damping constant.
-Imhoff (dac.), Imhoff cone. -de elasticidad, spring constant (vibration).
-primitivo (en), pitch cone. -del elemento (az), cell constant.
-recto, right cone. -de fase (ra), phase or wave-length constant.
-roscado (mo) (A), cone nut. -de gravitacibn, gravitatiorial constant.
-sacabarrena (pet), horn socket. -de refraccibn, constant of refraction, specific
conocimiento m, bill of lading; voucher. refractive power.
-corrido o directo, througli bill of lading. -de rejilla (bptica), grating constant.
-de almacdn o de depbsito, wareliousc receipt. -del reticulo (lev), stadia-interval factor.
-de embarque, bill of lading. -de sintonia (ra), tuning constant.
-limpio, clean bill of lading. -de tiempo (el&), tirne constant.
-maritimo, ocean bill of lading. -taquimdtrica (lev), stadia constant.
-negociable, order bill of lading. constantes de calibracibn (fnla), calibration con-
-no traspasable, straight bill of lading. stants.
-tachado, foul bill of lading. constitucibn f (geol) (quim), constitution.
-terrestre, inland bill of lading. constitutive, constitutive.
-uniforme (fc), (US) unifor~nbill of lading. constituyente m (quim), constituent.
conoidal, conoidal. constricci6n f , constriction.
conoide m, conoid. construccibn f, construction; structure.
conquillfero (Es) , containing shells. -a tope, end construction (hollow tile).
consecuente (mat) (geol), consequent. -de combustibn lenta (ed), slow-burning or
consejo m, commission, board, council. mill construction, heavy timber construc-
- de administracibn, board of directors. tion.
-de aseguradores, board of underwriters. -de puentes, bridge building.
- de sanidad, board of health. -esquelbtica (ed), skeleton construction
-directive, board of directors. (walls carried on frame).
eonservacibn f,maintenancc; conservation, con- -incombustible, fireproof construction.
servancy. -naval, shipbuilding.
-de la via (fc), track mainter-ance, mainte- -por etapas, stage construction.
nance of way. -resistente a1 fuego, fire-resistive construc-
-del lecho (fc), roadway maintenance. tion.
-de material mbvil (fc), maintenance of equip- -reticulada, framed structure.
ment. -Seale (cab), Seale construction.
-de via y obras (fc), maintenance of way and -- vial, road building.
structures. -Warrington (cab), Warrington construction
constructor 92 contraataguia

constructor m, constructor. -de flujo o de gasto, flowmeter.

-de ascensores, elevator constructor. -de frecuencia, frequency meter, (ra) frc-
-de buques, shipbuilder. quency indicator.
-de carros, carbuilder. - de helice, propeller meter.
-de rasantes (ec), Gradebuilder. -de kilometraje, speedon~etcr.
-de veredas (ec), trailbuildcr. de motor (elk), motor rrieter.
- naval, shipbuilder: naval architect. -de orificio con placa delgada, thin-plate ori-
--vial, road builder (man). fice meter.
constructors (j) de caminos (ec), Roadbuilder. -de paletas, vane meter (water).
construido en el lugar, built-in-place. -de prueba, testing meter.
construir, t o construct, build, erect. -de radiacibn (ra), radiation counter.
consultor m, consultant; a consulting (engineer). -de reloj, clock meter.
consumidor m, consu~ner. -de revolturas (conc), b:itch meter.
consumo m, consumption; (clec) current drain. -de tantos (M), batch mcter.
-unitario, specific corisurnption. -de tarifas miiltiples o de tipo miiltiple (elbc),
contabilidad f , accounting. rnultirate meter.
contabilista, contable, accountant. -de tiempo, tirrling device.
contactador m (elcc), contactor. -de turbina, turhinetype meter.
contact0 m, contact (all senses). -de vatio-horas, watt-hour meter.
-corredizo (elkc), sliding contact. -de voltamperios reactivos, vsrrnetcr.
-de inversi6n (elk), reverse contact. -de volumen (hid), volume or quantity meter.
-de resorte ( e l k ) , spririp contact. -de vueltas, revolution counter, speetl in&c:t-
-de rosca (clPe), s~rewedcontact. tor.
-de tope (elk), butt contact. -indicador, indicating meter.
-perfecto a tierra (elisc), dead earth or ground. -indicador de sintonizacibn irn), tuning
-por humedad (elk), weather contact. meter.
-rodante, rolling cont:lct. -integrador a intervalos, intermittent inte-
-rozante (elk), sliding contact. grating meter.
contactos del distribuidor (mg), distribut~r~oints. -maestro, master meter.
contactos del ruptor (rng), breaker points. -positivo (hid), positive or displacement
contactor m, contactor. meter.
-de enfriamiento superficial (aa), surface- -pGblico o titulado, certified public accountant.
cooled contactor. -registrador de demanda, recording demand
-de leva, cam contactor. meter.
-de reposicidn (elk), reset contactor. -removible (elk), detachable or socket-type
contador m, accountant; metcr; counter. meter.
-a cantidad, quantity meter. -tip0 ilativo (hid), inferential meter.
-a carga diferencial (hid), head meter. -vertedor (hid), weir meter.
-compuesto (agua), compound meter. contaduria f, accounting; accounting office.
-de altura, alt.irneter. contaminacibn f , co~itamination.
-de amperios-horas, ampere-hour meter. contaminador m, contarniriant.
-de hrea variable (hid), variable-area metcr. contaminar, to contaminate, pollute.
-de caldera, boiler (steam) meter. conten m, curb
-de constriccidn (hid), constriction meter. contenido m, content.
-de consurno, service metrr. contera f , ferrule; 11ilc shoe.
-de corriente, (hyd) current meter; (elec) contingencias f, contingencies.
ampere-hour nieter. continuante m (mat), continuant.
-de costos, cost accountant. continuidad f, contir~uit,>-.
-de choque (hid), iltipart meter. continuo m (tn:rt), coriti~n~lirn;
a continuous.
-de demanda mixima, dcn~andmeter. contorneador m (mli), router.
-de desplazamiento (agua), displacenlent-type contornear, t o saw arorlnd, cut n profile; to rout;
meter. to trace a contour; t o scril~c;to streamline.
-de disco rotatorio, rotary-disk mcter. contorno m, outline, roritour.
-de Bmbolo, piston-type wntcr meter. -baiiado (hid), wett,c.d prrirneter.
-de enchufe (elkc), socket-type or detachable -de deslizamiento (tns), slicar pattern.
metcr. -de inundacibn (hid), flowage line.
-de energia desvatada (el(-c), reactive kva contra, apah~st,counter, opposite to.
meter. contra-amperios-vueltas f , hack arripcre-turns.
-de estacionamiento (nuto), parking meter. contraaguja m (fc), guardrail : ~ at switch.
-de expansibn de la arena (pa), sand-expan- contraalabeo m (sol), prespri~lging,initial distor-
sion recorder. tion.
-de exposiciones (fma), exposure countcr. contraalcancia f (min) , counterchute.
-de factor de potencia (elbc), power-factor contraantena f (ra), counterpoise.
meter. contrahrbol m, countershaft.
- de factor de reactancia (elk), reactivofactor contraataguia f , secondary cofferdam: buttress
to strengthen a cofferdam.
contrabalancear 93 contrapeldaiio

contrabalancear, to co~intc.rt~:llnt~cc. contraensayo m, check analysis.

contrabalancin m, I ) a l : ~ ~ ~l~ol).
re contraerse, to r o n t r a d , sl~rulk.
contrabalanza /, roltr~tt~r.l):rlnncc. contraesca16n m (cs), riser.
contrabisagra f. lmxf of :L 11ir1ge. -atiesador, false riser.
-de jamba, jar111)I 1 ~ 1 f . contraescarpa f (Iiid), liearth, apron, countnr-
-de puerta, door Ic:~f. scarp.
contrabordo m (RI), curl). contraestampa f ((:st), dolly, bucker.
contraboterolaf (re), dolly, I~oltler-on. contraestay m (nkut), preventer.
contrab6veda f,inverted v:lult or arch. contraexplosi6n f (auto), backfire.
contrabranque m (crl), apron, sterriso~~. contrafianza j, inde~nnitybond.
contrabrazo m (auto), drag l i ~ ~ l i . contrafibra f, cross gritin.
contrabrazola f (cr~),he.z~lletlge. contrafilo m (herr), hack edge.
contrabrida f, counterflange; follower (Dresser contrafil6n m (min), counterlodc, countervein.
coupling). contraflecha j, camber.
contracabeza f , lip forming flangemay of a contraflujo m, reverse current, countercurrent.
grooved rail. counterflow, eddy.
contracalibre m, mating gaze. contrafondo m (A), front.
contracanal m, branch canal. contrafoso m, counterdrain.
contracaiibn m (niirl)(Rf), drift in the footwall. contrafrente m (A), bark.
contracarril m (fc), gunrtlrail. contrafricci6n, antifrict ion.
-de resalte (fc), easer rail. contrafuego, fireproof, fire-resisting.
contraccidn f, cotitr:~rtion. contrafuerte m, counterfort, buttress; (top) spur;
-completa (hid), f111l contrartion. (&I) abutment.
-eliminada (tiid), supprrssetl roirtmction. -de gravedad, massive buttress (Ambursen
-lateral (hid), crid c.ontl.:~rtior~. dam).
-por desecaci6n (c.c)r~c1, 11ryiltgshrilikage. contragaleria f (min), countergangway.
-superficial (hid), surf:lrr rant rartion. contragolpe m, return stroke (piston) ; kickback.
contracercos m, door nrld window t.riln. contragrada f (es), riser.
contracielo m (tnin) (R.1).raisc, upraise. contragradiente f, rrwrsc. grade.
-de acceso, marlway r:~ise. contraguia f, stiffc~ierfor elrvator guides; (hyd)
-escalonado, atope raisc. steel lining in gate guides; couriterguide.
-piloto, pilot raise. contrahierro m (repill<)),top iron, frog.
-ramal, branch or cutout raise. contrahilo m (mad), end grain; rross grain.
-ventilador, ventilarion r:ti.-e. contrahuella f (cs), rinrr.
contracimiento m, ~vallor paving t o protect a contraincendios, fireproof, fire-resisting; for fire
foundatior~. fighting.
contraclave f,roussoir ncvt to the keystone. contraladeo m (est), sway brace.
contraclavija f,gih, lie>-,fox w e d ~ c . contralecho m ( h l ) ,lower bed of an ashlar stone.
contracodaste m ( m ) , propellrr post, sternpost. contralecho, a (marn)(Es), laid with natural bed
coatracodo m (tub), Y bend. vertical.
contraconducto (rnin), countrrrl~ute. contralistonado m (cd), counterlathing.
contracoraz6n m (fr), wing o f a frog. contralor m, controller, auditor; (elec)(A) con-
contracorricnte f , rountcri.~~rrent, cdilg, reverse troller.
currellt; a contracorriente, ~ipstrcam. contraloria f, auditing; auditor's office.
contracuaderna f ( c n ) , rcvrrse frame. contramaestre m, foreman; master mechanic;
contracuchilla f,fixed 1,lnrle of a shcar. (naut) boatswain.
contracuneta f, interr~ptingditch a t top of a contri~manivelaf,drag link.
slope, counterdrnin, ber111 ditch. contramarcar, to matchmark.
contracuiia f, gib. contramarcos m, door or window trim.
contracurva j, reverse curve. ; contramarcha j, (eng) reverse, reversing.
contrachapada, madera (BI), plywood. contramarchar, (eng) t o run in reverse.
contrachaveta j, gib. contramarea f, tidal countercurrent.
contrachoque m, bumper, buffer. contramartillo m (re), dolly, bucker.
contradegiiello m (her), bottom fuller. contramatriz j, top die.
contradep6sito m (Es), reservoir below a dam. contramecha j, counterbore.
contraderivacibn f (elk), back shunt. -piloto, counterbore pilot.
contradiagonales f, (t,u) countcrbrarinc. contramina f, adit; drift connecting two mines.
contradique m, supporting dike, spur dike, coun- contramotor m, opposing motor; haulback motor.
terdike; (A) cofferdam. contramuro m (A)(Col), wall built against
contradurmiente m (cn), clamp. another.
contraeje m, countersllaft, jackshaft; tail shaft. contraonda f (ra) (A), back wave.
-de velocidades (auto), trnnsrriissiorl rounter- contrapar m, eaves board; rafter.
shaft. contrapaso m (Pe), stair riser.
mntraelectromotriz, counter electromotive. contrapeado m (Es), plywood.
wntraembalse m (A), erlualizing reservoir. contrapeldaiio m (es) , riser.
wntraempuje m, counterthrust. -de rigidez, false riser.
contrapendiente 94
contrapendiente f , reverse grade, acclivity; (Es) contratapa f , auxiliary top or cover.
(A) downgrade following an upgrade. contratar, t o contract (a job).
contraperno ( V ) , stop screw. contratensibn f (cli.c)(A), counter electromotive
contrapesador (m) de ruedas (auto), wheel bal- force.
ancer. contraterrapldn m (.-i),any structure t o hold a fill.
contrapesar, t o counterweight. contratiro m, back draft; (min)(hl) auxiliary
contrapeso m, counterweight; counterpoise, (ra) shaft.
balancing cagarit y. contratista m, contrartor.
-de las tenazas (pet), tong countcrbalance. -acarreador, hauling contractor.
-de ventana, sash wcigl~t. -calefaccionista, l~eatingcontractor.
contrapilastra f, astrngal, molding covering a -camionero, liauling or trucking contractor.
door joint. -de la comisaria, commissary contractor.
contrapiso m, subfloor; (A)(rd) subgrade. -de edificacibn, huilding rontractor.
contraplacr f, anchor plate. -electricista, clrctl.ica1 contractor, electragist.
contraplacado m, plywood. -general, general contractor.

-metiilico ( A ) , plymetal.
superprensado, superpressed or high-density
-sanitario (cd), plumbing contractor.
contrato m, contract.
-a costo miis honorario, cost-plus or fee
contraplancha f, (str) splice plate; (w) backing contract.
strip. -a destajo, taskwork contract; (Ec) u n i b
-de escurrimiento (to), counterflashing. price contract of limited extent, duration,
contrapolea f (Es), tail pulley. and number of nlen employed.
contrapozo m (min), raise, upraise. -a precio determinado, fixed-price contract.
contrapresa f , (Sp) downstrea~ncofferdam; (A) -a precio global o a suma alzada, lump-sum
stilling-pool weir. contract.
contrapresibn f, back pressure. -a precios unitarios, unit-price contract.
contraproducente, unprofitable. -de enganche, contract for furnishing work-
contraprueba j, check test. men.
contrapuerta f , lining inside of firebox door; -de fletamiento, charter party.
storm door. -de trabajo, employment contract.
contrapunta f (mh), back center; tailstock, pop- -por medida, unit-price contract.
pcthead. contratope m, rear stop, back bumper.
con cono, cone center. contratorcimiento m (sol), counterdistortion.
-con palanca d e mano (mh), hand-lever tail- contratuerca f , lock or set or jam n u t ; nut lock;
stock. (U) lock washer.
contrapunzdn m, counterpunch. contramapor m, back-pressure steam.
contraquebranto m (cn), hog frame, longitudinal contraviistago m, piston tail rod.
trussing. contravena, contraveta f (min), countcrlode,
contraquilla f (cn), keelson; false keel. countervcin.
contrarrampa f (Es) (A), upgrade folloxving a contraventamientos m (U), wind bracing; guys.
downgrade. contraventana f, window shutter; storm sash.
contrarrasante m (C) , adverse grade. contraventanas a prueba de incendio, fire shut-
contrarreguera f, subsidiary irrigation ditch; ters.
ditch connecting ends of parallel irrigation contraventar, t o brace; t o guy.
ditches. contraventeo m, wind bracing; set of guys.
contrarremachador m (re), holder-on, dolly. -de portal, portal bracing.
contrarremachar, t o clinch; (re) t o buck up. contraviaje m (Col), skew, bevel.
contrarrestar, t o resist (stress) ; t o counteract. contravidriera f, window blind; storm sash.
contrarriel m (fc) , guardrail. contravidrio m, glazing molding.
contrarroblbn m. burr, riveting washer. contraviento m, a guy; wind bracing.
contrarroblonador m (re), holder-on, bucker. contravoltaje m (A), counter electromotive force.
dolly. contrete m, stay bolt; (Ec) shore, strut.
contrarroda f (cn), stemson, apron. control m, control.
contrarrotacibn f, counterrotation. -a cable (tc), cable control.
contrasalmer m, arch stone next t o t h e skewback. -a cristal (ra), crystal control.
contraseguro m, reinsurance. -a distancia, remote control.
contrastar, t o assay; t o compare with a standard -al tacto, finger-tip control.
(weights and measures). -automiitico de volumen (CAV)(ra), auto-
contraste m, an assay; comparison with a stand- matic volume or automatic gain control.
ard; (tv) contrast. -de avenidas (r), flood control.
contrata f, a contract. -de las bajas (ra), bass control.
contratajamar m (pte), downstream nosing. -de brillo (tv), brightness control.
contrataladrar, t o counterbore. -de contraste (tv), cor~trastcor~trol.
contrataladro m, counterbore. -por tensibn regulable (c1i.c). adjustable-
contratalud m, counterslope, (rd) foreslope. voltage control.
contratante s, contracting party. -remoto, remote control.
controlador 95
controlador m, controladora f, controller (all ' coplin m (C), a coupling.
senses). coque m, coke. I\.

-de gasto (pa), rate controller. -de alquitrln, pitch coke.

-de velocidad, speed controllcr. - de alto horno, blast-furnace coke.
controlar, to control; t o check, verify. - de fundicibn, foundry coke.
controler m ( e l k ) , controller. -de gas o de retorta, gas coke.
convecci6n f , convection. -de petrbleo, petroleunl coke.
convectivo, convective. coquificar, coquizar, t o coke.
convector m (elkc) (cf), convector. coquimbita f (miner), coquimbite, white c o p
convenio m, agreement, contract. peras.
convergencia f, (surv) (math) convergence, con- coral m, coral.
vergency ; (auto) toe-in. corllico a (V), coral.
convergente, converging. coraliiero, coraligeno a, coral.
conversi6n f (mat) ( e l k ) , conversion. coralina f, corallin; a coral.
conversor m, conversora f,convertcr (all scnscs). coraza f, armor, protective covering.
convertible, convertible. -reticulada (elkc), basket-weave armor.
convertidor m (elk) (met), converter. --.trabada (elbc), interlocking armor.
-Bessemer, Bcssemer converter. corazdn m, core; heartwood; (rr) frog, (A) frog
-de arc0 (elk), arc converter. point.
-de fases (elkc), phase converter. -con carril de muelle engoznado (fc), hinged-
-de frecuencia ( e l k ) , frequency changer or spring-rail frog.
converter -con insertados de acero endurecido (fc),
-de onda (ra), wave converter. anvil-faced frog.
-de refuerzo, booster ronvertcr. -- con pata de liebre mbvil (fc), spring-rail frog.
-de torsibn, torquc converter. -de arcilla (hid), puddle core.
-en cascada ( c l i ~ )casradc
, converter. -de cable, (wr) center strand, core.
-pentarrejilla (ra), pcntagrid converter. -de plancha (fc), plate frog.
-rotative (elite), rotary or synchronous con- -de prueba (sx), drill core.
verter. -de punta mbvil (fc), movahlr-point frog.
convertir (qufm) (elk) (met), t o convert. -de riel fijo (fc), fixed-rail frog.
converidad f , convexity. -de rieles ensamblados (fc), built-up frog.
convexo, convex. -medio (fc), crotch frog.
convoy m, (A) (M) (Sp) railroad train. -rojo (mad), red heart.
coordenadas f, coordinates. corazonar (sx), t o core.
-cartesianas, Cartesian coordinates. corbata f, (sb)(.i) collar; (auto)(M) canvas pro-
-en el espacio, spare coordinates. tector of inner tube.
-esf6ricas, spherical coordinates. corchado m (cab), lay.
-planas polares, plane polar coordinates. -cruzado, regular lay.
-terrestres (fma), ground coordinates. -directo, lang lay.
coordinatdgrafo m, coordinatogrrtph. corcheta f (Es), rabbet in a doorframe.
coordinatdmetro m (fma), coordinatometcr. corchete m, cramp; catch, latch; belt clamp.
wpa f , cup; anything cup-shaped. corcho m, cork.
-de inflamaci6n (di), ignition cup. cordaje m, cordage, rope.
-enfocadora (ra), focusing cup. cordel m, rope, cord; belt course; a measure of
copador m (hcrr) , fuller ; creaser. length (20.35 m ) ; a measure of area (414
-inferior (her), bottom fuller. centiares); formerly in Cuba a measuring
-superior (her), top fuller. tape.
mpal m, copal. -de marcar, chalk line.
wpete m, crest. cordelerla f, rigging; rigging yard; ropewalk;
copia f, copy. cordage.
-al carbbn, carbon copy. cordelero m, ropemaker; (surv) (C) tapeman,
- al ferroprusiato, blueprint. chainrnan.
-azul, blueprint. corderia f , storehouse for rigging.
- de contact0 (fma), contact print. cordillera f, mountain range.
-heliogrlfica, blueprint, sun print. -divisoria, divide.
-negrosina, vandykc print. cordita f, cordite (explosive).
copiloto m (fma), copilot. corddn m, cord, strnnd of rope; helt lacing; side-
copilla f, small cup. walk curb; (sty) chord, flangc; (mas) course.
-de aceite, oil cup. belt course; (p) spigot end; (rarp)(w) bead,
-de cebar, priming clip. ( 4 )( C ) rnount:tin chain; ( A ) (Ch) windrow.
-de engrase, grease or oil cup, lubricator. -comprirnido (vign), compressior~flange.
-de grasa, grease cup. -de alambre, wire strand.
copla f (Ch), a cour~ling. -de alambre con eje fibroso, fiber-center wire
coplano m, (pmy) coplane; a coplanar. strand.
-bisico (fma), basal coplane. -de andariveles, (wr) tramway strand.
wple m, a coupling. -de cerros, range of hills.

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