Mate de Plata - Silver Mate

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a silver vase with a branch in it sitting on a tray next to a candle holder
mate y posa mate de calabaza y plata y con bombilla doble de una sola pieza, trabajo del orfebre argentino Juan Carlos Pallarols
a silver vase with a spoon next to it
an owl figurine is sitting on top of a leaf and has its legs spread out
Marcelo Toledo - Orfebre
mate plata
a silver vase sitting on top of a white table
Antiguo Mate De Plata Cáliz - $ 350.000
Antiguo Mate De Plata Caliz -
an ornate silver and brown urn with a toothbrush in it
mate plata y calabaza
an illustrated map of argentina with all the different kinds of food and drinks on it
Map of homemade "mates" in Argentina
Carte Mates Argentine
an ornately decorated metal object with a long stick sticking out of it's top
Mates de Calabaza y Plata
Mate con Tapita
a metal and wood device with chains on it's legs, attached to a chain
mate y bombilla de calabaza y plata.. ... .. ... "With Love, The Argentina Family~ Memories of Tango and Kugel; Mate with Knishes" - available on Amazon
two silver vases sitting on top of a glass shelf next to each other in front of a sign
""Mates"" de calabaza y plata, por Jorge Pallarols uno de los mas grandes orfebres argentinos.
two silver vases sitting next to each other on a white surface, one is holding a candle
Bristol Joyas
Mates de plata 925
a silver plate with two spoons on it and an object in the middle that looks like a bowl
Artesanos - Alberto Calatrava
Mate de Novios: es la recreación de una antigua pieza utilizada para formalizar simbólicamente ceremonias de matrimonio o contratos comerciales.
four silver objects are sitting on top of each other
¿Cuál es el regalo argentino para el prí­ncipe William y Kate Middleton?
El trabajo del orfebre argentino Marcelo Toledo. Aquí los compañeros de plata enviados como regalos oficiales argentinos para William y Kate boda real.
an ornate silver goblet with a gold handle on a grey background is seen in this image
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Circa 1900, Argentina: Mate de plata repujada y cincelada con aplicaciones de…
a red vase sitting on top of a table
mate de calabaza y plata con incrustacion de piedra rodocrosita