#FridayPainting: Dante Gabriel Rossetti “Joan of Arc Kisses the Sword of Liberation”

Dante Gabriel Rossetti is described as an English poet, illustrator, painter, and translator, and member of the Rossetti family. The last phrase “member of the Rossetti family” ignited my curiosity. I knew that his father, Gabrielle Rossetti was a poet and scholar and that his siblings were notable for their creativity: Christina Rossetti (Poet), MariaContinue reading “#FridayPainting: Dante Gabriel Rossetti “Joan of Arc Kisses the Sword of Liberation””

Pre-Raphaelites & the Annunciation

There were three at the first meeting held in the home of John Millais’s parents in 1848: John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Holman Hunt.  Humble beginnings for the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood that would soon expand to include other kindred spirits who shared their intent on transforming the art world. The Brotherhood had fourContinue reading “Pre-Raphaelites & the Annunciation”