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Build web applications with Components, Store and Router.

One lightweight easy-to-use framework to build high performance web applications with 3 KB!
It uses modern JavaScript to be as light as possible and therefore only works on the latest version of modern browsers (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Opera).


  • Components - Create function and class component.
  • Router - Map components to the routes.
  • Store - Access component store from any component.
  • Lifecycle hooks - Take advantage of component lifecycle events.
  • Props - Inject props into components.
  • Template syntax - Write your templates in a native Template String or in JSX.
  • JSX compiler - Transforms JSX syntax into valid DOM elements (only 1KB).
  • CLI - Create a new Costro app in seconds with an interactive experience.


For questions and support please use the GitHub Discussions. For bug report or feature request, please use the issues on GitHub.
Pull Requests are welcome!

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