Denis Gorshkov

Chief Executive Officer

We knew then just as we know today that a successful outsourcing firm must have a profound and decisive leadership offering continuing technical and communications educational programs, a clearly defined vision, and effective strategies to fulfil that vision. Such leadership must hire exceptional development specialists and support staff while aggressively exercising quality control.

Through my younger years, I had many bosses and worked for many IT companies that were excellent and not so excellent. Others might say that I was bright, but in fact, I was just attentive. Along the way, I kept notes and in a few years, the successful and unsuccessful strategies were polarities for the same problems. Halfway through to the present, it seemed clearer to do this and not do that. Having a commitment to, ”Do The Right Thing,” made decisions even easier.

Our leadership is truly remarkable. Most of us have been together since the first day and occasionally we have added an executive with the skills to take us to the next level. We work hard in development and are just as dedicated to making our innovative vision benefit our clients.

Please review the rest of our website. We hope you will be convinced it will be in your best interest to send us an email or request a quote, or just simply, call us.

Denis began his career in Software Development in 1989 at the age of 18. The world and the computer industry was a different place then. He moved with his family to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada four years later, fulfilling a lifetime dream to work and live in North America. During those early years, he did Software Development for others. It was during this transition time when he and Mike met and became friends from afar. Soon he had the desire to begin his own design company and soon had clients from Vancouver to San Diego, CA.

Denis’ parents were and are Doctors of Biological Sciences and college professors.

His home town high school friends called him back to Riga. The arbitrage between developer fees in North America and Latvia meant that Diatom Enterprises could maintain the same high quality of production and profit margin while offering clients reduced the cost to their new systems. He and Slava, his livelong friend, joined forces and soon Evgueny was part of the team. Additional staff was added to the present team size of 50 people.

You will find Denis an extremely interesting entrepreneur and businessman. He is quick-minded, very bright, entertaining, and has a ferocious sense of humour. He has many interests from long term friends, world travelling, music, and is a voracious reader, but his other great talent is landscape photography. Denis has just finished his second coffee table book, and he maintains a retail studio in the Old Town, historic section of Riga.