
Ever got into a heated debate with someone, only for you to realize the perfect comeback days after it happened? Well, be frustrated no more - ArgueMate is here to satisfy all your argument needs! Whether that be crushing your opponent with cold hard facts or bending the facts to ensure your gracious victory, we got the perfect response to suit your specific situation.

What it does

ArgueMate listens in to your argument in real-time and thinks of the best rebuttals for you quicker than you ever could! It has multiple personality traits you can mix and match to achieve the perfect customized response, as well as a global modifier that enables it to try to win at all cost - truth be damned. The UI can be used to review an argument, but the main purpose of this app is to be discretely help you out in your daily conversations and arguments.

How we built it

It's one giant react web-app built on hopes and dreams and hours of debugging. We differentiate the arguments of the two parties via key words like "Let me think", "Let me cook", and "Go ahead". We referenced openAI API for our response-generation needs, which was only made possible by one teammate's generous donation of his bank account.

Challenges we ran into

Turns out you can't use openAI API without money haha...

Implementation-wise, keeping track of the different states proved to be quite a brain exercise - when exactly is the opponent speaking? When are the different modes active? Figuring out the formatting also proved to be surprisingly difficult - many times padding and margins and alignments just don't seem to show up.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

1) Coming up with clever solutions to the major hurdles we encountered. To keep track of who's talking, we make use of discreet keywords that are picked up by the application and allows the application flow to progress.

2) Our aesthetics. ✨ Our web-app is well-designed with cohesive colors and a clean interface to make its use as simple and discreet as possible.

What we learned

The importance of being diligent in versioning control and communication and regularly pulling from the Github repository - we spent hours debugging merge conflicts.

What's next for ArgueMate

We definitely want to expand its abilities to more effectively distinguish different individuals in the conversation. For example, the option for users to create their own customized key words that indicate when they require a response. Or, the use of tones and other heuristics to keep track of concurrent arguments from multiple individuals without the need for key words.

As well, we see the potential for expanding ArgueMate's use in real-world contexts such as generating relevant questions to ask physicians during an appointment or helping individuals navigate processes they lack knowledge in.

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