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Decent Espresso Tamping Cradle

Prevent injury with this safe and secure place to tamp


Decent Tamping Cradle

Beautiful, yet functional. Never again will you worry about slipping and hurting your wrist.

Why do you need a tamping cradle?

Injury easily happens

A spouted portafilter is angled on the bottom, so that when you press down to tamp, it's all too easy for the portafilter to slip and for you to slam your hand into the table.

It happened to us

Decent Espresso founder John Buckman hurt his wrist this way, and Equator Coffee barista trainer Alexandra LittleJohn shattered her wrist.

Avoid these risks

Our tamping cradle was designed to hold your portafilter in place, keep it level, and prevent it from rocking or sliding. Injury avoided.

Works with all portafilters

Our double-cupping design holds both spouted and bottomless portafilters in place. Smaller portafilters work by rotating the stand and using the smaller secondary cradle shape.

Store your tamper

The rear slot holds your tamper, either on top, or with an inside grip on the tamper shaft.

Avoid excessive force

Use our calibrated tamper to show you how little pressure (25lbs) you need to apply. Many people press harder than they need to.

Slides right in

We purposely left the top as uncoated metal, so that you could easily slide your portafilter in and out quickly. We found that a rubber coating slowed us down and was messy to clean.

Sloppy is fine

The rounded opening guides the portafilter into place, and the inset causes a pleasing "plop" sound as the portafilter falls into place.

More level tamping

If you tamp on the edge of the table, you're never quite sure if you're holding the portafilter level. Our fitted notch makes it easy to be square.

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