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Arroyo del Almagrero

Arroyo del Almagrero is a stream and is located in Provincia de Cuenca, Castille-La Mancha, Spain. The estimate terrain elevation above seal level is 1249 metres. Variant forms of spelling for Arroyo del Almagrero or in other languages: .

Latitude: 40°19'3.32"
Longitude: -1°48'46.91"

The superior administrative division is Provincia de Cuenca.

Well known places, streets and travel destinations


pictures near Arroyo del Almagrero

Near by ,,Arroyo del Almagrero´´
third-order administrative division Tragacete, Huélamo
populated place Tragacete
seat of a third-order administrative division Huélamo
spring(s) Fuente de Valdosillos
stream Arroyo del Almagrero, Río de Valdemeca

ZIP-Code (postal) Areas around Arroyo del Almagrero