Meeting Margaux Motin, the illustrator with fun and uninhibited stories

undefined 9 novembre 2022 undefined 11h30

The Editor

Two years after the first volume, you're back with new stories after your life change and move out of the capital. Is everyday life still your main source of inspiration? From a practical point of view, it's a source of inspiration at hand all the time. So it's super exciting because no matter what happens in a day, I know I can draw a story from it. I've always kept diaries since I was a child, I've always written and told about my daily life. It's natural for me. For this second volume, you worked with your partner, Pacco. How do you combine passion, work, and love? With patience! We started working together before we were a couple, so our passion has always been part of our love story. It takes a lot of time and practice to harmonize it, especially since we have very different ways of functioning. But it was extremely important for us because we are much more efficient together than alone. (Source:

You also take the time to do what you enjoy, to spend time with yourself, to go hiking... What has it brought you?
I am someone who has an introverted temperament, I recharge when I am alone, and it took me years to understand that. I need to be alone in nature, to be able to be alone with my thoughts and recharge. At that moment, I am once again capable of sharing and being in a relationship.

The shadow of your youth follows you throughout the book and never leaves you. What does it represent?
It represents childhood wounds. Often when we enter a love story, we bring with us patterns from our wounds and we have expectations, reactions that we believe are due to the other person. But they are actually our responsibility and come from things that we haven't understood well about ourselves and that we need to resolve, in order to enter into a relationship with the other person in a more peaceful way. That's it.It seems fundamental to delve into it and try to make peace with it in order to harmonize your relationship.

This book, is it your psychoanalysis? All the books I make are a way of doing psychoanalysis because I only write them once I have digested what I'm talking about. So I experience it, I am subject to a lot of emotions, I work on it, I try to understand them... When I understand them, I write the book.

Le printemps suivant / Tome 2: Après la pluie
Margaux Motin
Released on November 9, 2022, Casterman editions