
Recent news of China's ban on canola products from Canada has placed immense strain on Canada's economy directly affecting southern Alberta, other prairie provinces, and multi-billion dollar industries. We wanted to highlight this issue and provide a readily implementable solution.

What it does:

Application runs and records smart contract transactions from distributors to receivers across the supply chain. Ensuring traceability, quality assurance and fiscal responsibility.

How we built it:

Our application uses Ethereum private Blockchain, running on Kaleido Platform. Solidity Smart Contracts (3) for Back- end with chain link API integration for pulling in sensor data. Front- end built with Web3.js. Machine Learning can be implemented once real data is available to predict price.

Challenges we ran into:

FrontEnd because of the rapid pace of web3 development, many libraries and functionalities have become deprecated.

Accomplishments that we're proud of:

Completion of BackEnd with solidity smart contract API integration Creating our concept of coming up with an integrated solution for a very current real world problem.

What we learned:

The most exciting part was to address a real world challenge and creating a viable solution. The biggest takeaway was the convergence of these technologies; Blockchain, IoT and ML.

What's next for AgriSet:

TWD total world domination jk Continue development and commercialization

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