The Whore culture


The “Whore culture”, as opposed to the “rape culture”, is the culture that tells women they should be able to go anywhere, say and act in any way, wear anything and never ever be worried about being groped, touched, talked dirtied too, be come on to, or be raped.

I will come back to “Whore Culture” after I state what I believe about rape and the “rape culture”.

What I believe about Rape

This last week I read several feminist articles on the “rape culture” which inspired this post. Let me first make a few things clear for my feminist friends so you don’t get to put words in my mouth:

  1. I believe no matter how badly dressed, or lack of dress a woman has, or even if she was fully naked – this never gives a man the right to rape her.
  2. I believe no matter what a woman says or whatever sexual movements she makes towards a man that does not give him the right to rape her.
  3. I believe if a rape can be 100% proven beyond a doubt, such as video tape evidence, or witnesses, then we need the death penalty in these cases.
  4. For other rape cases, I believe the justice system should work the same as others. The accused is innocent until proven guilty. I realize that it is traumatic for the rape victim to do this, but we should not have a system that would in any way allow people to be falsely accused. The founders designed a justice system where they would rather allow 10 guilty men to go free, then allow one innocent man to go to jail. It should be exactly the same when it comes to rape, if there is any doubt that doubt must be given in favor of the accused.

Believe me, I have a daughter, and if she were raped my emotions would be running high and I would not care about point number 4 above. I would want them to lock the guy away that she accused, and throw away the key! I would want him to have to prove his innocence, not for her to have to prove his guilt. But this is why we have a legal system, to remove the emotion from the system, and to judge people based on the evidence.

Does this mean some rapists will go free? Yes. But as horrible as that sounds, it is ten times more horrible to imagine a society where all a woman has to do is falsely accuse a man of rape and she can destroy his life, without first proving what he did.

So that pretty much sums up what I believe about rape.

What about the “Rape Culture”

The idea of a “Rape Culture” takes on many meanings depending upon what posts or books you read. If I were to try and sum it up – it basically is saying that certain cultures approve of rape by telling women they must be silent when they are raped, or that women bring rape on themselves by how they dress or how they act.

The “rape culture” says the woman who was raped, brought it on herself, either by her clothing, or by her words and actions preceding the event.

I don’t think there is any culture in the world that thinks rape is a good thing. But I agree there are some cultures that tell women they need to remain silent, and I do NOT agree with that. If a crime is committed against you, whatever it may be, you need to report it.

Where I vehemently do not agree with “Rape Culture” advocates is on this idea that rapists are lurking around every corner. If you read some of the posts on WordPress, as well as other sites, this is the impression that is given, and it is a false impression, pure and simple.

This is no different than if someone were mugged by a black man, and then for the rest of their lives they see every black man they pass on the street or in the store or in the parking lot as a potential mugger. That would be racism pure and simple.

What “rape culture” advocates preach from what I have seen is – sexism against men pure and simple.

The “Whore Culture”

The “Whore Culture” from what I can see is a subset of those feminists who preach the “Rape Culture”. These are women who preach to other women that they should be able to go anywhere, say and act in any way, wear anything and never ever be worried about being groped, touched, talked dirtied too, be come on to, or be raped.

Let me repeat something I said earlier in this post – no woman ever deserves to be raped.

Having said that, there are bad men in this world, just as there are bad women in this world.

What that means is if you as a woman go to some seedy bar or night club with unsavory characters wearing clothing that looks like you are a prostitute, or teasing these types of men and putting yourself in their faces, you should not be surprised if something bad may happen, am I justifying rape – no. But bad things happen, wrong things happen, when we put ourselves in bad situations.

Am I saying a woman who is just traveling on a public bus and has a shirt that reveals some cleavage is putting herself in a bad situation and deserves to be gang raped(similar to the latest India incidents)?

Of course not.

There are extremes on both sides. There are some very conservative people in different countries (even in the US) that think if a woman shows some cleavage or some leg she was “asking for it”. I disagree with these people. A woman should be able to display her beauty in normal and tasteful ways and not be considered to be “asking for it”.

But there is also the other extreme on the left. Let’s be clear on something ladies. If you act in whorish ways, you will be treated like a whore. If you don’t want to be talked dirty too as you walk down the street, then don’t wear trampy clothes with nasty words on the front or back. If you don’t want men to grope you, then don’t throw yourself in their faces. If you don’t want unwelcome sexual attention, then don’t talk dirty in front a group of men.

This is really the biggest problem with some feminists (not all) who preach the “rape culture” – they want to be able to act like whores and still be treated like ladies. The two do not go together.

Let me say a word here about alcohol. Both men and women act in unpredictable ways when they have had too much to drink. When you go to drunken brawls with men and women, you are by definition taking a big risk of bad things happening, and I am not just talking about rape or unwanted advances.


Rape is never right, but we live in a sin cursed world, with bad men and bad women.

I believe we need to be harder on rape when it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt (such as with video tape evidence or witnesses) – we need the death penalty for these cases.

But the “whore culture”, like the Feminist culture from which it comes, wants a world with no consequences. They wanted a world where they could have sex with multiple men without fear of the consequences of unwanted pregnancies or STDs and they accomplished this goal (for the most part) with contraceptives and condoms.

Now they want a culture where they can act like whores, and have absolutely no unintended or unwanted consequences from these actions.

While women can dodge the consequences of unwanted pregnancies and STDs with modern mechanisms, not all actions can avoid consequences. If a woman acts like a whore, she will be treated as a whore. If you put yourself in bad situations, like seedy bars and night clubs, or go in bad neighborhoods, bad things may happen to you. If you like going to drunken parties, don’t be surprised if one day when something bad happens.

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