Name Alesja Origin, meaning, pronunciation & popularity of the name Alesja


Alesja is a ♀ girl’s name.

What is the origin of the name Alesja?

Alesja is a variant of Alesya, which is a Russian and Belarusian diminutive of Aleksandra, which is a variant of the name Alexandra.

What does the name Alesja mean?

Alesya means “defending men”, “defender of men”, “defender of the people” or “protector of men” (from ancient Greek “aléxein/ἀλέξειν” = to defend/protect + “anēr/ἀνήρ” = man).ending men” (from ancient Greek “aléxein/ἀλέξειν” = to defend/help + “anēr/ἀνήρ” = man).

Pronunciation of Alesja

Variants of the name Alesja

Alesia Alessia Alessya Alesya Allessia

Popularity of the name Alesja

The name Alesja is ranked #2761 overall.

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