George Hurwitz, O.D.

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george hurwitz

George Hurwitz, O.D.

Optometric Physician

Dr. George Hurwitz is an optometric physician who provides a wide range of primary eye care services to Center for Sight patients. Dr. Hurwitz has extensive training in ocular disease, vision testing, eyewear prescriptions, specialty contact lenses and the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. He is involved in pre-operative testing and follow-up care for cataract surgery, corneal transplant, and laser vision correction patients.

Dr. Hurwitz earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA, and his Doctor of Optometry degree from Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry in Davie, FL. He is a member of the American Optometric Association and the Florida Optometric Association.

Dr. Hurwitz lives in Venice where he enjoys his outdoor hobbies of basketball, tennis, and golf.

Location served: North Port

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