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Haruno Sakura - Naruto - Character LORA

Haruno Sakura - Naruto - Character LORA

All Versions:
masterpiece, best quality, 1girl,haruno sakura, pink hair, long hair, green eyes, forehead protector, smile, hands on hips, blue sky, cloud, hidden village <lora:Sakura:1>
masterpiece, best quality, 1girl,haruno sakura, pink hair, long hair, green eyes, forehead protector, smile, hands on hips, blue sky, cloud, hidden village <lora:Sakura:1>
masterpiece, best quality, 1girl,haruno sakura, pink hair, short hair, green eyes, forehead protector, smile, standing, blue sky, cloud, hidden village <lora:Sakura:1>
masterpiece, best quality, 1girl,haruno sakura, pink hair, short hair, green eyes, forehead protector, smile, standing, blue sky, cloud, hidden village <lora:Sakura:1>

V2 is trained to get her first outfit more consistent.
If you want a versatile LoRA go for V1.

Trained on NAI
Best result with weight between : 0.8-1.

Prompt activator : haruno sakura
Other prompt : 1girl, pink hair, green eyes, short hair, long hair, forehead protector, short sleeves, bike shorts

Commissioned on fiverr

Reviews are really appreciated, i love to see the community use my work, that's why I share it.
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Got a specific request ? I'm open for commission on my kofi or fiverr gig! If you provide enough data, OCs are accepted

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Aug 30, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5
Trigger Words
haruno sakura

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