Serapis Bey ~ Go Now

Serapis Bey ~ Go Now, from the Ascended Masters Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D
Serapis Bey ~ Go Now, from the Ascended Masters Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Serapis Bey ~ Go Now, from the Ascended Masters Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D

Serapis Bey: “Go Now”

Card Meaning: “It is a time for you to go, either away from a toxic situation or toward something desirable. This card signals that it is the right time to make your move. The conditions are ripe and perfect, and the Universe is poised to support your move

Additional Meanings For This Card: Quit your job. Leave a toxic relationship. Move to a new location. Start a new project without delay. Take a vacation. No more excuses – just do it.

Serapis Bey is an Egyptian God of ascension and a bridge between Heaven and Earth. He is the ultimate life coach who motivates people to take good care of themselves physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

Call upon Serapis Bey whenever you need additional energy and motivation to take action.”

~ By Doreen Virtue, Ph.D

There is something that you can start to do now in order to get your life back on track. It may be a change in diet or adding some time for exercise or a fitness routine. It may mean making some time each and every day to meditate or do yoga… or both! It may be as simple as re-hydrating your body by mindfully drinking more purified water, allowing your body to rid itself of any toxins that have built up over time.

Or it may be letting go of a job you dislike so that you can finally step into your true career or Soul Path, even if you do it in increments. Releasing a partner who is not supporting you, or stepping away from a friend who is constantly competing instead of cheering you on.

Whatever it is that must be changed, and no matter how small the change may seem, or whether it needs to be in baby steps, the time to start is now.

Serapis Bey will support  you in this move, assisting you to have the confidence and courage to move forward with grace and ease. He will guide you towards the most fulfilling path, and keep obstacles from holding you back; even if they are merely perceived obstacles. All you have to do is commit to the change you know that you have been putting off but deeply crave.

Each morning, before you start your day, take a few minutes, or moments, of silent contemplation and set your intention to create necessary change. See Serapis Bey standing before you, surrounded with pure white light, leading the way. Know that he is by your side, staff in hand, a choir of angels surrounding him and you, and that you are safe and supported; fully capable of moving forward fearlessly. You can use the above picture to connect with him, create a small poem or song, or write him a letter detailing the issues that you desire assistance and guidance with.

Help is here. It is time.

Go now.


*Ascended Masters Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Yihan Felix says:

    Wow!! I’m actually taking a vacation for the first time in 31/2 years from work to the place where I want to start my life’s purpose. Thank you for this reading. Xxxxx

  2. bobbi says:

    Good Morning Shanda Maye Love you Auntie Bobbi PS I was at the Medium’s home in Courtenay two days ago and had an energy healing from Diane Orser unexpectedly yesterday when I went to pay for Trifinity 8 and Crystal Bed treatments…. will be on Sept 20 and 22nd. I am going to VIU with Yvonne tomorrow to attend an International Committee workshop. LOVE n HUGS, Auntie Bobbi

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